// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include 'src/builtins/builtins-regexp-gen.h' namespace regexp { extern builtin SubString(implicit context: Context)(String, Smi, Smi): String; extern runtime RegExpExecMultiple(implicit context: Context)( JSRegExp, String, RegExpMatchInfo, JSArray): Null|JSArray; extern transitioning runtime RegExpReplaceRT(Context, JSReceiver, String, Object): String; extern transitioning runtime StringBuilderConcat(implicit context: Context)(JSArray, Smi, String): String; extern transitioning runtime StringReplaceNonGlobalRegExpWithFunction(implicit context: Context)( String, JSRegExp, Callable): String; transitioning macro RegExpReplaceCallableNoExplicitCaptures( implicit context: Context)( matchesElements: FixedArray, matchesLength: intptr, string: String, replaceFn: Callable) { let matchStart: Smi = 0; for (let i: intptr = 0; i < matchesLength; i++) { typeswitch (matchesElements.objects[i]) { // Element represents a slice. case (elSmi: Smi): { // The slice's match start and end is either encoded as one or two // smis. A positive smi indicates a single smi encoding (see // ReplacementStringBuilder::AddSubjectSlice()). if (elSmi > 0) { // For single smi encoding, see // StringBuilderSubstringLength::encode() and // StringBuilderSubstringPosition::encode(). const elInt: intptr = Convert(elSmi); const newMatchStart: intptr = (elInt >> 11) + (elInt & 0x7FF); matchStart = Convert(newMatchStart); } else { // For two smi encoding, the length is negative followed by the // match start. const nextEl: Smi = UnsafeCast(matchesElements.objects[++i]); matchStart = nextEl - elSmi; } } // Element represents the matched substring, which is then passed to the // replace function. case (elString: String): { const replacementObj: JSAny = Call(context, replaceFn, Undefined, elString, matchStart, string); const replacement: String = ToString_Inline(replacementObj); matchesElements.objects[i] = replacement; matchStart += elString.length_smi; } case (Object): deferred { unreachable; } } } } transitioning macro RegExpReplaceCallableWithExplicitCaptures(implicit context: Context)( matchesElements: FixedArray, matchesLength: intptr, replaceFn: Callable) { for (let i: intptr = 0; i < matchesLength; i++) { const elArray = Cast(matchesElements.objects[i]) otherwise continue; // The JSArray is expanded into the function args by Reflect.apply(). // TODO(jgruber): Remove indirection through Call->ReflectApply. const replacementObj: JSAny = Call( context, GetReflectApply(), Undefined, replaceFn, Undefined, elArray); // Overwrite the i'th element in the results with the string // we got back from the callback function. matchesElements.objects[i] = ToString_Inline(replacementObj); } } transitioning macro RegExpReplaceFastGlobalCallable(implicit context: Context)( regexp: FastJSRegExp, string: String, replaceFn: Callable): String { regexp.lastIndex = 0; const kInitialCapacity: intptr = 16; const kInitialLength: Smi = 0; const result: Null|JSArray = RegExpExecMultiple( regexp, string, GetRegExpLastMatchInfo(), AllocateJSArray( ElementsKind::PACKED_ELEMENTS, GetFastPackedElementsJSArrayMap(), kInitialCapacity, kInitialLength)); regexp.lastIndex = 0; // If no matches, return the subject string. if (result == Null) return string; const matches: JSArray = UnsafeCast(result); const matchesLength: Smi = Cast(matches.length) otherwise unreachable; const matchesLengthInt: intptr = Convert(matchesLength); const matchesElements: FixedArray = UnsafeCast(matches.elements); // Reload last match info since it might have changed. const nofCaptures: Smi = GetRegExpLastMatchInfo().NumberOfCaptures(); // If the number of captures is two then there are no explicit captures in // the regexp, just the implicit capture that captures the whole match. In // this case we can simplify quite a bit and end up with something faster. if (nofCaptures == 2) { RegExpReplaceCallableNoExplicitCaptures( matchesElements, matchesLengthInt, string, replaceFn); } else { RegExpReplaceCallableWithExplicitCaptures( matchesElements, matchesLengthInt, replaceFn); } return StringBuilderConcat(matches, matchesLength, string); } transitioning macro RegExpReplaceFastString(implicit context: Context)( regexp: JSRegExp, string: String, replaceString: String): String { // The fast path is reached only if {receiver} is an unmodified JSRegExp // instance, {replace_value} is non-callable, and ToString({replace_value}) // does not contain '$', i.e. we're doing a simple string replacement. let result: String = kEmptyString; let lastMatchEnd: Smi = 0; let unicode: bool = false; const replaceLength: Smi = replaceString.length_smi; const fastRegexp = UnsafeCast(regexp); const global: bool = fastRegexp.global; if (global) { unicode = fastRegexp.unicode; fastRegexp.lastIndex = 0; } while (true) { const match: RegExpMatchInfo = RegExpPrototypeExecBodyWithoutResultFast(regexp, string) otherwise break; const matchStart: Smi = match.GetStartOfCapture(0); const matchEnd: Smi = match.GetEndOfCapture(0); // TODO(jgruber): We could skip many of the checks that using SubString // here entails. result = result + SubString(string, lastMatchEnd, matchStart); lastMatchEnd = matchEnd; if (replaceLength != 0) result = result + replaceString; // Non-global case ends here after the first replacement. if (!global) break; // If match is the empty string, we have to increment lastIndex. if (matchEnd == matchStart) { typeswitch (regexp) { case (fastRegexp: FastJSRegExp): { fastRegexp.lastIndex = AdvanceStringIndexFast(string, fastRegexp.lastIndex, unicode); } case (Object): { const lastIndex: JSAny = SlowLoadLastIndex(regexp); const thisIndex: Number = ToLength_Inline(lastIndex); const nextIndex: Number = AdvanceStringIndexSlow(string, thisIndex, unicode); SlowStoreLastIndex(regexp, nextIndex); } } } } return result + SubString(string, lastMatchEnd, string.length_smi); } transitioning builtin RegExpReplace(implicit context: Context)( regexp: FastJSRegExp, string: String, replaceValue: JSAny): String { // TODO(pwong): Remove assert when all callers (StringPrototypeReplace) are // from Torque. assert(Is(regexp)); // 2. Is {replace_value} callable? typeswitch (replaceValue) { case (replaceFn: Callable): { return regexp.global ? RegExpReplaceFastGlobalCallable(regexp, string, replaceFn) : StringReplaceNonGlobalRegExpWithFunction(string, regexp, replaceFn); } case (JSAny): { const stableRegexp: JSRegExp = regexp; const replaceString: String = ToString_Inline(replaceValue); try { // ToString(replaceValue) could potentially change the shape of the // RegExp object. Recheck that we are still on the fast path and bail // to runtime otherwise. const fastRegexp = Cast(stableRegexp) otherwise Runtime; if (StringIndexOf( replaceString, SingleCharacterStringConstant('$'), 0) != -1) { goto Runtime; } return RegExpReplaceFastString(fastRegexp, string, replaceString); } label Runtime deferred { return RegExpReplaceRT(context, stableRegexp, string, replaceString); } } } } const kRegExpReplaceCalledOnSlowRegExp: constexpr int31 generates 'v8::Isolate::kRegExpReplaceCalledOnSlowRegExp'; transitioning javascript builtin RegExpPrototypeReplace( js-implicit context: NativeContext, receiver: JSAny)(...arguments): JSAny { const methodName: constexpr string = 'RegExp.prototype.@@replace'; // RegExpPrototypeReplace is a bit of a beast - a summary of dispatch logic: // // if (!IsFastRegExp(receiver)) CallRuntime(RegExpReplace) // if (IsCallable(replace)) { // if (IsGlobal(receiver)) { // // Called 'fast-path' but contains several runtime calls. // RegExpReplaceFastGlobalCallable() // } else { // CallRuntime(StringReplaceNonGlobalRegExpWithFunction) // } // } else { // if (replace.contains("$")) { // CallRuntime(RegExpReplace) // } else { // RegExpReplaceFastString() // } // } const string: JSAny = arguments[0]; const replaceValue: JSAny = arguments[1]; // Let rx be the this value. // If Type(rx) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. const rx = Cast(receiver) otherwise ThrowTypeError( MessageTemplate::kIncompatibleMethodReceiver, methodName); // Let S be ? ToString(string). const s = ToString_Inline(string); // Fast-path checks: 1. Is the {receiver} an unmodified JSRegExp instance? try { const fastRx: FastJSRegExp = Cast(rx) otherwise Runtime; return RegExpReplace(fastRx, s, replaceValue); } label Runtime deferred { IncrementUseCounter(context, SmiConstant(kRegExpReplaceCalledOnSlowRegExp)); return RegExpReplaceRT(context, rx, s, replaceValue); } } }