// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef THIRD_PARTY_BLINK_RENDERER_MODULES_WEBGL_OES_DRAW_BUFFERS_INDEXED_H_ #define THIRD_PARTY_BLINK_RENDERER_MODULES_WEBGL_OES_DRAW_BUFFERS_INDEXED_H_ // #include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/webgl/webgl_extension.h" namespace blink { class OESDrawBuffersIndexed final : public WebGLExtension { DEFINE_WRAPPERTYPEINFO(); public: static bool Supported(WebGLRenderingContextBase*); static const char* ExtensionName(); explicit OESDrawBuffersIndexed(WebGLRenderingContextBase*); WebGLExtensionName GetName() const override; void enableiOES(GLenum target, GLuint index); void disableiOES(GLenum target, GLuint index); void blendEquationiOES(GLuint buf, GLenum mode); void blendEquationSeparateiOES(GLuint buf, GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeAlpha); void blendFunciOES(GLuint buf, GLenum src, GLenum dst); void blendFuncSeparateiOES(GLuint buf, GLenum srcRGB, GLenum dstRGB, GLenum srcAlpha, GLenum dstAlpha); void colorMaskiOES(GLuint buf, GLboolean r, GLboolean g, GLboolean b, GLboolean a); GLboolean isEnablediOES(GLenum target, GLuint index); }; } // namespace blink #endif // THIRD_PARTY_BLINK_RENDERER_MODULES_WEBGL_OES_DRAW_BUFFERS_INDEXED_H_