#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import BaseHTTPServer import certutils import collections import errno import logging import socket import SocketServer import ssl import sys import time import urlparse import daemonserver import httparchive import platformsettings import proxyshaper import sslproxy def _HandleSSLCertificateError(): """ This method is intended to be called from BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.handle_error(). """ exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() if isinstance(exc_value, ssl.SSLError): return raise class HttpProxyError(Exception): """Module catch-all error.""" pass class HttpProxyServerError(HttpProxyError): """Raised for errors like 'Address already in use'.""" pass class HttpArchiveHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): protocol_version = 'HTTP/1.1' # override BaseHTTPServer setting # Since we do lots of small wfile.write() calls, turn on buffering. wbufsize = -1 # override StreamRequestHandler (a base class) setting def setup(self): """Override StreamRequestHandler method.""" BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.setup(self) if self.server.traffic_shaping_up_bps: self.rfile = proxyshaper.RateLimitedFile( self.server.get_active_request_count, self.rfile, self.server.traffic_shaping_up_bps) if self.server.traffic_shaping_down_bps: self.wfile = proxyshaper.RateLimitedFile( self.server.get_active_request_count, self.wfile, self.server.traffic_shaping_down_bps) # Make request handler logging match our logging format. def log_request(self, code='-', size='-'): pass def log_error(self, format, *args): # pylint:disable=redefined-builtin logging.error(format, *args) def log_message(self, format, *args): # pylint:disable=redefined-builtin logging.info(format, *args) def read_request_body(self): request_body = None length = int(self.headers.get('content-length', 0)) or None if length: request_body = self.rfile.read(length) return request_body def get_header_dict(self): return dict(self.headers.items()) def get_archived_http_request(self): host = self.headers.get('host') if host is None: logging.error('Request without host header') return None parsed = urlparse.urlparse(self.path) params = ';%s' % parsed.params if parsed.params else '' query = '?%s' % parsed.query if parsed.query else '' fragment = '#%s' % parsed.fragment if parsed.fragment else '' full_path = '%s%s%s%s' % (parsed.path, params, query, fragment) StubRequest = collections.namedtuple('StubRequest', ('host', 'full_path')) request, response = StubRequest(host, full_path), None self.server.log_url(request, response) return httparchive.ArchivedHttpRequest( self.command, host, full_path, self.read_request_body(), self.get_header_dict(), self.server.is_ssl) def send_archived_http_response(self, response): try: # We need to set the server name before we start the response. is_chunked = response.is_chunked() has_content_length = response.get_header('content-length') is not None self.server_version = response.get_header('server', 'WebPageReplay') self.sys_version = '' if response.version == 10: self.protocol_version = 'HTTP/1.0' # If we don't have chunked encoding and there is no content length, # we need to manually compute the content-length. if not is_chunked and not has_content_length: content_length = sum(len(c) for c in response.response_data) response.headers.append(('content-length', str(content_length))) is_replay = not self.server.http_archive_fetch.is_record_mode if is_replay and self.server.traffic_shaping_delay_ms: logging.debug('Using round trip delay: %sms', self.server.traffic_shaping_delay_ms) time.sleep(self.server.traffic_shaping_delay_ms / 1000.0) if is_replay and self.server.use_delays: logging.debug('Using delays (ms): %s', response.delays) time.sleep(response.delays['headers'] / 1000.0) delays = response.delays['data'] else: delays = [0] * len(response.response_data) self.send_response(response.status, response.reason) # TODO(mbelshe): This is lame - each write is a packet! for header, value in response.headers: if header in ('last-modified', 'expires'): self.send_header(header, response.update_date(value)) elif header not in ('date', 'server'): self.send_header(header, value) self.end_headers() for chunk, delay in zip(response.response_data, delays): if delay: self.wfile.flush() time.sleep(delay / 1000.0) if is_chunked: # Write chunk length (hex) and data (e.g. "A\r\nTESSELATED\r\n"). self.wfile.write('%x\r\n%s\r\n' % (len(chunk), chunk)) else: self.wfile.write(chunk) if is_chunked: self.wfile.write('0\r\n\r\n') # write final, zero-length chunk. self.wfile.flush() # TODO(mbelshe): This connection close doesn't seem to work. if response.version == 10: self.close_connection = 1 except Exception, e: logging.error('Error sending response for %s%s: %s', self.headers['host'], self.path, e) def handle_one_request(self): """Handle a single HTTP request. This method overrides a method from BaseHTTPRequestHandler. When this method returns, it must leave self.close_connection in the correct state. If this method raises an exception, the state of self.close_connection doesn't matter. """ try: self.raw_requestline = self.rfile.readline(65537) self.do_parse_and_handle_one_request() except socket.timeout, e: # A read or a write timed out. Discard this connection self.log_error('Request timed out: %r', e) self.close_connection = 1 return except ssl.SSLError: # There is insufficient information passed up the stack from OpenSSL to # determine the true cause of the SSL error. This almost always happens # because the client refuses to accept the self-signed certs of # WebPageReplay. self.close_connection = 1 return except socket.error, e: # Connection reset errors happen all the time due to the browser closing # without terminating the connection properly. They can be safely # ignored. if e[0] == errno.ECONNRESET: self.close_connection = 1 return raise def do_parse_and_handle_one_request(self): start_time = time.time() self.server.num_active_requests += 1 request = None try: if len(self.raw_requestline) > 65536: self.requestline = '' self.request_version = '' self.command = '' self.send_error(414) self.close_connection = 0 return if not self.raw_requestline: # This indicates that the socket has been closed by the client. self.close_connection = 1 return # self.parse_request() sets self.close_connection. There is no need to # set the property after the method is executed, unless custom behavior # is desired. if not self.parse_request(): # An error code has been sent, just exit. return try: response = None request = self.get_archived_http_request() if request is None: self.send_error(500) return response = self.server.custom_handlers.handle(request) if not response: response = self.server.http_archive_fetch(request) if response: self.send_archived_http_response(response) else: self.send_error(404) finally: self.wfile.flush() # Actually send the response if not already done. finally: request_time_ms = (time.time() - start_time) * 1000.0 self.server.total_request_time += request_time_ms if request: if response: logging.debug('Served: %s (%dms)', request, request_time_ms) else: logging.warning('Failed to find response for: %s (%dms)', request, request_time_ms) self.server.num_active_requests -= 1 def send_error(self, status, body=None): """Override the default send error with a version that doesn't unnecessarily close the connection. """ response = httparchive.create_response(status, body=body) self.send_archived_http_response(response) class HttpProxyServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer, daemonserver.DaemonServer): HANDLER = HttpArchiveHandler # Increase the request queue size. The default value, 5, is set in # SocketServer.TCPServer (the parent of BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer). # Since we're intercepting many domains through this single server, # it is quite possible to get more than 5 concurrent requests. request_queue_size = 256 # The number of simultaneous connections that the HTTP server supports. This # is primarily limited by system limits such as RLIMIT_NOFILE. connection_limit = 500 # Allow sockets to be reused. See # http://svn.python.org/projects/python/trunk/Lib/SocketServer.py for more # details. allow_reuse_address = True # Don't prevent python from exiting when there is thread activity. daemon_threads = True def __init__(self, http_archive_fetch, custom_handlers, rules, host='localhost', port=80, use_delays=False, is_ssl=False, protocol='HTTP', down_bandwidth='0', up_bandwidth='0', delay_ms='0'): """Start HTTP server. Args: rules: a rule_parser Rules. host: a host string (name or IP) for the web proxy. port: a port string (e.g. '80') for the web proxy. use_delays: if True, add response data delays during replay. is_ssl: True iff proxy is using SSL. up_bandwidth: Upload bandwidth down_bandwidth: Download bandwidth Bandwidths measured in [K|M]{bit/s|Byte/s}. '0' means unlimited. delay_ms: Propagation delay in milliseconds. '0' means no delay. """ if platformsettings.SupportsFdLimitControl(): # BaseHTTPServer opens a new thread and two fds for each connection. # Check that the process can open at least 1000 fds. soft_limit, hard_limit = platformsettings.GetFdLimit() # Add some wiggle room since there are probably fds not associated with # connections. wiggle_room = 100 desired_limit = 2 * HttpProxyServer.connection_limit + wiggle_room if soft_limit < desired_limit: assert desired_limit <= hard_limit, ( 'The hard limit for number of open files per process is %s which ' 'is lower than the desired limit of %s.' % (hard_limit, desired_limit)) platformsettings.AdjustFdLimit(desired_limit, hard_limit) try: BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.__init__(self, (host, port), self.HANDLER) except Exception, e: raise HttpProxyServerError('Could not start HTTPServer on port %d: %s' % (port, e)) self.http_archive_fetch = http_archive_fetch self.custom_handlers = custom_handlers self.use_delays = use_delays self.is_ssl = is_ssl self.traffic_shaping_down_bps = proxyshaper.GetBitsPerSecond(down_bandwidth) self.traffic_shaping_up_bps = proxyshaper.GetBitsPerSecond(up_bandwidth) self.traffic_shaping_delay_ms = int(delay_ms) self.num_active_requests = 0 self.num_active_connections = 0 self.total_request_time = 0 self.protocol = protocol self.log_url = rules.Find('log_url') # Note: This message may be scraped. Do not change it. logging.warning( '%s server started on %s:%d' % (self.protocol, self.server_address[0], self.server_address[1])) def cleanup(self): try: self.shutdown() self.server_close() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass logging.info('Stopped %s server. Total time processing requests: %dms', self.protocol, self.total_request_time) def get_active_request_count(self): return self.num_active_requests def get_request(self): self.num_active_connections += 1 if self.num_active_connections >= HttpProxyServer.connection_limit: logging.error( 'Number of active connections (%s) surpasses the ' 'supported limit of %s.' % (self.num_active_connections, HttpProxyServer.connection_limit)) return BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.get_request(self) def close_request(self, request): BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.close_request(self, request) self.num_active_connections -= 1 class HttpsProxyServer(HttpProxyServer): """SSL server that generates certs for each host.""" def __init__(self, http_archive_fetch, custom_handlers, rules, https_root_ca_cert_path, **kwargs): self.ca_cert_path = https_root_ca_cert_path self.HANDLER = sslproxy.wrap_handler(HttpArchiveHandler) HttpProxyServer.__init__(self, http_archive_fetch, custom_handlers, rules, is_ssl=True, protocol='HTTPS', **kwargs) with open(self.ca_cert_path, 'r') as cert_file: self._ca_cert_str = cert_file.read() self._host_to_cert_map = {} self._server_cert_to_cert_map = {} def cleanup(self): try: self.shutdown() self.server_close() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass def get_certificate(self, host): if host in self._host_to_cert_map: return self._host_to_cert_map[host] server_cert = self.http_archive_fetch.http_archive.get_server_cert(host) if server_cert in self._server_cert_to_cert_map: cert = self._server_cert_to_cert_map[server_cert] self._host_to_cert_map[host] = cert return cert cert = certutils.generate_cert(self._ca_cert_str, server_cert, host) self._server_cert_to_cert_map[server_cert] = cert self._host_to_cert_map[host] = cert return cert def handle_error(self, request, client_address): _HandleSSLCertificateError() class SingleCertHttpsProxyServer(HttpProxyServer): """SSL server.""" def __init__(self, http_archive_fetch, custom_handlers, rules, https_root_ca_cert_path, **kwargs): HttpProxyServer.__init__(self, http_archive_fetch, custom_handlers, rules, is_ssl=True, protocol='HTTPS', **kwargs) self.socket = ssl.wrap_socket( self.socket, certfile=https_root_ca_cert_path, server_side=True, do_handshake_on_connect=False) # Ancestor class, DaemonServer, calls serve_forever() during its __init__. def handle_error(self, request, client_address): _HandleSSLCertificateError() class HttpToHttpsProxyServer(HttpProxyServer): """Listens for HTTP requests but sends them to the target as HTTPS requests""" def __init__(self, http_archive_fetch, custom_handlers, rules, **kwargs): HttpProxyServer.__init__(self, http_archive_fetch, custom_handlers, rules, is_ssl=True, protocol='HTTP-to-HTTPS', **kwargs) def handle_error(self, request, client_address): _HandleSSLCertificateError()