/* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "core/loader/DocumentLoader.h" #include "FetchInitiatorTypeNames.h" #include "bindings/v8/ScriptController.h" #include "core/dom/DOMImplementation.h" #include "core/dom/Document.h" #include "core/dom/DocumentParser.h" #include "core/dom/Event.h" #include "core/html/HTMLFrameOwnerElement.h" #include "core/inspector/InspectorInstrumentation.h" #include "core/loader/DocumentWriter.h" #include "core/loader/FrameLoader.h" #include "core/loader/FrameLoaderClient.h" #include "core/loader/ResourceLoader.h" #include "core/loader/SinkDocument.h" #include "core/loader/TextResourceDecoder.h" #include "core/loader/UniqueIdentifier.h" #include "core/loader/appcache/ApplicationCacheHost.h" #include "core/loader/archive/ArchiveResourceCollection.h" #include "core/loader/archive/MHTMLArchive.h" #include "core/loader/cache/MemoryCache.h" #include "core/loader/cache/ResourceFetcher.h" #include "core/page/DOMWindow.h" #include "core/page/Frame.h" #include "core/page/FrameTree.h" #include "core/page/Page.h" #include "core/page/Settings.h" #include "core/platform/Logging.h" #include "core/plugins/PluginData.h" #include "public/platform/Platform.h" #include "public/platform/WebMimeRegistry.h" #include "weborigin/SchemeRegistry.h" #include "weborigin/SecurityPolicy.h" #include "wtf/Assertions.h" #include "wtf/text/WTFString.h" namespace WebCore { static void cancelAll(const ResourceLoaderSet& loaders) { Vector > loadersCopy; copyToVector(loaders, loadersCopy); size_t size = loadersCopy.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) loadersCopy[i]->cancel(); } static void setAllDefersLoading(const ResourceLoaderSet& loaders, bool defers) { Vector > loadersCopy; copyToVector(loaders, loadersCopy); size_t size = loadersCopy.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) loadersCopy[i]->setDefersLoading(defers); } static bool isArchiveMIMEType(const String& mimeType) { return mimeType == "multipart/related"; } DocumentLoader::DocumentLoader(const ResourceRequest& req, const SubstituteData& substituteData) : m_deferMainResourceDataLoad(true) , m_frame(0) , m_fetcher(ResourceFetcher::create(this)) , m_originalRequest(req) , m_substituteData(substituteData) , m_originalRequestCopy(req) , m_request(req) , m_committed(false) , m_isStopping(false) , m_isClientRedirect(false) , m_replacesCurrentHistoryItem(false) , m_loadingMainResource(false) , m_timeOfLastDataReceived(0.0) , m_identifierForLoadWithoutResourceLoader(0) , m_dataLoadTimer(this, &DocumentLoader::handleSubstituteDataLoadNow) , m_applicationCacheHost(adoptPtr(new ApplicationCacheHost(this))) { } FrameLoader* DocumentLoader::frameLoader() const { if (!m_frame) return 0; return m_frame->loader(); } ResourceLoader* DocumentLoader::mainResourceLoader() const { return m_mainResource ? m_mainResource->loader() : 0; } DocumentLoader::~DocumentLoader() { ASSERT(!m_frame || frameLoader()->activeDocumentLoader() != this || !isLoading()); m_fetcher->clearDocumentLoader(); clearMainResourceHandle(); } PassRefPtr DocumentLoader::mainResourceData() const { ASSERT(isArchiveMIMEType(m_response.mimeType())); if (m_substituteData.isValid()) return m_substituteData.content()->copy(); if (m_mainResource) return m_mainResource->resourceBuffer(); return 0; } unsigned long DocumentLoader::mainResourceIdentifier() const { return m_mainResource ? m_mainResource->identifier() : m_identifierForLoadWithoutResourceLoader; } Document* DocumentLoader::document() const { if (m_frame && m_frame->loader()->documentLoader() == this) return m_frame->document(); return 0; } const ResourceRequest& DocumentLoader::originalRequest() const { return m_originalRequest; } const ResourceRequest& DocumentLoader::originalRequestCopy() const { return m_originalRequestCopy; } const ResourceRequest& DocumentLoader::request() const { return m_request; } ResourceRequest& DocumentLoader::request() { return m_request; } const KURL& DocumentLoader::url() const { return request().url(); } void DocumentLoader::replaceRequestURLForSameDocumentNavigation(const KURL& url) { m_originalRequestCopy.setURL(url); m_request.setURL(url); } void DocumentLoader::setRequest(const ResourceRequest& req) { // Replacing an unreachable URL with alternate content looks like a server-side // redirect at this point, but we can replace a committed dataSource. bool handlingUnreachableURL = false; handlingUnreachableURL = m_substituteData.isValid() && !m_substituteData.failingURL().isEmpty(); if (handlingUnreachableURL) m_committed = false; // We should never be getting a redirect callback after the data // source is committed, except in the unreachable URL case. It // would be a WebFoundation bug if it sent a redirect callback after commit. ASSERT(!m_committed); m_request = req; } void DocumentLoader::setMainDocumentError(const ResourceError& error) { m_mainDocumentError = error; } void DocumentLoader::mainReceivedError(const ResourceError& error) { ASSERT(!error.isNull()); ASSERT(!mainResourceLoader() || !mainResourceLoader()->defersLoading()); m_applicationCacheHost->failedLoadingMainResource(); if (!frameLoader()) return; setMainDocumentError(error); clearMainResourceLoader(); frameLoader()->receivedMainResourceError(error); clearMainResourceHandle(); } // Cancels the data source's pending loads. Conceptually, a data source only loads // one document at a time, but one document may have many related resources. // stopLoading will stop all loads initiated by the data source, // but not loads initiated by child frames' data sources -- that's the WebFrame's job. void DocumentLoader::stopLoading() { RefPtr protectFrame(m_frame); RefPtr protectLoader(this); // In some rare cases, calling FrameLoader::stopLoading could cause isLoading() to return false. // (This can happen when there's a single XMLHttpRequest currently loading and stopLoading causes it // to stop loading. Because of this, we need to save it so we don't return early. bool loading = isLoading(); if (m_committed) { // Attempt to stop the frame if the document loader is loading, or if it is done loading but // still parsing. Failure to do so can cause a world leak. Document* doc = m_frame->document(); if (loading || doc->parsing()) m_frame->loader()->stopLoading(UnloadEventPolicyNone); } // Always cancel multipart loaders cancelAll(m_multipartResourceLoaders); clearArchiveResources(); if (!loading) { // If something above restarted loading we might run into mysterious crashes like // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=62764 and ASSERT(!isLoading()); return; } // We might run in to infinite recursion if we're stopping loading as the result of // detaching from the frame, so break out of that recursion here. // See for more details. if (m_isStopping) return; m_isStopping = true; if (isLoadingMainResource()) { // Stop the main resource loader and let it send the cancelled message. cancelMainResourceLoad(ResourceError::cancelledError(m_request.url())); } else if (!m_resourceLoaders.isEmpty()) { // The main resource loader already finished loading. Set the cancelled error on the // document and let the resourceLoaders send individual cancelled messages below. setMainDocumentError(ResourceError::cancelledError(m_request.url())); } else { // If there are no resource loaders, we need to manufacture a cancelled message. // (A back/forward navigation has no resource loaders because its resources are cached.) mainReceivedError(ResourceError::cancelledError(m_request.url())); } stopLoadingSubresources(); m_isStopping = false; } void DocumentLoader::commitIfReady() { if (!m_committed) { m_committed = true; frameLoader()->commitProvisionalLoad(); } } bool DocumentLoader::isLoading() const { if (document() && document()->hasActiveParser()) return true; return isLoadingMainResource() || !m_resourceLoaders.isEmpty(); } void DocumentLoader::notifyFinished(Resource* resource) { ASSERT_UNUSED(resource, m_mainResource == resource); ASSERT(m_mainResource); RefPtr protect(this); if (!m_mainResource->errorOccurred() && !m_mainResource->wasCanceled()) { finishedLoading(m_mainResource->loadFinishTime()); return; } mainReceivedError(m_mainResource->resourceError()); } void DocumentLoader::finishedLoading(double finishTime) { ASSERT(!m_frame->page()->defersLoading() || InspectorInstrumentation::isDebuggerPaused(m_frame)); RefPtr protect(this); if (m_identifierForLoadWithoutResourceLoader) { frameLoader()->notifier()->dispatchDidFinishLoading(this, m_identifierForLoadWithoutResourceLoader, finishTime); m_identifierForLoadWithoutResourceLoader = 0; } double responseEndTime = finishTime; if (!responseEndTime) responseEndTime = m_timeOfLastDataReceived; if (!responseEndTime) responseEndTime = monotonicallyIncreasingTime(); timing()->setResponseEnd(responseEndTime); commitIfReady(); if (!frameLoader()) return; if (isArchiveMIMEType(m_response.mimeType())) { createArchive(); } else { // If this is an empty document, it will not have actually been created yet. Commit dummy data so that // DocumentWriter::begin() gets called and creates the Document. if (!m_writer) commitData(0, 0); } endWriting(m_writer.get()); if (!m_mainDocumentError.isNull()) return; clearMainResourceLoader(); if (!frameLoader()->stateMachine()->creatingInitialEmptyDocument()) frameLoader()->checkLoadComplete(); // If the document specified an application cache manifest, it violates the author's intent if we store it in the memory cache // and deny the appcache the chance to intercept it in the future, so remove from the memory cache. if (m_frame) { if (m_mainResource && m_frame->document()->hasManifest()) memoryCache()->remove(m_mainResource.get()); } m_applicationCacheHost->finishedLoadingMainResource(); clearMainResourceHandle(); } bool DocumentLoader::isPostOrRedirectAfterPost(const ResourceRequest& newRequest, const ResourceResponse& redirectResponse) { if (newRequest.httpMethod() == "POST") return true; int status = redirectResponse.httpStatusCode(); if (((status >= 301 && status <= 303) || status == 307) && m_originalRequest.httpMethod() == "POST") return true; return false; } void DocumentLoader::handleSubstituteDataLoadNow(DocumentLoaderTimer*) { RefPtr protect(this); ResourceResponse response(m_request.url(), m_substituteData.mimeType(), m_substituteData.content()->size(), m_substituteData.textEncoding(), ""); responseReceived(0, response); if (isStopping()) return; if (m_substituteData.content()->size()) dataReceived(0, m_substituteData.content()->data(), m_substituteData.content()->size()); if (isLoadingMainResource()) finishedLoading(0); } void DocumentLoader::startDataLoadTimer() { m_dataLoadTimer.startOneShot(0); } void DocumentLoader::handleSubstituteDataLoadSoon() { if (m_deferMainResourceDataLoad) startDataLoadTimer(); else handleSubstituteDataLoadNow(0); } bool DocumentLoader::shouldContinueForNavigationPolicy(const ResourceRequest& request, PolicyCheckLoadType policyCheckLoadType) { // Don't ask if we are loading an empty URL. if (request.url().isEmpty()) return true; // We are always willing to show alternate content for unreachable URLs. if (m_substituteData.isValid() && !m_substituteData.failingURL().isEmpty()) return true; // If we're loading content into a subframe, check against the parent's Content Security Policy // and kill the load if that check fails. if (m_frame->ownerElement() && !m_frame->ownerElement()->document()->contentSecurityPolicy()->allowChildFrameFromSource(request.url())) return false; NavigationPolicy policy = NavigationPolicyCurrentTab; m_triggeringAction.specifiesNavigationPolicy(&policy); policy = frameLoader()->client()->decidePolicyForNavigation(request, m_triggeringAction.type(), policy, policyCheckLoadType == PolicyCheckRedirect); if (policy == NavigationPolicyCurrentTab) return true; if (policy == NavigationPolicyIgnore) return false; if (!DOMWindow::allowPopUp(m_frame) && !ScriptController::processingUserGesture()) return false; frameLoader()->client()->loadURLExternally(request, policy); return false; } void DocumentLoader::redirectReceived(Resource* resource, ResourceRequest& request, const ResourceResponse& redirectResponse) { ASSERT_UNUSED(resource, resource == m_mainResource); willSendRequest(request, redirectResponse); } void DocumentLoader::willSendRequest(ResourceRequest& newRequest, const ResourceResponse& redirectResponse) { // Note that there are no asserts here as there are for the other callbacks. This is due to the // fact that this "callback" is sent when starting every load, and the state of callback // deferrals plays less of a part in this function in preventing the bad behavior deferring // callbacks is meant to prevent. ASSERT(!newRequest.isNull()); if (!frameLoader()->checkIfFormActionAllowedByCSP(newRequest.url())) { cancelMainResourceLoad(ResourceError::cancelledError(newRequest.url())); return; } ASSERT(timing()->fetchStart()); if (!redirectResponse.isNull()) { // If the redirecting url is not allowed to display content from the target origin, // then block the redirect. RefPtr redirectingOrigin = SecurityOrigin::create(redirectResponse.url()); if (!redirectingOrigin->canDisplay(newRequest.url())) { FrameLoader::reportLocalLoadFailed(m_frame, newRequest.url().string()); cancelMainResourceLoad(ResourceError::cancelledError(newRequest.url())); return; } timing()->addRedirect(redirectResponse.url(), newRequest.url()); } // Update cookie policy base URL as URL changes, except for subframes, which use the // URL of the main frame which doesn't change when we redirect. if (frameLoader()->isLoadingMainFrame()) newRequest.setFirstPartyForCookies(newRequest.url()); // If we're fielding a redirect in response to a POST, force a load from origin, since // this is a common site technique to return to a page viewing some data that the POST // just modified. // Also, POST requests always load from origin, but this does not affect subresources. if (newRequest.cachePolicy() == UseProtocolCachePolicy && isPostOrRedirectAfterPost(newRequest, redirectResponse)) newRequest.setCachePolicy(ReloadIgnoringCacheData); Frame* parent = m_frame->tree()->parent(); if (parent) { if (!parent->loader()->mixedContentChecker()->canRunInsecureContent(parent->document()->securityOrigin(), newRequest.url())) { cancelMainResourceLoad(ResourceError::cancelledError(newRequest.url())); return; } } setRequest(newRequest); if (redirectResponse.isNull()) return; appendRedirect(newRequest.url()); frameLoader()->client()->dispatchDidReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoad(); if (!shouldContinueForNavigationPolicy(newRequest, PolicyCheckRedirect)) stopLoadingForPolicyChange(); } static bool canShowMIMEType(const String& mimeType, Page* page) { if (WebKit::Platform::current()->mimeRegistry()->supportsMIMEType(mimeType) == WebKit::WebMimeRegistry::IsSupported) return true; PluginData* pluginData = page->pluginData(); return !mimeType.isEmpty() && pluginData && pluginData->supportsMimeType(mimeType); } bool DocumentLoader::shouldContinueForResponse() const { if (m_substituteData.isValid()) return true; int statusCode = m_response.httpStatusCode(); if (statusCode == 204 || statusCode == 205) { // The server does not want us to replace the page contents. return false; } if (contentDispositionType(m_response.httpHeaderField("Content-Disposition")) == ContentDispositionAttachment) { // The server wants us to download instead of replacing the page contents. // Downloading is handled by the embedder, but we still get the initial // response so that we can ignore it and clean up properly. return false; } if (!canShowMIMEType(m_response.mimeType(), m_frame->page())) return false; // Prevent remote web archives from loading because they can claim to be from any domain and thus avoid cross-domain security checks. if (equalIgnoringCase("multipart/related", m_response.mimeType()) && !SchemeRegistry::shouldTreatURLSchemeAsLocal(m_request.url().protocol())) return false; return true; } void DocumentLoader::responseReceived(Resource* resource, const ResourceResponse& response) { ASSERT_UNUSED(resource, m_mainResource == resource); RefPtr protect(this); m_applicationCacheHost->didReceiveResponseForMainResource(response); // The memory cache doesn't understand the application cache or its caching rules. So if a main resource is served // from the application cache, ensure we don't save the result for future use. All responses loaded // from appcache will have a non-zero appCacheID(). if (response.appCacheID()) memoryCache()->remove(m_mainResource.get()); DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(AtomicString, xFrameOptionHeader, ("x-frame-options", AtomicString::ConstructFromLiteral)); HTTPHeaderMap::const_iterator it = response.httpHeaderFields().find(xFrameOptionHeader); if (it != response.httpHeaderFields().end()) { String content = it->value; ASSERT(m_mainResource); unsigned long identifier = mainResourceIdentifier(); ASSERT(identifier); if (frameLoader()->shouldInterruptLoadForXFrameOptions(content, response.url(), identifier)) { InspectorInstrumentation::continueAfterXFrameOptionsDenied(m_frame, this, identifier, response); String message = "Refused to display '" + response.url().elidedString() + "' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to '" + content + "'."; frame()->document()->addConsoleMessage(SecurityMessageSource, ErrorMessageLevel, message, identifier); frame()->document()->enforceSandboxFlags(SandboxOrigin); if (HTMLFrameOwnerElement* ownerElement = frame()->ownerElement()) ownerElement->dispatchEvent(Event::create(eventNames().loadEvent, false, false)); // The load event might have detached this frame. In that case, the load will already have been cancelled during detach. if (frameLoader()) cancelMainResourceLoad(ResourceError::cancelledError(m_request.url())); return; } } ASSERT(!mainResourceLoader() || !mainResourceLoader()->defersLoading()); m_response = response; if (isArchiveMIMEType(m_response.mimeType()) && m_mainResource->dataBufferingPolicy() != BufferData) m_mainResource->setDataBufferingPolicy(BufferData); if (m_identifierForLoadWithoutResourceLoader) frameLoader()->notifier()->dispatchDidReceiveResponse(this, m_identifierForLoadWithoutResourceLoader, m_response, 0); if (!shouldContinueForResponse()) { InspectorInstrumentation::continueWithPolicyIgnore(m_frame, this, m_mainResource->identifier(), m_response); stopLoadingForPolicyChange(); return; } if (m_response.isHTTP()) { int status = m_response.httpStatusCode(); if (status < 200 || status >= 300) { bool hostedByObject = frameLoader()->isHostedByObjectElement(); frameLoader()->handleFallbackContent(); // object elements are no longer rendered after we fallback, so don't // keep trying to process data from their load if (hostedByObject) cancelMainResourceLoad(ResourceError::cancelledError(m_request.url())); } } } void DocumentLoader::stopLoadingForPolicyChange() { ResourceError error = frameLoader()->client()->interruptedForPolicyChangeError(m_request); error.setIsCancellation(true); cancelMainResourceLoad(error); } void DocumentLoader::ensureWriter() { ensureWriter(m_response.mimeType()); } void DocumentLoader::ensureWriter(const String& mimeType, const KURL& overridingURL) { if (m_writer) return; String encoding = overrideEncoding().isNull() ? response().textEncodingName().impl() : overrideEncoding(); bool userChosen = !overrideEncoding().isNull(); m_writer = createWriterFor(m_frame, 0, requestURL(), mimeType, encoding, false, false); m_writer->setDocumentWasLoadedAsPartOfNavigation(); // This should be set before receivedFirstData(). if (!overridingURL.isEmpty()) m_frame->document()->setBaseURLOverride(overridingURL); // Call receivedFirstData() exactly once per load. frameLoader()->receivedFirstData(); m_frame->document()->maybeHandleHttpRefresh(m_response.httpHeaderField("Refresh"), Document::HttpRefreshFromHeader); } void DocumentLoader::commitData(const char* bytes, size_t length) { ensureWriter(); ASSERT(m_frame->document()->parsing()); m_writer->addData(bytes, length); } void DocumentLoader::dataReceived(Resource* resource, const char* data, int length) { ASSERT(data); ASSERT(length); ASSERT_UNUSED(resource, resource == m_mainResource); ASSERT(!m_response.isNull()); ASSERT(!mainResourceLoader() || !mainResourceLoader()->defersLoading()); // Both unloading the old page and parsing the new page may execute JavaScript which destroys the datasource // by starting a new load, so retain temporarily. RefPtr protectFrame(m_frame); RefPtr protectLoader(this); if (m_identifierForLoadWithoutResourceLoader) frameLoader()->notifier()->dispatchDidReceiveData(this, m_identifierForLoadWithoutResourceLoader, data, length, -1); m_applicationCacheHost->mainResourceDataReceived(data, length); m_timeOfLastDataReceived = monotonicallyIncreasingTime(); commitIfReady(); if (!frameLoader()) return; if (isArchiveMIMEType(response().mimeType())) return; commitData(data, length); // If we are sending data to MediaDocument, we should stop here // and cancel the request. if (m_frame->document()->isMediaDocument()) cancelMainResourceLoad(ResourceError::cancelledError(m_request.url())); } void DocumentLoader::checkLoadComplete() { if (!m_frame || isLoading()) return; // FIXME: This ASSERT is always triggered. // See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=110937 // ASSERT(this == frameLoader()->activeDocumentLoader()) m_frame->domWindow()->finishedLoading(); } void DocumentLoader::clearRedirectChain() { m_redirectChain.clear(); } void DocumentLoader::appendRedirect(const KURL& url) { m_redirectChain.append(url); } void DocumentLoader::setFrame(Frame* frame) { if (m_frame == frame) return; ASSERT(frame && !m_frame); ASSERT(!m_writer); m_frame = frame; } void DocumentLoader::detachFromFrame() { ASSERT(m_frame); RefPtr protectFrame(m_frame); RefPtr protectLoader(this); // It never makes sense to have a document loader that is detached from its // frame have any loads active, so go ahead and kill all the loads. stopLoading(); m_applicationCacheHost->setDOMApplicationCache(0); InspectorInstrumentation::loaderDetachedFromFrame(m_frame, this); m_frame = 0; } void DocumentLoader::clearMainResourceLoader() { m_loadingMainResource = false; if (this == frameLoader()->activeDocumentLoader()) checkLoadComplete(); } void DocumentLoader::clearMainResourceHandle() { if (!m_mainResource) return; m_mainResource->removeClient(this); m_mainResource = 0; } bool DocumentLoader::isLoadingInAPISense() const { // Once a frame has loaded, we no longer need to consider subresources, // but we still need to consider subframes. if (frameLoader()->state() != FrameStateComplete) { Document* doc = m_frame->document(); if ((isLoadingMainResource() || !m_frame->document()->loadEventFinished()) && isLoading()) return true; if (m_fetcher->requestCount()) return true; if (doc->processingLoadEvent()) return true; if (doc->hasActiveParser()) return true; } return frameLoader()->subframeIsLoading(); } void DocumentLoader::createArchive() { m_archive = MHTMLArchive::create(m_response.url(), mainResourceData().get()); ASSERT(m_archive); addAllArchiveResources(m_archive.get()); ArchiveResource* mainResource = m_archive->mainResource(); // The origin is the MHTML file, we need to set the base URL to the document encoded in the MHTML so // relative URLs are resolved properly. ensureWriter(mainResource->mimeType(), m_archive->mainResource()->url()); commitData(mainResource->data()->data(), mainResource->data()->size()); } void DocumentLoader::addAllArchiveResources(MHTMLArchive* archive) { ASSERT(archive); if (!m_archiveResourceCollection) m_archiveResourceCollection = adoptPtr(new ArchiveResourceCollection); m_archiveResourceCollection->addAllResources(archive); } void DocumentLoader::prepareSubframeArchiveLoadIfNeeded() { if (!m_frame->tree()->parent()) return; ArchiveResourceCollection* parentCollection = m_frame->tree()->parent()->loader()->documentLoader()->m_archiveResourceCollection.get(); if (!parentCollection) return; m_archive = parentCollection->popSubframeArchive(m_frame->tree()->uniqueName(), m_request.url()); if (!m_archive) return; addAllArchiveResources(m_archive.get()); ArchiveResource* mainResource = m_archive->mainResource(); m_substituteData = SubstituteData(mainResource->data(), mainResource->mimeType(), mainResource->textEncoding(), KURL()); } void DocumentLoader::clearArchiveResources() { m_archiveResourceCollection.clear(); } bool DocumentLoader::scheduleArchiveLoad(Resource* cachedResource, const ResourceRequest& request) { if (!m_archive) return false; ASSERT(m_archiveResourceCollection); ArchiveResource* archiveResource = m_archiveResourceCollection->archiveResourceForURL(request.url()); if (!archiveResource) { cachedResource->error(Resource::LoadError); return true; } cachedResource->setLoading(true); cachedResource->responseReceived(archiveResource->response()); SharedBuffer* data = archiveResource->data(); if (data) cachedResource->appendData(data->data(), data->size()); cachedResource->finish(); return true; } void DocumentLoader::setTitle(const StringWithDirection& title) { if (m_pageTitle == title) return; m_pageTitle = title; frameLoader()->didChangeTitle(this); } KURL DocumentLoader::urlForHistory() const { // Return the URL to be used for history and B/F list. // Returns nil for WebDataProtocol URLs that aren't alternates // for unreachable URLs, because these can't be stored in history. if (m_substituteData.isValid()) return unreachableURL(); return m_originalRequestCopy.url(); } const KURL& DocumentLoader::originalURL() const { return m_originalRequestCopy.url(); } const KURL& DocumentLoader::requestURL() const { return request().url(); } const String& DocumentLoader::responseMIMEType() const { return m_response.mimeType(); } const KURL& DocumentLoader::unreachableURL() const { return m_substituteData.failingURL(); } void DocumentLoader::setDefersLoading(bool defers) { // Multiple frames may be loading the same main resource simultaneously. If deferral state changes, // each frame's DocumentLoader will try to send a setDefersLoading() to the same underlying ResourceLoader. Ensure only // the "owning" DocumentLoader does so, as setDefersLoading() is not resilient to setting the same value repeatedly. if (mainResourceLoader() && mainResourceLoader()->isLoadedBy(m_fetcher.get())) mainResourceLoader()->setDefersLoading(defers); setAllDefersLoading(m_resourceLoaders, defers); } void DocumentLoader::stopLoadingSubresources() { cancelAll(m_resourceLoaders); } void DocumentLoader::addResourceLoader(ResourceLoader* loader) { // The main resource's underlying ResourceLoader will ask to be added here. // It is much simpler to handle special casing of main resource loads if we don't // let it be added. In the main resource load case, mainResourceLoader() // will still be null at this point, but document() should be zero here if and only // if we are just starting the main resource load. if (!document()) return; ASSERT(!m_resourceLoaders.contains(loader)); ASSERT(!mainResourceLoader() || mainResourceLoader() != loader); m_resourceLoaders.add(loader); } void DocumentLoader::removeResourceLoader(ResourceLoader* loader) { if (!m_resourceLoaders.contains(loader)) return; m_resourceLoaders.remove(loader); checkLoadComplete(); if (Frame* frame = m_frame) frame->loader()->checkLoadComplete(); } bool DocumentLoader::maybeLoadEmpty() { bool shouldLoadEmpty = !m_substituteData.isValid() && (m_request.url().isEmpty() || SchemeRegistry::shouldLoadURLSchemeAsEmptyDocument(m_request.url().protocol())); if (!shouldLoadEmpty) return false; if (m_request.url().isEmpty() && !frameLoader()->stateMachine()->creatingInitialEmptyDocument()) m_request.setURL(blankURL()); m_response = ResourceResponse(m_request.url(), "text/html", 0, String(), String()); finishedLoading(monotonicallyIncreasingTime()); return true; } void DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource() { RefPtr protect(this); m_mainDocumentError = ResourceError(); timing()->markNavigationStart(); ASSERT(!m_mainResource); ASSERT(!m_loadingMainResource); m_loadingMainResource = true; if (maybeLoadEmpty()) return; ASSERT(timing()->navigationStart()); ASSERT(!timing()->fetchStart()); timing()->markFetchStart(); willSendRequest(m_request, ResourceResponse()); // willSendRequest() may lead to our Frame being detached or cancelling the load via nulling the ResourceRequest. if (!m_frame || m_request.isNull()) return; m_applicationCacheHost->willStartLoadingMainResource(m_request); prepareSubframeArchiveLoadIfNeeded(); if (m_substituteData.isValid()) { m_identifierForLoadWithoutResourceLoader = createUniqueIdentifier(); frameLoader()->notifier()->dispatchWillSendRequest(this, m_identifierForLoadWithoutResourceLoader, m_request, ResourceResponse()); handleSubstituteDataLoadSoon(); return; } ResourceRequest request(m_request); DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(ResourceLoaderOptions, mainResourceLoadOptions, (SendCallbacks, SniffContent, DoNotBufferData, AllowStoredCredentials, ClientRequestedCredentials, AskClientForCrossOriginCredentials, SkipSecurityCheck, CheckContentSecurityPolicy, UseDefaultOriginRestrictionsForType, DocumentContext)); FetchRequest cachedResourceRequest(request, FetchInitiatorTypeNames::document, mainResourceLoadOptions); m_mainResource = m_fetcher->requestMainResource(cachedResourceRequest); if (!m_mainResource) { setRequest(ResourceRequest()); // If the load was aborted by clearing m_request, it's possible the ApplicationCacheHost // is now in a state where starting an empty load will be inconsistent. Replace it with // a new ApplicationCacheHost. m_applicationCacheHost = adoptPtr(new ApplicationCacheHost(this)); maybeLoadEmpty(); return; } m_mainResource->addClient(this); // A bunch of headers are set when the underlying ResourceLoader is created, and m_request needs to include those. if (mainResourceLoader()) request = mainResourceLoader()->originalRequest(); // If there was a fragment identifier on m_request, the cache will have stripped it. m_request should include // the fragment identifier, so add that back in. if (equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(m_request.url(), request.url())) request.setURL(m_request.url()); setRequest(request); } void DocumentLoader::cancelMainResourceLoad(const ResourceError& resourceError) { RefPtr protect(this); ResourceError error = resourceError.isNull() ? ResourceError::cancelledError(m_request.url()) : resourceError; m_dataLoadTimer.stop(); if (mainResourceLoader()) mainResourceLoader()->cancel(error); mainReceivedError(error); } void DocumentLoader::subresourceLoaderFinishedLoadingOnePart(ResourceLoader* loader) { m_multipartResourceLoaders.add(loader); m_resourceLoaders.remove(loader); checkLoadComplete(); if (Frame* frame = m_frame) frame->loader()->checkLoadComplete(); } DocumentWriter* DocumentLoader::beginWriting(const String& mimeType, const String& encoding, const KURL& url) { m_writer = createWriterFor(m_frame, 0, url, mimeType, encoding, false, true); return m_writer.get(); } void DocumentLoader::endWriting(DocumentWriter* writer) { ASSERT_UNUSED(writer, m_writer == writer); m_writer->end(); m_writer.clear(); } PassRefPtr DocumentLoader::createWriterFor(Frame* frame, const Document* ownerDocument, const KURL& url, const String& mimeType, const String& encoding, bool userChosen, bool dispatch) { // Create a new document before clearing the frame, because it may need to // inherit an aliased security context. RefPtr document = DOMImplementation::createDocument(mimeType, frame, url, frame->inViewSourceMode()); if (document->isPluginDocument() && document->isSandboxed(SandboxPlugins)) document = SinkDocument::create(DocumentInit(url, frame)); bool shouldReuseDefaultView = frame->loader()->stateMachine()->isDisplayingInitialEmptyDocument() && frame->document()->isSecureTransitionTo(url); RefPtr originalDOMWindow; if (shouldReuseDefaultView) originalDOMWindow = frame->domWindow(); frame->loader()->clear(!shouldReuseDefaultView, !shouldReuseDefaultView); if (!shouldReuseDefaultView) { frame->setDOMWindow(DOMWindow::create(frame)); } else { // Note that the old Document is still attached to the DOMWindow; the // setDocument() call below will detach the old Document. ASSERT(originalDOMWindow); frame->setDOMWindow(originalDOMWindow); } frame->loader()->setOutgoingReferrer(url); frame->domWindow()->setDocument(document); if (ownerDocument) { document->setCookieURL(ownerDocument->cookieURL()); document->setSecurityOrigin(ownerDocument->securityOrigin()); } frame->loader()->didBeginDocument(dispatch); return DocumentWriter::create(document.get(), mimeType, encoding, userChosen); } String DocumentLoader::mimeType() const { if (m_writer) return m_writer->mimeType(); return m_response.mimeType(); } // This is only called by ScriptController::executeScriptIfJavaScriptURL // and always contains the result of evaluating a javascript: url. // This is the