// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/gfx/text_utils.h" #include #include "base/i18n/char_iterator.h" #include "base/i18n/rtl.h" #include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h" #include "third_party/icu/source/common/unicode/uchar.h" #include "third_party/icu/source/common/unicode/utf16.h" #include "ui/gfx/font_list.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/insets.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h" namespace gfx { using base::i18n::UTF16CharIterator; namespace { constexpr base::char16 kAcceleratorChar = '&'; constexpr base::char16 kOpenParenthesisChar = '('; constexpr base::char16 kCloseParenthesisChar = ')'; // Returns true if the specified character must be elided from a string. // Examples are combining marks and whitespace. bool IsCombiningMark(UChar32 c) { const int8_t char_type = u_charType(c); return char_type == U_NON_SPACING_MARK || char_type == U_ENCLOSING_MARK || char_type == U_COMBINING_SPACING_MARK; } bool IsSpace(UChar32 c) { // Ignore NUL character. if (!c) return false; const int8_t char_type = u_charType(c); return char_type == U_SPACE_SEPARATOR || char_type == U_LINE_SEPARATOR || char_type == U_PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR || char_type == U_CONTROL_CHAR; } base::string16 RemoveAcceleratorChar(bool full_removal, const base::string16& s, int* accelerated_char_pos, int* accelerated_char_span) { bool escaped = false; ptrdiff_t last_char_pos = -1; int last_char_span = 0; UTF16CharIterator chars(s); base::string16 accelerator_removed; // The states of a state machine looking for a CJK-style accelerator (i.e. // "(&x)"). |cjk_state| proceeds up from |kFoundNothing| through these states, // resetting either when it sees a complete accelerator, or gives up because // the current character doesn't match. enum { kFoundNothing, kFoundOpenParen, kFoundAcceleratorChar, kFoundAccelerator } cjk_state = kFoundNothing; size_t pre_cjk_size = 0; accelerator_removed.reserve(s.size()); while (!chars.end()) { int32_t c = chars.get(); int array_pos = chars.array_pos(); chars.Advance(); if (full_removal) { if (cjk_state == kFoundNothing && c == kOpenParenthesisChar) { pre_cjk_size = array_pos; cjk_state = kFoundOpenParen; } else if (cjk_state == kFoundOpenParen && c == kAcceleratorChar) { cjk_state = kFoundAcceleratorChar; } else if (cjk_state == kFoundAcceleratorChar) { // Accept any character as the accelerator. cjk_state = kFoundAccelerator; } else if (cjk_state == kFoundAccelerator && c == kCloseParenthesisChar) { cjk_state = kFoundNothing; accelerator_removed.resize(pre_cjk_size); pre_cjk_size = 0; escaped = false; continue; } else { cjk_state = kFoundNothing; } } if (c != kAcceleratorChar || escaped) { int span = chars.array_pos() - array_pos; if (escaped && c != kAcceleratorChar) { last_char_pos = accelerator_removed.size(); last_char_span = span; } for (int i = 0; i < span; i++) accelerator_removed.push_back(s[array_pos + i]); escaped = false; } else { escaped = true; } } if (accelerated_char_pos && !full_removal) *accelerated_char_pos = last_char_pos; if (accelerated_char_span && !full_removal) *accelerated_char_span = last_char_span; return accelerator_removed; } } // namespace base::string16 LocateAndRemoveAcceleratorChar(const base::string16& s, int* accelerated_char_pos, int* accelerated_char_span) { return RemoveAcceleratorChar(false, s, accelerated_char_pos, accelerated_char_span); } base::string16 RemoveAccelerator(const base::string16& s) { return RemoveAcceleratorChar(true, s, nullptr, nullptr); } size_t FindValidBoundaryBefore(const base::string16& text, size_t index, bool trim_whitespace) { UTF16CharIterator it = UTF16CharIterator::LowerBound(text, index); // First, move left until we're positioned on a code point that is not a // combining mark. while (!it.start() && IsCombiningMark(it.get())) it.Rewind(); // Next, maybe trim whitespace to the left of the current position. if (trim_whitespace) { while (!it.start() && IsSpace(it.PreviousCodePoint())) it.Rewind(); } return it.array_pos(); } size_t FindValidBoundaryAfter(const base::string16& text, size_t index, bool trim_whitespace) { UTF16CharIterator it = UTF16CharIterator::UpperBound(text, index); // First, move right until we're positioned on a code point that is not a // combining mark. while (!it.end() && IsCombiningMark(it.get())) it.Advance(); // Next, maybe trim space at the current position. if (trim_whitespace) { // A mark combining with a space is renderable, so we'll prevent // trimming spaces with combining marks. while (!it.end() && IsSpace(it.get()) && !IsCombiningMark(it.NextCodePoint())) { it.Advance(); } } return it.array_pos(); } HorizontalAlignment MaybeFlipForRTL(HorizontalAlignment alignment) { if (base::i18n::IsRTL() && (alignment == gfx::ALIGN_LEFT || alignment == gfx::ALIGN_RIGHT)) { alignment = (alignment == gfx::ALIGN_LEFT) ? gfx::ALIGN_RIGHT : gfx::ALIGN_LEFT; } return alignment; } Size GetStringSize(const base::string16& text, const FontList& font_list) { return Size(GetStringWidth(text, font_list), font_list.GetHeight()); } Insets AdjustVisualBorderForFont(const FontList& font_list, const Insets& desired_visual_padding) { Insets result = desired_visual_padding; const int baseline = font_list.GetBaseline(); const int leading_space = baseline - font_list.GetCapHeight(); const int descender = font_list.GetHeight() - baseline; result.set_top(std::max(0, result.top() - leading_space)); result.set_bottom(std::max(0, result.bottom() - descender)); return result; } int GetFontCapHeightCenterOffset(const gfx::FontList& original_font, const gfx::FontList& to_center) { const int original_cap_height = original_font.GetCapHeight(); const int original_cap_leading = original_font.GetBaseline() - original_cap_height; const int to_center_cap_height = to_center.GetCapHeight(); const int to_center_leading = to_center.GetBaseline() - to_center_cap_height; const int cap_height_diff = original_cap_height - to_center_cap_height; const int new_cap_top = original_cap_leading + std::lround(cap_height_diff / 2.0f); const int new_top = new_cap_top - to_center_leading; // Since we assume the old font starts at zero, the new top is the adjustment. return new_top; } } // namespace gfx