Sending to ... Notification settings {DAYS,plural, =1{1 day ago}other{# days ago}} {SECONDS,plural, =1{1 minute ago}other{# minutes ago}} {MINUTES,plural, =1{1 m}other{# m}} Upload Couldn't share Win Try sharing the text in smaller chunks. Esc Left to Right Search Maximise Can't share {MINUTES,plural, =1{1 minute and }other{# minutes and }} Notification Shift now {MINUTES,plural, =1{1 minute}other{# minutes}} B Period {MONTHS,plural, =1{1 month}other{# months}} MB/s {HOURS,plural, =1{1 hour and }other{# hours and }} Writing Direction Notification close Web smart paste content Ins % Select &all This is a new feature Make sure that this device is connected to the Internet. Please try again {DAYS,plural, =1{1d}other{#d}} Today Text Page Up (empty) Use low density Block all notifications from this site F6 Tap the touch targets on your screen. Survey TB/s Checking your Internet connection Call this number from your phone? Show password Expand notification Use high density Notifications All Files Float Alt Calibration is completed Unknown Display Snooze {HOURS,plural, =1{in 1 h}other{in # h}} Calibrate your touchscreen Clipboard Top Shared from New {YEARS,plural, =1{1 year ago}other{# years ago}} Delete all {DAYS,plural, =1{in 1 d}other{in # d}} Column sorted in descending order. Open Files MB Bottom Ctrl Restore Scroll to Here Down Arrow {DAYS,plural, =1{1 day}other{# days}} Make a call from Built-in display Speech Text is too large HTML content {DAYS,plural, =1{1 day left}other{# days left}} File + Look Up “ Clipboard history Select Folder to Upload Up Arrow Number GB/s GB . . Right Arrow Menu Cu&t Meta Right edge Column sorted in ascending order. F5 {UNREAD_NOTIFICATIONS,plural, =1{1 unread notification}other{# unread notifications}} {MONTHS,plural, =1{1 month ago}other{# months ago}} Start Speaking Overview Remove from clipboard. Full Image Hide password Scroll Right Notification Centre, unread notifications Extension unpinned {MONTHS,plural, =1{1 month left}other{# months left}} Make call Half {SECONDS,plural, =1{1 second}other{# seconds}} Media Previous Track Partial Tap here &Paste Float on top PB Failed to send End &Delete Emoji && Symbols Page load failed because the developer UI module (dev_ui) is not installed system Backspace Left arrow {MINUTES,plural, =1{1 min}other{# mins}} {DAYS,plural, =0{Active today}=1{Active 1 day ago}other{Active # days ago}} {DAYS,plural, =1{1 day and }other{# days and }} . Image. {YEARS,plural, =1{in 1 y}other{in # y}} Full screen {SECONDS,plural, =1{1 second left}other{# seconds left}} Minimise {HOURS,plural, =1{1 hour}other{# hours}} Extension pinned Close Centre button Space Del B/s is selected. Select &All Scroll Left Comma Stop Speaking {SECONDS,plural, =1{1 sec ago}other{# secs ago}} Block all notifications from this app {SECONDS,plural, =1{1 second ago}other{# seconds ago}} RTF content Something went wrong. Try again later. Block all notifications To exit calibration press Esc. Save File Media next track Media Stop Select Folder {HOURS,plural, =1{1 hour left}other{# hours left}} Untitled Web Page HTML content. PB/s {YEARS,plural, =1{1 year left}other{# years left}} Select OK Right to Left F1 Your application's display settings will take effect when it is next restarted. F11 {MINUTES,plural, =1{1 min left}other{# mins left}} {MINUTES,plural, =1{1 min ago}other{# mins ago}} .. {MINUTES,plural, =1{1 minute left}other{# minutes left}} Column unsorted. TB Emoji Removed. Cancel Yesterday &Copy Don't block Open File Command {MAX_UNREAD_NOTIFICATIONS,plural, =1{More than 1 unread notification}other{More than # unread notifications}} {MINUTES,plural, =1{in 1 m}other{in # m}} + Number from {HOURS,plural, =1{1 hour ago}other{# hours ago}} {SECONDS,plural, =1{1 sec left}other{# secs left}} Reloading this page Scroll Down Enter Page Down , Tab Hex colour value Left Edge Scroll Up {YEARS,plural, =1{1 year}other{# years}} Send message Media Play/Pause {YEARS,plural, =1{1y}other{#y}} File (.) KB/s + more Done {HOURS,plural, =1{1h}other{#h}} Default Back button Sending... Format: KB Make sure that is connected to the Internet. {SECONDS,plural, =1{1 sec}other{# secs}} Collapse notification &Undo Home Unread notifications