#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import daemonserver import errno import logging import socket import SocketServer import threading import time from third_party.dns import flags from third_party.dns import message from third_party.dns import rcode from third_party.dns import resolver from third_party.dns import rdatatype from third_party import ipaddr class DnsProxyException(Exception): pass class RealDnsLookup(object): def __init__(self, name_servers): if '' in name_servers: raise DnsProxyException( 'Invalid nameserver: (causes an infinte loop)') self.resolver = resolver.get_default_resolver() self.resolver.nameservers = name_servers self.dns_cache_lock = threading.Lock() self.dns_cache = {} @staticmethod def _IsIPAddress(hostname): try: socket.inet_aton(hostname) return True except socket.error: return False def __call__(self, hostname, rdtype=rdatatype.A): """Return real IP for a host. Args: host: a hostname ending with a period (e.g. "www.google.com.") rdtype: the query type (1 for 'A', 28 for 'AAAA') Returns: the IP address as a string (e.g. "") """ if self._IsIPAddress(hostname): return hostname self.dns_cache_lock.acquire() ip = self.dns_cache.get(hostname) self.dns_cache_lock.release() if ip: return ip try: answers = self.resolver.query(hostname, rdtype) except resolver.NXDOMAIN: return None except resolver.NoNameservers: logging.debug('_real_dns_lookup(%s) -> No nameserver.', hostname) return None except (resolver.NoAnswer, resolver.Timeout) as ex: logging.debug('_real_dns_lookup(%s) -> None (%s)', hostname, ex.__class__.__name__) return None if answers: ip = str(answers[0]) self.dns_cache_lock.acquire() self.dns_cache[hostname] = ip self.dns_cache_lock.release() return ip def ClearCache(self): """Clear the dns cache.""" self.dns_cache_lock.acquire() self.dns_cache.clear() self.dns_cache_lock.release() class ReplayDnsLookup(object): """Resolve DNS requests to replay host.""" def __init__(self, replay_ip, filters=None): self.replay_ip = replay_ip self.filters = filters or [] def __call__(self, hostname): ip = self.replay_ip for f in self.filters: ip = f(hostname, default_ip=ip) return ip class PrivateIpFilter(object): """Resolve private hosts to their real IPs and others to the Web proxy IP. Hosts in the given http_archive will resolve to the Web proxy IP without checking the real IP. This only supports IPv4 lookups. """ def __init__(self, real_dns_lookup, http_archive): """Initialize PrivateIpDnsLookup. Args: real_dns_lookup: a function that resolves a host to an IP. http_archive: an instance of a HttpArchive Hosts is in the archive will always resolve to the web_proxy_ip """ self.real_dns_lookup = real_dns_lookup self.http_archive = http_archive self.InitializeArchiveHosts() def __call__(self, host, default_ip): """Return real IPv4 for private hosts and Web proxy IP otherwise. Args: host: a hostname ending with a period (e.g. "www.google.com.") Returns: IP address as a string or None (if lookup fails) """ ip = default_ip if host not in self.archive_hosts: real_ip = self.real_dns_lookup(host) if real_ip: if ipaddr.IPAddress(real_ip).is_private: ip = real_ip else: ip = None return ip def InitializeArchiveHosts(self): """Recompute the archive_hosts from the http_archive.""" self.archive_hosts = set('%s.' % req.host.split(':')[0] for req in self.http_archive) class DelayFilter(object): """Add a delay to replayed lookups.""" def __init__(self, is_record_mode, delay_ms): self.is_record_mode = is_record_mode self.delay_ms = int(delay_ms) def __call__(self, host, default_ip): if not self.is_record_mode: time.sleep(self.delay_ms * 1000.0) return default_ip def SetRecordMode(self): self.is_record_mode = True def SetReplayMode(self): self.is_record_mode = False class UdpDnsHandler(SocketServer.DatagramRequestHandler): """Resolve DNS queries to localhost. Possible alternative implementation: http://howl.play-bow.org/pipermail/dnspython-users/2010-February/000119.html """ STANDARD_QUERY_OPERATION_CODE = 0 def handle(self): """Handle a DNS query. IPv6 requests (with rdtype AAAA) receive mismatched IPv4 responses (with rdtype A). To properly support IPv6, the http proxy would need both types of addresses. By default, Windows XP does not support IPv6. """ self.data = self.rfile.read() self.transaction_id = self.data[0] self.flags = self.data[1] self.qa_counts = self.data[4:6] self.domain = '' operation_code = (ord(self.data[2]) >> 3) & 15 if operation_code == self.STANDARD_QUERY_OPERATION_CODE: self.wire_domain = self.data[12:] self.domain = self._domain(self.wire_domain) else: logging.debug("DNS request with non-zero operation code: %s", operation_code) ip = self.server.dns_lookup(self.domain) if ip is None: logging.debug('dnsproxy: %s -> NXDOMAIN', self.domain) response = self.get_dns_no_such_name_response() else: if ip == self.server.server_address[0]: logging.debug('dnsproxy: %s -> %s (replay web proxy)', self.domain, ip) else: logging.debug('dnsproxy: %s -> %s', self.domain, ip) response = self.get_dns_response(ip) self.wfile.write(response) @classmethod def _domain(cls, wire_domain): domain = '' index = 0 length = ord(wire_domain[index]) while length: domain += wire_domain[index + 1:index + length + 1] + '.' index += length + 1 length = ord(wire_domain[index]) return domain def get_dns_response(self, ip): packet = '' if self.domain: packet = ( self.transaction_id + self.flags + '\x81\x80' + # standard query response, no error self.qa_counts * 2 + '\x00\x00\x00\x00' + # Q&A counts self.wire_domain + '\xc0\x0c' # pointer to domain name '\x00\x01' # resource record type ("A" host address) '\x00\x01' # class of the data '\x00\x00\x00\x3c' # ttl (seconds) '\x00\x04' + # resource data length (4 bytes for ip) socket.inet_aton(ip) ) return packet def get_dns_no_such_name_response(self): query_message = message.from_wire(self.data) response_message = message.make_response(query_message) response_message.flags |= flags.AA | flags.RA response_message.set_rcode(rcode.NXDOMAIN) return response_message.to_wire() class DnsProxyServer(SocketServer.ThreadingUDPServer, daemonserver.DaemonServer): # Increase the request queue size. The default value, 5, is set in # SocketServer.TCPServer (the parent of BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer). # Since we're intercepting many domains through this single server, # it is quite possible to get more than 5 concurrent requests. request_queue_size = 256 # Allow sockets to be reused. See # http://svn.python.org/projects/python/trunk/Lib/SocketServer.py for more # details. allow_reuse_address = True # Don't prevent python from exiting when there is thread activity. daemon_threads = True def __init__(self, host='', port=53, dns_lookup=None): """Initialize DnsProxyServer. Args: host: a host string (name or IP) to bind the dns proxy and to which DNS requests will be resolved. port: an integer port on which to bind the proxy. dns_lookup: a list of filters to apply to lookup. """ try: SocketServer.ThreadingUDPServer.__init__( self, (host, port), UdpDnsHandler) except socket.error, (error_number, msg): if error_number == errno.EACCES: raise DnsProxyException( 'Unable to bind DNS server on (%s:%s)' % (host, port)) raise self.dns_lookup = dns_lookup or (lambda host: self.server_address[0]) self.server_port = self.server_address[1] logging.warning('DNS server started on %s:%d', self.server_address[0], self.server_address[1]) def cleanup(self): try: self.shutdown() self.server_close() except KeyboardInterrupt, e: pass logging.info('Stopped DNS server')