/* * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef THIRD_PARTY_BLINK_RENDERER_PLATFORM_WEBORIGIN_SECURITY_ORIGIN_H_ #define THIRD_PARTY_BLINK_RENDERER_PLATFORM_WEBORIGIN_SECURITY_ORIGIN_H_ #include #include #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/platform_export.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_string.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/thread_safe_ref_counted.h" #include "url/origin.h" namespace mojo { struct UrlOriginAdapter; } // namespace mojo namespace blink { class KURL; struct SecurityOriginHash; // An identifier which defines the source of content (e.g. a document) and // restricts what other objects it is permitted to access (based on their // security origin). Most commonly, an origin is a (scheme, host, port, domain) // tuple, such as the tuple origin (https, chromium.org, null, null). However, // there are also opaque origins which do not have a corresponding tuple. // // See also: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/C/#concept-origin class PLATFORM_EXPORT SecurityOrigin : public RefCounted { USING_FAST_MALLOC(SecurityOrigin); public: enum class AccessResultDomainDetail { kDomainNotRelevant, kDomainNotSet, kDomainSetByOnlyOneOrigin, kDomainMatchNecessary, kDomainMatchUnnecessary, kDomainMismatch, kDomainNotRelevantAgentClusterMismatch, }; // SecurityOrigin::Create() resolves |url| to its SecurityOrigin. When |url| // contains a standard (scheme, host, port) tuple, |reference_origin| is // ignored. If |reference_origin| is provided and an opaque origin is returned // (for example, if |url| has the "data:" scheme), the opaque origin will be // derived from |reference_origin|, retaining the precursor information. static scoped_refptr CreateWithReferenceOrigin( const KURL& url, const SecurityOrigin* reference_origin); // Equivalent to CreateWithReferenceOrigin without supplying value for // |reference_origin|. static scoped_refptr Create(const KURL& url); // Creates a new opaque SecurityOrigin that is guaranteed to be cross-origin // to all currently existing SecurityOrigins. static scoped_refptr CreateUniqueOpaque(); static scoped_refptr CreateFromString(const String&); // Constructs a non-opaque tuple origin, analogously to // url::Origin::Origin(url::SchemeHostPort). // // REQUIRES: The tuple be valid: |protocol| must contain a standard scheme and // |host| must be canonicalized and (except for "file" URLs) nonempty. static scoped_refptr CreateFromValidTuple( const String& protocol, const String& host, uint16_t port); static scoped_refptr CreateFromUrlOrigin(const url::Origin&); url::Origin ToUrlOrigin() const; // Some URL schemes use nested URLs for their security context. For example, // filesystem URLs look like the following: // // filesystem:http://example.com/temporary/path/to/file.png // // We're supposed to use "http://example.com" as the origin. // // Generally, we add URL schemes to this list when Blink supports them. For // example, we don't include the "jar" scheme, even though Firefox // understands that "jar" uses an inner URL for its security origin. static bool ShouldUseInnerURL(const KURL&); static KURL ExtractInnerURL(const KURL&); // Create a deep copy of this SecurityOrigin. This method is useful // when marshalling a SecurityOrigin to another thread. scoped_refptr IsolatedCopy() const; // Set the domain property of this security origin to newDomain. This // function does not check whether newDomain is a suffix of the current // domain. The caller is responsible for validating newDomain. void SetDomainFromDOM(const String& new_domain); bool DomainWasSetInDOM() const { return domain_was_set_in_dom_; } String Protocol() const { return protocol_; } String Host() const { return host_; } String Domain() const { return domain_; } // Returns the registrable domain if available. // For non-tuple origin, IP address URL, and public suffixes, this returns a // null string. https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#host-registrable-domain String RegistrableDomain() const; // Returns 0 if the effective port of this origin is the default for its // scheme. uint16_t Port() const { return port_; } // Returns the effective port, even if it is the default port for the // scheme (e.g. "http" => 80). uint16_t EffectivePort() const { return effective_port_; } // Returns true if a given URL is secure, based either directly on its // own protocol, or, when relevant, on the protocol of its "inner URL" // Protocols like blob: and filesystem: fall into this latter category. static bool IsSecure(const KURL&); // Returns true if this SecurityOrigin can script objects in the given // SecurityOrigin. This check is similar to `IsSameOriginDomainWith()`, but // additionally takes "universal access" flag into account, as well as the // origin's agent cluster (see https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-agent-clusters). // // Note: This kind of access check should be rare; `IsSameOriginWith()` is // almost certainly the right choice for new security checks. // // TODO(1027191): We're currently calling this method in a number of places // where either `IsSameOriginWith()` or `IsSameOriginDomainWith()` might // be more appropriate. We should audit its existing usage, and it might // make sense to move it out of SecurityOrigin entirely to align it more // tightly with `BindingSecurity` where it's clearly necessary. bool CanAccess(const SecurityOrigin* other) const { AccessResultDomainDetail unused_detail; return CanAccess(other, unused_detail); } bool CanAccess(const SecurityOrigin* other, AccessResultDomainDetail&) const; // Returns true if this SecurityOrigin can read content retrieved from // the given URL. // Note: This function may return false when |url| has data scheme, which // is not aligned with CORS. If you want a CORS-aligned check, just use // CORS mode (e.g., network::mojom::RequestMode::kSameOrigin), or // use CanReadContent. // See // https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_BD15unoPJVwKyf5yOUDu5kie492TTaBxzhJ58j1rD4/edit. bool CanRequest(const KURL& url) const; // Returns true if content from this URL can be read without CORS from this // security origin. For example, call this function before drawing an image // onto an HTML canvas element with the drawImage API. bool CanReadContent(const KURL&) const; // Returns true if |document| can display content from the given URL (e.g., // in an iframe or as an image). For example, web sites generally cannot // display content from the user's files system. bool CanDisplay(const KURL&) const; // Returns true if the origin loads resources either from the local // machine or over the network from a // cryptographically-authenticated origin, as described in // https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-secure-contexts/#is-origin-trustworthy bool IsPotentiallyTrustworthy() const; // Returns a human-readable error message describing that a non-secure // origin's access to a feature is denied. static String IsPotentiallyTrustworthyErrorMessage(); // Returns true if this SecurityOrigin can load local resources, such // as images, iframes, and style sheets, and can link to local URLs. // For example, call this function before creating an iframe to a // file:// URL. // // Note: A SecurityOrigin might be allowed to load local resources // without being able to issue an XMLHttpRequest for a local URL. // To determine whether the SecurityOrigin can issue an // XMLHttpRequest for a URL, call canReadContent(url). bool CanLoadLocalResources() const { return can_load_local_resources_; } // Explicitly grant the ability to load local resources to this // SecurityOrigin. // // Note: This method exists only to support backwards compatibility // with older versions of WebKit. void GrantLoadLocalResources(); // Explicitly grant the ability to access every other SecurityOrigin. // // WARNING: This is an extremely powerful ability. Use with caution! void GrantUniversalAccess(); bool IsGrantedUniversalAccess() const { return universal_access_; } // Whether this origin has ability to access another SecurityOrigin // if everything but the agent clusters do not match. void GrantCrossAgentClusterAccess(); bool IsGrantedCrossAgentClusterAccess() const { return cross_agent_cluster_access_; } bool CanAccessDatabase() const { return !IsOpaque(); } bool CanAccessLocalStorage() const { return !IsOpaque(); } bool CanAccessSharedWorkers() const { return !IsOpaque(); } bool CanAccessServiceWorkers() const { return !IsOpaque(); } bool CanAccessCookies() const { return !IsOpaque(); } bool CanAccessPasswordManager() const { return !IsOpaque(); } bool CanAccessFileSystem() const { return !IsOpaque(); } bool CanAccessNativeFileSystem() const { return !IsOpaque(); } bool CanAccessCacheStorage() const { return !IsOpaque(); } bool CanAccessLocks() const { return !IsOpaque(); } // Technically, we should always allow access to sessionStorage, but we // currently don't handle creating a sessionStorage area for opaque // origins. bool CanAccessSessionStorage() const { return !IsOpaque(); } // The local SecurityOrigin is the most privileged SecurityOrigin. // The local SecurityOrigin can script any document, navigate to local // resources, and can set arbitrary headers on XMLHttpRequests. bool IsLocal() const; // Returns true if the host is one of, ::1/128, or "localhost". bool IsLocalhost() const; // Returns true if the origin is not a tuple origin (i.e. an origin consisting // of a scheme, host, port, and domain). Opaque origins are created for a // variety of situations (see https://whatwg.org/C/origin.html#origin for more // details), such as for documents generated from data: URLs or documents // with the sandboxed origin browsing context flag set. bool IsOpaque() const { return !!nonce_if_opaque_; } // By default 'file:' URLs may access other 'file:' URLs. This method // denies access. If either SecurityOrigin sets this flag, the access // check will fail. void BlockLocalAccessFromLocalOrigin(); // Convert this SecurityOrigin into a string. The string representation of a // SecurityOrigin is similar to a URL, except it lacks a path component. The // string representation does not encode the value of the SecurityOrigin's // domain property. // // When using the string value, it's important to remember that it might be // "null". This typically happens when this SecurityOrigin is opaque (e.g. the // origin of a sandboxed iframe). String ToString() const; AtomicString ToAtomicString() const; // Similar to ToString(), but does not take into account any factors that // could make the string return "null". String ToRawString() const; // Returns a token that helps distinguish origins, or null string. When not // null string, the tokens are guaranteed to be different if not the same // origin, i.e. if two tokens are the same and not null, the two // SecurityOrigins are the same origin. Thus, tokens can be used for fast // check of origins. // // This is pretty similar to ToString(), but this returns null string instead // of "null", and includes a host part in case of file: scheme. // // Note that the same tokens only guarantee that the SecurityOrigins are // the same origin and not the same origin-domain. See also: // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/C/origin.html#same-origin // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/C/origin.html#same-origin-domain String ToTokenForFastCheck() const; // This method implements HTML's "same origin" check, which verifies equality // of opaque origins, or exact (scheme,host,port) matches. Note that // `document.domain` does not come into play for this comparison. // // This method does not take the "universal access" flag into account. It does // take the "local access" flag into account, considering `file:` origins that // set the flag to be same-origin with all other `file:` origins that set the // flag. // // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#same-origin bool IsSameOriginWith(const SecurityOrigin*) const; static bool AreSameOrigin(const KURL& a, const KURL& b); // This method implements HTML's "same origin-domain" check, which takes // `document.domain` into account when comparing two origins. // // This method does not take the "universal access" flag into account. It does // take the "local access" flag into account, considering `file:` origins that // set the flag to be same origin-domain with all other `file:` origins that // set the flag (assuming no `document.domain` mismatch). // // Note: Same origin-domain checks should be rare, and `IsSameOriginWith()` // is almost certainly the right choice for new security checks. // // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#same-origin-domain bool IsSameOriginDomainWith(const SecurityOrigin* other) const { AccessResultDomainDetail unused_detail; return IsSameOriginDomainWith(other, unused_detail); } bool IsSameOriginDomainWith(const SecurityOrigin*, AccessResultDomainDetail&) const; static const KURL& UrlWithUniqueOpaqueOrigin(); // Transfer origin privileges from another security origin. // The following privileges are currently copied over: // // - Grant universal access. // - Grant loading of local resources. // - Use path-based file:// origins. struct PrivilegeData { bool universal_access_; bool can_load_local_resources_; bool block_local_access_from_local_origin_; }; std::unique_ptr CreatePrivilegeData() const; void TransferPrivilegesFrom(std::unique_ptr); void SetOpaqueOriginIsPotentiallyTrustworthy( bool is_opaque_origin_potentially_trustworthy); // Creates a new opaque security origin derived from |this| (|this| becomes // its precursor). scoped_refptr DeriveNewOpaqueOrigin() const; // If this is an opaque origin that was derived from a tuple origin, return // the origin from which this was derived. Otherwise returns |this|. This // method may be used for things like CSP 'self' computation which require // the origin before sandbox flags are applied. It should NOT be used for // any security checks (such as bindings). const SecurityOrigin* GetOriginOrPrecursorOriginIfOpaque() const; // Only used for document.domain setting. The method should probably be moved // if we need it for something more general. static String CanonicalizeHost(const String& host, bool* success); // Return a security origin that is assigned to the agent cluster. This will // be a copy of this security origin if the current agent doesn't match the // provided agent, otherwise it will be a reference to this. scoped_refptr GetOriginForAgentCluster( const base::UnguessableToken& cluster_id); const base::UnguessableToken& AgentClusterId() const { return agent_cluster_id_; } // Returns true if this security origin is serialized to "null". bool SerializesAsNull() const; private: constexpr static const uint16_t kInvalidPort = 0; friend struct mojo::UrlOriginAdapter; friend struct blink::SecurityOriginHash; // For calling GetNonceForSerialization(). friend class BlobURLOpaqueOriginNonceMap; // Creates a new opaque SecurityOrigin using the supplied |precursor| origin // and |nonce|. static scoped_refptr CreateOpaque( const url::Origin::Nonce& nonce, const SecurityOrigin* precursor); // Create an opaque SecurityOrigin. SecurityOrigin(const url::Origin::Nonce& nonce, const SecurityOrigin* precursor_origin); // Create a tuple SecurityOrigin, with parameters via KURL explicit SecurityOrigin(const KURL& url); // Constructs a non-opaque tuple origin, analogously to // url::Origin::Origin(url::SchemeHostPort). SecurityOrigin(const String& protocol, const String& host, uint16_t port); enum class ConstructIsolatedCopy { kConstructIsolatedCopyBit }; // Clone a SecurityOrigin which is safe to use on other threads. SecurityOrigin(const SecurityOrigin* other, ConstructIsolatedCopy); enum class ConstructSameThreadCopy { kConstructSameThreadCopyBit }; // Clone a SecurityOrigin which is *NOT* safe to use on other threads. SecurityOrigin(const SecurityOrigin* other, ConstructSameThreadCopy); // FIXME: Rename this function to something more semantic. bool PassesFileCheck(const SecurityOrigin*) const; void BuildRawString(StringBuilder&) const; // Get the nonce associated with this origin, if it is opaque. This should be // used only when trying to send an Origin across an IPC pipe or comparing // blob URL's opaque origins in the thread-safe way. base::Optional GetNonceForSerialization() const; const String protocol_ = g_empty_string; const String host_ = g_empty_string; String domain_ = g_empty_string; const uint16_t port_ = kInvalidPort; const uint16_t effective_port_ = kInvalidPort; const base::Optional nonce_if_opaque_; bool universal_access_ = false; bool domain_was_set_in_dom_ = false; bool can_load_local_resources_ = false; bool block_local_access_from_local_origin_ = false; bool is_opaque_origin_potentially_trustworthy_ = false; bool cross_agent_cluster_access_ = false; // A security origin can have an empty |agent_cluster_id_|. It occurs in the // cases where a security origin hasn't been assigned to a document yet. base::UnguessableToken agent_cluster_id_; // For opaque origins, tracks the non-opaque origin from which the opaque // origin is derived. const scoped_refptr precursor_origin_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SecurityOrigin); }; } // namespace blink #endif // THIRD_PARTY_BLINK_RENDERER_PLATFORM_WEBORIGIN_SECURITY_ORIGIN_H_