# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. from __future__ import print_function import argparse import codecs import contextlib import json import os import logging import platform import subprocess import sys import tempfile import traceback logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) # Add src/testing/ into sys.path for importing xvfb and test_env. sys.path.append( os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir))) import test_env if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): import xvfb # Unfortunately we need to copy these variables from ../test_env.py. # Importing it and using its get_sandbox_env breaks test runs on Linux # (it seems to unset DISPLAY). CHROME_SANDBOX_ENV = 'CHROME_DEVEL_SANDBOX' CHROME_SANDBOX_PATH = '/opt/chromium/chrome_sandbox' SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) SRC_DIR = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, os.path.pardir, os.path.pardir)) # Use result_sink.py in //build/util/lib/results/ for uploading the # results of non-isolated script tests. BUILD_UTIL_DIR = os.path.join(SRC_DIR, 'build', 'util') sys.path.insert(0, BUILD_UTIL_DIR) try: from lib.results import result_sink from lib.results import result_types except ImportError: # Some build-time scripts import this file and run into issues with # result_sink's dependency on requests since we can't depend on vpython # during build-time. So silently swallow the error in that case. result_sink = None # run_web_tests.py returns the number of failures as the return # code, but caps the return code at 101 to avoid overflow or colliding # with reserved values from the shell. MAX_FAILURES_EXIT_STATUS = 101 # Exit code to indicate infrastructure issue. INFRA_FAILURE_EXIT_CODE = 87 # ACL might be explicitly set or inherited. CORRECT_ACL_VARIANTS = [ 'APPLICATION PACKAGE AUTHORITY' \ '\\ALL RESTRICTED APPLICATION PACKAGES:(OI)(CI)(RX)', \ 'APPLICATION PACKAGE AUTHORITY' \ '\\ALL RESTRICTED APPLICATION PACKAGES:(I)(OI)(CI)(RX)' ] # pylint: disable=useless-object-inheritance def set_lpac_acls(acl_dir, is_test_script=False): """Sets LPAC ACLs on a directory. Windows 10 only.""" if platform.release() != '10': return try: existing_acls = subprocess.check_output(['icacls', acl_dir], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logging.error('Failed to retrieve existing ACLs for directory %s', acl_dir) logging.error('Command output: %s', e.output) sys.exit(e.returncode) acls_correct = False for acl in CORRECT_ACL_VARIANTS: if acl in existing_acls: acls_correct = True if not acls_correct: try: existing_acls = subprocess.check_output( ['icacls', acl_dir, '/grant', '*S-1-15-2-2:(OI)(CI)(RX)'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logging.error( 'Failed to retrieve existing ACLs for directory %s', acl_dir) logging.error('Command output: %s', e.output) sys.exit(e.returncode) if not is_test_script: return # Bots running on luci use hardlinks that do not have correct ACLs so these # must be manually overridden here. with temporary_file() as tempfile_path: subprocess.check_output( ['icacls', acl_dir, '/save', tempfile_path, '/t', '/q', '/c'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # ACL files look like this, e.g. for c:\a\b\c\d\Release_x64 # # Release_x64 # D:AI(A;OICI;0x1200a9;;;S-1-15-2-2)(A;OICIID;FA;;;BA) # Release_x64\icudtl_extra.dat # D:AI(A;ID;0x1200a9;;;S-1-15-2-2)(A;ID;FA;;;BA)(A;ID;0x1301bf;;;BU) with codecs.open(tempfile_path, encoding='utf_16_le') as aclfile: for filename in aclfile: acl = next(aclfile).strip() full_filename = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(acl_dir, os.pardir, filename.strip())) if 'S-1-15-2-2' in acl: continue if os.path.isdir(full_filename): continue subprocess.check_output( ['icacls', full_filename, '/grant', '*S-1-15-2-2:(RX)'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) def run_script(argv, funcs): def parse_json(path): with open(path) as f: return json.load(f) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # TODO(phajdan.jr): Make build-config-fs required after passing it in recipe. parser.add_argument('--build-config-fs') parser.add_argument('--paths', type=parse_json, default={}) # Properties describe the environment of the build, and are the same per # script invocation. parser.add_argument('--properties', type=parse_json, default={}) # Args contains per-invocation arguments that potentially change the # behavior of the script. parser.add_argument('--args', type=parse_json, default=[]) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() run_parser = subparsers.add_parser('run') run_parser.add_argument( '--output', type=argparse.FileType('w'), required=True) run_parser.add_argument('--filter-file', type=argparse.FileType('r')) run_parser.set_defaults(func=funcs['run']) run_parser = subparsers.add_parser('compile_targets') run_parser.add_argument( '--output', type=argparse.FileType('w'), required=True) run_parser.set_defaults(func=funcs['compile_targets']) args = parser.parse_args(argv) return args.func(args) def run_command(argv, env=None, cwd=None): print('Running %r in %r (env: %r)' % (argv, cwd, env), file=sys.stderr) rc = test_env.run_command(argv, env=env, cwd=cwd) print('Command %r returned exit code %d' % (argv, rc), file=sys.stderr) return rc @contextlib.contextmanager def temporary_file(): fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) try: yield path finally: os.remove(path) def record_local_script_results(name, output_fd, failures, valid): """Records to a local json file and to RDB the results of the script test. For legacy reasons, local script tests (ie: script tests that run locally and that don't conform to the isolated-test API) are expected to record their results using a specific format. This method encapsulates that format and also uploads those results to Result DB. Args: name: Name of the script test. output_fd: A .write()-supporting file descriptor to write results to. failures: List of strings representing test failures. valid: Whether the results are valid. """ local_script_results = { 'valid': valid, 'failures': failures } json.dump(local_script_results, output_fd) if not result_sink: return result_sink_client = result_sink.TryInitClient() if not result_sink_client: return status = result_types.PASS if not valid: status = result_types.UNKNOWN elif failures: status = result_types.FAIL test_log = '\n'.join(failures) result_sink_client.Post(name, status, None, test_log, None) def parse_common_test_results(json_results, test_separator='/'): def convert_trie_to_flat_paths(trie, prefix=None): # Also see blinkpy.web_tests.layout_package.json_results_generator result = {} for name, data in trie.items(): if prefix: name = prefix + test_separator + name if len(data) and not 'actual' in data and not 'expected' in data: result.update(convert_trie_to_flat_paths(data, name)) else: result[name] = data return result results = { 'passes': {}, 'unexpected_passes': {}, 'failures': {}, 'unexpected_failures': {}, 'flakes': {}, 'unexpected_flakes': {}, } # TODO(dpranke): crbug.com/357866 - we should simplify the handling of # both the return code and parsing the actual results, below. passing_statuses = ('PASS', 'SLOW', 'NEEDSREBASELINE') for test, result in convert_trie_to_flat_paths( json_results['tests']).items(): key = 'unexpected_' if result.get('is_unexpected') else '' data = result['actual'] actual_results = data.split() last_result = actual_results[-1] expected_results = result['expected'].split() if (len(actual_results) > 1 and (last_result in expected_results or last_result in passing_statuses)): key += 'flakes' elif last_result in passing_statuses: key += 'passes' # TODO(dpranke): crbug.com/357867 ... Why are we assigning result # instead of actual_result here. Do we even need these things to be # hashes, or just lists? data = result else: key += 'failures' results[key][test] = data return results def write_interrupted_test_results_to(filepath, test_start_time): """Writes a test results JSON file* to filepath. This JSON file is formatted to explain that something went wrong. *src/docs/testing/json_test_results_format.md Args: filepath: A path to a file to write the output to. test_start_time: The start time of the test run expressed as a floating-point offset in seconds from the UNIX epoch. """ with open(filepath, 'w') as fh: output = { 'interrupted': True, 'num_failures_by_type': {}, 'seconds_since_epoch': test_start_time, 'tests': {}, 'version': 3, } json.dump(output, fh) def get_gtest_summary_passes(output): """Returns a mapping of test to boolean indicating if the test passed. Only partially parses the format. This code is based on code in tools/build, specifically https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/build/+/17fef98756c5f250b20bf716829a0004857235ff/scripts/slave/recipe_modules/test_utils/util.py#189 """ if not output: return {} mapping = {} for cur_iteration_data in output.get('per_iteration_data', []): for test_fullname, results in cur_iteration_data.items(): # Results is a list with one entry per test try. Last one is the final # result. last_result = results[-1] if last_result['status'] == 'SUCCESS': mapping[test_fullname] = True elif last_result['status'] != 'SKIPPED': mapping[test_fullname] = False return mapping def extract_filter_list(filter_list): """Helper for isolated script test wrappers. Parses the --isolated-script-test-filter command line argument. Currently, double-colon ('::') is used as the separator between test names, because a single colon may be used in the names of perf benchmarks, which contain URLs. """ return filter_list.split('::') class BaseIsolatedScriptArgsAdapter(object): """The base class for all script adapters that need to translate flags set by isolated script test contract into the specific test script's flags. """ def __init__(self): self._parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() self._options = None self._rest_args = None self._parser.add_argument( '--isolated-outdir', type=str, required=False, help='value of $ISOLATED_OUTDIR from swarming task') self._parser.add_argument( '--isolated-script-test-output', type=str, required=False, help='path to write test results JSON object to') self._parser.add_argument( '--isolated-script-test-filter', type=str, required=False) self._parser.add_argument( '--isolated-script-test-repeat', type=int, required=False) self._parser.add_argument( '--isolated-script-test-launcher-retry-limit', type=int, required=False) self._parser.add_argument( '--isolated-script-test-also-run-disabled-tests', default=False, action='store_true', required=False) self._parser.add_argument( '--xvfb', help='start xvfb. Ignored on unsupported platforms', action='store_true') # This argument is ignored for now. self._parser.add_argument( '--isolated-script-test-chartjson-output', type=str) # This argument is ignored for now. self._parser.add_argument('--isolated-script-test-perf-output', type=str) self.add_extra_arguments(self._parser) def add_extra_arguments(self, parser): pass def parse_args(self, args=None): self._options, self._rest_args = self._parser.parse_known_args(args) @property def parser(self): return self._parser @property def options(self): return self._options @property def rest_args(self): return self._rest_args def generate_test_output_args(self, output): del output # unused raise RuntimeError('this method is not yet implemented') def generate_test_filter_args(self, test_filter_str): del test_filter_str # unused raise RuntimeError('this method is not yet implemented') def generate_test_repeat_args(self, repeat_count): del repeat_count # unused raise RuntimeError('this method is not yet implemented') def generate_test_launcher_retry_limit_args(self, retry_limit): del retry_limit # unused raise RuntimeError('this method is not yet implemented') def generate_test_also_run_disabled_tests_args(self): raise RuntimeError('this method is not yet implemented') def generate_sharding_args(self, total_shards, shard_index): del total_shards, shard_index # unused raise RuntimeError('this method is not yet implemented') def select_python_executable(self): return sys.executable def generate_isolated_script_cmd(self): isolated_script_cmd = [ self.select_python_executable() ] + self.rest_args if self.options.isolated_script_test_output: isolated_script_cmd += self.generate_test_output_args( self.options.isolated_script_test_output) # Augment test filter args if needed if self.options.isolated_script_test_filter: isolated_script_cmd += self.generate_test_filter_args( self.options.isolated_script_test_filter) # Augment test repeat if needed if self.options.isolated_script_test_repeat is not None: isolated_script_cmd += self.generate_test_repeat_args( self.options.isolated_script_test_repeat) # Augment test launcher retry limit args if needed if self.options.isolated_script_test_launcher_retry_limit is not None: isolated_script_cmd += self.generate_test_launcher_retry_limit_args( self.options.isolated_script_test_launcher_retry_limit) # Augment test also run disable tests args if needed if self.options.isolated_script_test_also_run_disabled_tests: isolated_script_cmd += self.generate_test_also_run_disabled_tests_args() # Augment shard args if needed env = os.environ.copy() total_shards = None shard_index = None if 'GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS' in env: total_shards = int(env['GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS']) if 'GTEST_SHARD_INDEX' in env: shard_index = int(env['GTEST_SHARD_INDEX']) if total_shards is not None and shard_index is not None: isolated_script_cmd += self.generate_sharding_args( total_shards, shard_index) return isolated_script_cmd def clean_up_after_test_run(self): pass def do_pre_test_run_tasks(self): pass def do_post_test_run_tasks(self): pass def run_test(self, cwd=None): self.parse_args() cmd = self.generate_isolated_script_cmd() self.do_pre_test_run_tasks() env = os.environ.copy() # Assume we want to set up the sandbox environment variables all the # time; doing so is harmless on non-Linux platforms and is needed # all the time on Linux. env[CHROME_SANDBOX_ENV] = CHROME_SANDBOX_PATH valid = True try: env['CHROME_HEADLESS'] = '1' print('Running command: %s\nwith env: %r' % ( ' '.join(cmd), env)) sys.stdout.flush() if self.options.xvfb and sys.platform.startswith('linux'): exit_code = xvfb.run_executable(cmd, env, cwd=cwd) else: exit_code = test_env.run_command(cmd, env=env, cwd=cwd, log=False) print('Command returned exit code %d' % exit_code) sys.stdout.flush() self.do_post_test_run_tasks() return exit_code except Exception: traceback.print_exc() valid = False finally: self.clean_up_after_test_run() if not valid: failures = ['(entire test suite)'] with open(self.options.isolated_script_test_output, 'w') as fp: json.dump({ 'valid': valid, 'failures': failures, }, fp) return 1