/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/webaudio/audio_param_timeline.h" #include #include #include "base/memory/ptr_util.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/deprecation.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/inspector/console_message.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/audio/audio_utilities.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/audio/vector_math.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/exception_messages.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/exception_state.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/cpu.h" #include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/math_extras.h" #if defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_FAMILY) #include #endif namespace blink { // For a SetTarget event, we want the event to terminate eventually so that // we can stop using the timeline to compute the values. See // |HasSetTargetConverged()| for the algorithm. |kSetTargetThreshold| is // exp(-kTimeConstantsToConverge). const float kTimeConstantsToConverge = 10; const float kSetTargetThreshold = 4.539992976248485e-05; static bool IsNonNegativeAudioParamTime(double time, ExceptionState& exception_state, String message = "Time") { if (time >= 0) return true; exception_state.ThrowRangeError( message + " must be a finite non-negative number: " + String::Number(time)); return false; } static bool IsPositiveAudioParamTime(double time, ExceptionState& exception_state, String message) { if (time > 0) return true; exception_state.ThrowRangeError( message + " must be a finite positive number: " + String::Number(time)); return false; } String AudioParamTimeline::EventToString(const ParamEvent& event) const { // The default arguments for most automation methods is the value and the // time. String args = String::Number(event.Value()) + ", " + String::Number(event.Time(), 16); // Get a nice printable name for the event and update the args if necessary. String s; switch (event.GetType()) { case ParamEvent::kSetValue: s = "setValueAtTime"; break; case ParamEvent::kLinearRampToValue: s = "linearRampToValueAtTime"; break; case ParamEvent::kExponentialRampToValue: s = "exponentialRampToValue"; break; case ParamEvent::kSetTarget: s = "setTargetAtTime"; // This has an extra time constant arg args = args + ", " + String::Number(event.TimeConstant(), 16); break; case ParamEvent::kSetValueCurve: s = "setValueCurveAtTime"; // Replace the default arg, using "..." to denote the curve argument. args = "..., " + String::Number(event.Time(), 16) + ", " + String::Number(event.Duration(), 16); break; case ParamEvent::kCancelValues: case ParamEvent::kSetValueCurveEnd: // Fall through; we should never have to print out the internal // |kCancelValues| or |kSetValueCurveEnd| event. case ParamEvent::kLastType: NOTREACHED(); break; }; return s + "(" + args + ")"; } // Computes the value of a linear ramp event at time t with the given event // parameters. float AudioParamTimeline::LinearRampAtTime(double t, float value1, double time1, float value2, double time2) { return value1 + (value2 - value1) * (t - time1) / (time2 - time1); } // Computes the value of an exponential ramp event at time t with the given // event parameters. float AudioParamTimeline::ExponentialRampAtTime(double t, float value1, double time1, float value2, double time2) { return value1 * pow(value2 / value1, (t - time1) / (time2 - time1)); } // Compute the value of a set target event at time t with the given event // parameters. float AudioParamTimeline::TargetValueAtTime(double t, float value1, double time1, float value2, float time_constant) { return value2 + (value1 - value2) * exp(-(t - time1) / time_constant); } // Compute the value of a set curve event at time t with the given event // parameters. float AudioParamTimeline::ValueCurveAtTime(double t, double time1, double duration, const float* curve_data, unsigned curve_length) { double curve_index = (curve_length - 1) / duration * (t - time1); unsigned k = std::min(static_cast(curve_index), curve_length - 1); unsigned k1 = std::min(k + 1, curve_length - 1); float c0 = curve_data[k]; float c1 = curve_data[k1]; float delta = std::min(curve_index - k, 1.0); return c0 + (c1 - c0) * delta; } std::unique_ptr AudioParamTimeline::ParamEvent::CreateSetValueEvent(float value, double time) { return base::WrapUnique(new ParamEvent(ParamEvent::kSetValue, value, time)); } std::unique_ptr AudioParamTimeline::ParamEvent::CreateLinearRampEvent(float value, double time, float initial_value, double call_time) { return base::WrapUnique(new ParamEvent(ParamEvent::kLinearRampToValue, value, time, initial_value, call_time)); } std::unique_ptr AudioParamTimeline::ParamEvent::CreateExponentialRampEvent(float value, double time, float initial_value, double call_time) { return base::WrapUnique(new ParamEvent(ParamEvent::kExponentialRampToValue, value, time, initial_value, call_time)); } std::unique_ptr AudioParamTimeline::ParamEvent::CreateSetTargetEvent(float value, double time, double time_constant) { // The time line code does not expect a timeConstant of 0. (IT // returns NaN or Infinity due to division by zero. The caller // should have converted this to a SetValueEvent. DCHECK_NE(time_constant, 0); return base::WrapUnique( new ParamEvent(ParamEvent::kSetTarget, value, time, time_constant)); } std::unique_ptr AudioParamTimeline::ParamEvent::CreateSetValueCurveEvent( const Vector& curve, double time, double duration) { double curve_points = (curve.size() - 1) / duration; float end_value = curve.data()[curve.size() - 1]; return base::WrapUnique(new ParamEvent(ParamEvent::kSetValueCurve, time, duration, curve, curve_points, end_value)); } std::unique_ptr AudioParamTimeline::ParamEvent::CreateSetValueCurveEndEvent(float value, double time) { return base::WrapUnique( new ParamEvent(ParamEvent::kSetValueCurveEnd, value, time)); } std::unique_ptr AudioParamTimeline::ParamEvent::CreateCancelValuesEvent( double time, std::unique_ptr saved_event) { if (saved_event) { // The savedEvent can only have certain event types. Verify that. ParamEvent::Type saved_type = saved_event->GetType(); DCHECK_NE(saved_type, ParamEvent::kLastType); DCHECK(saved_type == ParamEvent::kLinearRampToValue || saved_type == ParamEvent::kExponentialRampToValue || saved_type == ParamEvent::kSetValueCurve); } return base::WrapUnique( new ParamEvent(ParamEvent::kCancelValues, time, std::move(saved_event))); } std::unique_ptr AudioParamTimeline::ParamEvent::CreateGeneralEvent( Type type, float value, double time, float initial_value, double call_time, double time_constant, double duration, Vector& curve, double curve_points_per_second, float curve_end_value, std::unique_ptr saved_event) { return base::WrapUnique(new ParamEvent( type, value, time, initial_value, call_time, time_constant, duration, curve, curve_points_per_second, curve_end_value, std::move(saved_event))); } AudioParamTimeline::ParamEvent* AudioParamTimeline::ParamEvent::SavedEvent() const { DCHECK_EQ(GetType(), ParamEvent::kCancelValues); return saved_event_.get(); } bool AudioParamTimeline::ParamEvent::HasDefaultCancelledValue() const { DCHECK_EQ(GetType(), ParamEvent::kCancelValues); return has_default_cancelled_value_; } void AudioParamTimeline::ParamEvent::SetCancelledValue(float value) { DCHECK_EQ(GetType(), ParamEvent::kCancelValues); value_ = value; has_default_cancelled_value_ = true; } // General event AudioParamTimeline::ParamEvent::ParamEvent( ParamEvent::Type type, float value, double time, float initial_value, double call_time, double time_constant, double duration, Vector& curve, double curve_points_per_second, float curve_end_value, std::unique_ptr saved_event) : type_(type), value_(value), time_(time), initial_value_(initial_value), call_time_(call_time), time_constant_(time_constant), duration_(duration), curve_points_per_second_(curve_points_per_second), curve_end_value_(curve_end_value), saved_event_(std::move(saved_event)), has_default_cancelled_value_(false) { curve_ = curve; } // Create simplest event needing just a value and time, like setValueAtTime AudioParamTimeline::ParamEvent::ParamEvent(ParamEvent::Type type, float value, double time) : type_(type), value_(value), time_(time), initial_value_(0), call_time_(0), time_constant_(0), duration_(0), curve_points_per_second_(0), curve_end_value_(0), saved_event_(nullptr), has_default_cancelled_value_(false) { DCHECK(type == ParamEvent::kSetValue || type == ParamEvent::kSetValueCurveEnd); } // Create a linear or exponential ramp that requires an initial value and // time in case // there is no actual event that preceeds this event. AudioParamTimeline::ParamEvent::ParamEvent(ParamEvent::Type type, float value, double time, float initial_value, double call_time) : type_(type), value_(value), time_(time), initial_value_(initial_value), call_time_(call_time), time_constant_(0), duration_(0), curve_points_per_second_(0), curve_end_value_(0), saved_event_(nullptr), has_default_cancelled_value_(false) { DCHECK(type == ParamEvent::kLinearRampToValue || type == ParamEvent::kExponentialRampToValue); } // Create an event needing a time constant (setTargetAtTime) AudioParamTimeline::ParamEvent::ParamEvent(ParamEvent::Type type, float value, double time, double time_constant) : type_(type), value_(value), time_(time), initial_value_(0), call_time_(0), time_constant_(time_constant), duration_(0), curve_points_per_second_(0), curve_end_value_(0), saved_event_(nullptr), has_default_cancelled_value_(false) { DCHECK_EQ(type, ParamEvent::kSetTarget); } // Create a setValueCurve event AudioParamTimeline::ParamEvent::ParamEvent(ParamEvent::Type type, double time, double duration, const Vector& curve, double curve_points_per_second, float curve_end_value) : type_(type), value_(0), time_(time), initial_value_(0), call_time_(0), time_constant_(0), duration_(duration), curve_points_per_second_(curve_points_per_second), curve_end_value_(curve_end_value), saved_event_(nullptr), has_default_cancelled_value_(false) { DCHECK_EQ(type, ParamEvent::kSetValueCurve); unsigned curve_length = curve.size(); curve_.resize(curve_length); memcpy(curve_.data(), curve.data(), curve_length * sizeof(float)); } // Create CancelValues event AudioParamTimeline::ParamEvent::ParamEvent( ParamEvent::Type type, double time, std::unique_ptr saved_event) : type_(type), value_(0), time_(time), initial_value_(0), call_time_(0), time_constant_(0), duration_(0), curve_points_per_second_(0), curve_end_value_(0), saved_event_(std::move(saved_event)), has_default_cancelled_value_(false) { DCHECK_EQ(type, ParamEvent::kCancelValues); } void AudioParamTimeline::SetValueAtTime(float value, double time, ExceptionState& exception_state) { DCHECK(IsMainThread()); if (!IsNonNegativeAudioParamTime(time, exception_state)) return; MutexLocker locker(events_lock_); InsertEvent(ParamEvent::CreateSetValueEvent(value, time), exception_state); } void AudioParamTimeline::LinearRampToValueAtTime( float value, double time, float initial_value, double call_time, ExceptionState& exception_state) { DCHECK(IsMainThread()); if (!IsNonNegativeAudioParamTime(time, exception_state)) return; MutexLocker locker(events_lock_); InsertEvent( ParamEvent::CreateLinearRampEvent(value, time, initial_value, call_time), exception_state); } void AudioParamTimeline::ExponentialRampToValueAtTime( float value, double time, float initial_value, double call_time, ExceptionState& exception_state) { DCHECK(IsMainThread()); if (!IsNonNegativeAudioParamTime(time, exception_state)) return; if (!value) { exception_state.ThrowRangeError( "The float target value provided (" + String::Number(value) + ") should not be in the range (" + String::Number(-std::numeric_limits::denorm_min()) + ", " + String::Number(std::numeric_limits::denorm_min()) + ")."); return; } MutexLocker locker(events_lock_); InsertEvent(ParamEvent::CreateExponentialRampEvent(value, time, initial_value, call_time), exception_state); } void AudioParamTimeline::SetTargetAtTime(float target, double time, double time_constant, ExceptionState& exception_state) { DCHECK(IsMainThread()); if (!IsNonNegativeAudioParamTime(time, exception_state) || !IsNonNegativeAudioParamTime(time_constant, exception_state, "Time constant")) return; MutexLocker locker(events_lock_); // If timeConstant = 0, we instantly jump to the target value, so // insert a SetValueEvent instead of SetTargetEvent. if (time_constant == 0) { InsertEvent(ParamEvent::CreateSetValueEvent(target, time), exception_state); } else { InsertEvent(ParamEvent::CreateSetTargetEvent(target, time, time_constant), exception_state); } } void AudioParamTimeline::SetValueCurveAtTime(const Vector& curve, double time, double duration, ExceptionState& exception_state) { DCHECK(IsMainThread()); if (!IsNonNegativeAudioParamTime(time, exception_state) || !IsPositiveAudioParamTime(duration, exception_state, "Duration")) return; if (curve.size() < 2) { exception_state.ThrowDOMException( DOMExceptionCode::kInvalidStateError, ExceptionMessages::IndexExceedsMinimumBound("curve length", curve.size(), 2u)); return; } MutexLocker locker(events_lock_); InsertEvent(ParamEvent::CreateSetValueCurveEvent(curve, time, duration), exception_state); // Insert a setValueAtTime event too to establish an event so that all // following events will process from the end of the curve instead of the // beginning. InsertEvent(ParamEvent::CreateSetValueCurveEndEvent( curve.data()[curve.size() - 1], time + duration), exception_state); } void AudioParamTimeline::InsertEvent(std::unique_ptr event, ExceptionState& exception_state) { DCHECK(IsMainThread()); // Sanity check the event. Be super careful we're not getting infected with // NaN or Inf. These should have been handled by the caller. bool is_valid = event->GetType() < ParamEvent::kLastType && std::isfinite(event->Value()) && std::isfinite(event->Time()) && std::isfinite(event->TimeConstant()) && std::isfinite(event->Duration()) && event->Duration() >= 0; DCHECK(is_valid); if (!is_valid) return; unsigned i = 0; double insert_time = event->Time(); if (!events_.size() && (event->GetType() == ParamEvent::kLinearRampToValue || event->GetType() == ParamEvent::kExponentialRampToValue)) { // There are no events preceding these ramps. Insert a new // setValueAtTime event to set the starting point for these // events. Use a time of 0 to make sure it preceeds all other // events. This will get fixed when when handle new events. events_.insert(0, AudioParamTimeline::ParamEvent::CreateSetValueEvent( event->InitialValue(), 0)); new_events_.insert(events_[0].get()); } for (i = 0; i < events_.size(); ++i) { if (event->GetType() == ParamEvent::kSetValueCurve) { // If this event is a SetValueCurve, make sure it doesn't overlap any // existing event. It's ok if the SetValueCurve starts at the same time as // the end of some other duration. double end_time = event->Time() + event->Duration(); ParamEvent::Type test_type = events_[i]->GetType(); // Events of type |kSetValueCurveEnd| or |kCancelValues| never // conflict. if (!(test_type == ParamEvent::kSetValueCurveEnd || test_type == ParamEvent::kCancelValues)) { if (test_type == ParamEvent::kSetValueCurve) { // A SetValueCurve overlapping an existing SetValueCurve requires // special care. double test_end_time = events_[i]->Time() + events_[i]->Duration(); // Test if old event starts somewhere in the middle of the new event. bool overlap = (events_[i]->Time() >= event->Time() && events_[i]->Time() < end_time); // Test if old event ends somewhere in the middle of the new event. overlap = overlap || (test_end_time > event->Time() && test_end_time < end_time); // Test if new event starts somewhere in the middle of the old event. overlap = overlap || (event->Time() >= events_[i]->Time() && event->Time() < test_end_time); // Test if new event ends somewhere in the middle of the old event. overlap = overlap || (end_time >= events_[i]->Time() && end_time < test_end_time); if (overlap) { // If the start time of the event overlaps the start/end of an // existing event or if the existing event end overlaps the // start/end of the event, it's an error. exception_state.ThrowDOMException( DOMExceptionCode::kNotSupportedError, EventToString(*event) + " overlaps " + EventToString(*events_[i])); return; } } else { if (events_[i]->Time() > event->Time() && events_[i]->Time() < end_time) { exception_state.ThrowDOMException( DOMExceptionCode::kNotSupportedError, EventToString(*event) + " overlaps " + EventToString(*events_[i])); return; } } } } else { // Otherwise, make sure this event doesn't overlap any existing // SetValueCurve event. if (events_[i]->GetType() == ParamEvent::kSetValueCurve) { double end_time = events_[i]->Time() + events_[i]->Duration(); if (event->GetType() != ParamEvent::kSetValueCurveEnd && event->Time() >= events_[i]->Time() && event->Time() < end_time) { exception_state.ThrowDOMException( DOMExceptionCode::kNotSupportedError, EventToString(*event) + " overlaps " + EventToString(*events_[i])); return; } } } // Overwrite same event type and time. if (events_[i]->Time() == insert_time && events_[i]->GetType() == event->GetType()) { // Be sure to remove the old event from |new_events_| too, in // case it was just added. if (new_events_.Contains(events_[i].get())) { new_events_.erase(events_[i].get()); } events_[i] = std::move(event); new_events_.insert(events_[i].get()); return; } if (events_[i]->Time() > insert_time) break; } events_.insert(i, std::move(event)); new_events_.insert(events_[i].get()); } bool AudioParamTimeline::HasValues(size_t current_frame, double sample_rate) const { MutexTryLocker try_locker(events_lock_); if (try_locker.Locked()) { if (events_.size() == 0) return false; switch (events_[0]->GetType()) { case ParamEvent::kSetValue: case ParamEvent::kSetValueCurve: case ParamEvent::kSetTarget: // Need automation if the event starts somewhere before the // end of the current render quantum. return events_[0]->Time() <= (current_frame + audio_utilities::kRenderQuantumFrames) / sample_rate; default: // Otherwise, there's some kind of other event running, so we // need to do automation. return true; } } // Can't get the lock so that means the main thread is trying to insert an // event. Just return true then. If the main thread releases the lock before // valueForContextTime or valuesForFrameRange runs, then the there will be an // event on the timeline, so everything is fine. If the lock is held so that // neither valueForContextTime nor valuesForFrameRange can run, this is ok // too, because they have tryLocks to produce a default value. The event will // then get processed in the next rendering quantum. // // Don't want to return false here because that would confuse the processing // of the timeline if previously we returned true and now suddenly return // false, only to return true on the next rendering quantum. Currently, once // a timeline has been introduced it is always true forever because m_events // never shrinks. return true; } void AudioParamTimeline::CancelScheduledValues( double start_time, ExceptionState& exception_state) { DCHECK(IsMainThread()); MutexLocker locker(events_lock_); // Remove all events starting at startTime. for (wtf_size_t i = 0; i < events_.size(); ++i) { if (events_[i]->Time() >= start_time) { RemoveCancelledEvents(i); break; } } } void AudioParamTimeline::CancelAndHoldAtTime(double cancel_time, ExceptionState& exception_state) { DCHECK(IsMainThread()); if (!IsNonNegativeAudioParamTime(cancel_time, exception_state)) return; MutexLocker locker(events_lock_); wtf_size_t i; // Find the first event at or just past cancelTime. for (i = 0; i < events_.size(); ++i) { if (events_[i]->Time() > cancel_time) { break; } } // The event that is being cancelled. This is the event just past // cancelTime, if any. wtf_size_t cancelled_event_index = i; // If the event just before cancelTime is a SetTarget or SetValueCurve // event, we need to handle that event specially instead of the event after. if (i > 0 && ((events_[i - 1]->GetType() == ParamEvent::kSetTarget) || (events_[i - 1]->GetType() == ParamEvent::kSetValueCurve))) { cancelled_event_index = i - 1; } else if (i >= events_.size()) { // If there were no events occurring after |cancelTime| (and the // previous event is not SetTarget or SetValueCurve, we're done. return; } // cancelledEvent is the event that is being cancelled. ParamEvent* cancelled_event = events_[cancelled_event_index].get(); ParamEvent::Type event_type = cancelled_event->GetType(); // New event to be inserted, if any, and a SetValueEvent if needed. std::unique_ptr new_event = nullptr; std::unique_ptr new_set_value_event = nullptr; switch (event_type) { case ParamEvent::kLinearRampToValue: case ParamEvent::kExponentialRampToValue: { // For these events we need to remember the parameters of the event // for a CancelValues event so that we can properly cancel the event // and hold the value. std::unique_ptr saved_event = ParamEvent::CreateGeneralEvent( event_type, cancelled_event->Value(), cancelled_event->Time(), cancelled_event->InitialValue(), cancelled_event->CallTime(), cancelled_event->TimeConstant(), cancelled_event->Duration(), cancelled_event->Curve(), cancelled_event->CurvePointsPerSecond(), cancelled_event->CurveEndValue(), nullptr); new_event = ParamEvent::CreateCancelValuesEvent(cancel_time, std::move(saved_event)); } break; case ParamEvent::kSetTarget: { // Don't want to remove the SetTarget event, so bump the index. But // we do want to insert a cancelEvent so that we stop this // automation and hold the value when we get there. ++cancelled_event_index; new_event = ParamEvent::CreateCancelValuesEvent(cancel_time, nullptr); } break; case ParamEvent::kSetValueCurve: { double new_duration = cancel_time - cancelled_event->Time(); if (cancel_time > cancelled_event->Time() + cancelled_event->Duration()) { // If the cancellation time is past the end of the curve, // there's nothing to do except remove the following events. ++cancelled_event_index; } else { // Cancellation time is in the middle of the curve. Therefore, // create a new SetValueCurve event with the appropriate new // parameters to cancel this event properly. Since it's illegal // to insert any event within a SetValueCurve event, we can // compute the new end value now instead of doing when running // the timeline. float end_value = ValueCurveAtTime( cancel_time, cancelled_event->Time(), cancelled_event->Duration(), cancelled_event->Curve().data(), cancelled_event->Curve().size()); // Replace the existing SetValueCurve with this new one that is // identical except for the duration. new_event = ParamEvent::CreateGeneralEvent( event_type, cancelled_event->Value(), cancelled_event->Time(), cancelled_event->InitialValue(), cancelled_event->CallTime(), cancelled_event->TimeConstant(), new_duration, cancelled_event->Curve(), cancelled_event->CurvePointsPerSecond(), end_value, nullptr); new_set_value_event = ParamEvent::CreateSetValueEvent( end_value, cancelled_event->Time() + new_duration); } } break; case ParamEvent::kSetValue: case ParamEvent::kSetValueCurveEnd: case ParamEvent::kCancelValues: // Nothing needs to be done for a SetValue or CancelValues event. break; case ParamEvent::kLastType: NOTREACHED(); break; } // Now remove all the following events from the timeline. if (cancelled_event_index < events_.size()) { RemoveCancelledEvents(cancelled_event_index); } // Insert the new event, if any. if (new_event) { InsertEvent(std::move(new_event), exception_state); if (new_set_value_event) InsertEvent(std::move(new_set_value_event), exception_state); } } float AudioParamTimeline::ValueForContextTime( AudioDestinationHandler& audio_destination, float default_value, bool& has_value, float min_value, float max_value) { { MutexTryLocker try_locker(events_lock_); if (!try_locker.Locked() || !events_.size() || audio_destination.CurrentTime() < events_[0]->Time()) { has_value = false; return default_value; } } // Ask for just a single value. float value; double sample_rate = audio_destination.SampleRate(); size_t start_frame = audio_destination.CurrentSampleFrame(); // One parameter change per render quantum. double control_rate = sample_rate / audio_utilities::kRenderQuantumFrames; value = ValuesForFrameRange(start_frame, start_frame + 1, default_value, &value, 1, sample_rate, control_rate, min_value, max_value); has_value = true; return value; } float AudioParamTimeline::ValuesForFrameRange(size_t start_frame, size_t end_frame, float default_value, float* values, unsigned number_of_values, double sample_rate, double control_rate, float min_value, float max_value) { // We can't contend the lock in the realtime audio thread. MutexTryLocker try_locker(events_lock_); if (!try_locker.Locked()) { if (values) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < number_of_values; ++i) values[i] = default_value; } return default_value; } float last_value = ValuesForFrameRangeImpl(start_frame, end_frame, default_value, values, number_of_values, sample_rate, control_rate); // Clamp the values now to the nominal range vector_math::Vclip(values, 1, &min_value, &max_value, values, 1, number_of_values); return last_value; } float AudioParamTimeline::ValuesForFrameRangeImpl(size_t start_frame, size_t end_frame, float default_value, float* values, unsigned number_of_values, double sample_rate, double control_rate) { DCHECK(values); DCHECK_GE(number_of_values, 1u); if (!values || !(number_of_values >= 1)) return default_value; // Return default value if there are no events matching the desired time // range. if (!events_.size() || (end_frame / sample_rate <= events_[0]->Time())) { FillWithDefault(values, default_value, number_of_values, 0); return default_value; } int number_of_events = events_.size(); // MUST clamp event before |events_| is possibly mutated because // |new_events_| has raw pointers to objects in |events_|. Clamping // will clear out all of these pointers before |events_| is // potentially modified. // // TODO(rtoy): Consider making |events_| be scoped_refptr instead of // unique_ptr. if (new_events_.size() > 0) { ClampNewEventsToCurrentTime(start_frame / sample_rate); } if (number_of_events > 0) { double current_time = start_frame / sample_rate; if (HandleAllEventsInThePast(current_time, sample_rate, default_value, number_of_values, values)) return default_value; } // Maintain a running time (frame) and index for writing the values buffer. size_t current_frame = start_frame; unsigned write_index = 0; // If first event is after startFrame then fill initial part of values buffer // with defaultValue until we reach the first event time. std::tie(current_frame, write_index) = HandleFirstEvent(values, default_value, number_of_values, start_frame, end_frame, sample_rate, current_frame, write_index); float value = default_value; // Go through each event and render the value buffer where the times overlap, // stopping when we've rendered all the requested values. int last_skipped_event_index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < number_of_events && write_index < number_of_values; ++i) { ParamEvent* event = events_[i].get(); ParamEvent* next_event = i < number_of_events - 1 ? events_[i + 1].get() : nullptr; // Wait until we get a more recent event. if (!IsEventCurrent(event, next_event, current_frame, sample_rate)) { // This is not the special SetValue event case, and nextEvent is // in the past. We can skip processing of this event since it's // in past. We keep track of this event in lastSkippedEventIndex // to note what events we've skipped. last_skipped_event_index = i; continue; } // If there's no next event, set nextEventType to LastType to indicate that. ParamEvent::Type next_event_type = next_event ? static_cast(next_event->GetType()) : ParamEvent::kLastType; ProcessSetTargetFollowedByRamp(i, event, next_event_type, current_frame, sample_rate, control_rate, value); float value1 = event->Value(); double time1 = event->Time(); float value2 = next_event ? next_event->Value() : value1; double time2 = next_event ? next_event->Time() : end_frame / sample_rate + 1; // Check to see if an event was cancelled. std::tie(value2, time2, next_event_type) = HandleCancelValues(event, next_event, value2, time2); DCHECK_GE(time2, time1); // |fillToEndFrame| is the exclusive upper bound of the last frame to be // computed for this event. It's either the last desired frame (|endFrame|) // or derived from the end time of the next event (time2). We compute // ceil(time2*sampleRate) because fillToEndFrame is the exclusive upper // bound. Consider the case where |startFrame| = 128 and time2 = 128.1 // (assuming sampleRate = 1). Since time2 is greater than 128, we want to // output a value for frame 128. This requires that fillToEndFrame be at // least 129. This is achieved by ceil(time2). // // However, time2 can be very large, so compute this carefully in the case // where time2 exceeds the size of a size_t. size_t fill_to_end_frame = end_frame; if (end_frame > time2 * sample_rate) fill_to_end_frame = static_cast(ceil(time2 * sample_rate)); DCHECK_GE(fill_to_end_frame, start_frame); unsigned fill_to_frame = static_cast(fill_to_end_frame - start_frame); fill_to_frame = std::min(fill_to_frame, number_of_values); const AutomationState current_state = { number_of_values, start_frame, end_frame, sample_rate, control_rate, fill_to_frame, fill_to_end_frame, value1, time1, value2, time2, event, i, }; // First handle linear and exponential ramps which require looking ahead to // the next event. if (next_event_type == ParamEvent::kLinearRampToValue) { std::tie(current_frame, value, write_index) = ProcessLinearRamp( current_state, values, current_frame, value, write_index); } else if (next_event_type == ParamEvent::kExponentialRampToValue) { std::tie(current_frame, value, write_index) = ProcessExponentialRamp( current_state, values, current_frame, value, write_index); } else { // Handle event types not requiring looking ahead to the next event. switch (event->GetType()) { case ParamEvent::kSetValue: case ParamEvent::kSetValueCurveEnd: case ParamEvent::kLinearRampToValue: { current_frame = fill_to_end_frame; // Simply stay at a constant value. value = event->Value(); write_index = FillWithDefault(values, value, fill_to_frame, write_index); break; } case ParamEvent::kCancelValues: { std::tie(current_frame, value, write_index) = ProcessCancelValues( current_state, values, current_frame, value, write_index); break; } case ParamEvent::kExponentialRampToValue: { current_frame = fill_to_end_frame; // If we're here, we've reached the end of the ramp. If we can // (because the start and end values have the same sign, and neither // is 0), use the actual end value. If not, we have to propagate // whatever we have. if (i >= 1 && ((events_[i - 1]->Value() * event->Value()) > 0)) value = event->Value(); // Simply stay at a constant value from the last time. We don't want // to use the value of the event in case value1 * value2 < 0. In this // case we should propagate the previous value, which is in |value|. write_index = FillWithDefault(values, value, fill_to_frame, write_index); break; } case ParamEvent::kSetTarget: { std::tie(current_frame, value, write_index) = ProcessSetTarget( current_state, values, current_frame, value, write_index); break; } case ParamEvent::kSetValueCurve: { std::tie(current_frame, value, write_index) = ProcessSetValueCurve( current_state, values, current_frame, value, write_index); break; } case ParamEvent::kLastType: NOTREACHED(); break; } } } // If we skipped over any events (because they are in the past), we can // remove them so we don't have to check them ever again. (This MUST be // running with the m_events lock so we can safely modify the m_events // array.) if (last_skipped_event_index > 0) { // |new_events_| should be empty here so we don't have to // do any updates due to this mutation of |events_|. DCHECK_EQ(new_events_.size(), 0u); events_.EraseAt(0, last_skipped_event_index - 1); } // If there's any time left after processing the last event then just // propagate the last value to the end of the values buffer. write_index = FillWithDefault(values, value, number_of_values, write_index); // This value is used to set the .value attribute of the AudioParam. it // should be the last computed value. return values[number_of_values - 1]; } std::tuple AudioParamTimeline::HandleFirstEvent( float* values, float default_value, unsigned number_of_values, size_t start_frame, size_t end_frame, double sample_rate, size_t current_frame, unsigned write_index) { double first_event_time = events_[0]->Time(); if (first_event_time > start_frame / sample_rate) { // |fillToFrame| is an exclusive upper bound, so use ceil() to compute the // bound from the firstEventTime. size_t fill_to_end_frame = end_frame; double first_event_frame = ceil(first_event_time * sample_rate); if (end_frame > first_event_frame) fill_to_end_frame = first_event_frame; DCHECK_GE(fill_to_end_frame, start_frame); unsigned fill_to_frame = static_cast(fill_to_end_frame - start_frame); fill_to_frame = std::min(fill_to_frame, number_of_values); write_index = FillWithDefault(values, default_value, fill_to_frame, write_index); current_frame += fill_to_frame; } return std::make_tuple(current_frame, write_index); } bool AudioParamTimeline::IsEventCurrent(const ParamEvent* event, const ParamEvent* next_event, size_t current_frame, double sample_rate) const { // WARNING: due to round-off it might happen that nextEvent->time() is // just larger than currentFrame/sampleRate. This means that we will end // up running the |event| again. The code below had better be prepared // for this case! What should happen is the fillToFrame should be 0 so // that while the event is actually run again, nothing actually gets // computed, and we move on to the next event. // // An example of this case is setValueCurveAtTime. The time at which // setValueCurveAtTime ends (and the setValueAtTime begins) might be // just past currentTime/sampleRate. Then setValueCurveAtTime will be // processed again before advancing to setValueAtTime. The number of // frames to be processed should be zero in this case. if (next_event && next_event->Time() < current_frame / sample_rate) { // But if the current event is a SetValue event and the event time is // between currentFrame - 1 and curentFrame (in time). we don't want to // skip it. If we do skip it, the SetValue event is completely skipped // and not applied, which is wrong. Other events don't have this problem. // (Because currentFrame is unsigned, we do the time check in this funny, // but equivalent way.) double event_frame = event->Time() * sample_rate; // Condition is currentFrame - 1 < eventFrame <= currentFrame, but // currentFrame is unsigned and could be 0, so use // currentFrame < eventFrame + 1 instead. if (!(((event->GetType() == ParamEvent::kSetValue || event->GetType() == ParamEvent::kSetValueCurveEnd) && (event_frame <= current_frame) && (current_frame < event_frame + 1)))) { // This is not the special SetValue event case, and nextEvent is // in the past. We can skip processing of this event since it's // in past. return false; } } return true; } void AudioParamTimeline::ClampNewEventsToCurrentTime(double current_time) { bool clamped_some_event_time = false; for (auto* event : new_events_) { if (event->Time() < current_time) { event->SetTime(current_time); clamped_some_event_time = true; } } if (clamped_some_event_time) { // If we clamped some event time to current time, we need to sort // the event list in time order again, but it must be stable! std::stable_sort(events_.begin(), events_.end(), ParamEvent::EventPreceeds); } new_events_.clear(); } // Test that for a SetTarget event, the current value is close enough // to the target value that we can consider the event to have // converged to the target. static bool HasSetTargetConverged(float value, float target, double current_time, double start_time, double time_constant) { // Converged if enough time constants (|kTimeConstantsToConverge|) have passed // since the start of the event. if (current_time > start_time + kTimeConstantsToConverge * time_constant) { return true; } // If |target| is 0, converged if |value| is less than |kSetTargetThreshold|. if (target == 0 && fabs(value) < kSetTargetThreshold) { return true; } // If |target| is not zero, converged if relative difference betwenn |value| // and |target| is small. That is |target-value|/|target| < // |kSetTargetThreshold|. if (target != 0 && fabs(target - value) < kSetTargetThreshold * fabs(value)) { return true; } return false; } bool AudioParamTimeline::HandleAllEventsInThePast(double current_time, double sample_rate, float& default_value, unsigned number_of_values, float* values) { // Optimize the case where the last event is in the past. ParamEvent* last_event = events_[events_.size() - 1].get(); ParamEvent::Type last_event_type = last_event->GetType(); double last_event_time = last_event->Time(); // If the last event is in the past and the event has ended, then we can // just propagate the same value. Except for SetTarget which lasts // "forever". SetValueCurve also has an explicit SetValue at the end of // the curve, so we don't need to worry that SetValueCurve time is a // start time, not an end time. if (last_event_time + 1.5 * audio_utilities::kRenderQuantumFrames / sample_rate < current_time) { // If the last event is SetTarget, make sure we've converged and, that // we're at least 5 time constants past the start of the event. If not, we // have to continue processing it. if (last_event_type == ParamEvent::kSetTarget) { if (HasSetTargetConverged(default_value, last_event->Value(), current_time, last_event_time, last_event->TimeConstant())) { // We've converged. Slam the default value with the target value. default_value = last_event->Value(); } else { // Not converged, so give up; we can't remove this event yet. return false; } } // |events_| is being mutated. |new_events_| better be empty because there // are raw pointers there. DCHECK_EQ(new_events_.size(), 0U); // The event has finished, so just copy the default value out. // Since all events are now also in the past, we can just remove all // timeline events too because |defaultValue| has the expected // value. FillWithDefault(values, default_value, number_of_values, 0); smoothed_value_ = default_value; events_.clear(); return true; } return false; } void AudioParamTimeline::ProcessSetTargetFollowedByRamp( int event_index, ParamEvent*& event, ParamEvent::Type next_event_type, size_t current_frame, double sample_rate, double control_rate, float& value) { // If the current event is SetTarget and the next event is a // LinearRampToValue or ExponentialRampToValue, special handling is needed. // In this case, the linear and exponential ramp should start at wherever // the SetTarget processing has reached. if (event->GetType() == ParamEvent::kSetTarget && (next_event_type == ParamEvent::kLinearRampToValue || next_event_type == ParamEvent::kExponentialRampToValue)) { // Replace the SetTarget with a SetValue to set the starting time and // value for the ramp using the current frame. We need to update |value| // appropriately depending on whether the ramp has started or not. // // If SetTarget starts somewhere between currentFrame - 1 and // currentFrame, we directly compute the value it would have at // currentFrame. If not, we update the value from the value from // currentFrame - 1. // // Can't use the condition currentFrame - 1 <= t0 * sampleRate <= // currentFrame because currentFrame is unsigned and could be 0. Instead, // compute the condition this way, // where f = currentFrame and Fs = sampleRate: // // f - 1 <= t0 * Fs <= f // 2 * f - 2 <= 2 * Fs * t0 <= 2 * f // -2 <= 2 * Fs * t0 - 2 * f <= 0 // -1 <= 2 * Fs * t0 - 2 * f + 1 <= 1 // abs(2 * Fs * t0 - 2 * f + 1) <= 1 if (fabs(2 * sample_rate * event->Time() - 2 * current_frame + 1) <= 1) { // SetTarget is starting somewhere between currentFrame - 1 and // currentFrame. Compute the value the SetTarget would have at the // currentFrame. value = event->Value() + (value - event->Value()) * exp(-(current_frame / sample_rate - event->Time()) / event->TimeConstant()); } else { // SetTarget has already started. Update |value| one frame because it's // the value from the previous frame. float discrete_time_constant = static_cast(audio_utilities::DiscreteTimeConstantForSampleRate( event->TimeConstant(), control_rate)); value += (event->Value() - value) * discrete_time_constant; } // Insert a SetValueEvent to mark the starting value and time. // Clear the clamp check because this doesn't need it. events_[event_index] = ParamEvent::CreateSetValueEvent(value, current_frame / sample_rate); // Update our pointer to the current event because we just changed it. event = events_[event_index].get(); } } std::tuple AudioParamTimeline::HandleCancelValues(const ParamEvent* current_event, ParamEvent* next_event, float value2, double time2) { DCHECK(current_event); ParamEvent::Type next_event_type = next_event ? next_event->GetType() : ParamEvent::kLastType; if (next_event && next_event->GetType() == ParamEvent::kCancelValues && next_event->SavedEvent()) { float value1 = current_event->Value(); double time1 = current_event->Time(); switch (current_event->GetType()) { case ParamEvent::kLinearRampToValue: case ParamEvent::kExponentialRampToValue: case ParamEvent::kSetValueCurveEnd: case ParamEvent::kSetValue: { // These three events potentially establish a starting value for // the following event, so we need to examine the cancelled // event to see what to do. const ParamEvent* saved_event = next_event->SavedEvent(); // Update the end time and type to pretend that we're running // this saved event type. time2 = next_event->Time(); next_event_type = saved_event->GetType(); if (next_event->HasDefaultCancelledValue()) { // We've already established a value for the cancelled // event, so just return it. value2 = next_event->Value(); } else { // If the next event would have been a LinearRamp or // ExponentialRamp, we need to compute a new end value for // the event so that the curve works continues as if it were // not cancelled. switch (saved_event->GetType()) { case ParamEvent::kLinearRampToValue: value2 = LinearRampAtTime(next_event->Time(), value1, time1, saved_event->Value(), saved_event->Time()); break; case ParamEvent::kExponentialRampToValue: value2 = ExponentialRampAtTime(next_event->Time(), value1, time1, saved_event->Value(), saved_event->Time()); break; case ParamEvent::kSetValueCurve: case ParamEvent::kSetValueCurveEnd: case ParamEvent::kSetValue: case ParamEvent::kSetTarget: case ParamEvent::kCancelValues: // These cannot be possible types for the saved event // because they can't be created. // createCancelValuesEvent doesn't allow them (SetValue, // SetTarget, CancelValues) or cancelScheduledValues() // doesn't create such an event (SetValueCurve). NOTREACHED(); break; case ParamEvent::kLastType: // Illegal event type. NOTREACHED(); break; } // Cache the new value so we don't keep computing it over and over. next_event->SetCancelledValue(value2); } } break; case ParamEvent::kSetValueCurve: // Everything needed for this was handled when cancelling was // done. break; case ParamEvent::kSetTarget: case ParamEvent::kCancelValues: // Nothing special needs to be done for SetTarget or // CancelValues followed by CancelValues. break; case ParamEvent::kLastType: NOTREACHED(); break; } } return std::make_tuple(value2, time2, next_event_type); } std::tuple AudioParamTimeline::ProcessLinearRamp( const AutomationState& current_state, float* values, size_t current_frame, float value, unsigned write_index) { #if defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_FAMILY) auto number_of_values = current_state.number_of_values; #endif auto fill_to_frame = current_state.fill_to_frame; auto time1 = current_state.time1; auto time2 = current_state.time2; auto value1 = current_state.value1; auto value2 = current_state.value2; auto sample_rate = current_state.sample_rate; double delta_time = time2 - time1; DCHECK_GE(delta_time, 0); // Since delta_time is a double, 1/delta_time can easily overflow a float. // Thus, if delta_time is close enough to zero (less than float min), treat it // as zero. float k = delta_time <= std::numeric_limits::min() ? 0 : 1 / delta_time; const float value_delta = value2 - value1; #if defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_FAMILY) if (fill_to_frame > write_index) { // Minimize in-loop operations. Calculate starting value and increment. // Next step: value += inc. // value = value1 + // (currentFrame/sampleRate - time1) * k * (value2 - value1); // inc = 4 / sampleRate * k * (value2 - value1); // Resolve recursion by expanding constants to achieve a 4-step loop // unrolling. // value = value1 + // ((currentFrame/sampleRate - time1) + i * sampleFrameTimeIncr) * k // * (value2 -value1), i in 0..3 __m128 v_value = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_set_ps1(1 / sample_rate), _mm_set_ps(3, 2, 1, 0)); v_value = _mm_add_ps(v_value, _mm_set_ps1(current_frame / sample_rate - time1)); v_value = _mm_mul_ps(v_value, _mm_set_ps1(k * value_delta)); v_value = _mm_add_ps(v_value, _mm_set_ps1(value1)); __m128 v_inc = _mm_set_ps1(4 / sample_rate * k * value_delta); // Truncate loop steps to multiple of 4. unsigned fill_to_frame_trunc = write_index + ((fill_to_frame - write_index) / 4) * 4; // Compute final time. DCHECK_LE(fill_to_frame_trunc, number_of_values); current_frame += fill_to_frame_trunc - write_index; // Process 4 loop steps. for (; write_index < fill_to_frame_trunc; write_index += 4) { _mm_storeu_ps(values + write_index, v_value); v_value = _mm_add_ps(v_value, v_inc); } } // Update |value| with the last value computed so that the // .value attribute of the AudioParam gets the correct linear // ramp value, in case the following loop doesn't execute. if (write_index >= 1) value = values[write_index - 1]; #endif // Serially process remaining values. for (; write_index < fill_to_frame; ++write_index) { float x = (current_frame / sample_rate - time1) * k; // value = (1 - x) * value1 + x * value2; value = value1 + x * value_delta; values[write_index] = value; ++current_frame; } return std::make_tuple(current_frame, value, write_index); } std::tuple AudioParamTimeline::ProcessExponentialRamp( const AutomationState& current_state, float* values, size_t current_frame, float value, unsigned write_index) { auto fill_to_frame = current_state.fill_to_frame; auto time1 = current_state.time1; auto time2 = current_state.time2; auto value1 = current_state.value1; auto value2 = current_state.value2; auto sample_rate = current_state.sample_rate; if (value1 * value2 <= 0) { // It's an error if value1 and value2 have opposite signs or if one of // them is zero. Handle this by propagating the previous value, and // making it the default. value = value1; for (; write_index < fill_to_frame; ++write_index) values[write_index] = value; } else { double delta_time = time2 - time1; double num_sample_frames = delta_time * sample_rate; // The value goes exponentially from value1 to value2 in a duration of // deltaTime seconds according to // // v(t) = v1*(v2/v1)^((t-t1)/(t2-t1)) // // Let c be currentFrame and F be the sampleRate. Then we want to // sample v(t) at times t = (c + k)/F for k = 0, 1, ...: // // v((c+k)/F) = v1*(v2/v1)^(((c/F+k/F)-t1)/(t2-t1)) // = v1*(v2/v1)^((c/F-t1)/(t2-t1)) // *(v2/v1)^((k/F)/(t2-t1)) // = v1*(v2/v1)^((c/F-t1)/(t2-t1)) // *[(v2/v1)^(1/(F*(t2-t1)))]^k // // Thus, this can be written as // // v((c+k)/F) = V*m^k // // where // V = v1*(v2/v1)^((c/F-t1)/(t2-t1)) // m = (v2/v1)^(1/(F*(t2-t1))) // Compute the per-sample multiplier. float multiplier = powf(value2 / value1, 1 / num_sample_frames); // Set the starting value of the exponential ramp. Do not attempt // to optimize pow to powf. See crbug.com/771306. value = value1 * pow(value2 / static_cast(value1), (current_frame / sample_rate - time1) / delta_time); for (; write_index < fill_to_frame; ++write_index) { values[write_index] = value; value *= multiplier; ++current_frame; } // |value| got updated one extra time in the above loop. Restore it to // the last computed value. if (write_index >= 1) value /= multiplier; // Due to roundoff it's possible that value exceeds value2. Clip value // to value2 if we are within 1/2 frame of time2. if (current_frame > time2 * sample_rate - 0.5) value = value2; } return std::make_tuple(current_frame, value, write_index); } std::tuple AudioParamTimeline::ProcessSetTarget( const AutomationState& current_state, float* values, size_t current_frame, float value, unsigned write_index) { #if defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_FAMILY) auto number_of_values = current_state.number_of_values; #endif auto fill_to_frame = current_state.fill_to_frame; auto time1 = current_state.time1; auto value1 = current_state.value1; auto sample_rate = current_state.sample_rate; auto control_rate = current_state.control_rate; auto fill_to_end_frame = current_state.fill_to_end_frame; auto* event = current_state.event; // Exponential approach to target value with given time constant. // // v(t) = v2 + (v1 - v2)*exp(-(t-t1/tau)) // float target = value1; float time_constant = event->TimeConstant(); float discrete_time_constant = static_cast(audio_utilities::DiscreteTimeConstantForSampleRate( time_constant, control_rate)); // Set the starting value correctly. This is only needed when the // current time is "equal" to the start time of this event. This is // to get the sampling correct if the start time of this automation // isn't on a frame boundary. Otherwise, we can just continue from // where we left off from the previous rendering quantum. { double ramp_start_frame = time1 * sample_rate; // Condition is c - 1 < r <= c where c = currentFrame and r = // rampStartFrame. Compute it this way because currentFrame is // unsigned and could be 0. if (ramp_start_frame <= current_frame && current_frame < ramp_start_frame + 1) { value = target + (value - target) * exp(-(current_frame / sample_rate - time1) / time_constant); } else { // Otherwise, need to compute a new value bacause |value| is the // last computed value of SetTarget. Time has progressed by one // frame, so we need to update the value for the new frame. value += (target - value) * discrete_time_constant; } } // If the value is close enough to the target, just fill in the data // with the target value. if (HasSetTargetConverged(value, target, current_frame / sample_rate, time1, time_constant)) { for (; write_index < fill_to_frame; ++write_index) values[write_index] = target; } else { #if defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_FAMILY) if (fill_to_frame > write_index) { // Resolve recursion by expanding constants to achieve a 4-step // loop unrolling. // // v1 = v0 + (t - v0) * c // v2 = v1 + (t - v1) * c // v2 = v0 + (t - v0) * c + (t - (v0 + (t - v0) * c)) * c // v2 = v0 + (t - v0) * c + (t - v0) * c - (t - v0) * c * c // v2 = v0 + (t - v0) * c * (2 - c) // Thus c0 = c, c1 = c*(2-c). The same logic applies to c2 and c3. const float c0 = discrete_time_constant; const float c1 = c0 * (2 - c0); const float c2 = c0 * ((c0 - 3) * c0 + 3); const float c3 = c0 * (c0 * ((4 - c0) * c0 - 6) + 4); float delta; __m128 v_c = _mm_set_ps(c2, c1, c0, 0); __m128 v_delta, v_value, v_result; // Process 4 loop steps. unsigned fill_to_frame_trunc = write_index + ((fill_to_frame - write_index) / 4) * 4; DCHECK_LE(fill_to_frame_trunc, number_of_values); for (; write_index < fill_to_frame_trunc; write_index += 4) { delta = target - value; v_delta = _mm_set_ps1(delta); v_value = _mm_set_ps1(value); v_result = _mm_add_ps(v_value, _mm_mul_ps(v_delta, v_c)); _mm_storeu_ps(values + write_index, v_result); // Update value for next iteration. value += delta * c3; } } #endif // Serially process remaining values for (; write_index < fill_to_frame; ++write_index) { values[write_index] = value; value += (target - value) * discrete_time_constant; } // The previous loops may have updated |value| one extra time. // Reset it to the last computed value. if (write_index >= 1) value = values[write_index - 1]; current_frame = fill_to_end_frame; } return std::make_tuple(current_frame, value, write_index); } std::tuple AudioParamTimeline::ProcessSetValueCurve( const AutomationState& current_state, float* values, size_t current_frame, float value, unsigned write_index) { auto number_of_values = current_state.number_of_values; auto fill_to_frame = current_state.fill_to_frame; auto time1 = current_state.time1; auto sample_rate = current_state.sample_rate; auto start_frame = current_state.start_frame; auto end_frame = current_state.end_frame; auto fill_to_end_frame = current_state.fill_to_end_frame; auto* event = current_state.event; const Vector curve = event->Curve(); const float* curve_data = curve.data(); unsigned number_of_curve_points = curve.size(); float curve_end_value = event->CurveEndValue(); // Curve events have duration, so don't just use next event time. double duration = event->Duration(); // How much to step the curve index for each frame. This is basically // the term (N - 1)/Td in the specification. double curve_points_per_frame = event->CurvePointsPerSecond() / sample_rate; if (!number_of_curve_points || duration <= 0 || sample_rate <= 0) { // Error condition - simply propagate previous value. current_frame = fill_to_end_frame; for (; write_index < fill_to_frame; ++write_index) values[write_index] = value; return std::make_tuple(current_frame, value, write_index); } // Save old values and recalculate information based on the curve's // duration instead of the next event time. size_t next_event_fill_to_frame = fill_to_frame; // fillToEndFrame = min(endFrame, // ceil(sampleRate * (time1 + duration))), // but compute this carefully in case sampleRate*(time1 + duration) is // huge. fillToEndFrame is an exclusive upper bound of the last frame // to be computed, so ceil is used. { double curve_end_frame = ceil(sample_rate * (time1 + duration)); if (end_frame > curve_end_frame) fill_to_end_frame = static_cast(curve_end_frame); else fill_to_end_frame = end_frame; } // |fillToFrame| can be less than |startFrame| when the end of the // setValueCurve automation has been reached, but the next automation // has not yet started. In this case, |fillToFrame| is clipped to // |time1|+|duration| above, but |startFrame| will keep increasing // (because the current time is increasing). fill_to_frame = (fill_to_end_frame < start_frame) ? 0 : static_cast(fill_to_end_frame - start_frame); fill_to_frame = std::min(fill_to_frame, number_of_values); // Index into the curve data using a floating-point value. // We're scaling the number of curve points by the duration (see // curvePointsPerFrame). double curve_virtual_index = 0; if (time1 < current_frame / sample_rate) { // Index somewhere in the middle of the curve data. // Don't use timeToSampleFrame() since we want the exact // floating-point frame. double frame_offset = current_frame - time1 * sample_rate; curve_virtual_index = curve_points_per_frame * frame_offset; } // Set the default value in case fillToFrame is 0. value = curve_end_value; // Render the stretched curve data using linear interpolation. // Oversampled curve data can be provided if sharp discontinuities are // desired. unsigned k = 0; #if defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_FAMILY) if (fill_to_frame > write_index) { const __m128 v_curve_virtual_index = _mm_set_ps1(curve_virtual_index); const __m128 v_curve_points_per_frame = _mm_set_ps1(curve_points_per_frame); const __m128 v_number_of_curve_points_m1 = _mm_set_ps1(number_of_curve_points - 1); const __m128 v_n1 = _mm_set_ps1(1.0f); const __m128 v_n4 = _mm_set_ps1(4.0f); __m128 v_k = _mm_set_ps(3, 2, 1, 0); int a_curve_index0[4]; int a_curve_index1[4]; // Truncate loop steps to multiple of 4 unsigned truncated_steps = ((fill_to_frame - write_index) / 4) * 4; unsigned fill_to_frame_trunc = write_index + truncated_steps; DCHECK_LE(fill_to_frame_trunc, number_of_values); for (; write_index < fill_to_frame_trunc; write_index += 4) { // Compute current index this way to minimize round-off that would // have occurred by incrementing the index by curvePointsPerFrame. __m128 v_current_virtual_index = _mm_add_ps( v_curve_virtual_index, _mm_mul_ps(v_k, v_curve_points_per_frame)); v_k = _mm_add_ps(v_k, v_n4); // Clamp index to the last element of the array. __m128i v_curve_index0 = _mm_cvttps_epi32( _mm_min_ps(v_current_virtual_index, v_number_of_curve_points_m1)); __m128i v_curve_index1 = _mm_cvttps_epi32(_mm_min_ps(_mm_add_ps(v_current_virtual_index, v_n1), v_number_of_curve_points_m1)); // Linearly interpolate between the two nearest curve points. // |delta| is clamped to 1 because currentVirtualIndex can exceed // curveIndex0 by more than one. This can happen when we reached // the end of the curve but still need values to fill out the // current rendering quantum. _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)a_curve_index0, v_curve_index0); _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)a_curve_index1, v_curve_index1); __m128 v_c0 = _mm_set_ps( curve_data[a_curve_index0[3]], curve_data[a_curve_index0[2]], curve_data[a_curve_index0[1]], curve_data[a_curve_index0[0]]); __m128 v_c1 = _mm_set_ps( curve_data[a_curve_index1[3]], curve_data[a_curve_index1[2]], curve_data[a_curve_index1[1]], curve_data[a_curve_index1[0]]); __m128 v_delta = _mm_min_ps( _mm_sub_ps(v_current_virtual_index, _mm_cvtepi32_ps(v_curve_index0)), v_n1); __m128 v_value = _mm_add_ps(v_c0, _mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(v_c1, v_c0), v_delta)); _mm_storeu_ps(values + write_index, v_value); } // Pass along k to the serial loop. k = truncated_steps; } if (write_index >= 1) value = values[write_index - 1]; #endif for (; write_index < fill_to_frame; ++write_index, ++k) { // Compute current index this way to minimize round-off that would // have occurred by incrementing the index by curvePointsPerFrame. double current_virtual_index = curve_virtual_index + k * curve_points_per_frame; unsigned curve_index0; // Clamp index to the last element of the array. if (current_virtual_index < number_of_curve_points) { curve_index0 = static_cast(current_virtual_index); } else { curve_index0 = number_of_curve_points - 1; } unsigned curve_index1 = std::min(curve_index0 + 1, number_of_curve_points - 1); // Linearly interpolate between the two nearest curve points. // |delta| is clamped to 1 because currentVirtualIndex can exceed // curveIndex0 by more than one. This can happen when we reached // the end of the curve but still need values to fill out the // current rendering quantum. DCHECK_LT(curve_index0, number_of_curve_points); DCHECK_LT(curve_index1, number_of_curve_points); float c0 = curve_data[curve_index0]; float c1 = curve_data[curve_index1]; double delta = std::min(current_virtual_index - curve_index0, 1.0); value = c0 + (c1 - c0) * delta; values[write_index] = value; } // If there's any time left after the duration of this event and the // start of the next, then just propagate the last value of the // curveData. Don't modify |value| unless there is time left. if (write_index < next_event_fill_to_frame) { value = curve_end_value; for (; write_index < next_event_fill_to_frame; ++write_index) values[write_index] = value; } // Re-adjust current time current_frame += next_event_fill_to_frame; return std::make_tuple(current_frame, value, write_index); } std::tuple AudioParamTimeline::ProcessCancelValues( const AutomationState& current_state, float* values, size_t current_frame, float value, unsigned write_index) { auto fill_to_frame = current_state.fill_to_frame; auto time1 = current_state.time1; auto sample_rate = current_state.sample_rate; auto control_rate = current_state.control_rate; auto fill_to_end_frame = current_state.fill_to_end_frame; auto* event = current_state.event; auto event_index = current_state.event_index; // If the previous event was a SetTarget or ExponentialRamp // event, the current value is one sample behind. Update // the sample value by one sample, but only at the start of // this CancelValues event. if (event->HasDefaultCancelledValue()) { value = event->Value(); } else { double cancel_frame = time1 * sample_rate; if (event_index >= 1 && cancel_frame <= current_frame && current_frame < cancel_frame + 1) { ParamEvent::Type last_event_type = events_[event_index - 1]->GetType(); if (last_event_type == ParamEvent::kSetTarget) { float target = events_[event_index - 1]->Value(); float time_constant = events_[event_index - 1]->TimeConstant(); float discrete_time_constant = static_cast( audio_utilities::DiscreteTimeConstantForSampleRate(time_constant, control_rate)); value += (target - value) * discrete_time_constant; } } } // Simply stay at the current value. for (; write_index < fill_to_frame; ++write_index) values[write_index] = value; current_frame = fill_to_end_frame; return std::make_tuple(current_frame, value, write_index); } uint32_t AudioParamTimeline::FillWithDefault(float* values, float default_value, uint32_t end_frame, uint32_t write_index) { uint32_t index = write_index; for (; index < end_frame; ++index) values[index] = default_value; return index; } void AudioParamTimeline::RemoveCancelledEvents( wtf_size_t first_event_to_remove) { // For all the events that are being removed, also remove that event // from |new_events_|. if (new_events_.size() > 0) { for (wtf_size_t k = first_event_to_remove; k < events_.size(); ++k) { new_events_.erase(events_[k].get()); } } // Now we can remove the cancelled events from the list. events_.EraseAt(first_event_to_remove, events_.size() - first_event_to_remove); } } // namespace blink