// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // https://w3c.github.io/mediacapture-main/#idl-def-mediatracksettings dictionary MediaTrackSettings { long width; long height; double aspectRatio; double frameRate; DOMString facingMode; double volume; long sampleRate; long sampleSize; boolean echoCancellation; boolean autoGainControl; boolean noiseSuppression; double latency; long channelCount; DOMString deviceId; DOMString groupId; [OriginTrialEnabled=ExperimentalHardwareEchoCancellation] DOMString echoCancellationType; // Media Capture Depth Stream Extensions // https://w3c.github.io/mediacapture-depth/#mediatracksettings-dictionary // TODO(aleksandar.stojiljkovic): videoKind, depthNear, depthFar, // focalLengthX and focalLengthY attributes should be declared as partial // dictionary but IDL parser can't support it yet. http://crbug.com/579896. [RuntimeEnabled=MediaCaptureDepthVideoKind] DOMString videoKind; [RuntimeEnabled=MediaCaptureDepth] double depthNear; [RuntimeEnabled=MediaCaptureDepth] double depthFar; [RuntimeEnabled=MediaCaptureDepth] double focalLengthX; [RuntimeEnabled=MediaCaptureDepth] double focalLengthY; // W3C Image Capture API // https://w3c.github.io/mediacapture-image/#mediatracksettings-section // TODO(mcasas) move out when partial dictionaries are supported // http://crbug.com/579896. DOMString whiteBalanceMode; DOMString exposureMode; DOMString focusMode; sequence pointsOfInterest; double exposureCompensation; double colorTemperature; double iso; double brightness; double contrast; double saturation; double sharpness; double zoom; boolean torch; };