// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // This file implements common select dialog functionality between GTK and KDE. #include "ui/gtk/select_file_dialog_impl.h" #include "base/environment.h" #include "base/files/file_util.h" #include "base/nix/xdg_util.h" #include "base/no_destructor.h" #include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h" namespace { enum UseKdeFileDialogStatus { UNKNOWN, NO_KDE, YES_KDE }; UseKdeFileDialogStatus use_kde_ = UNKNOWN; std::string& KDialogVersion() { static base::NoDestructor version; return *version; } } // namespace namespace gtk { base::FilePath* SelectFileDialogImpl::last_saved_path_ = nullptr; base::FilePath* SelectFileDialogImpl::last_opened_path_ = nullptr; // static ui::SelectFileDialog* SelectFileDialogImpl::Create( ui::SelectFileDialog::Listener* listener, std::unique_ptr policy) { if (use_kde_ == UNKNOWN) { // Start out assumimg we are not going to use KDE. use_kde_ = NO_KDE; // Check to see if KDE is the desktop environment. std::unique_ptr env(base::Environment::Create()); base::nix::DesktopEnvironment desktop = base::nix::GetDesktopEnvironment(env.get()); if (desktop == base::nix::DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT_KDE3 || desktop == base::nix::DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT_KDE4 || desktop == base::nix::DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT_KDE5) { // Check to see if the user dislikes the KDE file dialog. if (!env->HasVar("NO_CHROME_KDE_FILE_DIALOG")) { // Check to see if the KDE dialog works. if (SelectFileDialogImpl::CheckKDEDialogWorksOnUIThread( KDialogVersion())) { use_kde_ = YES_KDE; } } } } if (use_kde_ == NO_KDE) { return SelectFileDialogImpl::NewSelectFileDialogImplGTK(listener, std::move(policy)); } std::unique_ptr env(base::Environment::Create()); base::nix::DesktopEnvironment desktop = base::nix::GetDesktopEnvironment(env.get()); return SelectFileDialogImpl::NewSelectFileDialogImplKDE( listener, std::move(policy), desktop, KDialogVersion()); } SelectFileDialogImpl::SelectFileDialogImpl( Listener* listener, std::unique_ptr policy) : SelectFileDialog(listener, std::move(policy)), file_type_index_(0), type_(SELECT_NONE) { if (!last_saved_path_) { last_saved_path_ = new base::FilePath(); last_opened_path_ = new base::FilePath(); } } SelectFileDialogImpl::~SelectFileDialogImpl() {} void SelectFileDialogImpl::ListenerDestroyed() { listener_ = nullptr; } bool SelectFileDialogImpl::CallDirectoryExistsOnUIThread( const base::FilePath& path) { base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io; return base::DirectoryExists(path); } } // namespace gtk