Track flags and capabilities of enabled accessibility services on Android. Track individual accessibility mode flags that are enabled. Track which Windows accessibility APIs are being called by clients. accDoDefaultAction accHitTest accLocation accNavigate accSelect addSelection ConvertReturnedElement doAction get_accessibleAt get_accChild get_accChildCount get_accDefaultAction get_accDescription get_accFocus get_accHelp get_accHelpTopic get_accKeyboardShortcut get_accName get_accParent get_accRole get_accSelection get_accState get_accValue get_anchor get_anchorTarget get_appName get_appVersion get_attributesForNames get_caption get_caretOffset get_cellAt get_characterExtents get_childAt get_childIndex get_clippedSubstringBounds get_columnDescription get_columnExtent get_columnExtentAt get_columnHeader get_columnHeaderCells get_columnIndex get_computedStyle get_computedStyleForProperties get_currentValue get_description get_docType get_domText get_endIndex get_extendedRole get_extendedStates get_firstChild get_fontFamily get_groupPosition get_HostRawElementProvider get_hyperlink get_hyperlinkIndex GetIAccessiblePair ALT get_imagePosition get_imageSize get_indexInParent get_innerHTML get_isColumnSelected get_isRowSelected get_isSelected get_keyBinding get_language get_lastChild get_locale get_localizedExtendedRole get_localizedExtendedStates get_localizedName get_localInterface get_maximumValue get_mimeType get_minimumValue get_name get_nameSpaceURIForID ALT get_newText get_nextSibling get_nodeInfo get_nCharacters get_nColumns get_nExtendedStates get_nHyperlinks get_nRelations get_nRows get_nSelectedCells get_nSelectedChildren get_nSelectedColumns get_nSelectedRows get_nSelections GetObjectForChild get_offsetAtPoint get_oldText get_parentNode GetPatternProvider get_previousSibling GetPropertyValue get_ProviderOptions get_relation get_relations get_rowColumnExtents get_rowColumnExtentsAtIndex get_rowDescription get_rowExtent get_rowExtentAt get_rowHeader get_rowHeaderCells get_rowIndex GetRuntimeId get_selectedCells get_selectedChildren get_selectedColumns get_selectedRows get_selection get_startIndex get_states get_summary get_table get_text get_textAfterOffset get_textAtOffset get_textBeforeOffset get_title get_toolkitName get_toolkitVersion get_unclippedSubstringBounds get_uniqueID get_URL get_valid get_windowHandle get_attributes ALT scrollTo ALT get_description ALT get_attributes ALT get_attributes ALT scrollTo ALT nActions put_alternateViewMediaTypes QueryService removeSelection role scrollSubstringTo scrollSubstringToPoint scrollToPoint scrollToSubstring selectColumn selectRow setCaretOffset setCurrentValue setSelection get_selectedColumns ALT get_selectedRows ALT get_columnIndex ALT get_isSelected ALT get_rowIndex ALT unselectColumn unselectRow Removed from code May 2017. The user pressed the system back button, sending Chrome to the background. The user hit the return UI button to close the tab and return to the previous app. The Activity immediately launched a CustomTabActivity on top of itself. The child CustomTabActivity was closed by the user, so this Activity sent itself to the background to return the user to the previous app. Another of Chrome's Activities (e.g. Settings or Bookmarks) launched and took focus. This list corresponds to the categories the user can press when selecting a category their feedback falls under. This list corresponds to all the possible options a user can press when selecting an option their feedback falls under. Each option is prefixed with a shortened name of the category that the option belongs to. This list includes all errors from the Bluetooth Specification Version 4.2 [Vol 2, Part D] as well as an error from Android's BluetoothGatt (0x101 GATT_FAILURE) and an error from Bluedroid's gatt_api.h (0x100 L2CAP connection cancelled). This list includes errors from the Bluetooth Specification Version 4.2 Vol 3, Part F, Section and Core Specification Supplement Part B. Also Android's BluetoothGatt (0x101 GATT_FAILURE) and an error from Bluedroid's gatt_api.h (0x100 L2CAP connection cancelled). The Android signin promo was enabled to show on next startup. The Android signin promo was shown. User declined the Android signin promo. User completed signin through the Android signin promo flow successfully. User completed signin through the Android signin promo flow successfully and chose to configure sync settings. Identifies the point of failure, see sources. Defines Arc intent handler actions Defines ARC intent handler platforms to continue the navigation. Defines Arc OptIn actions Defines Arc OptIn cancel reason Defines Arc OptIn flow states. Normally each OptIn flow reports 2-3 states; Started should be accompined with Succeeded or Canceled. Optionally Succeeded after retry or Canceled after error may be provided. Defines Arc OptIn Silent Auth code state Defines Arc Provisioning success and failure reasons Defines ArcVideoDecodeAccelerator initialization status Defines the possible Night Light schedule types Defines the ranges in which the value of the color temperature may reside Type of nameservers in the DNS config. No nameservers configured. All nameservers are Google Public DNS servers. All nameservers have public IP addresses (and aren't Google Public DNS servers). All nameservers have private IP addresses (loopback, link-local, or RFC 1918). Nameservers are a mix of types (Google Public DNS, public, private). Results of DnsResponse::ParseToAddressList. Succeeded with async DNS. Succeeded with getaddrinfo after async DNS failed. Both async DNS and getaddrinfo failed. Same as PROC_SUCCESS except the hostname fits NetBIOS name criteria. Started. Failed to start watching config. Failed to start watching HOSTS. Failed during watching config. Failed during watching HOSTS. A new entry was stored in the cache. The existing cache entry was revalidated. An error occurred before a response was received. An error occurred while reading the response body. A redirect response was received. A request for authentication was received, and no cached credentials were available. Timed out before a response was received. Timed out while reading the response body. Removed from code Sep 2014. Deprecated as of 8/2013. Deprecated as of 8/2013. Deprecated as of 2/2016, replaced by AutofillCardUploadDecisionExpanded. Deprecated as of 5/2017, replaced by AutofillCardUploadDecisionMetric. The user selected a masked server card that triggered an unmask attempt. The user selected a masked server card that triggered an unmask attempt at least once. Closed with successful unmask on the first attempt. Closed with successful unmask after failed attempts. These metrics track the user happiness about Autofill on address and credit card forms. Starting from M63, these metrics are also split between Autofill.UserHappiness.Address and Autofill.UserHappiness.CreditCard. When the blob storage system adjusts its max disk space, it can be frozen, adjusted (near min external disk availability), or normal. These values record the transitions between those states. As of 08/2015 this has been replaced with WebBluetoothGATTOperationOutcome. Removed in March 2016.
See include/openssl/ssl.h at the corresponding BoringSSL revision for the corresponding values.
Deprecated 11/2017 with removal of Display List Canvas 2D mode. Deprecated 08/2016 with removal of Chrome Crash Service component. Deprecated as of 04/2016. Deprecated as of 08/2015. Deprecated as of 02/2017. Deprecated as of 01/2016. CertCacheTrial has been removed. See ui/display/display_constants.h for the variation. Possible results of a platform verification expiry check. See chrome/browser/chromeos/attestation/ Possible results of a platform verification attempt. See chrome/browser/chromeos/attestation/platform_verification.h. Reason for entering Recovery Mode. See platform/vboot_reference/firmware/2lib/include/2recovery_reasons.h Indices of the default images as defined in chrome/browser/chromeos/login/ The last three values are for taken photo, downloaded file and the image previously used by user. Deprecated as of 11/2017, since cld2 is deprecated. See Language in third_party/cld_2/src/internal/generated_language.h. Hash values for the languages supported by CLD3. Each of these values is computed by casting the output of base::HashMetricName(language_string_id) to base::HistogramBase::Sample. Deprecated in favor of PageLoad.Timing2.NavigationToCommit and PageLoad.AbortTiming. No CachedMetadataHandler was provided, thus caching functionality is disabled. Caching is disabled by settings. The script is too short to benefit from caching, thus caching functionality is disabled. The script is not loaded often enough to benefit from caching, thus not producing cache. Parser cache is produced for the script when compiled. Consume previously generated parser cache for the script. Code cache is produced for the script when compiled. Consume previously generated code cache for the script. Use streamed compilation result. Dprecated as of Aug 2016. CompressibleString has been reverted once at Deprecated as of Jun 2016. The enum was added for debugging purpose and is not needed anymore. Application protocol used for HTTP response as defined in net::HttpResponseInfo::ConnectionInfo. Removed May 2016. Connection type as defined in net/base/connection_type_histograms.h Any connection (SSL, HTTP, SPDY, etc.) An SSL connection An SSL connection with an MD5 certificate in the certificate chain (excluding root) An SSL connection with an MD2 certificate in the certificate chain (excluding root) An SSL connection with an MD4 certificate in the certificate chain (excluding root) An SSL connection with an MD5 CA certificate in the certificate chain (excluding root) An SSL connection with an MD2 CA certificate in the cerfificate chain (excluding root) An HTTP connection A SPDY connection An SSL connection that uses SSL 2.0 An SSL connection that uses SSL 3.0 An SSL connection that uses TLS 1.0 An SSL connection that uses TLS 1.1 An SSL connection that uses TLS 1.2 Superseded by ContentResourceType in December 2015 when SUB_RESOURCE was split into RESOURCE_TYPE_SUB_RESOURCE and RESOURCE_TYPE_PLUGIN_RESOURCE, and PING was split into RESOURCE_TYPE_PING and RESOURCE_TYPE_CSP_REPORT. Deprecated as of 10/2017 as NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.BreakingNews.MessageReceived is replaced by NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.BreakingNews.ReceivedMessageAction. Superseded by ContentSuggestionsUIUpdateResult2 in January 2017. The reason for losing a GPU context. The item selected from a context menu Context menu type related to the save image option. The content type when user chooses save link context menu option Deprecated as of 5/2017. Experiment is finished. Removed because the feature no longer exists. The outcome of the Contextual Search Peek Promo. Notes when a translation one-box should be forced by Contextual Search. Reason why a cookie was removed from the cookie store The user explicitly requested that we delete a cookie The value of the cookie was overwritten by a new value The cookie expiration time passed The cookie was evicted during garbage collection (replaced by domain_evicted/global_evicted below) The backing store had two copies of the cookie so one was removed (i.e. problems writing the backing store database) The cookie deletion should not be recorded because it occurred, e.g., during shutdown (the fact that these values showed up in the histogram is a bug, since fixed) The cookie was evicted during per-domain/eTLD+1 garbage collection The cookie was evicted during whole store garbage collection. The cookie evicted during per-domain/eTLD+1 garbage collection, and would have been evicted by the global garbage collection process (because they hadn't been accessed recently enough). The cookie evicted during per-domain/eTLD+1 garbage collection, and would not have been evicted by global metrics as well (because they had been accessed recently enough to save). The cookie deletion occurred because the server overwrote it with an already expired cookie (this is a common idiom for server deletions of cookies). The type of a cookie when its added to the cookie store. The result of trying to initialize the CoreAudio dispatch override hotfix. See media/audio/mac/ The types of lookup events that the CoreAudio dispatch override hotfix can emit. See media/audio/mac/ The core value of PageTransition. See ui/base/page_transition_types.h. The reason why content verification flagged an extension as corrupted. See ContentVerifyJob::FailureReason in src/extensions/browser/content_verify_job.h. Deprecated as of 12/2013. Default pinned apps trial is finished. Deprecated 1/2016. Obsolete as of October 2017. Deprecated as of October 2017 per transition to blacklist. A crash was detected during the page load. A crash was analyzed and the report was added to the pending pingback. A crash was attempted to be analyzed did not finish before the report was sent. A crash was not analyzed and the report was added to the pending pingback. This is default behavior for non-Android crashes. A crash report was successfully uploaded. A crash report was attempted to be sent, but did not upload successfully. Deprecated in 5/2017, since the experiment to use default QUIC alternative proxy was deprecated. Removed from code October 2017. PageTransitions in ui/base/page_transition_types.h. Deprecated 2015/11. Renamed to SetDefaultAttemptResult. No errors encountered. Chrome was already the default web client. This counts as a successful attempt. Chrome was not set as the default web client. The attempt was abandoned because the observer was destroyed. Failed to launch the process to set Chrome as the default web client asynchronously. Another worker is already in progress to make Chrome the default web client. The user initiated another attempt while the asynchronous operation was already in progress. The user clicked the "Set as default" button. The user clicked the "Don't ask again" button. The user did not interact with the info bar. The user explicitly closed the infobar. Chrome is not the default web client. Chrome is the default web client. Chrome is in a unknown default state. The current install of Chrome is not the default web client, yet another side-by-side install of Chrome is. Echo Cancellation quality most likely good. Echo Cancellation may suffer. Echo Cancellation likely fails unless user is using headset. Insufficient amount of data. Defines the types of mirror mode in which displays connected to the device are in. was not the only nameserver in the system DNS config. was the only nameserver in the system DNS config. Channel ID was enabled, but the client did not support elliptic curve key generation. Channel ID was enabled, but the client had an invalid system time which prevented using it. The SSLClientSocket was created without a ServerBoundCertService. Removed from code 2017-08. These values are defined in the DownloadOutcome enum in components/doodle/doodle_service.h. DTLS/SRTP crypto suites from the IANA registry as specified at DirectX color space type. Documented here: The server reported a reason that the client is not aware of. This should only be recorded if the client's list of possible reasons is out of date. The server returned the value "Unknown". Hash values for strings of the form "x,y", where x is either a common English language BCP47 code or "other", and y is a language code supported by CLD3. Used to report conflicts between HTML language tags and CLD3 language detection. Deprecated 9/2015. valid: machine in pristine state rare: install attributes locked but TPM clear (could happen if taking TPM ownership carries over a reboot) impossible: non-existent install attributes cannot yield enterprise mode rare: install attributes locked but TPM clear (could happen if taking TPM ownership carries over a reboot) inconsistent: install attributes clear but TPM locked valid: consumer owned impossible: non-existent install attributes cannot yield enterprise mode valid: enterprise enrolled error: cryptohomed unreachable Defined as DomainCheckErrors in components/policy/core/common/ Status codes produced by DeviceManagementService for requests made to the device management server as defined in components/policy/core/common/cloud/cloud_policy_constants.h. Number of DeviceManagementServer request retries as defined in components/policy/core/common/cloud/ Result of DMToken operations as defined in components/policy/core/common/cloud/enterprise_metrics.h. A cached token was successfully loaded from disk. Reading a cached token from disk failed. A token fetch request was sent to the DM server. The request was invalid, or the HTTP request failed. Error HTTP status received, or the DM server failed in another way. A response to the fetch request was received. The response received was invalid. This happens when some expected data was not present in the response. DM server reported that management is not supported. DM server reported that the given device ID was not found. DM token successfully retrieved. Successfully cached a token to disk. Caching a token to disk failed. The Device-ID is not unique. Serial number rejected by DMServer. No more licenses available for that domain. Which domain regex generated an ICU error. Result of device enrollment as defined in components/policy/core/common/cloud/enterprise_metrics.h. User pressed 'Cancel' during the enrollment process. The user submitted valid credentials (GAIA or registration certificate) to start the enrollment process. OAuth token fetch failed: network error. OAuth token fetch failed: login error. Registration / policy fetch failed: DM server reports management not supported. UNUSED: Enrollment failed because it failed to apply device policy. UNUSED: Enrollment failed due to an unexpected error. This currently happens when the GAIA auth token is not issued for the DM service, the device cloud policy subsystem isn't initialized, or when fetching GAIA tokens fails for an unknown reason. Enrollment was successful. Registration / policy fetch failed: DM server reports that the serial number we try to register is not assigned to the domain used. UNUSED: Auto-enrollment started automatically after sign-in. UNUSED: Auto-enrollment failed. UNUSED: Auto-enrollment started again after a failure. UNUSED: User opted-out of auto-enrollment. UNUSED: Auto-enrollment OK. Registration failed: DM server returns unknown/disallowed enrollment mode. UNUSED: Auto-enrollment is not supported for the mode supplied by the server. This presently means trying to auto-enroll in kiosk mode. Lockbox initialization took too long to complete. Lockbox error on re-enrollment: domain does not match install attributes. Registration / policy fetch failed: DM server reports licenses expired or exhausted. Failed to fetch device robot authorization code from DM Server. Failed to fetch device robot refresh token from GAIA. Failed to persist robot account refresh token on device. Registration / policy fetch failed: DM server reports administrator deprovisioned the device. Registration / policy fetch failed: DM server reports domain mismatch. Enrollment has been triggered, the webui login screen has been shown. The user submitted valid credentials (GAIA or registration certificate) to start the enrollment process for the second (or further) time. UNUSED: Failed to store DM token and device ID. Failed to obtain FRE state keys. Failed to validate policy. Failed due to error in CloudPolicyStore. UNUSED: Failed to lock device. Registration / policy fetch failed: DM server reports invalid request payload. Registration / policy fetch failed: DM server reports device not found. Registration / policy fetch failed: DM server reports DM token invalid. Registration / policy fetch failed: DM server reports activation pending. Registration / policy fetch failed: DM server reports device ID conflict. Registration / policy fetch failed: DM server can't find policy. Registration / policy fetch failed: HTTP request failed. Registration / policy fetch failed: DM server reports temporary problem. Registration / policy fetch failed: DM server returns non-success HTTP status code. Registration / policy fetch failed: can't decode DM server response. OAuth token fetch failed: account not signed up. OAuth token fetch failed: account deleted. OAuth token fetch failed: account disabled. Re-enrollment pre-check failed: domain does not match install attributes. Lockbox backend failed to initialize. Lockbox backend (TPM) already locked. Lockbox failure setting attributes. Lockbox failure during locking. Lockbox read back is inconsistent. Failed to update device attributes. Enrollment mode does not match already locked install attributes. A registration certificate could not be obtained from the PCA. The request to enroll could not be signed. Device model or serial number missing from VPD. Active Directory policy fetch failed. Failed to store DM token into the local state. Defined as PolicyInvalidationType in components/policy/core/common/cloud/enterprise_metrics.h. Defined as MetricPolicyKeyVerification in components/policy/core/common/cloud/ Client has no verification key. The Policy being verified has no key signature (e.g. policy fetched before the server supported the verification key). The key signature did not match the expected value (in theory, this should only happen after key rotation or if the policy cached on disk has been modified). Key verification succeeded. Status codes produced by the policy loaders that pull policy settings from the platform-specific management infrastructure, such as Windows Group Policy. Defined as PolicyLoadStatus in components/policy/core/common/policy_load_status.h. Policy load attempt started. This gets logged for each policy load attempt to get a baseline on the number of requests, and an arbitrary number of the below status codes may get added in addition. System failed to determine whether there's policy. No policy present. Data inaccessible, such as non-local policy file. Data missing, such as policy file not present. Trying with Wow64 redirection disabled. Data read error, for example file reading errors. Data too large to process. Parse error. Defined as MetricPolicyRefresh in components/policy/core/common/cloud/enterprise_metrics.h. Result of Policy operations as defined as MetricPolicy in components/policy/core/common/cloud/enterprise_metrics.h. A cached policy was successfully loaded from disk. Reading a cached policy from disk failed. A policy fetch request was sent to the DM server. The request was invalid, or the HTTP request failed. Error HTTP status received, or the DM server failed in another way. Policy not found for the given user or device. DM server didn't accept the token used in the request. A response to the policy fetch request was received. The policy response message didn't contain a policy, or other data was missing. Failed to decode the policy. The device policy was rejected because its signature was invalid. Rejected policy because its timestamp is in the future. Device policy rejected because the device is not managed. The policy was provided for a username that is different from the device owner, and the policy was rejected. The policy was rejected for another reason. Currently this can happen only for device policies, when the SignedSettings fail to store or retrieve a stored policy. The fetched policy was accepted. The policy just fetched didn't have any changes compared to the cached policy. Successfully cached a policy to disk. Caching a policy to disk failed. Status codes produced by SessionManagerClient for policy retrieval requests. Corresponds to RetrievePolicyResponseType in chromeos/dbus/session_manager_client.h. Number of UploadJob retries as defined in chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/ Types of sign-in events as defined in chrome/browser/chromeos/login/enterprise_user_session_metrics.h Deprecated 06/2017. Deprecated 06/2017. Deprecated 10/2013. Reasons the sandboxed extension unpacker can fail. See enum FailureReason in src/chrome/browser/extensions/sandboxed_extension_unpacker.h . The status of metadata extraction for Appindexing. SSL version fallback did not occur. Fell back on SSL 3.0. Fell back on TLS 1.0. Fell back on TLS 1.1. FTH is completely off. FTH is enabled in HKLM. FTH is enabled in HKCU. FTH is enabled in HKCU and HKLM. AcLayers.dll is loaded. AcLayers.dll is loaded and FTH is enabled in HKLM. AcLayers.dll is loaded and FTH is enabled in HKCU. AcLayers.dll is loaded and FTH is enabled in HKCU and HKLM. AcXtrnal is loaded. AcXtrnal is loaded and FTH is enabled in HKLM. AcXtrnal is loaded and FTH is enabled in HKCU. AcXtrnal is loaded and FTH is enabled in HKCU and HKLM. AcXtrmal and AcLayers.dll are loaded. AcXtrmal and AcLayers.dll are loaded and FTH is enabled in HKLM. AcXtrmal and AcLayers.dll are loaded and FTH is enabled in HKCU. AcXtrmal and AcLayers.dll are loaded and FTH is enabled in HKCU and HKLM. Download succeeded. Download failed. Download skipped because the URL was known to have failed previously. The amount of outcomes that can a download may have. Success - favicon found in local cache Success - favicon fetched from the server Failure - favicon not available Defines the icon type stored as cached in the history backend. Not an actual icon. Regular favicon (e.g. rel="icon"). Touch icon (rel="apple-touch-icon"). Precomposed touch icon (rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed"). Icon listed in a Web Manifest. deprecated Sep 15 2015 in favor of FFmpegCodecHashes Deprecated as of 05/17/2017. External applications/promotions that triggered Chrome launch and First Run. Result states for the first-run sign-in flow. Types of actions a user can perform upon startup or unbackgrounding. Number of browser processes that have started at least one NPAPI Flash process during their lifetime. Number of browser processes that have started at least one PPAPI Flash process during their lifetime. Total number of browser processes. Deprecated 2012-11-13. No longer generated. Old FTP server type as previously defined in net/ftp/ftp_server_type_histograms.h Unknown (could be a server we don't support, a broken server, or a security attack) Server using /bin/ls -l and variants Server using /bin/dls Server using EPLF format WinNT server configured for old style listing VMS (including variants) IBM VM/CMS, VM/ESA, z/VM formats OS/2 FTP Server win16 hosts: SuperTCP or NetManage Chameleon FTP server type as defined in net/ftp/ftp_server_type_histograms.h Obsolete, no longer detected or supported. Obsolete, no longer detected or supported. Deprecated as of 01/2016. The error has been fixed by GCM. (crbug/580367) Deprecated 9/2012, and replaced by DriveEntryKind Deprecated 9/2014, and replaced by PermissionAction. For the Android platform the count for this event should be exactly the same as the corresponding event in the GeolocationInfoBarDelegateEvent enum. Deprecated 9/2014, and replaced by PermissionAction. Output parmeters for a device are requested, and there is no corresponding sink cached; new sink is created and cached. If session id is used to specify a device, we always have to create and cache a new sink. Output parmeters for a device are requested, and there is a corresponding sink cached. Perf data was collected, parsed and attached to the UMA protobuf successfully. Could not add perf data to the UMA protobuf because no perf data was ready to be uploaded. Perf timer triggered but the perf provider already had a perf data proto to be added to the UMA protobuf. Perf timer triggered but an incognito window was open. Perf data was collected but an incognito window was opened during the collection. Perf data was collected and sent to Chrome as a serialized protobuf but it could not be deserialized by Chrome. The perf data sent back to Chrome by debugd is invalid. A perf data collection was already active. Represents a card type ID. See cardTypeId in chrome/browser/resources/google_now/background.js. Events in Google Now component extension. See GoogleNowEvent in chrome/browser/resources/google_now/background.js. Results of attempting a connection to Google Play Services. See Javadoc for at for more information. Types of action taken in response to Google Play Services user-recoverable errors. See subclasses of UserRecoverableErrorHandler in for more information. Results of testing against a GPU feature being allowed/blacklisted/disabled. Results of testing against a GPU feature being blacklisted or not in various Windows sub-versions. Results of testing against a GPU feature being allowed/blacklisted/disabled in various Windows sub-versions. Results of testing against the GPU blacklist entries. The exit code returned by the GPU process when it terminated. These match the enumeration in result_codes.h. Causes for the GPU Process to be launched. From: content/common/gpu/gpu_process_launch_causes.h CAUSE_FOR_GPU_LAUNCH_ABOUT_GPUCRASH CAUSE_FOR_GPU_LAUNCH_ABOUT_GPUHANG CAUSE_FOR_GPU_LAUNCH_GPUDATAMANAGER_REQUESTCOMPLETEGPUINFOIFNEEDED CAUSE_FOR_GPU_LAUNCH_RENDERWIDGETFULLSCREENPEPPER_CREATECONTEXT CAUSE_FOR_GPU_LAUNCH_WEBGRAPHICSCONTEXT3DCOMMANDBUFFERIMPL_INITIALIZE CAUSE_FOR_GPU_LAUNCH_NO_LAUNCH CAUSE_FOR_GPU_LAUNCH_VIDEODECODEACCELERATOR_INITIALIZE CAUSE_FOR_GPU_LAUNCH_PEPPERPLATFORMCONTEXT3DIMPL_INITIALIZE CAUSE_FOR_GPU_LAUNCH_BROWSER_STARTUP CAUSE_FOR_GPU_LAUNCH_CANVAS_2D CAUSE_FOR_GPU_LAUNCH_PEPPERVIDEOENCODERACCELERATOR_INITIALIZE CAUSE_FOR_GPU_LAUNCH_GPU_MEMORY_BUFFER_ALLOCATE CAUSE_FOR_GPU_LAUNCH_JPEGDECODEACCELERATOR_INITIALIZE CAUSE_FOR_GPU_LAUNCH_MOJO_SETUP CAUSE_FOR_GPU_LAUNCH_GET_GPU_SERVICE_REGISTRY CAUSE_FOR_GPU_LAUNCH_BROWSER_SHARED_MAIN_THREAD_CONTEXT CAUSE_FOR_GPU_LAUNCH_RENDERER_SHARED_MAIN_THREAD_CONTEXT CAUSE_FOR_GPU_LAUNCH_WEBGL_CONTEXT CAUSE_FOR_GPU_LAUNCH_SHARED_WORKER_THREAD_CONTEXT CAUSE_FOR_GPU_LAUNCH_RENDERER_VERIFY_GPU_COMPOSITING CAUSE_FOR_GPU_LAUNCH_DISPLAY_COMPOSITOR_CONTEXT CAUSE_FOR_GPU_LAUNCH_MEDIA_CONTEXT Lifetime events of the GPU Process, as defined in chrome/browser/ DiedFourth should never happen as it is beyond the threshold number of launches enforced in chrome/browser/ Combinations of input parameter active and previous active state set in third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/src/ChromiumBridge.cpp Keeps track of how many users have R16_EXT or/and LUMINANCE_F16, and also how many have none of the two. Results of user actions when a 3D API info bar is raised. Combinations of context loss variables from chrome/renderer/ Possible detected devices combination on leaving dialog These numbers are the lower 32 bits of the hash of the metric name. Error states noted in recovery code. History.FaviconsRecovery no longer tracked as of March 2017. Successful recovery. sql::Recovery failed init. Query failed against recovery meta table. No version row in recovery meta table. Recovery meta table has version 6. Recovery meta table has version 5. Recovery meta table has an unexpected version. Failed to create recovery meta table. Failed to copy recovery meta table. Failed to init target schema. Failed to create recovery favicons table. Failed to copy recovery favicons table. Failed to create recovery favicon_bitmaps table. Failed to copy recovery favicon_bitmaps table. Failed to create recovery icon_mapping table. Failed to copy recovery icon_mapping table. Successful recovery of version 6 database. Failed sql::MetaTable::Init(). Failed sql::Recovery::SetupMeta() or GetMetaVersionNumber(). Recovery found deprecated version and razed. Failed v5 recovery loading schema. Failed v5 recovery on favicons. Failed v5 recovery on icon_mapping. Successful recovery of version 6 database. Failed v6/7 recovery on favicons. Failed v6/7 recovery on favicon_bitmaps. Failed v6/7 recovery on icon_mapping. Failed sql::Recovery::Recovered(). Error states noted in recovery code. Successful recovery. Recovery found deprecated version and razed. sql::Recovery failed init. Failed sql::Recovery::SetupMeta() or GetMetaVersionNumber(). Recovery meta table has an unexpected version. Failed sql::MetaTable::Init(). Failed to init target schema. Failed recovery on thumbnails table. Failure from sql::Recovery::Recovered(). Rows were deleted because |url_rank| and |last_forced| didn't agree. Does not prevent recovery. Rows were deleted because |redirects| did not contain |url|. Does not prevent recovery. |url_rank| was renumbered due to missing rows. Does not prevent recovery. Auth prompt displayed over a blank interstitial Auth prompt displayed for the main frame, without a blank interstitial Auth prompt displayed for a subresource from the same origin Auth prompt displayed for a subresource from a different origin HTTP credentials were moved during migration to HTTPS HTTP credentials were copied during migration to HTTPS newly connected socket connected unused socket (idle prior to use) previously used (keep-alive?) socket Spec-compliant status line Empty status line Incorrect protocol name Protocol name not uppercase Protocol version missing Protocol version invalid Protocol version number is multiple digits Unknown but valid-looking version Explicitly specified HTTP/0.9 Missing status code Invalid status code Trailing characters after status code Missing reason phrase Disallowed character in reason phrase Excess whitespace separating protocol version and status code Status code from reserved ranges (0xx or 6xx-9xx) State of HttpStreamFactoryJob. See net::HttpStreamFactoryImpl::Job::State for more details A request was made to delete the data for an origin. An unrecoverable error occurred accessing the backing store. A forced close was requested from the indexeddb-internals page. The database is force closed so that it can be copied. No key path. Key path is a string. Key path is an array of strings. Invalid key. Key is an array. Key is a binary buffer. Key is a string. Key is a date. Key is a number. IndexedDB encountered an error attempting to read or decode a value from the leveldb backing store, indicative of corruption or I/O error. Unused as of M26. IndexeDB encountered an error attempting to write or commit a value to the leveldb backing store, indicative of I/O error. Unused as of M26. IndexedDB encountered a consistency error in the leveldb backing store, indicative of corruption or an coding error. Unused as of M26. An in-memory backing store was opened successfully. An on-disk backing store was opened successfully. An on-disk backing store could not be opened or created because the directory could not be opened or created. Cleanup will not be attempted. An on-disk backing store was opened but had an unknown schema version, due to corruption or reverting to a previous version of Chrome. Cleanup will be attempted. An on-disk backing store failed to open; cleanup was attempted but the database could not be destroyed. An on-disk backing store failed to open; cleanup was attempted but re-opening the database failed. An on-disk backing store failed to open; cleanup was attempted and the database was then opened successfully. An on-disk backing store was opened but leveldb failed to read the schema version. An in-memory backing store failed to open. A database with non-ascii characters in its path was opened (with either success or failure). An open failed on a machine with a full disk. No cleanup was attempted. Open failed because either a path component or the overall path was too long. An open attempt failed with an I/O error that doesn't necessitate a recovery attempt. The corrupted open database was deleted. Open failed because the blob journal could not be cleaned up. Deprecated as of 9/2017. Reusing an idle socket that is previously used. Reusing an idle socket that is not previously used. Reusing an idle socket and found it unusable. When releasing the socket to the pool, found it unusable. Cleaning up the idle socket is forced. Cleaning up a timed-out, reused idle socket. Cleaning up a timed-out, unused idle socket. Cleaning up an unusable idle socket. Socket is closed usually when per-origin socket limit is reached. Deprecated 03/2015, and replaced by IMECommitType2. Types X, commits X as the top suggestion. Types X, commits Y as the top suggestion. Types X, commits X as the non-top suggestion. Types X, commits Y as the non-top suggestion. Commits a prediction suggestion. Reverts the previous auto-corrected and committed word. Types X, commits X as the top suggestion. Types X, commits Y as the top suggestion. Types X, commits X as the 2nd suggestion. Types X, commits Y as the 2nd suggestion. Types X, commits X as the 3rd/other suggestion. Types X, commits Y as the 3rd/other suggestion. Commits a prediction suggestion. Reverts the previous auto-corrected and committed word. The commit is triggered by voice input. A word was typed with a gesture. A gesture-typed word was deleted after being typed. A gesture-typed word was replaced by the first suggestion. A gesture-typed word was replaced by the second suggestion. A gesture-typed word was replaced by the third suggestion. Success in registering ProxyView to IMM Failure in registering ProxyView to IMM Failure in detecting the result ReplicaInputConnection was used instead IME switches by tray menu IME switches by accelerator IE (Windows-only) Firefox 2 Firefox 3 (and later) Safari (Mac-only) Google Toolbar A bookmarks.html file Edge (Windows-only) XKeyboard Multilingualization Transliteration Armenian Phonetic keyboard Belgian keyboard Belgian keyboard Belgian keyboard Bulgarian keyboard Bulgarian Phonetic keyboard Brazilian keyboard Belarusian keyboard Canadian French keyboard Canadian English keyboard Canadian Multilingual keyboard Swiss keyboard Swiss French keyboard Czech keyboard Czech QWERTY keyboard German keyboard German NEO 2 keyboard Danish keyboard Estonian keyboard Spanish keyboard Catalan keyboard Finnish keyboard French keyboard UK Dvorak keyboard UK keyboard Georgian keyboard Greek keyboard Croatian keyboard Hungarian keyboard Irish keyboard Hebrew keyboard Icelandic keyboard Italian keyboard Japanese keyboard Latin American keyboard Lithuanian keyboard Latvian keyboard Mongolian keyboard Norwegian keyboard Polish keyboard Portuguese keyboard Romanian keyboard Romanian Standard keyboard Serbian keyboard Russian keyboard Russian Phonetic keyboard Swedish keyboard Slovenian keyboard Slovakian keyboard Turkish keyboard Ukrainian keyboard US keyboard US keyboard US keyboard US keyboard US Extended keyboard US Colemak keyboard US Dvorak keyboard US International keyboard US International keyboard US International keyboard Array input method Cangjie input method Quick input method Dayi input method Traditional Pinyin input method Pinyin input method Zhuyin input method Wubi input method Google Japanese Input (for Japanese keyboard) Google Japanese Input (for US keyboard) Hangul 2 Set Hangul 3 Set (390) Hangul 3 Set (Final) Hangul 3 Set (No Shift) Hangul Ahnmatae Hangul Romaja Arabic keyboard Bengali keyboard (Phonetic) Sorani Kurdish Arabic-based keyboard Sorani Kurdish English-based keyboard Devanagari keyboard (Phonetic) Ethiopic keyboard Persian keyboard Gujarati keyboard (Phonetic) Khmer keyboard Kannada keyboard (Phonetic) Lao keyboard Malayalam keyboard (Phonetic) Myanmar keyboard Myanmar Myansan keyboard Nepali keyboard (InScript) Nepali keyboard (Phonetic) Sinhala keyboard Tamil keyboard (InScript) Tamil keyboard (itrans) Tamil keyboard (Phonetic) Tamil keyboard (Tamil99) Tamil keyboard (Typewriter) Telugu keyboard (Phonetic) Thai keyboard (Kedmanee) Thai keyboard (Pattachote) Thai keyboard (TIS 820-2531) Vietnamese keyboard (TCVN) Vietnamese keyboard (Telex) Vietnamese keyboard (VIQR) Vietnamese keyboard (VNI) Transliteration Amharic Transliteration Arabic Transliteration Bengali Braille Keyboard Transliteration Greek Transliteration Persian Transliteration Gujarati Transliteration Hebrew Transliteration Hindi Transliteration Kannada Transliteration Malayalam Transliteration Marathi Transliteration Nepali Transliteration Oriya Transliteration Punjabi Transliteration Sanskrit Transliteration Serbian Transliteration Tamil Transliteration Telugu Transliteration Tigrinya Transliteration Urdu Czech QWERTY keyboard Russian keyboard UK Dvorak keyboard Canadian Multilingual keyboard Danish keyboard Devanagari keyboard (Phonetic) Tamil transliteration Romanian keyboard Belgian keyboard Quick input method Myanmar keyboard Georgian keyboard Khmer keyboard Tamil keyboard (InScript) Armenian Phonetic keyboard Mongolian keyboard US Programmer Dvorak keyboard Cangjie input method Nepali keyboard (InScript) Italian keyboard UK keyboard Swedish keyboard Russian Phonetic (AATSEEL) keyboard German NEO 2 keyboard Vietnamese keyboard (Telex) Hindi transliteration Serbian transliteration US International keyboard Arabic keyboard Persian keyboard Thai keyboard (Kedmanee) Turkish keyboard Bulgarian Phonetic keyboard Canadian English keyboard US keyboard Sorani Kurdish English-based keyboard Swiss French keyboard Slovakian keyboard Turkish-F keyboard Ukrainian keyboard Vietnamese keyboard (TCVN) Ethiopic keyboard Hungarian keyboard Malayalam transliteration Vietnamese keyboard (VIQR) Bulgarian keyboard Irish keyboard Telugu transliteration Dayi input method Romanian standard keyboard US keyboard Hebrew transliteration US Extended keyboard Sanskrit transliteration German keyboard Russian Phonetic (YaZHert) keyboard Bengali keyboard (Phonetic) Serbian keyboard Slovenian keyboard Finnish keyboard Vietnamese keyboard (VNI) Swiss keyboard Nepali transliteration Sinhala keyboard Korean input method US International keyboard Gujarati transliteration Marathi transliteration Myanmar Myansan keyboard Belgian keyboard Persian transliteration Japanese keyboard Portuguese keyboard Faroese keyboard French keyboard Tamil keyboard (Phonetic) Greek keyboard Spanish keyboard Wubi input method Belgian keyboard Latvian keyboard Tigrinya transliteration Cantonese input method Tamil keyboard (Typewriter) Pinyin input method Kannada transliteration Greek transliteration Catalan keyboard Tamil keyboard (itrans) Thai keyboard (TIS 820-2531) Macedonian keyboard Sorani Kurdish Arabic-based keyboard Hebrew keyboard Croatian keyboard Belarusian keyboard Russian Phonetic keyboard Latin American keyboard US keyboard Malayalam keyboard (Phonetic) Tamil keyboard (Tamil99) Bengali transliteration Telugu keyboard (Phonetic) Punjabi transliteration Gujarati keyboard (Phonetic) Estonian keyboard Oriya transliteration Google Japanese Input (for Japanese keyboard) Traditional Pinyin input method Nepali keyboard (Phonetic) Canadian French keyboard Zhuyin input method French Bepo keyboard Icelandic keyboard Arabic transliteration US keyboard Array input method Lithuanian keyboard Urdu transliteration Polish keyboard Hungarian QWERTY keyboard US Colemak keyboard Brazilian keyboard Thai keyboard (Pattachote) Amharic transliteration Netherlands keyboard Norwegian keyboard Czech keyboard Kazakh keyboard Lao keyboard Kannada keyboard (Phonetic) Maltese keyboard Google Japanese Input (for US keyboard) Braille Keyboard US Dvorak keyboard Deprecated as of 10/2013. Deprecated 2013-06. Deprecated as of 7/2015. Deprecated as of 7/2015. Internal Errors in the page_load_metrics system User selected to block the application for the current session. User selected to allow the application to run again. The brokerable attachment had a valid destination. This is the success case. The brokerable attachment had a destination, but the broker did not have a channel of communication with that process. The brokerable attachment did not have a destination process. Error making an intermediate Mach port. Error parsing DuplicateMachPort message. Couldn't get a task port for the process with a given pid. Couldn't make a port with receive rights in the destination process. Couldn't change the attributes of a Mach port. Couldn't extract a right from the destination process. Couldn't send a Mach port in a call to mach_msg(). Couldn't decrease the ref count on a Mach port. Couldn't extract a right from the source process. Broker didn't have a channel of communication with the source process. Broker could not open the source or destination process with extra privileges. Broker was asked to transfer a HANDLE with invalid permissions. Broker was not immediately able to send an attachment. Broker successfully sent a delayed attachment. The brokerable attachment was successfully processed. The brokerable attachment's destination was not the process that received the attachment. An error occurred while trying to receive a Mach port with mach_msg(). getifaddrs or GetAdaptersAddresses failed The tab owning the dialog was closed A new dialog was shown, closing the existing dialog HandleJavaScriptDialog was called CancelDialogs was called The tab owning the dialog was hidden The browser owning the dialog was deactivated The user clicked on the OK or Cancel button The user navigated the tab (e.g. back/forward, reload) The page displaying the dialog was switched out of its tab (e.g. tab discarding) ISO 639 Language Codes. Deprecated 2015-10-05 in Issue 433475. Histogram was used temorarily for diagnosing crash causes. Launched as an installed web application Launched with urls in the cmd line Fallback value when no other LM_ condition is satisfied Launched from shortcut but the path to the shortcut cannot be determined Launched from user-defined shortcut Launched from the quick launch bar (pre-Win7) Launched from a desktop shortcut Launched from the taskbar (Win7 and higher) Launched from the installer as part of a retention experiment Launch mode result bucket for OSes with no coverage Mac - undocked launch from disk Mac - docked launch from disk Mac - undocked launch from a disk image Mac - docked launch from a disk image Mac - error determining Chrome's Dock status Mac - error determining Chrome's disk image status Mac - error determining Chrome's Dock and disk image statuses obsolete obsolete obsolete obsolete Not yet initialized User pressed reload Back or forward User entered URL, or omnibox search (deprecated) Included next 4 categories Commonly following of link JS/link directed reload back/forward or encoding change Allow stale data (avoid doing a re-post) Speculative prerendering of a page Any user can sign in Whitelisted users only Chrome flags that lead to Chrome restart on Chrome OS. Command-line flag doesn't start with two dashes. Policy/owner key file state. Healthy, pre-R11 Unused Healthy Reserved Key OK, policy bad, pre-R11 Unused Key OK, policy bad Reserved Key OK, no policy, pre-R11 user ( Unused Key OK, no policy Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Key bad, policy OK, pre-R11 Unused Key bad, policy OK Reserved Key bad, policy bad, pre-R11 Unused Key bad, policy bad Reserved Key bad, policy bad, pre-R11 Unused Key bad, policy bad Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved No key, policy OK, pre-R11 Unused No key, policy OK RESERVED No key, policy bad, pre-R11 Unused No key, bad policy Reserved Un-owned, pre-R11 Unused Un-owned Reserved No reason recorded so far, nothing to report. This value should never be reported in histogram. Legacy profile holders. Password changed, revoked credentials, account deleted. Incorrect password entered 3 times at the pod. Incorrect password entered by a SAML user once. OS would show a tooltip offering user to complete the online sign-in. Company policy required re-auth for SAML users. Cryptohome is missing, most likely due to deletion during garbage collection. After prior login, OS failed to connect to the sync with the existing RT. This could be due to a deleted account, password changed, account revoked, etc. User cancelled the password change prompt. Chrome OS has to continue to send the user through the online flow until user updates their cryptohome password or agrees to start the new cryptohome. The result of a state key generation operation. Successfully generated state keys from machine identifiers. Successfully generated state keys from stable device secret. Failed due to missing machine IDs. Failed due to invalid device secret input. HMAC initialization failed. HMAC computation failed. Login success offline and online Login success offline only Incognito Normal Owner Normal Other Normal Incognito Dev Owner Dev Other Dev A side-by-side install of Chrome was made default (not this one). Changed in manager session Changed in supervised user session Master key not found Signature or encryption key not found Password data not found Manager key authorization failed Could not load new password data upon supervised user signin Incomplete password data loaded upon supervised user signin. Authentication failure while changing password during supervised user signin. Could not store new password data for supervised user. Deprecated 12/2017. Deprecated 09/2016 and replaced with MarkHttpAsStatus. Deprecated 08/2017. Deprecated 11/2016 in Issue 666370 with the deprecation of Autoplay experiment. Deprecated as of 08/2017. Deprecated as of 08/2017. Error occurred while updating MetricsReporting These values are defined inside the MobileFreSignInChoice enum chrome/browser/android/metrics/ and reference possible ways of completing the sign-in part of the First Run Experience. The Mach port was successfully sent or received. Couldn't get a task port for the process with a given pid. Couldn't make a port with receive rights in the destination process. Couldn't change the attributes of a Mach port. Couldn't extract a right from the destination. Couldn't send a Mach port in a call to mach_msg(). Couldn't extract a right from the source. The Mach port was successfully received. An error occurred while trying to receive a Mach port with mach_msg(). Index of a tile on the new tab page. This is only an enum so that the dashboard won't produce misleading statistics like averages. The type of tool that triggers a pointer-type MotionEvent. Unknown tool type. The tool is a finger (touch). The tool is a stylus. The tool is a mouse or trackpad. The tool is an eraser or a stylus being used in an inverted posture. All removal operations failed. Some, but not all, operations succeeded. All operations succeeded. Defines the ranges in which the number of displays connected in multi display mode may reside. Defines the modes in which displays connected to the device are in. Deprecated as of Chrome 59 in favour of OverscrollNavigationType. Direction of the overscroll gesture. Did not scroll Scrolled forward Scrolled back An error page was shown. This bucket encompasses all others and works as a total count for error pages (instead of the histogram's total sample count which doesn't reflect that information). An error page was shown with at least a "Reload" button on it. An error page was shown with at least a "Reload" button on it and the user pressed that button. An error page was previously loaded with a "Reload" button and another load error happened as a result of the user pressing that button. An error page was shown with at least a "Show Saved Copy" button on it. An error page was shown with at least a "Show Saved Copy" button on it and the user pressed that button. An error page was previously loaded with a "Show Saved Copy" button and another load error happened as a result of the user pressing that button. An error page was shown with at least a "More" (aka "Details") button on it and the user pressed that button. An error page was previously loaded and the user started a reload by pressing the browser's reload button. An error page was shown with at least a "Reload" and a "Show Saved Copy" buttons on it. Note that this is not exclusive with the respective individual button buckets. An error page was shown with at least a "Reload" and a "Show Saved Copy" buttons on it and the user pressed the "Reload" button. Note that this is not exclusive with the respective individual button buckets. An error page was shown with at least a "Reload" and a "Show Saved Copy" buttons on it and the user pressed the "Show Saved Copy" button. Note that this is not exclusive with the respective individual button buckets. An error page was shown with the offline dino image and and the user activated it (to play the dino game). An error page was shown with at least a "Show Cached Copy" button on it. An error page was shown with at least a "Show Cached Copy" button on it and the user pressed that button. Obsolete. Obsolete. An error page was shown with at least a "Diagnose Error" button on it and the user pressed that button. Obsolete. Obsolete. Obsolete. Obsolete. An error page was shown with at least a "Download Page Later" button on it. An error page was shown with at least a "Download Page Later" button on it and the user pressed that button. Specific content decoding filter. See net::Filter::FilterType for more details Now only NetFilterType2 is used. Specific content decoding filter. See net::SourceStream::SourceType for more details Unlike other values, this one is reported from HttpNetworkTransaction in a case when an unadvertised, but known encoding appears in a "Content-Encoding" header, and is thus not comparable with the other values, which are potentially returned from cached entries. Reported from URLRequestHttpJob::SetUpSourceStream when an unknown encoding appears in a "Content-Encoding" header. Despite being reported in this histogram, this does not cause a CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED error. These error indexes are produced by QCErrorToMetricIndex() in gobi-cromo-plugin. A signal loss in the cellular service was detected and a delayed connection drop request was posted. This request causes the cellular connection to be dropped if it is not cancelled within the delay provided. Signal strength returned to normal soon after a delayed drop request was made, causing the request to be canceled. This indicates a flaky network. Status code that we received in response to a cellular usage API request. This value is distinct from the others in that it indicates that we were unable to issue a request or that we received no reply. The other values represent the status code contained in a reply. The DHCP client will attempt to identify the default gateway using a unicast ARP to the gateway's MAC address. This may help speed up the re-connection process. The DHCP client will attempt to ARP for the IP address that it was supplied. This indicates that the client is unsure whether the address it was assigned is valid. The DHCP client has successfully acquired an IP address. The DHCP client has inititated a DHCP DISCOVER, a broadcast request for any server to provide it with an address. The DHCP client has received more than one offer in response to its DHCP DISCOVER request. The DHCP client has received an offer in response to its DHCP DISCOVER which is the same as an address it previously failed to validate via an "Arp Self" test. The DHCP client has received an offer in response to its DHCP DISCOVER which is either an all-zeros or all-ones IP address, and therefore invalid. The DHCP client has received a response to its DHCP DISCOVER which is not actually a DHCP OFFER. The DHCP client has issued a DHCP INFORM message for an IP address it has self-assigned. The DHCP client is intializing its internal state. The DHCP client has received a DHCP NAK and will defer processing this response for a receive interval. The DHCP client is performing the second level "rebind" lease renewal stage, and has presumably failed the first level "renew" stage. The DHCP client is attempting to re-acquire a lease on a network where it had previously been connected at some time in the past. The DHCP client is releasing its current lease to its assigned IP address. The DHCP client is performing a first level renewal of its current lease. The DHCP client is performing a DHCP REQUEST for a lease it has been offered. The portal result types come from PortalResult in shill/metrics.h The stop reasons come from shill/mac80211_monitor.h. The security types come from the connman_service_security enum in flimflam/include/service.h Deprecated as of 01/2017. Replaced by NewTabPageActionAndroid2. These values are defined in PartnerBookmarkAction enum in chrome/browser/ui/webui/ntp/android/ These values are defined in LogoDownloadOutcome enum in components/search_provider_logos/logo_tracker.h. These values are defined inside the PromoImpressionBuckets enum in chrome/browser/ui/webui/ntp/android/ NPAPI is not supported on this platform NPAPI is disabled NPAPI is enabled Deprecated as of 01/2017. Deprecated 2016-05. The state of the RemoteSuggestionsProvider (formerly known as NTPSnippetsService). The types of actions performed by the Most Visited Tile Placement experiment, used to identify the cases where the experiment could not operate as expected, and the reason for it. The source where the displayed title of an NTP tile originates from. The title might be invalid, aggregated, user-set, extracted from history, not loaded or simply not known. The site's manifest contained a usable "(short_)name" attribute. The site provided a meta tag (e.g. OpenGraph's site_name). The site's title is used as tile title, extracted from the title tag. The title was inferred from multiple signals (e.g. meta tags, url, title). The visual type of a most visited tile on the new tab page. The icon or thumbnail hasn't loaded yet. The item displays a site's actual favicon or touch icon. The item displays a color derived from the site's favicon or touch icon. The item displays a default gray box in place of an icon. Deprecated: The item displays a locally-captured thumbnail of the site content. Deprecated: The item displays a server-provided thumbnail of the site content. Deprecated: The item displays a default graphic in place of a thumbnail. The item displays a thumbnail of the page. The item displays a default gray box in place of a thumbnail. A Nullable Boolean can True, False or Null (ie: unset or absent). The attempt finished successfully. The attempt was canceled by the request coordinator. This is triggered when the user cancels an in-flight offlining attempt, and will always result in BackgroundSavePageResult::USER_CANCELED. Loading was canceled by various pre-render monitoring. These include when was called, when audio is detected, etc. The attempt resulted in a retriable loading failure. This may be because we found a network error or a page error (i.e. 404 pages will also result in an Loading Failed). Because fickle networks make network errors unreliable, an incorrectly typed URL will also result in retriable loading failure. The attempt failed because save did not succeed. The attempt failed because chrome is now operating in the foreground on a svelte device. The attempt failed because the particular attempt ran out of time. The attempt resulted in a non-retriable loading error. This is mostly deprecated as of 4/2017 because a fickle network and a good page might result in the same errors as a bad page with invalid URL. The attempt resulted in a loading failure but we've reason to believe we shouldn't try something else for a little while: i.e. we failed because a renderer crashed or we got INTERNET_DISCONNECTED as the network error. The offliner was asked to attempt something when it's not ready. The request coordinator failed updating the status of the request in the queue. The attempt is aborted. Called when the background scheduler stops the processing. The attempt succeeded, but only as a result of snapshotting on the last retry and we have already received DocumentAvailableInMainFrame. Note that if we're already in the middle of snapshotting, we will record SAVED. The quality of the page is presumed to be lower. The browser was killed for reasons such as OOM, swiped out, or crashed. Request was completed successfully. Request failed because a non-recoverable loading failure occurred. Loading was canceled by various pre-renderer monitoring. This is not used anywhere. Loading was canceled by chrome moving to the foreground on a svelte device. Loading failed because we failed saving the page. Request failed because it expired before we were able to get to it. Request failed because we exceeded the maximum number of retries. Request failed because we exceeded the maximum number of starts. Each start may have completed (resulting in a load error or one of the other per-attempt statuses) or chrome may have died before the attempt's result was recorded. The request was removed by the user. Namespace used as default. Namespace used when offline page is saved when bookmarking. Namespace used when offline page is saved as last_n page. Namespace used when offline page is saved from save page later on dino page. Namespace used when offline page is saved from custom tabs. Namespace used when offline page is saved as downloads. Namespace used when offline page is saved as NTP suggestions. Namespace used when offline page is saved as suggested articles. Namespace used when offline page is saved from browser actions. Not used at all during whole day. Started, but failed to successfully navigate. Only navigated to offline pages locally saved on the device. Only navigated online. Navigated to both online and offline pages. Reported when Offline Model DB is loaded. Reported when at least one page was prefetched in a day, but none opened. User opened at least one prefetched page, but no new pages were prefetched. The pages were both prefetched and opened during the day. Deprecated 2016-08. Page was saved successfully. Page save was cancelled in the interim. Save operation failed because device storage was full. A save operation was called with an invalid archiver. Either something went wrong with the save operation, or the url we saved was different from the one we passed in. The SQL operation to add the page to the offline store failed. A page with this ID already exists. Certain pages like file URL or NTP will not be saved because they're already available offline. Save operation failed because the page resulted in a security certificate error. Save operation failed because an error page (i.e. offline dino page) was detected. Save operation failed because an interstitial page (i.e. page warning of expired certificates or improper dev signatures) was detected. Failed to compute the digest of an archive file. Store was opened for this first time during this session. Store was opened after closing at least once during this session. Store was closed. Store closing was skipped, because it was not opened at the time of closing. Tab was successfully restored while the device was online. Can help assess the potential benefit of allowing loading from offline pages even when the device is online. Tab was successfully restored while the device was online but in a context that wouldn't allow it to be saved as an offline page: not HTTP/HTTPS or in an incognito tab. Tab was successfully restored to a non-last_n offline page while the device was online. This will happen when a tab is specifically loading a downloaded offline page. Tab was successfully restored to a last_n offline page while the device was online. This will only happen if/when loading of last_n pages is allowed in online situations. Tab was successfully restored while the device was offline. The page was most probably loaded from cache without revalidation. Tab was successfully restored while the device was offline but in a context that wouldn't have allowed it to be saved as an offline page: not HTTP/HTTPS or in an incognito tab. This includes tab restores to the NTP or other chrome: pages. Tab was successfully restored to a non-last_n offline page while the device was offline. This will happen when a tab had an associated offline page that was not saved by last_n. Tab was successfully restored to a last_n offline page while the device was offline. Tab failed being restored and an error page was presented. This represents any kind of failure and not only dino pages. The tab's renderer process crashed while it was being restored. Percentage ranges for the ratios of actual downloaded size of a prefetched offline page archive versus its expected size. Error codes representing the reason why a prefetch item was finalized. The entry had gone through the pipeline and successfully completed prefetching. Explicitly setting to 0 as that is the default value for the respective SQLite column. Got too many URLs from suggestions, canceled this one. See kMaxUrlsToSend defined in GeneratePageBundleTask. An error happened while attempting to download the archive file. An error happened while importing the downloaded archive file int the Offline Pages system. Got a failure result from GetOperation (or the GeneratePageBundle metadata). Got a failure result from GetOperation or GeneratePageBundle that a server-side limit on the page was exceeded. Entry became stale while at the NEW_REQUEST state. Entry became stale while at the AWAITING_GCM state. Entry became stale while at the RECEIVED_GCM state. Entry became stale while at the RECEIVED_BUNDLE state. Entry became stale while at the DOWNLOADING state. Entry became stale while at the IMPORTING state. Entry became stale at an unknown state. Exceeding maximum retries for get operation request. Exceeded maximum retries limit for generate page bundle request. Exceeded maximum retries for download. The clock was set backwards too far in time. The importing was not completed probably due to that Chrome was killed before it was done. Error codes representing the reason why a prefetch item was finalized. This must be kept in sync with offline_pages::PrefetchItemState New request just received from the client. The item has been included in a GeneratePageBundle RPC requesting the creation of an archive for its URL. The archive was not immediately available (cached) upon the request and is now waiting for a GCM message notifying of its archiving operation completion. The GCM message notifying of the archiving operation completion was received for this item. A GetOperation RPC was sent for this item to query for the final results of its archiving request. Information was received about a successfully created archive for this item that can now be downloaded. This item's archive is currently being downloaded. The archive has been downloaded, waiting to be imported into offline pages model. The archive is being imported into offline pages model. Item has finished processing, successfully or otherwise, and is waiting to be processed for stats reporting to UMA. UMA stats have been reported and the item is being kept just long enough to confirm that the same URL is not being repeatedly requested by its client. All possible outcomes of an attempt to import a prefetched page archive into the offline page model. Return status of calls to the Offline Page Service. Deprecated 4/2015. Obsolete as of M54 and replaced by OriginTrialTokenStatus. Obsolete as of Chrome 54. Object does not support accessibility attributes Forced crash due to menu item bounds checking failure Forced crash due to view not in a window requiring a window Whitelisted exception for bug 85463. Suspect ImageKit conversions for media browser in open or save panel. Whitelisted exception for bug 316759. Suspect background address detection, field unknown. Whitelisted exception for bug 466076. Suspect background address detection, field unknown. INVALID INVALID Immersive Mechanism + Primary Screen + Shared Spaces + Single Screen AppKit Mechanism + Primary Screen + Shared Spaces + Single Screen INVALID INVALID Immersive Mechanism + Primary Screen + Separate Spaces + Single Screen AppKit Mechanism + Primary Screen + Separate Spaces + Single Screen Immersive Mechanism + Secondary Screen + Shared Spaces + Multiple Screens AppKit Mechanism + Secondary Screen + Shared Spaces + Multiple Screens Immersive Mechanism + Primary Screen + Shared Spaces + Multiple Screens AppKit Mechanism + Primary Screen + Shared Spaces + Multiple Screens Immersive Mechanism + Secondary Screen + Separate Spaces + Multiple Screens AppKit Mechanism + Secondary Screen + Separate Spaces + Multiple Screens Immersive Mechanism + Primary Screen + Separate Spaces + Multiple Screens AppKit Mechanism + Primary Screen + Separate Spaces + Multiple Screens The window entered fullscreen for the browser. The window entered fullscreen for the tab contents. The window entered fullscreen for an extension. The window was fullscreened using the immersive mechanism. The window was fullscreened using the AppKit mechanism, in Presentation Mode. The window was fullscreened using the AppKit mechanism, in Canonical Fullscreen. The fullscreen toolbar is always shown. The fullscreen toolbar only appears when the menubar drops down. The fullscreen toolbar is not visible. The window was located on the primary screen, and there is only a single screen available. The window was located on the primary screen, and there are multiple screens available. The window was located on a secondary screen, and there are multiple screens available. The "Screens Have Separate Spaces" option is unavailable. The "Screens Have Separate Spaces" option is on. The "Screens Have Separate Spaces" option is off. The shared memory region is backed by a POSIX fd. The shared memory region is backed by a Mach memory object. Direction of the overscroll gesture. Scrolled from bottom towards top Scrolled from top towards the bottom Scrolled from right towards left Scrolled from left towards right Type of the overscroll gesture based on direction and source (i.e. touchpad vs. touch screen). Did not scroll Scrolled forward using touchpad Scrolled back using touchpad Scrolled forward using touch screen Scrolled back using touch screen Reloaded using touchpad pull-to-refresh Reloaded using touch screen pull-to-refresh Deprecated 4/27/2016. No longer tracked. Result for PAC script experiment as defined in net/proxy/proxy_resolver_v8_tracing.h Deprecated in favor of {Committed|Provisional|InternalError}LoadEvent Status of PageLoadTimings received from the render process The version of PageSpeed. Values up to 1.6.29.x are in use as of 2013-10-01 while later values may adjust 'a' and/or 'b' arbitrarily. Deprecated as of 9/2013. Experiment to measure control characters in cookies is finished. Success - favicon found in local cache or fetched from server. Received a server error fetching the favicon. The icon service was unavailable. There was nothing in the cache, but we opted out of retrieving from server. Request sent out and a connection error occurred (no valid HTTP response received). Success fetching the favicon from the cache without reaching out to the server. Success fetching the favicon from server. Failed to write the favicon to cache, likely from attempting to add a duplicate. Deprecated as of Chrome 32. See PasswordManagerActionsTakenWithPsl The value is a combination of three different options - what did the password manager do, what did the user do, and was the form submitted (and submitted successfully or not). The meaning of each value can be determined from the values in chrome/browser/password_manager/password_form_manager.h The value is a combination of three different options - what did the password manager do, what did the user do, and was the form submitted (and submitted successfully or not). The meaning of each value can be determined from the values in chrome/browser/password_manager/password_form_manager.h Deprecated as of 3/18/2014. See PasswordManagerActionsTakenV3. The value is a combination of three different options - what did the password manager do, what did the user do, and was the form submitted (and submitted successfully or not). The meaning of each value can be determined from the values in chrome/browser/password_manager/password_form_manager.h The bubble isn't shown anymore. Become obsolete in Feb. 2015. The pair of initial values and the pair of final values for the legacy preference for controlling the Chrome Password Manager and new preference for controlling Smart Lock on Android. In the values label N means new pref value, L meand legacy pref value. The pair of initial values for the legacy preference for controlling the Chrome Password Manager and new preference for controlling Smart Lock on Android. The value indicates whether an entry returned by password autofill contains a value that was found by matching against the public suffix list. The value is a mixed-base encoding of the combination of four attributes: whether there were suppressed stored credentials (and the kind if there were); whether the form got ultimately submitted; what action the password manager performed; and what action the user performed; in this order. The value is a combination of the current sync state and if the user has their sync password saved. Obsolete as of November 2017. Platform data cleared for new profile. Empty platform data cleared for new profile. Failed to clear data for new profile. Failed to open data store. Failed to read from data store. Data could not be parsed. Popular errno values. See the descriptions on "*/*/*" labels for the applicable OS, usually Linux/Mac/Windows. See and for more info. No error Operation not permitted No such file or directory No such process Interrupted function call Input/output error No such device or address Arg list too long Exec format error Bad file descriptor No child processes Try again on Linux. Resource deadlock avoided on Mac. Resource temporarily unavailable on Windows. Cannot allocate memory Permission denied Bad address Not a block device Resource busy File exists Improper link Operation not supported by device Not a directory Is a directory Invalid argument Too many open files in system Too many open files Inappropriate ioctl for device Text file busy File too large Device out of space Illegal seek Read-only file system Too many links Broken pipe Numerical argument out of domain Numerical result out of range Resource deadlock would occur on Linux. Resource temporarily unavailable on Mac. Unknown error on Windows. File name too long on Linux. Operation now in progress on Mac. Resource deadlock avoided on Windows. Level 2 not synchronized on Linux. Operation not supported on Mac. Resource deadlock avoided on Windows. Out of streams resources on Linux. File name too long on Mac. Srmount error on Linux. Disk quota exceeded on Mac. Protocol not supported on Linux. Illegal byte sequence on Mac. Operation not supported on transport endpoint on Linux. Quota exceeeded on Linux. Deprecated 11/2014 in issue 427057. Connected charging ports on Chrome OS, as reported by the kernel. The type of power supply connected to a Chrome OS system, as reported by the kernel. Deprecated March 13 2015. Deprecated March 13 2015. Deprecated Dec 12 2014. deprecated May 10 2012 Deprecated April 2015 Deprecated Nov 16 2012 deprecated Nov 16 2012 deprecated Nov 16 2012 Deprecated April 2015 Defines the result of Add Passes dialog presentation. The presentation can be successful or unsuccessful if another view controller is currently presented. Unsuccessful presentation is a bug and if the number of unsuccessful presentations is high, it means that Chrome has to queue the dialogs to present those dialogs for every downloaded pkpass (PassKit file). Currently Chrome simply ignores the download if the dialog is already presented. The dialog was sucessesfully presented. The dialog cannot be presented, because another PKAddPassesViewController is already presented. The dialog cannot be presented, because another view controller is already presented. Does not include items already counted in the more specific bucket (Another Add Passes View Controller Is Presented). Previews processed but no Previews hints found. Previews processed and Previews hints found. Failed to finish processing same version previously so skipping to avoid potential crash loop. The hash of a lower case process name generated using metrics::HashName. Deprecated 3/2013. No longer generated. The value for type comes from the ProcessType enum in content/public/common/process_type.h. The value for type comes from the ProcessType enum in content/public/common/process_type.h. User arrived at the Account management screen. User arrived at the Account management screen, and clicked Add account. User arrived at the Account management screen, and clicked Go incognito. User arrived at the Account management screen, and clicked on primary. User arrived at the Account management screen, and clicked on secondary. User arrived at the Account management screen, toggled Chrome signout. User toggled Chrome signout, and clicked Signout. User toggled Chrome signout, and clicked Cancel. The user confirmed deletion of a profile from the settings page. This metric is recorded even if profile deletion is cancelled after the confirmation. The user confirmed deletion of a profile from the User Manager. This metric is recorded even if profile deletion is cancelled after the confirmation. The user clicked 'Remove this person' in the user manager and was shown the profile deletion warning. No profile deletion action has been started yet. The user clicked 'Remove...' or the 'X' in the settings page and was shown the profile deletion warning. No profile deletion action has been started yet. The user confirmed the deletion of a profile in either the settings page or the User Manager, but clicked 'Stay' in an OnBeforeUnload dialog. Since the browsing window of the profile was still open, profile deletion was cancelled. User opened the user menu, and clicked lock. User opened the user menu, and removed an account. User opened the user menu, and started adding an account. User opened the user menu, and changed the profile name. User opened the user menu, and started selecting a new profile image. User opened the user menu, and opened the User Manager. User opened the user menu, and selected Go Incognito. Reported when image download succeeds and the image is newer than what we already have so we update it. Reported anytime we download profile image successfully. Download failed because of network errors. We didn't download the image because it's the default one. User views the 'Not You?' bubble. User selects back from within the 'Not You?' bubble. User adds a person from within the 'Not You?' bubble. User chooses to disconnect (sign out) from within the 'Not You?' bubble. User viewed the signin bubble after successfully using the inline signin. User selected ok to dismiss the signin bubble. User opened the settings from the signin bubble. User views the upgrade bubble. User dismissed the upgrade bubble. User selects 'What's New' in the upgrade bubble. User selects 'Not You?' in the upgrade bubble. Deprecated 8/2013. No longer generated. Codes for errors Protector detects about settings it protects. See chrome/browser/protector/histograms.h for the corresponding enum. This should represent the provisional load being stopped by the user, but should not occur pre-PlzNavigate. The provisional load failed with net::ERR_ABORTED. Note that ERR_ABORTED includes downloads, 204s, and other non user-initiated abort conditions ( The provisional load failed with an error other than net::ERR_ABORTED Reason why a provisional save failed. Note that the labeling is off for data recorded before Nov 4, 2014 due to a re-assignment of enum values to different meanings. The type of action performed on the overscroll UI. The user selected the new tab action. The user selected the refresh action. The user selected the close tab action. The user canceled the action by scrolling back up. Superseded by RendererSchedulerFrameType2 as of 11/2017. Deprecated 3/2017. A report was created and uploaded A report was not uploaded because the CSD Whitelist killswitch was present A report was not uploaded because it could not be serialized A report upload was cancelled due to service shutdown A report upload failed The response from a report upload was invalid A report was not uploaded because no binary download was found to report Running in a IPv4-only configuration. No waste. Cache contained an UNSPEC result for this IPv4 lookup. Waste. Cache contained an IPv4 result for this UNSPEC lookup. Waste. Job pool contained an UNSPEC job for this IPv4 lookup. Waste. Job pool contained an IPv4 job for this UNSPEC lookup. Waste. A new job was needed for this IPv4 lookup. No waste. A new job was needed for this UNSPEC lookup. No waste. Removed 10/2017. Removed 9/2016. Bloom filter support deleted in October 2012. Bloom filter support deleted in October 2012. Track information for various error cases in the safe-browsing store. Store corruption detected SQLite store orruption detected (obsolete) SQLite store found (obsolete) Store format unknown at open Deleted SQLite-format store (obsolete) Deletion of SQLite-format store failed (obsolete) Deleted pre-release SQLite store (obsolete) Deletion of pre-release SQLite store failed (obsolete) Failed explicit checksum check on failed update from server Failed checksum check while merging new data into store Failed header checksum check when opening store Store with valid magic number has deprecated version number Deprecated 9/2014. Deprecated 9/2014. Deprecated 9/2012. No longer generated. Fate of an Sdch dictionary, on load and eviction. See net/sdch/ Errors that can occur when reading in or writing out persisted dictionary information. See enum in net/sdch/sdch_owner.h for more information. SDCH problem codes, listed in net/base/sdch_problem_code_list.h Recorded in separate histogram; see Sdch3.DictionaryFate. Recorded in separate histogram; see Sdch3.DictionaryFate. DICTIONARY_PREVIOUSLY_SCHEDULED_TO_DOWNLOAD used instead DICTIONARY_PREVIOUSLY_SCHEDULED_TO_DOWNLOAD used instead Used to indicate a broken false return from URLRequest::Read(); no longer checking that return value. Almost the same as META_REFRESH_UNSUPPORTED Almost the same as CACHED_META_REFRESH_UNSUPPORTED PASSING_THROUGH_NON_SDCH plus DISCARD_TENTATIVE_SDCH Now tracked by ResponseCorruptionDetection.* histograms. No longer centrally tracked, since SDCH is enabled or disabled per URLRequestContext. SDCH support is now always enabled for secure schemes. SDCH decode corruption detection cases, listed in net/filter/ See also comments in SdchFilter::ReadFilteredData in the same file. Deprecated 8/2013. No longer generated. Indices of most popular prepopulated search engines as defined in components/search_engines/search_engine_type.h. The result of ServiceWorkerContextHandler handling a request for a service worker script. From ServiceWorkerContextHandler::CreateJobStatus. Deprecated because the migrator was removed as of 12/2015. Deprecated because the migrator was removed as of 12/2015. The type of preparation that was required for the browser to find and possibly start up a service worker to dispatch a fetch event to. From ServiceWorkerMetrics::WorkerPreparationType. Deprecated as of 07/2017. Replaced by 7 and 8. Deprecated Oct 2015. No longer generated in the code. Deprecated 8/2013. No longer generated. Succesfully opened the database. Failed to open the existing db, deleted it, and created a new empty db. Deprecated 2016/11. Replaced by other "Reopen:" errors. Failed to open the database and also failed to delete and start over. Reopen attempt failed with (not found) after successful database delete. Reopen attempt failed with (not supported) after successful database delete. Reopen attempt failed with (corruption) after successful database delete. Reopen attempt failed with (invalid argument) after successful database delete. Reopen attempt failed with (I/O error) after successful database delete. Deprecated 2016/03. Replaced by DefaultWebClientState. Chrome was set as the default web client. Chrome was already the default web client. This counts as a successful attempt. Chrome was not set as the default web client. The attempt was abandoned because the observer was destroyed. Failed to launch the process to set Chrome as the default web client asynchronously. Another worker is already in progress to make Chrome the default web client. The user initiated another attempt while the asynchronous operation was already in progress. No errors were encountered yet Chrome is still not the default web client. A change to the protocol registry key was detected. The timer fired before a change to the protocol registry key was detected. A collection of sections from chrome://settings. Used for metrics about searching within the settings options. Whether or not SHA-1 was present in a certificate chain and, if it was, when the leaf certificate expired. The GPU's Direct3D shader model version. The shared memory region was successfully created. Failure because the size was zero. Failure because the size was too large. Failure to initialize an ACL. Failure to initialize the security descriptor. Failure to set the security descriptor. Failure to create the file mapping. Failure to reduce the permissions on the file mapping. The shared memory region already exists. The alignment of the shelf area (see ash/launcher/ The termination/suspend/dark resume action result types come from SuspendActionResult in shill/metrics.h Specifies the reason why the web-accessible resource check in ShouldAllowOpenURL fails. The reason that the Chrome OS power manager shut down or rebooted the system. Invalid value. The last browser window was closed. User clicked on the Exit menu item. OS is logging off or shutting down. The account reconcilor has finished running and is up-to-date. The account reconcilor is running and gathering informations. The account reconcilor has encountered an error and stopped. Signout including the Chrome primary account. Signout not including the Chrome primary accounts. Enable Sync after signin. Failed with Gaia error. The signin flow was shown to the user. The user pressed accept to sign in. The user pressed the reject to sign in. The user pressed the X button to dismiss the signin promo. The user completely ignored the signin promo. Either they navigated away, or they used the page as is. The user clicked on the learn more link in the signin promo. The sync was started with default settings. The sync was started with advanced settings. The sync was started through auto-accept with default settings. The sync was started through auto-accept with advanced settings. The sync was aborted with an undo button. The preference or policy controlling if signin is valid has changed. The valid username pattern for signing in to the Google service changed. The preference or policy controlling if signin is valid changed during the signin process. User clicked to signout. The signin process was aborted, but signin had succeeded, so signout. This may be due to a server response, policy definition or user action. The sync server caused the profile to be signed out. The credentials are being transfered to a new profile, so the old one is signed out. Signed out because credentials are invalid and force-sign-in is enabled. User turned off sync from the Desktop Identity Consistency internals UI. The user is eligible for the promo. The profile has previously opted out of the promo. The profile is already signed in. The profile does not have a single, peristent GAIA cookie. Yet to determine how many devices the user has. An error was returned trying to determine the account's devices. The call to get device activity was throttled, and never executed. The user has no devices. The user has no device that was recently active. The promo was initialized successfully. The profile is opted out, so the promo didn't initialize. Unable to read the variations configuration. SPDY protocol version identifier, including major and minor protocol numbers, and draft versions where appropriate. Legacy error codes still returned by |ShFileOperation()| Error codes returned by SQLite - see sqlite3.h Successful result SQL error or missing database NOT USED. Internal logic error in SQLite Access permission denied Callback routine requested an abort The database file is locked A table in the database is locked A malloc() failed Attempt to write a readonly database Operation terminated by sqlite3_interrupt() Some kind of disk I/O error occurred The database disk image is malformed NOT USED. Table or record not found Insertion failed because database is full Unable to open the database file NOT USED. Database lock protocol error Database is empty The database schema changed String or BLOB exceeds size limit Abort due to contraint violation Data type mismatch Library used incorrectly Uses OS features not supported on host Authorization denied Auxiliary database format error 2nd parameter to sqlite3_bind() out of range File opened that is not a database file Notifications from sqlite3_log() Warnings from sqlite3_log() sqlite3_step() has another row ready sqlite3_step() has finished executing TBD TBD TBD Error reading from file TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Short read from file Database file is directory TBD TBD Cannot rollback due to readonly file Error writing to file (other than SQLITE_FULL) TBD Constraint failure due to foreign key violation Readonly because database file was moved or unlinked while open Error syncing to disk TBD TBD Error syncing directory changes to disk NOTNULL constraint violated Error truncating file Primary key not unique Error reading file metadata Constraint failed due to trigger raise Error unlocking file Unique constraint failed Error getting read lock - should not be possible TBD Error deleting file Rowid not unique Deadlock due to other process access to SQLite files Error mapping shared memory Error getting file attributes (other than not found) Error while querying lock status Error acquiring lock Error closing file Unused Error mmapping file Error in stat while mmapping file Unused TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Replaced 5/14/2013 by expanded Sqlite.Error histogram. Extended error codes returned by SQLite - see sqlite3.h No extended code given Error reading from file Short read from file Error writing to file (other than SQLITE_FULL) Error syncing to disk Error syncing directory changes to disk Error truncating file Error reading file metadata Error unlocking file Error getting read lock - should not be possible Error deleting file Deadlock due to other process access to SQLite files Error mapping shared memory Error getting file attributes (other than not found) Error while querying lock status Error acquiring lock Error closing file Unused Error mmapping file Error in stat while mmapping file Unused Track successful completion or failure of sql::Recovery implementation. sql::Recovery::Init() (helper for Begin()) completely successfully. Failed to open temporary database to recover into. Failed to initialize recover vtable subsystem for connection. USE_SYSTEM_SQLITE in force, recovery virtual table not available. Failed to enable writable_schema. Failed to attach corrupt database to recovery database. sql::Recovery::Backup() (helper for Recovered()) completely successfully. Failed sqlite3_backup_init(). Error code in Sqlite.RecoveryHandle. Failed sqlite3_backup_step(). Error code in Sqlite.RecoveryStep. sql::Recovery::AutoRecoverTable() completed successfully. Failed sqlite3_backup_step(). Error code in Sqlite.RecoveryStep. AutoRecoverTable() could not find the target table. AutoRecoverTable() failed creating recovery vtable. AutoRecoverTable() failed copying data from recovery to target table. AutoRecoverTable() failed to drop recovery table. sql::Recovery::SetupMeta() completed successfully. SetupMeta() failed to create meta recovery table. GetMetaVersionNumber() found no version row in meta table. GetMetaVersionNumber() failed querying recovery meta table. GetMetaVersionNumber() found no version row in meta table. sql::Recovery::RecoverDatabaseOrRaze() completed successfully. Autorecover could not setup the database for recovery attempt. Autorecover could not read corrupt db schema. Autorecover could not create new db schema. Autorecover could not read table names from corrupt db. Autorecover failed when recovering a table. Autorecover failed when recovering sequence table. Autorecover failed when recovering triggers, views, or virtual tables. Autorecover failed setup with NOTADB, then failed deleting the db. Autorecover failed setup with NOTADB, then failed to re-open the db after deleting it. Autorecover failed setup with NOTADB, then failed to query the db after deleting it. Autorecover failed setup with NOTADB, then successfully deleted the unrecoverable db and verified that it now works. Autorecover failed because required version information was missing from the [meta] table. Count statements initiated by Step(), Run(), or Execute*(). Count steps which returned SQLITE_ROW. Count statements which ran to completion with no errors. Count calls to Execute*(). Count rows changed without an explicit transaction. Count rows changed in an explicit transaction. Explicit transactions begun. Explicit transactions committed. Explicit transactions rolled back. No meta table in mmap probe. Failed to read meta table in mmap probe. Failed to update meta table in mmap probe. Failed to access SQLite vfs in mmap probe. Found cached failure status in mmap probe. Error while reading database in mmap probe. Successfully read to end of database in mmap probe. Successfully read some of database in mmap probe. Exhausted read quota in mmap probe. Failed to read status view in mmap probe. Failed to update status view in mmap probe. Sqlite database version deprecation status Database has tables, but no meta table. Failure figuring out if database has tables. Failed querying meta table. No version row in meta table. Raze succeeded. Raze failed. I/O events from browser-process SQLite VFS wrapper. Calls to xOpen(). Calls to xDelete(). Calls to xAccess(). Calls to xFullPath(). Calls to xClose(). Calls to xRead(). Calls to xWrite(). Calls to xTruncate(). Calls to xSync(). Calls to xFileSize(). Calls to xFetch(). Deprecated as of 2017-11-01. Replaced with SoftwareReporterPromptDialogResponse. The results of comparing the built-in list of known Windows roots against programatically detecting the built-in status. Not detected as from AuthRoot, nor built-in (BUILT_IN_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND_BUILTIN_NOT_SET) Not detected as from AuthRoot, but built-in (BUILT_IN_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND_BUILTIN_SET) Detected as from AuthRoot, but not built-in (BUILT_IN_PROPERTY_FOUND_BUILTIN_NOT_SET) Detected as from AuthRoot and also built-in (BUILT_IN_PROPERTY_FOUND_BUILTIN_SET) This is a subset of CAPTIVE_PORTAL_DETECTION_ENABLED (bucket 1), the only difference is that it is for overridable errors. Was the captive portal probe completed before the interstitial was closed? Captive Portal won't be detected unless ::Observe is triggered which might be a few seconds later. This is a subset of CAPTIVE_PORTAL_PROBE_COMPLETED (bucket 3), the only difference is that it is for overridable errors. This is a subset of CAPTIVE_PORTAL_DETECTED (bucket 7), the only difference is that it is for overridable errors. SSL/TLS cipher suites from the IANA registry This cause is recorded if the SSL error is CERT_DATE_INVALID and Chrome had reason to believe that the system clock was behind. Methods of detecting clock inaccuracy have changed over time. This cause is recorded if the SSL error is CERT_DATE_INVALID and Chrome had reason to believe that the system clock was behind. Methods of detecting clock inaccuracy have changed over time. (Deprecated in favor of WWW_SUBDOMAIN_MATCH2) (Deprecated in favor of SUBDOMAIN_MATCH2) (Deprecated in favor of SUBDOMAIN_INVERSE_MATCH2) (Deprecated in favor of SUBDOMAIN_OUTSIDE_WILDCARD2) This cause is recorded only for CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID errors. (Deprecated in favor of LIKELY_MULTI_TENANT_HOSTING2) This cause is recorded only for CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID errors. This cause is recorded only for CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID errors. The user did not receive a certificate signed by a valid CA. This cause is recorded only for CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID errors. (Deprecated in M47.) This cause is recorded only for CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID errors. (Deprecated in favor of LIKELY_SAME_DOMAIN2) This case is recorded if the SSL error is CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error and the certificate does not specify any DNS names in a SubjectAltName extension. (Chrome 58 deprecated matching hostnames to the SubjectCN Field.) This cause is recorded if the SSL error is CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID and the hostname differs from one of the DNS names in the certificate (SANs) only by the presence or absence of the single-label prefix "www". This case is not recorded if the host name is not a known TLD. This cause is recorded if the SSL error is CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID, the URL hostname is a subdomain of a DNS name in the certificate, and the difference between the URL and the DNS name is not "www". This case is not recorded if the host name is not a known TLD. This cause is recorded if the SSL error is CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID, a DNS name in the certificate is a subdomain of the URL hostname, and the difference between the DNS name and the URL is not "www". This case is not recorded if the host name is not a known TLD. This cause is recorded only if the SSL error is CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID, we have received a wildcard certificate and the scope of a wildcard certificate is too narrow for the hostname. This case is not recorded if the host name is not a known TLD. This cause is recorded only for CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID errors where the certificate contains numerous unrelated DNS names. This case is not recorded if the host name is not a known TLD. This case is recorded if the SSL error is CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error and the hostname in request URL has the same domain (effective TLD + 1 label) as a SubjectAltName in the certificate. This case is not recorded if the host name is not a known TLD. Removed June 2016. Removed June 2016. As of M40, this now also includes dotless domains. As of M40, this now also includes dotless domains. Type of Answer shown in omnibox suggestion list. Link; Allowed as safe Typed URL; Allowed as safe Bookmark; Allowed as safe Subframe navigation; Allowed as safe Manual subframe navigation; Allowed as safe Generated from Omnibox; Allowed as safe Automatic toplevel navigation; Allowed as safe Form submission; Allowed as safe Reload; Allowed as safe Omnibox keyword; Allowed as safe URL generated from Omnibox keyword; Allowed as safe Other navigation; Allowed as safe Link; Allowed by default (safety state unknown) Typed URL; Allowed by default (safety state unknown) Bookmark; Allowed by default (safety state unknown) Subframe navigation; Allowed by default (safety state unknown) Manual subframe navigation; Allowed by default (safety state unknown) Generated from Omnibox; Allowed by default (safety state unknown) Automatic toplevel navigation; Allowed by default (safety state unknown) Form submission; Allowed by default (safety state unknown) Reload; Allowed by default (safety state unknown) Omnibox keyword; Allowed by default (safety state unknown) URL generated from Omnibox keyword; Allowed by default (safety state unknown) Other navigation; Allowed by default (safety state unknown) Link; Blocked by static blacklist Typed URL; Blocked by static blacklist Bookmark; Blocked by static blacklist Subframe navigation; Blocked by static blacklist Manual subframe navigation; Blocked by static blacklist Generated from Omnibox; Blocked by static blacklist Automatic toplevel navigation; Blocked by static blacklist Form submission; Blocked by static blacklist Reload; Blocked by static blacklist Omnibox keyword; Blocked by static blacklist URL generated from Omnibox keyword; Blocked by static blacklist Other navigation; Blocked by static blacklist Link; Blocked by SafeSites Typed URL; Blocked by SafeSites Bookmark; Blocked by SafeSites Subframe navigation; Blocked by SafeSites Manual subframe navigation; Blocked by SafeSites Generated from Omnibox; Blocked by SafeSites Automatic toplevel navigation; Blocked by SafeSites Form submission; Blocked by SafeSites Reload; Blocked by SafeSites Omnibox keyword; Blocked by SafeSites URL generated from Omnibox keyword; Blocked by SafeSites Other navigation; Blocked by SafeSites Link; Blocked by manual exception Typed URL; Blocked by manual exception Bookmark; Blocked by manual exception Subframe navigation; Blocked by manual exception Manual subframe navigation; Blocked by manual exception Generated from Omnibox; Blocked by manual exception Automatic toplevel navigation; Blocked by manual exception Form submission; Blocked by manual exception Reload; Blocked by manual exception Omnibox keyword; Blocked by manual exception URL generated from Omnibox keyword; Blocked by manual exception Other navigation; Blocked by manual exception Link; Blocked by global settings Typed URL; Blocked by global settings Bookmark; Blocked by global settings Subframe navigation; Blocked by global settings Manual subframe navigation; Blocked by global settings Generated from Omnibox; Blocked by global settings Automatic toplevel navigation; Blocked by global settings Form submission; Blocked by global settings Reload; Blocked by global settings Omnibox keyword; Blocked by global settings URL generated from Omnibox keyword; Blocked by global settings Other navigation; Blocked by global settings Link; Allowed by whitelist Typed URL; Allowed by whitelist Bookmark; Allowed by whitelist Subframe navigation; Allowed by whitelist Manual subframe navigation; Allowed by whitelist Generated from Omnibox; Allowed by whitelist Automatic toplevel navigation; Allowed by whitelist Form submission; Allowed by whitelist Reload; Allowed by whitelist Omnibox keyword; Allowed by whitelist URL generated from Omnibox keyword; Allowed by whitelist Other navigation; Allowed by whitelist The state of the local bookmark model version compared to Sync. Corresponds to NativeModelSyncState in bookmark_model_associator.h. Sync data type configure results. The codes are listed in data_type_controller.h with more details. Sync conflict resolutions. The codes are listed in conflict_resolution.h, and correspond to all the different ways a sync conflict can be resolved. Possible outcomes of an attempt to load the sync directory. Possible events that delete a synced search engine. Possible errors that can trigger a sync error infobar. Sync UI events. The codes are listed in profile_syncer_service.h with more details. Maps to values in sync_pb::ClientToServerMessage_Contents. Sync simple conflict resolutions. The codes are listed in conflict_resolver.h, and correspond to the different methods we have for resolving simple sync conflicts. Sync data type start results. The codes are listed in data_type_controller.h with more details. Reasons for sync unrecoverable errors. Deprecated and removed from code as of 01/2016. Deprecated as of 04/2014. Deprecated as of 04/2014. Return status values from GetTerminationStatus as defined in base/process/kill.h enum TerminationStatus. The last couple enums are different depending on the platform. TERMINATION_STATUS_NORMAL_TERMINATION TERMINATION_STATUS_ABNORMAL_TERMINATION TERMINATION_STATUS_PROCESS_WAS_KILLED TERMINATION_STATUS_PROCESS_CRASHED TERMINATION_STATUS_STILL_RUNNING TERMINATION_STATUS_PROCESS_WAS_KILLED_BY_OOM on ChromeOS, TERMINATION_STATUS_OOM_PROTECTED on Android, TERMINATION_STATUS_LAUNCH_FAILED everywhere else TERMINATION_STATUS_LAUNCH_FAILED on ChromeOS and Android, TERMINATION_STATUS_OOM everywhere else TERMINATION_STATUS_OOM on ChromeOS and Android This value has been deprecated and replaced by EPHEMERAL_MATCH and EPHEMERAL_MISMATCH. This value has been deprecated and replaced by PERSISTENT_MATCH and PERSISTENT_MISMATCH. No touchpad detected on a device without built-in touchpad External touchpad detected on a device without built-in touchpad Built-in touchpad not detected at boot time on a device with built-in touchpad (touchpad failure at boot time) Built-in touchpad detected at boot time on a device with built-in touchpad Built-in touchpad not detected at resume time on a device with built-in touchpad (touchpad failure at resume time) Built-in touchpad detected at resume time on a device with built-in touchpad All observed input events from touchpad. Serves as a reference. The touchpad noise events (e.g. abrupt cursor jumps) caused by the noisy ground. The level provided by Android's ComponentCallbacks2.onTrimMemory(). The certificate is valid and the same as seen before or the first time we see a certificate. The certificate is valid, but is different than a previously seen certificate for the selected server. The certificate validation failed. Deprecated 02/2017 in Issue 675840. The compilation produced a code cache The compilation hit V8's isolate's compilation cache when Blink did not request a code cache The compilation consumed a code cache The compilation tried to consume a code cache, but failed (see V8.CodeCacheRejectReason) Blink did not request a code cache because this is an inline script Blink did not request a code cache because this script is too small Blink did not request a code cache because the cached resource is too cold Blink did not request a code cache but gave no reason Blink did not request a code cache because there is no resource Blink did not request a code cache because the script came from the inspector Blink did not request a code cache because caching is disabled Blink did not request a code cache because the script is a module Blink did not request a code cache because this is a streaming source Blink did not request a code cache because it is compiling a V8 extension The compilation hit V8's isolate's compilation cache and produced a code cache The compilation hit V8's isolate's compilation cache instead of consuming a code cache Blink did not request a code cache because it is compiling a module for an extension Blink did not request a code cache because it is compiling a PAC script Blink did not request a code cache because it is compiling a script created by document.write Blink did not request a code cache because it has a script resource without a cache handler Reject due to magic number mismatch Reject due to version hash mismatch Reject due to source hash mismatch Reject due to CPU features mismatch Reject due to flags hash mismatch Reject due to checksum mismatch Invalid header Debugger has been active Debugger has been used to set break points Debugger has been used to step through Javascript code Heap profiler has been used to take heap snapshots Heap profiler has been used to track allocations Cpu profiler has been used to profile execution LiveEdit has been used to replace Javascript code on-the-fly Load succeeded Failure to open snapshot file Failed to map snapshot Failed to verify snapshot Opened without issue Opened after one or more retries Failed because file in use Failed for other reason The result of NIC wake on WiFi settings verification. Corresponds to VerifyWakeOnWiFiSettingsResult in shill/metrics.h An operation was attempted during an incompatible decoder state. Invalid argument was passed to an API method. Encoded input is unreadable. A failure occurred at the browser layer or lower. Examples of such failures include GPU hardware failures, GPU driver failures, GPU library failures, browser programming errors, and so on. Deprecated as of 05/2015. Substituted by VideoFramePixelFormat. Deprecated as of 08/2015. Substituted by VideoPixelFormatUnion. Deprecated as of 05/2015. Substituted by VideoFormat. The wake on WiFi features enabled in shill, which come from WakeOnWiFiFeaturesEnabledState in shill/metrics.h Whether or not wake on WiFi was disabled during suspend because of excessive dark resume wakes. Corresponds to WakeOnWiFiThrottled in shill/metrics.h Deprecated as of 8/2017 Deprecated as of 8/2017. The display mode of a web app (as defined in the Web App Manifest spec). Removed from code Jan 2018. Failed Succeeded Timed out Incomplete Connected Failed A frame is loaded without any X-Frame-Options header. X-Frame-Options: DENY. X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN. The navigation proceeds and every ancestor has the same origin. X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN. The navigation is blocked because the top-frame doesn't have the same origin. X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN. The navigation proceeds despite the fact that there is an ancestor that doesn't have the same origin. X-Frame-Options: ALLOWALL. Invalid "X-Frame-Options" directive encountered. The frame sets multiple "X-Frame-Options" header with conflicting values. The "frame-ancestors" CSP directive should take effect instead. Embed was properly rewritten. Embed was rewritten but the params had to be fixed. Embed was rewritten even though JS API was enabled (Android only). Embed was not rewritten because JS API was enabled. URL can be currently sent to the suggest server. URL cannot be sent to the suggest server but another URL would be eligible at this time. No URL can be sent to the suggest server at this time.