// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "pdf/paint_manager.h" #include #include #include #include "base/auto_reset.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/check.h" #include "base/location.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "pdf/paint_ready_rect.h" #include "pdf/ppapi_migration/callback.h" #include "pdf/ppapi_migration/geometry_conversions.h" #include "pdf/ppapi_migration/graphics.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/vector2d.h" namespace chrome_pdf { PaintManager::PaintManager(Client* client) : client_(client) { DCHECK(client_); } PaintManager::~PaintManager() = default; // static gfx::Size PaintManager::GetNewContextSize(const gfx::Size& current_context_size, const gfx::Size& plugin_size) { // The amount of additional space in pixels to allocate to the right/bottom of // the context. constexpr int kBufferSize = 50; // Default to returning the same size. gfx::Size result = current_context_size; // The minimum size of the plugin before resizing the context to ensure we // aren't wasting too much memory. We deduct twice the kBufferSize from the // current context size which gives a threshhold that is kBufferSize below // the plugin size when the context size was last computed. gfx::Size min_size( std::max(current_context_size.width() - 2 * kBufferSize, 0), std::max(current_context_size.height() - 2 * kBufferSize, 0)); // If the plugin size is bigger than the current context size, we need to // resize the context. If the plugin size is smaller than the current // context size by a given threshhold then resize the context so that we // aren't wasting too much memory. if (plugin_size.width() > current_context_size.width() || plugin_size.height() > current_context_size.height() || plugin_size.width() < min_size.width() || plugin_size.height() < min_size.height()) { // Create a larger context than needed so that if we only resize by a // small margin, we don't need a new context. result = gfx::Size(plugin_size.width() + kBufferSize, plugin_size.height() + kBufferSize); } return result; } void PaintManager::SetSize(const gfx::Size& new_size, float device_scale) { if (GetEffectiveSize() == new_size && GetEffectiveDeviceScale() == device_scale) { return; } has_pending_resize_ = true; pending_size_ = new_size; pending_device_scale_ = device_scale; view_size_changed_waiting_for_paint_ = true; Invalidate(); } void PaintManager::SetTransform(float scale, const gfx::Point& origin, const gfx::Vector2d& translate, bool schedule_flush) { if (!graphics_) return; graphics_->SetLayerTransform(scale, origin, translate); if (!schedule_flush) return; if (flush_pending_) { flush_requested_ = true; return; } Flush(); } void PaintManager::ClearTransform() { SetTransform(1.f, gfx::Point(), gfx::Vector2d(), false); } void PaintManager::Invalidate() { if (!graphics_ && !has_pending_resize_) return; EnsureCallbackPending(); aggregator_.InvalidateRect(gfx::Rect(GetEffectiveSize())); } void PaintManager::InvalidateRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) { DCHECK(!in_paint_); if (!graphics_ && !has_pending_resize_) return; // Clip the rect to the device area. gfx::Rect clipped_rect = gfx::IntersectRects(rect, gfx::Rect(GetEffectiveSize())); if (clipped_rect.IsEmpty()) return; // Nothing to do. EnsureCallbackPending(); aggregator_.InvalidateRect(clipped_rect); } void PaintManager::ScrollRect(const gfx::Rect& clip_rect, const gfx::Vector2d& amount) { DCHECK(!in_paint_); if (!graphics_ && !has_pending_resize_) return; EnsureCallbackPending(); aggregator_.ScrollRect(clip_rect, amount); } gfx::Size PaintManager::GetEffectiveSize() const { return has_pending_resize_ ? pending_size_ : plugin_size_; } float PaintManager::GetEffectiveDeviceScale() const { return has_pending_resize_ ? pending_device_scale_ : device_scale_; } void PaintManager::EnsureCallbackPending() { // The best way for us to do the next update is to get a notification that // a previous one has completed. So if we're already waiting for one, we // don't have to do anything differently now. if (flush_pending_) return; // If no flush is pending, we need to do a manual call to get back to the // main thread. We may have one already pending, or we may need to schedule. if (manual_callback_pending_) return; client_->ScheduleTaskOnMainThread( FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&PaintManager::OnManualCallbackComplete, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()), /*result=*/0, base::TimeDelta()); manual_callback_pending_ = true; } void PaintManager::DoPaint() { base::AutoReset auto_reset_in_paint(&in_paint_, true); std::vector ready_rects; std::vector pending_rects; DCHECK(aggregator_.HasPendingUpdate()); // Apply any pending resize. Setting the graphics to this class must happen // before asking the plugin to paint in case it requests invalides or resizes. // However, the bind must not happen until afterward since we don't want to // have an unpainted device bound. The needs_binding flag tells us whether to // do this later. // // Note that `has_pending_resize_` will always be set on the first DoPaint(). DCHECK(graphics_ || has_pending_resize_); if (has_pending_resize_) { plugin_size_ = pending_size_; // Only create a new graphics context if the current context isn't big // enough or if it is far too big. This avoids creating a new context if // we only resize by a small amount. gfx::Size old_size = graphics_ ? graphics_->size() : gfx::Size(); gfx::Size new_size = GetNewContextSize(old_size, pending_size_); if (old_size != new_size || !graphics_) { graphics_ = client_->CreatePaintGraphics(new_size); graphics_need_to_be_bound_ = true; // Since we're binding a new one, all of the callbacks have been canceled. manual_callback_pending_ = false; flush_pending_ = false; weak_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs(); } if (pending_device_scale_ != 1.0) graphics_->SetScale(1.0 / pending_device_scale_); device_scale_ = pending_device_scale_; // This must be cleared before calling into the plugin since it may do // additional invalidation or sizing operations. has_pending_resize_ = false; pending_size_ = gfx::Size(); } PaintAggregator::PaintUpdate update = aggregator_.GetPendingUpdate(); client_->OnPaint(update.paint_rects, ready_rects, pending_rects); if (ready_rects.empty() && pending_rects.empty()) return; // Nothing was painted, don't schedule a flush. std::vector ready_now; if (pending_rects.empty()) { aggregator_.SetIntermediateResults(ready_rects, pending_rects); ready_now = aggregator_.GetReadyRects(); aggregator_.ClearPendingUpdate(); // Apply any scroll first. if (update.has_scroll) graphics_->Scroll(update.scroll_rect, update.scroll_delta); view_size_changed_waiting_for_paint_ = false; } else { std::vector ready_later; for (const auto& ready_rect : ready_rects) { // Don't flush any part (i.e. scrollbars) if we're resizing the browser, // as that'll lead to flashes. Until we flush, the browser will use the // previous image, but if we flush, it'll revert to using the blank image. // We make an exception for the first paint since we want to show the // default background color instead of the pepper default of black. if (ready_rect.flush_now() && (!view_size_changed_waiting_for_paint_ || first_paint_)) { ready_now.push_back(ready_rect); } else { ready_later.push_back(ready_rect); } } // Take the rectangles, except the ones that need to be flushed right away, // and save them so that everything is flushed at once. aggregator_.SetIntermediateResults(ready_later, pending_rects); if (ready_now.empty()) { EnsureCallbackPending(); return; } } for (const auto& ready_rect : ready_now) { graphics_->PaintImage(ready_rect.image(), ready_rect.rect()); } Flush(); first_paint_ = false; if (graphics_need_to_be_bound_) { client_->BindPaintGraphics(*graphics_); graphics_need_to_be_bound_ = false; } } void PaintManager::Flush() { flush_requested_ = false; flush_pending_ = graphics_->Flush(base::BindOnce( &PaintManager::OnFlushComplete, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); DCHECK(flush_pending_); } void PaintManager::OnFlushComplete(int32_t) { DCHECK(flush_pending_); flush_pending_ = false; // If more paints were enqueued while we were waiting for the flush to // complete, execute them now. if (aggregator_.HasPendingUpdate()) DoPaint(); // If there was another flush request while flushing we flush again. if (flush_requested_) { Flush(); } } void PaintManager::OnManualCallbackComplete(int32_t) { DCHECK(manual_callback_pending_); manual_callback_pending_ = false; // Just because we have a manual callback doesn't mean there are actually any // invalid regions. Even though we only schedule this callback when something // is pending, a Flush callback could have come in before this callback was // executed and that could have cleared the queue. if (aggregator_.HasPendingUpdate()) DoPaint(); } } // namespace chrome_pdf