// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef URL_ORIGIN_ABSTRACT_TESTS_H_ #define URL_ORIGIN_ABSTRACT_TESTS_H_ #include #include #include "base/containers/contains.h" #include "base/strings/string_piece.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "url/gurl.h" #include "url/origin.h" #include "url/scheme_host_port.h" #include "url/url_util.h" namespace url { void ExpectParsedUrlsEqual(const GURL& a, const GURL& b); // AbstractOriginTest below abstracts away differences between url::Origin and // blink::SecurityOrigin by parametrizing the tests with a class that has to // expose the same public members as UrlOriginTestTraits below. class UrlOriginTestTraits { public: using OriginType = Origin; // Constructing an origin. static OriginType CreateOriginFromString(base::StringPiece s); static OriginType CreateUniqueOpaqueOrigin(); static OriginType CreateWithReferenceOrigin( base::StringPiece url, const OriginType& reference_origin); static OriginType DeriveNewOpaqueOrigin(const OriginType& reference_origin); // Accessors for origin properties. static bool IsOpaque(const OriginType& origin); static std::string GetScheme(const OriginType& origin); static std::string GetHost(const OriginType& origin); static uint16_t GetPort(const OriginType& origin); static SchemeHostPort GetTupleOrPrecursorTupleIfOpaque( const OriginType& origin); // Wrappers for other instance methods of OriginType. static bool IsSameOrigin(const OriginType& a, const OriginType& b); static std::string Serialize(const OriginType& origin); // "Accessors" of URL properties. // // TODO(lukasza): Consider merging together OriginTraitsBase here and // UrlTraitsBase in //url/gurl_abstract_tests.h. static bool IsValidUrl(base::StringPiece str); // Only static members = no constructors are needed. UrlOriginTestTraits() = delete; }; // Test suite for tests that cover both url::Origin and blink::SecurityOrigin. template class AbstractOriginTest : public testing::Test { public: void SetUp() override { const char* kSchemesToRegister[] = { "noaccess", "std-with-host", "noaccess-std-with-host", "local", "local-noaccess", "local-std-with-host", "local-noaccess-std-with-host", "also-local", "sec", "sec-std-with-host", "sec-noaccess", }; for (const char* kScheme : kSchemesToRegister) { std::string scheme(kScheme); if (base::Contains(scheme, "noaccess")) AddNoAccessScheme(kScheme); if (base::Contains(scheme, "std-with-host")) AddStandardScheme(kScheme, SchemeType::SCHEME_WITH_HOST); if (base::Contains(scheme, "local")) AddLocalScheme(kScheme); if (base::Contains(scheme, "sec")) AddSecureScheme(kScheme); } } protected: // Wrappers that help ellide away TOriginTraits. // // Note that calling the wrappers needs to be prefixed with `this->...` to // avoid hitting: explicit qualification required to use member 'IsOpaque' // from dependent base class. using OriginType = typename TOriginTraits::OriginType; OriginType CreateOriginFromString(base::StringPiece s) { return TOriginTraits::CreateOriginFromString(s); } OriginType CreateUniqueOpaqueOrigin() { return TOriginTraits::CreateUniqueOpaqueOrigin(); } OriginType CreateWithReferenceOrigin(base::StringPiece url, const OriginType& reference_origin) { return TOriginTraits::CreateWithReferenceOrigin(url, reference_origin); } OriginType DeriveNewOpaqueOrigin(const OriginType& reference_origin) { return TOriginTraits::DeriveNewOpaqueOrigin(reference_origin); } bool IsOpaque(const OriginType& origin) { return TOriginTraits::IsOpaque(origin); } std::string GetScheme(const OriginType& origin) { return TOriginTraits::GetScheme(origin); } std::string GetHost(const OriginType& origin) { return TOriginTraits::GetHost(origin); } uint16_t GetPort(const OriginType& origin) { return TOriginTraits::GetPort(origin); } SchemeHostPort GetTupleOrPrecursorTupleIfOpaque(const OriginType& origin) { return TOriginTraits::GetTupleOrPrecursorTupleIfOpaque(origin); } bool IsSameOrigin(const OriginType& a, const OriginType& b) { bool is_a_same_with_b = TOriginTraits::IsSameOrigin(a, b); bool is_b_same_with_a = TOriginTraits::IsSameOrigin(b, a); EXPECT_EQ(is_a_same_with_b, is_b_same_with_a); return is_a_same_with_b; } std::string Serialize(const OriginType& origin) { return TOriginTraits::Serialize(origin); } bool IsValidUrl(base::StringPiece str) { return TOriginTraits::IsValidUrl(str); } #define EXPECT_SAME_ORIGIN(a, b) \ EXPECT_TRUE(this->IsSameOrigin((a), (b))) \ << "When checking if \"" << this->Serialize(a) << "\" is " \ << "same-origin with \"" << this->Serialize(b) << "\"" #define EXPECT_CROSS_ORIGIN(a, b) \ EXPECT_FALSE(this->IsSameOrigin((a), (b))) \ << "When checking if \"" << this->Serialize(a) << "\" is " \ << "cross-origin from \"" << this->Serialize(b) << "\"" void VerifyOriginInvariants(const OriginType& origin) { // An origin is always same-origin with itself. EXPECT_SAME_ORIGIN(origin, origin); // A copy of |origin| should be same-origin as well. auto origin_copy = origin; EXPECT_EQ(this->GetScheme(origin), this->GetScheme(origin_copy)); EXPECT_EQ(this->GetHost(origin), this->GetHost(origin_copy)); EXPECT_EQ(this->GetPort(origin), this->GetPort(origin_copy)); EXPECT_EQ(this->IsOpaque(origin), this->IsOpaque(origin_copy)); EXPECT_SAME_ORIGIN(origin, origin_copy); // An origin is always cross-origin from another, unique, opaque origin. EXPECT_CROSS_ORIGIN(origin, this->CreateUniqueOpaqueOrigin()); // An origin is always cross-origin from another tuple origin. auto different_tuple_origin = this->CreateOriginFromString("https://not-in-the-list.test/"); EXPECT_CROSS_ORIGIN(origin, different_tuple_origin); // Deriving an origin for "about:blank". auto about_blank_origin1 = this->CreateWithReferenceOrigin("about:blank", origin); auto about_blank_origin2 = this->CreateWithReferenceOrigin("about:blank?bar#foo", origin); EXPECT_SAME_ORIGIN(origin, about_blank_origin1); EXPECT_SAME_ORIGIN(origin, about_blank_origin2); // Derived opaque origins. std::vector derived_origins = { this->DeriveNewOpaqueOrigin(origin), this->CreateWithReferenceOrigin("data:text/html,baz", origin), this->DeriveNewOpaqueOrigin(about_blank_origin1), }; for (size_t i = 0; i < derived_origins.size(); i++) { SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "Derived origin #" << i); const OriginType& derived_origin = derived_origins[i]; EXPECT_TRUE(this->IsOpaque(derived_origin)); EXPECT_SAME_ORIGIN(derived_origin, derived_origin); EXPECT_CROSS_ORIGIN(origin, derived_origin); EXPECT_EQ(this->GetTupleOrPrecursorTupleIfOpaque(origin), this->GetTupleOrPrecursorTupleIfOpaque(derived_origin)); } } void VerifyUniqueOpaqueOriginInvariants(const OriginType& origin) { if (!this->IsOpaque(origin)) { ADD_FAILURE() << "Got unexpectedly non-opaque origin: " << this->Serialize(origin); return; // Skip other test assertions. } // Opaque origins should have an "empty" scheme, host and port. EXPECT_EQ("", this->GetScheme(origin)); EXPECT_EQ("", this->GetHost(origin)); EXPECT_EQ(0, this->GetPort(origin)); // Unique opaque origins should have an empty precursor tuple. EXPECT_EQ(SchemeHostPort(), this->GetTupleOrPrecursorTupleIfOpaque(origin)); // Serialization test. EXPECT_EQ("null", this->Serialize(origin)); // Invariants that should hold for any origin. VerifyOriginInvariants(origin); } void TestUniqueOpaqueOrigin(base::StringPiece test_input) { auto origin = this->CreateOriginFromString(test_input); this->VerifyUniqueOpaqueOriginInvariants(origin); // Re-creating from the URL should be cross-origin. auto origin_recreated_from_same_input = this->CreateOriginFromString(test_input); EXPECT_CROSS_ORIGIN(origin, origin_recreated_from_same_input); } void VerifyTupleOriginInvariants(const OriginType& origin, const SchemeHostPort& expected_tuple) { if (this->IsOpaque(origin)) { ADD_FAILURE() << "Got unexpectedly opaque origin"; return; // Skip other test assertions. } SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "Actual origin: " << this->Serialize(origin)); // Compare `origin` against the `expected_tuple`. EXPECT_EQ(expected_tuple.scheme(), this->GetScheme(origin)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_tuple.host(), this->GetHost(origin)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_tuple.port(), this->GetPort(origin)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_tuple, this->GetTupleOrPrecursorTupleIfOpaque(origin)); // Serialization test. // // TODO(lukasza): Consider preserving the hostname when serializing file: // URLs. Dropping the hostname seems incompatible with section 6 of // rfc6454. Even though section 4 says that "the implementation MAY // return an implementation-defined value", it seems that Chromium // implementation *does* include the hostname in the origin SchemeHostPort // tuple. if (expected_tuple.scheme() != kFileScheme || expected_tuple.host() == "") { EXPECT_SAME_ORIGIN(origin, this->CreateOriginFromString(this->Serialize(origin))); } // Invariants that should hold for any origin. VerifyOriginInvariants(origin); } private: ScopedSchemeRegistryForTests scoped_scheme_registry_; }; TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(AbstractOriginTest); TYPED_TEST_P(AbstractOriginTest, NonStandardSchemeWithAndroidWebViewHack) { EnableNonStandardSchemesForAndroidWebView(); // Regression test for https://crbug.com/896059. auto origin = this->CreateOriginFromString("unknown-scheme://"); EXPECT_FALSE(this->IsOpaque(origin)); EXPECT_EQ("unknown-scheme", this->GetScheme(origin)); EXPECT_EQ("", this->GetHost(origin)); EXPECT_EQ(0, this->GetPort(origin)); // about:blank translates into an opaque origin, even in presence of // EnableNonStandardSchemesForAndroidWebView. origin = this->CreateOriginFromString("about:blank"); EXPECT_TRUE(this->IsOpaque(origin)); } TYPED_TEST_P(AbstractOriginTest, OpaqueOriginsFromValidUrls) { const char* kTestCases[] = { // Built-in noaccess schemes. "data:text/html,Hello!", "javascript:alert(1)", "about:blank", // Opaque blob URLs. "blob:null/foo", // blob:null (actually a valid URL) "blob:data:foo", // blob + data (which is nonstandard) "blob:about://blank/", // blob + about (which is nonstandard) "blob:about:blank/", // blob + about (which is nonstandard) "blob:blob:http://www.example.com/guid-goes-here", "blob:filesystem:ws:b/.", "blob:filesystem:ftp://a/b", "blob:blob:file://localhost/foo/bar", }; for (const char* test_input : kTestCases) { SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "Test input: " << test_input); // Verify that `origin` is opaque not just because `test_input` results is // an invalid URL (because of a typo in the scheme name, or because of a // technicality like having no host in a noaccess-std-with-host: scheme). EXPECT_TRUE(this->IsValidUrl(test_input)); this->TestUniqueOpaqueOrigin(test_input); } } TYPED_TEST_P(AbstractOriginTest, OpaqueOriginsFromInvalidUrls) { // TODO(lukasza): Consider moving those to GURL/KURL tests that verify what // inputs are parsed as an invalid URL. const char* kTestCases[] = { // Invalid file: URLs. "file://example.com:443/etc/passwd", // No port expected. // Invalid HTTP URLs. "http", "http:", "http:/", "http://", "http://:", "http://:1", "http::///invalid.example.com/", "http://example.com:65536/", // Port out of range. "http://example.com:-1/", // Port out of range. "http://example.com:18446744073709551616/", // Port = 2^64. "http://example.com:18446744073709551616999/", // Lots of port digits. // Invalid filesystem URLs. "filesystem:http://example.com/", // Missing /type/. "filesystem:local:baz./type/", "filesystem:local://hostname/type/", "filesystem:unknown-scheme://hostname/type/", "filesystem:filesystem:http://example.org:88/foo/bar", // Invalid IP addresses "http://[]/", "http://[2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001]/", // 9 groups. // Unknown scheme without a colon character (":") gives an invalid URL. "unknown-scheme", // Standard schemes require a hostname (and result in an opaque origin if // the hostname is missing). "local-std-with-host:", "noaccess-std-with-host:", }; for (const char* test_input : kTestCases) { SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "Test input: " << test_input); // All testcases here are expected to represent invalid URLs. // an invalid URL (because of a type in scheme name, or because of a // technicality like having no host in a noaccess-std-with-host: scheme). EXPECT_FALSE(this->IsValidUrl(test_input)); // Invalid URLs should always result in an opaque origin. this->TestUniqueOpaqueOrigin(test_input); } } TYPED_TEST_P(AbstractOriginTest, TupleOrigins) { struct TestCase { const char* input; SchemeHostPort expected_tuple; } kTestCases[] = { // file: URLs {"file:///etc/passwd", {"file", "", 0}}, {"file://example.com/etc/passwd", {"file", "example.com", 0}}, {"file:///", {"file", "", 0}}, #ifdef WIN32 // TODO(https://crbug.com/1214098): Consider unifying URL parsing behavior // on all platforms (or at least make sure that serialization always // round-trips - see https://crbug.com/1214098). {"file://hostname/C:/dir/file.txt", {"file", "", 0}}, #else {"file://hostname/C:/dir/file.txt", {"file", "hostname", 0}}, #endif // HTTP URLs {"http://example.com/", {"http", "example.com", 80}}, {"http://example.com:80/", {"http", "example.com", 80}}, {"http://example.com:123/", {"http", "example.com", 123}}, {"http://example.com:0/", {"http", "example.com", 0}}, {"http://example.com:65535/", {"http", "example.com", 65535}}, {"https://example.com/", {"https", "example.com", 443}}, {"https://example.com:443/", {"https", "example.com", 443}}, {"https://example.com:123/", {"https", "example.com", 123}}, {"https://example.com:0/", {"https", "example.com", 0}}, {"https://example.com:65535/", {"https", "example.com", 65535}}, {"http://user:pass@example.com/", {"http", "example.com", 80}}, {"http://example.com:123/?query", {"http", "example.com", 123}}, {"https://example.com/#1234", {"https", "example.com", 443}}, {"https://u:p@example.com:123/?query#1234", {"https", "example.com", 123}}, {"http://example/", {"http", "example", 80}}, // Blob URLs. {"blob:http://example.com/guid-goes-here", {"http", "example.com", 80}}, {"blob:http://example.com:123/guid-goes-here", {"http", "example.com", 123}}, {"blob:https://example.com/guid-goes-here", {"https", "example.com", 443}}, {"blob:http://u:p@example.com/guid-goes-here", {"http", "example.com", 80}}, // Filesystem URLs. {"filesystem:http://example.com/type/", {"http", "example.com", 80}}, {"filesystem:http://example.com:123/type/", {"http", "example.com", 123}}, {"filesystem:https://example.com/type/", {"https", "example.com", 443}}, {"filesystem:https://example.com:123/type/", {"https", "example.com", 123}}, {"filesystem:local-std-with-host:baz./type/", {"local-std-with-host", "baz.", 0}}, // IP Addresses {"", {"http", "", 80}}, {"http://[2001:db8::1]/", {"http", "[2001:db8::1]", 80}}, {"http://[2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001]/", {"http", "[2001:db8::1]", 80}}, {"http://1/", {"http", "", 80}}, {"http://1:1/", {"http", "", 1}}, {"http://3232237825/", {"http", "", 80}}, // Punycode {"http://☃.net/", {"http", "xn--n3h.net", 80}}, {"blob:http://☃.net/", {"http", "xn--n3h.net", 80}}, {"local-std-with-host:↑↑↓↓←→←→ba.↑↑↓↓←→←→ba.0.bg", {"local-std-with-host", "xn--ba-rzuadaibfa.xn--ba-rzuadaibfa.0.bg", 0}}, // Registered URLs {"ftp://example.com/", {"ftp", "example.com", 21}}, {"ws://example.com/", {"ws", "example.com", 80}}, {"wss://example.com/", {"wss", "example.com", 443}}, {"wss://user:pass@example.com/", {"wss", "example.com", 443}}, }; for (const TestCase& test : kTestCases) { SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "Test input: " << test.input); // Only valid URLs should translate into valid, non-opaque origins. EXPECT_TRUE(this->IsValidUrl(test.input)); auto origin = this->CreateOriginFromString(test.input); this->VerifyTupleOriginInvariants(origin, test.expected_tuple); } } TYPED_TEST_P(AbstractOriginTest, CustomSchemes_OpaqueOrigins) { const char* kTestCases[] = { // Unknown scheme "unknown-scheme:foo", "unknown-scheme://bar", // Unknown scheme that is a prefix or suffix of a registered scheme. "loca:foo", "ocal:foo", "local-suffix:foo", "prefix-local:foo", // Custom no-access schemes translate into an opaque origin (just like the // built-in no-access schemes such as about:blank or data:). "noaccess-std-with-host:foo", "noaccess-std-with-host://bar", "noaccess://host", "local-noaccess://host", "local-noaccess-std-with-host://host", }; for (const char* test_input : kTestCases) { SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "Test input: " << test_input); // Verify that `origin` is opaque not just because `test_input` results is // an invalid URL (because of a typo in the scheme name, or because of a // technicality like having no host in a noaccess-std-with-host: scheme). EXPECT_TRUE(this->IsValidUrl(test_input)); this->TestUniqueOpaqueOrigin(test_input); } } TYPED_TEST_P(AbstractOriginTest, CustomSchemes_TupleOrigins) { struct TestCase { const char* input; SchemeHostPort expected_tuple; } kTestCases[] = { // Scheme (registered in SetUp()) that's both local and standard. // TODO: Is it really appropriate to do network-host canonicalization of // schemes without ports? {"local-std-with-host:20", {"local-std-with-host", "", 0}}, {"local-std-with-host:20.", {"local-std-with-host", "", 0}}, {"local-std-with-host:foo", {"local-std-with-host", "foo", 0}}, {"local-std-with-host://bar:20", {"local-std-with-host", "bar", 0}}, {"local-std-with-host:baz.", {"local-std-with-host", "baz.", 0}}, {"local-std-with-host:baz..", {"local-std-with-host", "baz..", 0}}, {"local-std-with-host:baz..bar", {"local-std-with-host", "baz..bar", 0}}, {"local-std-with-host:baz...", {"local-std-with-host", "baz...", 0}}, // Scheme (registered in SetUp()) that's local but nonstandard. These // always have empty hostnames, but are allowed to be url::Origins. {"local:", {"local", "", 0}}, {"local:foo", {"local", "", 0}}, {"local://bar", {"local", "", 0}}, {"also-local://bar", {"also-local", "", 0}}, {"std-with-host://host", {"std-with-host", "host", 0}}, {"local://host", {"local", "", 0}}, {"local-std-with-host://host", {"local-std-with-host", "host", 0}}, }; for (const TestCase& test : kTestCases) { SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "Test input: " << test.input); // Only valid URLs should translate into valid, non-opaque origins. EXPECT_TRUE(this->IsValidUrl(test.input)); auto origin = this->CreateOriginFromString(test.input); this->VerifyTupleOriginInvariants(origin, test.expected_tuple); } } REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(AbstractOriginTest, NonStandardSchemeWithAndroidWebViewHack, OpaqueOriginsFromValidUrls, OpaqueOriginsFromInvalidUrls, TupleOrigins, CustomSchemes_OpaqueOrigins, CustomSchemes_TupleOrigins); } // namespace url #endif // URL_ORIGIN_ABSTRACT_TESTS_H_