/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * @implements {Bindings.CSSWorkspaceBinding.SourceMapping} * @unrestricted */ Bindings.StylesSourceMapping = class { /** * @param {!SDK.CSSModel} cssModel * @param {!Workspace.Workspace} workspace */ constructor(cssModel, workspace) { this._cssModel = cssModel; const target = this._cssModel.target(); this._project = new Bindings.ContentProviderBasedProject( workspace, 'css:' + target.id(), Workspace.projectTypes.Network, '', false /* isServiceProject */); Bindings.NetworkProject.setTargetForProject(this._project, target); /** @type {!Map.} */ this._styleFiles = new Map(); this._eventListeners = [ this._cssModel.addEventListener(SDK.CSSModel.Events.StyleSheetAdded, this._styleSheetAdded, this), this._cssModel.addEventListener(SDK.CSSModel.Events.StyleSheetRemoved, this._styleSheetRemoved, this), this._cssModel.addEventListener(SDK.CSSModel.Events.StyleSheetChanged, this._styleSheetChanged, this), ]; } /** * @override * @param {!SDK.CSSLocation} rawLocation * @return {?Workspace.UILocation} */ rawLocationToUILocation(rawLocation) { const header = rawLocation.header(); if (!header || !this._acceptsHeader(header)) return null; const styleFile = this._styleFiles.get(header.resourceURL()); if (!styleFile) return null; let lineNumber = rawLocation.lineNumber; let columnNumber = rawLocation.columnNumber; if (header.isInline && header.hasSourceURL) { lineNumber -= header.lineNumberInSource(0); columnNumber -= header.columnNumberInSource(lineNumber, 0); } return styleFile._uiSourceCode.uiLocation(lineNumber, columnNumber); } /** * @override * @param {!Workspace.UILocation} uiLocation * @return {!Array} */ uiLocationToRawLocations(uiLocation) { const styleFile = uiLocation.uiSourceCode[Bindings.StyleFile._symbol]; if (!styleFile) return []; const rawLocations = []; for (const header of styleFile._headers) { let lineNumber = uiLocation.lineNumber; let columnNumber = uiLocation.columnNumber; if (header.isInline && header.hasSourceURL) { columnNumber = header.columnNumberInSource(lineNumber, columnNumber); lineNumber = header.lineNumberInSource(lineNumber); } rawLocations.push(new SDK.CSSLocation(header, lineNumber, columnNumber)); } return rawLocations; } /** * @param {!SDK.CSSStyleSheetHeader} header */ _acceptsHeader(header) { if (header.isInline && !header.hasSourceURL && header.origin !== 'inspector') return false; if (!header.resourceURL()) return false; return true; } /** * @param {!Common.Event} event */ _styleSheetAdded(event) { const header = /** @type {!SDK.CSSStyleSheetHeader} */ (event.data); if (!this._acceptsHeader(header)) return; const url = header.resourceURL(); let styleFile = this._styleFiles.get(url); if (!styleFile) { styleFile = new Bindings.StyleFile(this._cssModel, this._project, header); this._styleFiles.set(url, styleFile); } else { styleFile.addHeader(header); } } /** * @param {!Common.Event} event */ _styleSheetRemoved(event) { const header = /** @type {!SDK.CSSStyleSheetHeader} */ (event.data); if (!this._acceptsHeader(header)) return; const url = header.resourceURL(); const styleFile = this._styleFiles.get(url); if (styleFile._headers.size === 1) { styleFile.dispose(); this._styleFiles.delete(url); } else { styleFile.removeHeader(header); } } /** * @param {!Common.Event} event */ _styleSheetChanged(event) { const header = this._cssModel.styleSheetHeaderForId(event.data.styleSheetId); if (!header || !this._acceptsHeader(header)) return; const styleFile = this._styleFiles.get(header.resourceURL()); styleFile._styleSheetChanged(header); } dispose() { for (const styleFile of this._styleFiles.values()) styleFile.dispose(); this._styleFiles.clear(); Common.EventTarget.removeEventListeners(this._eventListeners); this._project.removeProject(); } }; /** * @implements {Common.ContentProvider} * @unrestricted */ Bindings.StyleFile = class { /** * @param {!SDK.CSSModel} cssModel * @param {!Bindings.ContentProviderBasedProject} project * @param {!SDK.CSSStyleSheetHeader} header */ constructor(cssModel, project, header) { this._cssModel = cssModel; this._project = project; /** @type {!Set} */ this._headers = new Set([header]); const target = cssModel.target(); const url = header.resourceURL(); const metadata = Bindings.metadataForURL(target, header.frameId, url); this._uiSourceCode = this._project.createUISourceCode(url, header.contentType()); this._uiSourceCode[Bindings.StyleFile._symbol] = this; Bindings.NetworkProject.setInitialFrameAttribution(this._uiSourceCode, header.frameId); this._project.addUISourceCodeWithProvider(this._uiSourceCode, this, metadata, 'text/css'); this._eventListeners = [ this._uiSourceCode.addEventListener( Workspace.UISourceCode.Events.WorkingCopyChanged, this._workingCopyChanged, this), this._uiSourceCode.addEventListener( Workspace.UISourceCode.Events.WorkingCopyCommitted, this._workingCopyCommitted, this) ]; this._throttler = new Common.Throttler(Bindings.StyleFile.updateTimeout); this._terminated = false; } /** * @param {!SDK.CSSStyleSheetHeader} header */ addHeader(header) { this._headers.add(header); Bindings.NetworkProject.addFrameAttribution(this._uiSourceCode, header.frameId); } /** * @param {!SDK.CSSStyleSheetHeader} header */ removeHeader(header) { this._headers.delete(header); Bindings.NetworkProject.removeFrameAttribution(this._uiSourceCode, header.frameId); } /** * @param {!SDK.CSSStyleSheetHeader} header */ _styleSheetChanged(header) { console.assert(this._headers.has(header)); if (this._isUpdatingHeaders || !this._headers.has(header)) return; const mirrorContentBound = this._mirrorContent.bind(this, header, true /* majorChange */); this._throttler.schedule(mirrorContentBound, false /* asSoonAsPossible */); } /** * @param {!Common.Event} event */ _workingCopyCommitted(event) { if (this._isAddingRevision) return; const mirrorContentBound = this._mirrorContent.bind(this, this._uiSourceCode, true /* majorChange */); this._throttler.schedule(mirrorContentBound, true /* asSoonAsPossible */); } /** * @param {!Common.Event} event */ _workingCopyChanged(event) { if (this._isAddingRevision) return; const mirrorContentBound = this._mirrorContent.bind(this, this._uiSourceCode, false /* majorChange */); this._throttler.schedule(mirrorContentBound, false /* asSoonAsPossible */); } /** * @param {!Common.ContentProvider} fromProvider * @param {boolean} majorChange * @return {!Promise} */ async _mirrorContent(fromProvider, majorChange) { if (this._terminated) { this._styleFileSyncedForTest(); return; } let newContent = null; if (fromProvider === this._uiSourceCode) { newContent = this._uiSourceCode.workingCopy(); } else { // ------ ASYNC ------ newContent = await fromProvider.requestContent(); } if (newContent === null || this._terminated) { this._styleFileSyncedForTest(); return; } if (fromProvider !== this._uiSourceCode) { this._isAddingRevision = true; this._uiSourceCode.addRevision(newContent); this._isAddingRevision = false; } this._isUpdatingHeaders = true; const promises = []; for (const header of this._headers) { if (header === fromProvider) continue; promises.push(this._cssModel.setStyleSheetText(header.id, newContent, majorChange)); } // ------ ASYNC ------ await Promise.all(promises); this._isUpdatingHeaders = false; this._styleFileSyncedForTest(); } _styleFileSyncedForTest() { } dispose() { if (this._terminated) return; this._terminated = true; this._project.removeFile(this._uiSourceCode.url()); Common.EventTarget.removeEventListeners(this._eventListeners); } /** * @override * @return {string} */ contentURL() { return this._headers.firstValue().originalContentProvider().contentURL(); } /** * @override * @return {!Common.ResourceType} */ contentType() { return this._headers.firstValue().originalContentProvider().contentType(); } /** * @override * @return {!Promise} */ contentEncoded() { return this._headers.firstValue().originalContentProvider().contentEncoded(); } /** * @override * @return {!Promise} */ requestContent() { return this._headers.firstValue().originalContentProvider().requestContent(); } /** * @override * @param {string} query * @param {boolean} caseSensitive * @param {boolean} isRegex * @return {!Promise>} */ searchInContent(query, caseSensitive, isRegex) { return this._headers.firstValue().originalContentProvider().searchInContent(query, caseSensitive, isRegex); } }; Bindings.StyleFile._symbol = Symbol('Bindings.StyleFile._symbol'); Bindings.StyleFile.updateTimeout = 200;