// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include #include #include "base/command_line.h" #include "tools/gn/args.h" #include "tools/gn/commands.h" #include "tools/gn/err.h" #include "tools/gn/functions.h" #include "tools/gn/input_conversion.h" #include "tools/gn/label.h" #include "tools/gn/label_pattern.h" #include "tools/gn/ninja_build_writer.h" #include "tools/gn/parser.h" #include "tools/gn/runtime_deps.h" #include "tools/gn/setup.h" #include "tools/gn/standard_out.h" #include "tools/gn/string_utils.h" #include "tools/gn/substitution_writer.h" #include "tools/gn/switches.h" #include "tools/gn/target.h" #include "tools/gn/variables.h" namespace commands { namespace { void PrintToplevelHelp() { OutputString("Commands (type \"gn help \" for more details):\n"); for (const auto& cmd : commands::GetCommands()) PrintShortHelp(cmd.second.help_short); // Target declarations. OutputString("\nTarget declarations (type \"gn help \" for more " "details):\n"); for (const auto& func : functions::GetFunctions()) { if (func.second.is_target) PrintShortHelp(func.second.help_short); } // Functions. OutputString("\nBuildfile functions (type \"gn help \" for more " "details):\n"); for (const auto& func : functions::GetFunctions()) { if (!func.second.is_target) PrintShortHelp(func.second.help_short); } // Built-in variables. OutputString("\nBuilt-in predefined variables (type \"gn help \" " "for more details):\n"); for (const auto& builtin : variables::GetBuiltinVariables()) PrintShortHelp(builtin.second.help_short); // Target variables. OutputString("\nVariables you set in targets (type \"gn help \" " "for more details):\n"); for (const auto& target : variables::GetTargetVariables()) PrintShortHelp(target.second.help_short); OutputString("\nOther help topics:\n"); PrintShortHelp("all: Print all the help at once"); PrintShortHelp("buildargs: How build arguments work."); PrintShortHelp("dotfile: Info about the toplevel .gn file."); PrintShortHelp("execution: Build graph and execution overview."); PrintShortHelp("grammar: Language and grammar for GN build files."); PrintShortHelp( "input_conversion: Processing input from exec_script and read_file."); PrintShortHelp("label_pattern: Matching more than one label."); PrintShortHelp("labels: About labels."); PrintShortHelp("ninja_rules: How Ninja build rules are named."); PrintShortHelp("nogncheck: Annotating includes for checking."); PrintShortHelp("runtime_deps: How runtime dependency computation works."); PrintShortHelp("source_expansion: Map sources to outputs for scripts."); PrintShortHelp("switches: Show available command-line switches."); } void PrintSwitchHelp() { const base::CommandLine* cmdline = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); bool use_markdown = cmdline->HasSwitch(switches::kMarkdown); OutputString("Available global switches\n", DECORATION_YELLOW); OutputString( " Do \"gn help --the_switch_you_want_help_on\" for more. Individual\n" " commands may take command-specific switches not listed here. See the\n" " help on your specific command for more.\n\n"); if (use_markdown) OutputString("```\n\n", DECORATION_NONE); for (const auto& s : switches::GetSwitches()) PrintShortHelp(s.second.short_help); if (use_markdown) OutputString("\n```\n", DECORATION_NONE); } void PrintAllHelp() { const base::CommandLine* cmdline = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); if (cmdline->HasSwitch(switches::kMarkdown)) { OutputString("# GN Reference\n\n"); // TODO: https://code.google.com/p/gitiles/issues/detail?id=75 // Gitiles crashes when rendering the table of contents, so we must omit // it until the bug is fixed. // OutputString("[TOC]\n\n"); OutputString("*This page is automatically generated from* " "`gn help --markdown all`.\n\n"); } else { PrintToplevelHelp(); } for (const auto& s : switches::GetSwitches()) PrintLongHelp(s.second.long_help); for (const auto& c: commands::GetCommands()) PrintLongHelp(c.second.help); for (const auto& f: functions::GetFunctions()) PrintLongHelp(f.second.help); for (const auto& v: variables::GetBuiltinVariables()) PrintLongHelp(v.second.help); for (const auto& v: variables::GetTargetVariables()) PrintLongHelp(v.second.help); PrintLongHelp(kBuildArgs_Help); PrintLongHelp(kDotfile_Help); PrintLongHelp(kExecution_Help); PrintLongHelp(kGrammar_Help); PrintLongHelp(kInputConversion_Help); PrintLongHelp(kLabelPattern_Help); PrintLongHelp(kLabels_Help); PrintLongHelp(kNinjaRules_Help); PrintLongHelp(kNoGnCheck_Help); PrintLongHelp(kRuntimeDeps_Help); PrintLongHelp(kSourceExpansion_Help); PrintSwitchHelp(); } // Prints help on the given switch. There should be no leading hyphens. Returns // true if the switch was found and help was printed. False means the switch is // unknown. bool PrintHelpOnSwitch(const std::string& what) { const switches::SwitchInfoMap& all = switches::GetSwitches(); switches::SwitchInfoMap::const_iterator found = all.find(base::StringPiece(what)); if (found == all.end()) return false; PrintLongHelp(found->second.long_help); return true; } } // namespace const char kHelp[] = "help"; const char kHelp_HelpShort[] = "help: Does what you think."; const char kHelp_Help[] = R"(gn help Yo dawg, I heard you like help on your help so I put help on the help in the help. You can also use "all" as the parameter to get all help at once. Switches --markdown Format output in markdown syntax. Example gn help --markdown all Dump all help to stdout in markdown format. )"; int RunHelp(const std::vector& args) { std::string what; if (args.size() == 0) { // If no argument is specified, check for switches to allow things like // "gn help --args" for help on the args switch. const base::CommandLine::SwitchMap& switches = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->GetSwitches(); if (switches.empty()) { // Still nothing, show help overview. PrintToplevelHelp(); return 0; } // Switch help needs to be done separately. The CommandLine will strip the // switch separators so --args will come out as "args" which is then // ambiguous with the variable named "args". if (!PrintHelpOnSwitch(switches.begin()->first)) PrintToplevelHelp(); return 0; } else { what = args[0]; } std::vector all_help_topics; // Check commands. const commands::CommandInfoMap& command_map = commands::GetCommands(); auto found_command = command_map.find(what); if (found_command != command_map.end()) { PrintLongHelp(found_command->second.help); return 0; } for (const auto& entry : command_map) all_help_topics.push_back(entry.first); // Check functions. const functions::FunctionInfoMap& function_map = functions::GetFunctions(); auto found_function = function_map.find(what); if (found_function != function_map.end()) { PrintLongHelp(found_function->second.help); return 0; } for (const auto& entry : function_map) all_help_topics.push_back(entry.first); // Builtin variables. const variables::VariableInfoMap& builtin_vars = variables::GetBuiltinVariables(); auto found_builtin_var = builtin_vars.find(what); if (found_builtin_var != builtin_vars.end()) { PrintLongHelp(found_builtin_var->second.help); return 0; } for (const auto& entry : builtin_vars) all_help_topics.push_back(entry.first); // Target variables. const variables::VariableInfoMap& target_vars = variables::GetTargetVariables(); auto found_target_var = target_vars.find(what); if (found_target_var != target_vars.end()) { PrintLongHelp(found_target_var->second.help); return 0; } for (const auto& entry : target_vars) all_help_topics.push_back(entry.first); // Random other topics. std::map random_topics; random_topics["all"] = PrintAllHelp; random_topics["execution"] = []() { PrintLongHelp(kExecution_Help); }; random_topics["buildargs"] = []() { PrintLongHelp(kBuildArgs_Help); }; random_topics["dotfile"] = []() { PrintLongHelp(kDotfile_Help); }; random_topics["grammar"] = []() { PrintLongHelp(kGrammar_Help); }; random_topics["input_conversion"] = []() { PrintLongHelp(kInputConversion_Help); }; random_topics["label_pattern"] = []() { PrintLongHelp(kLabelPattern_Help); }; random_topics["labels"] = []() { PrintLongHelp(kLabels_Help); }; random_topics["ninja_rules"] = []() { PrintLongHelp(kNinjaRules_Help); }; random_topics["nogncheck"] = []() { PrintLongHelp(kNoGnCheck_Help); }; random_topics["runtime_deps"] = []() { PrintLongHelp(kRuntimeDeps_Help); }; random_topics["source_expansion"] = []() { PrintLongHelp(kSourceExpansion_Help); }; random_topics["switches"] = PrintSwitchHelp; auto found_random_topic = random_topics.find(what); if (found_random_topic != random_topics.end()) { found_random_topic->second(); return 0; } for (const auto& entry : random_topics) all_help_topics.push_back(entry.first); // No help on this. Err(Location(), "No help on \"" + what + "\".").PrintToStdout(); base::StringPiece suggestion = SpellcheckString(what, all_help_topics); if (suggestion.empty()) { OutputString("Run `gn help` for a list of available topics.\n", DECORATION_NONE); } else { OutputString("Did you mean `gn help " + suggestion.as_string() + "`?\n", DECORATION_NONE); } return 1; } } // namespace commands