// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "quiche/common/structured_headers.h" #include #include #include #include "quiche/common/platform/api/quiche_test.h" namespace quiche { namespace structured_headers { namespace { // Helpers to make test cases clearer Item Token(std::string value) { return Item(value, Item::kTokenType); } Item Integer(int64_t value) { return Item(value); } // Parameter with null value, only used in Structured Headers Draft 09 std::pair NullParam(std::string key) { return std::make_pair(key, Item()); } std::pair BooleanParam(std::string key, bool value) { return std::make_pair(key, Item(value)); } std::pair DoubleParam(std::string key, double value) { return std::make_pair(key, Item(value)); } std::pair Param(std::string key, int64_t value) { return std::make_pair(key, Item(value)); } std::pair Param(std::string key, std::string value) { return std::make_pair(key, Item(value)); } std::pair ByteSequenceParam(std::string key, std::string value) { return std::make_pair(key, Item(value, Item::kByteSequenceType)); } std::pair TokenParam(std::string key, std::string value) { return std::make_pair(key, Token(value)); } // Test cases taken from https://github.com/httpwg/structured-header-tests can // be found in structured_headers_generated_unittest.cc const struct ItemTestCase { const char* name; const char* raw; const absl::optional expected; // nullopt if parse error is expected. const char* canonical; // nullptr if parse error is expected, or if canonical // format is identical to raw. } item_test_cases[] = { // Token {"bad token - item", "abc$@%!", absl::nullopt, nullptr}, {"leading whitespace", " foo", Token("foo"), "foo"}, {"trailing whitespace", "foo ", Token("foo"), "foo"}, {"leading asterisk", "*foo", Token("*foo"), nullptr}, // Number {"long integer", "999999999999999", Integer(999999999999999L), nullptr}, {"long negative integer", "-999999999999999", Integer(-999999999999999L), nullptr}, {"too long integer", "1000000000000000", absl::nullopt, nullptr}, {"negative too long integer", "-1000000000000000", absl::nullopt, nullptr}, {"integral decimal", "1.0", Item(1.0), nullptr}, // String {"basic string", "\"foo\"", Item("foo"), nullptr}, {"non-ascii string", "\"f\xC3\xBC\xC3\xBC\"", absl::nullopt, nullptr}, // Additional tests {"valid quoting containing \\n", "\"\\\\n\"", Item("\\n"), nullptr}, {"valid quoting containing \\t", "\"\\\\t\"", Item("\\t"), nullptr}, {"valid quoting containing \\x", "\"\\\\x61\"", Item("\\x61"), nullptr}, {"c-style hex escape in string", "\"\\x61\"", absl::nullopt, nullptr}, {"valid quoting containing \\u", "\"\\\\u0061\"", Item("\\u0061"), nullptr}, {"c-style unicode escape in string", "\"\\u0061\"", absl::nullopt, nullptr}, }; const ItemTestCase sh09_item_test_cases[] = { // Integer {"large integer", "9223372036854775807", Integer(9223372036854775807L), nullptr}, {"large negative integer", "-9223372036854775807", Integer(-9223372036854775807L), nullptr}, {"too large integer", "9223372036854775808", absl::nullopt, nullptr}, {"too large negative integer", "-9223372036854775808", absl::nullopt, nullptr}, // Byte Sequence {"basic binary", "*aGVsbG8=*", Item("hello", Item::kByteSequenceType), nullptr}, {"empty binary", "**", Item("", Item::kByteSequenceType), nullptr}, {"bad paddding", "*aGVsbG8*", Item("hello", Item::kByteSequenceType), "*aGVsbG8=*"}, {"bad end delimiter", "*aGVsbG8=", absl::nullopt, nullptr}, {"extra whitespace", "*aGVsb G8=*", absl::nullopt, nullptr}, {"extra chars", "*aGVsbG!8=*", absl::nullopt, nullptr}, {"suffix chars", "*aGVsbG8=!*", absl::nullopt, nullptr}, {"non-zero pad bits", "*iZ==*", Item("\x89", Item::kByteSequenceType), "*iQ==*"}, {"non-ASCII binary", "*/+Ah*", Item("\xFF\xE0!", Item::kByteSequenceType), nullptr}, {"base64url binary", "*_-Ah*", absl::nullopt, nullptr}, {"token with leading asterisk", "*foo", absl::nullopt, nullptr}, }; // For Structured Headers Draft 15 const struct ParameterizedItemTestCase { const char* name; const char* raw; const absl::optional expected; // nullopt if parse error is expected. const char* canonical; // nullptr if parse error is expected, or if canonical // format is identical to raw. } parameterized_item_test_cases[] = { {"single parameter item", "text/html;q=1.0", {{Token("text/html"), {DoubleParam("q", 1)}}}, nullptr}, {"missing parameter value item", "text/html;a;q=1.0", {{Token("text/html"), {BooleanParam("a", true), DoubleParam("q", 1)}}}, nullptr}, {"missing terminal parameter value item", "text/html;q=1.0;a", {{Token("text/html"), {DoubleParam("q", 1), BooleanParam("a", true)}}}, nullptr}, {"duplicate parameter keys with different value", "text/html;a=1;b=2;a=3.0", {{Token("text/html"), {DoubleParam("a", 3), Param("b", 2L)}}}, "text/html;a=3.0;b=2"}, {"multiple duplicate parameter keys at different position", "text/html;c=1;a=2;b;b=3.0;a", {{Token("text/html"), {Param("c", 1L), BooleanParam("a", true), DoubleParam("b", 3)}}}, "text/html;c=1;a;b=3.0"}, {"duplicate parameter keys with missing value", "text/html;a;a=1", {{Token("text/html"), {Param("a", 1L)}}}, "text/html;a=1"}, {"whitespace before = parameterised item", "text/html, text/plain;q =0.5", absl::nullopt, nullptr}, {"whitespace after = parameterised item", "text/html, text/plain;q= 0.5", absl::nullopt, nullptr}, {"whitespace before ; parameterised item", "text/html, text/plain ;q=0.5", absl::nullopt, nullptr}, {"whitespace after ; parameterised item", "text/plain; q=0.5", {{Token("text/plain"), {DoubleParam("q", 0.5)}}}, "text/plain;q=0.5"}, {"extra whitespace parameterised item", "text/plain; q=0.5; charset=utf-8", {{Token("text/plain"), {DoubleParam("q", 0.5), TokenParam("charset", "utf-8")}}}, "text/plain;q=0.5;charset=utf-8"}, }; // For Structured Headers Draft 15 const struct ListTestCase { const char* name; const char* raw; const absl::optional expected; // nullopt if parse error is expected. const char* canonical; // nullptr if parse error is expected, or if canonical // format is identical to raw. } list_test_cases[] = { // Lists of lists {"extra whitespace list of lists", "(1 42)", {{{{{Integer(1L), {}}, {Integer(42L), {}}}, {}}}}, "(1 42)"}, // Parameterized Lists {"basic parameterised list", "abc_123;a=1;b=2; cdef_456, ghi;q=\"9\";r=\"+w\"", {{{Token("abc_123"), {Param("a", 1), Param("b", 2), BooleanParam("cdef_456", true)}}, {Token("ghi"), {Param("q", "9"), Param("r", "+w")}}}}, "abc_123;a=1;b=2;cdef_456, ghi;q=\"9\";r=\"+w\""}, // Parameterized inner lists {"parameterised basic list of lists", "(1;a=1.0 2), (42 43)", {{{{{Integer(1L), {DoubleParam("a", 1.0)}}, {Integer(2L), {}}}, {}}, {{{Integer(42L), {}}, {Integer(43L), {}}}, {}}}}, nullptr}, {"parameters on inner members", "(1;a=1.0 2;b=c), (42;d=?0 43;e=:Zmdo:)", {{{{{Integer(1L), {DoubleParam("a", 1.0)}}, {Integer(2L), {TokenParam("b", "c")}}}, {}}, {{{Integer(42L), {BooleanParam("d", false)}}, {Integer(43L), {ByteSequenceParam("e", "fgh")}}}, {}}}}, nullptr}, {"parameters on inner lists", "(1 2);a=1.0, (42 43);b=?0", {{{{{Integer(1L), {}}, {Integer(2L), {}}}, {DoubleParam("a", 1.0)}}, {{{Integer(42L), {}}, {Integer(43L), {}}}, {BooleanParam("b", false)}}}}, nullptr}, {"default true values for parameters on inner list members", "(1;a 2), (42 43;b)", {{{{{Integer(1L), {BooleanParam("a", true)}}, {Integer(2L), {}}}, {}}, {{{Integer(42L), {}}, {Integer(43L), {BooleanParam("b", true)}}}, {}}}}, nullptr}, {"default true values for parameters on inner lists", "(1 2);a, (42 43);b", {{{{{Integer(1L), {}}, {Integer(2L), {}}}, {BooleanParam("a", true)}}, {{{Integer(42L), {}}, {Integer(43L), {}}}, {BooleanParam("b", true)}}}}, nullptr}, {"extra whitespace before semicolon in parameters on inner list member", "(a;b ;c b)", absl::nullopt, nullptr}, {"extra whitespace between parameters on inner list member", "(a;b; c b)", {{{{{Token("a"), {BooleanParam("b", true), BooleanParam("c", true)}}, {Token("b"), {}}}, {}}}}, "(a;b;c b)"}, {"extra whitespace before semicolon in parameters on inner list", "(a b);c ;d, (e)", absl::nullopt, nullptr}, {"extra whitespace between parameters on inner list", "(a b);c; d, (e)", {{{{{Token("a"), {}}, {Token("b"), {}}}, {BooleanParam("c", true), BooleanParam("d", true)}}, {{{Token("e"), {}}}, {}}}}, "(a b);c;d, (e)"}, }; // For Structured Headers Draft 15 const struct DictionaryTestCase { const char* name; const char* raw; const absl::optional expected; // nullopt if parse error is expected. const char* canonical; // nullptr if parse error is expected, or if canonical // format is identical to raw. } dictionary_test_cases[] = { {"basic dictionary", "en=\"Applepie\", da=:aGVsbG8=:", {Dictionary{{{"en", {Item("Applepie"), {}}}, {"da", {Item("hello", Item::kByteSequenceType), {}}}}}}, nullptr}, {"tab separated dictionary", "a=1\t,\tb=2", {Dictionary{{{"a", {Integer(1L), {}}}, {"b", {Integer(2L), {}}}}}}, "a=1, b=2"}, {"missing value with params dictionary", "a=1, b;foo=9, c=3", {Dictionary{{{"a", {Integer(1L), {}}}, {"b", {Item(true), {Param("foo", 9)}}}, {"c", {Integer(3L), {}}}}}}, nullptr}, // Parameterised dictionary tests {"parameterised inner list member dict", "a=(\"1\";b=1;c=?0 \"2\");d=\"e\"", {Dictionary{{{"a", {{{Item("1"), {Param("b", 1), BooleanParam("c", false)}}, {Item("2"), {}}}, {Param("d", "e")}}}}}}, nullptr}, {"explicit true value with parameter", "a=?1;b=1", {Dictionary{{{"a", {Item(true), {Param("b", 1)}}}}}}, "a;b=1"}, {"implicit true value with parameter", "a;b=1", {Dictionary{{{"a", {Item(true), {Param("b", 1)}}}}}}, nullptr}, {"implicit true value with implicitly-valued parameter", "a;b", {Dictionary{{{"a", {Item(true), {BooleanParam("b", true)}}}}}}, nullptr}, }; } // namespace TEST(StructuredHeaderTest, ParseBareItem) { for (const auto& c : item_test_cases) { SCOPED_TRACE(c.name); absl::optional result = ParseBareItem(c.raw); EXPECT_EQ(result, c.expected); } } // For Structured Headers Draft 15, these tests include parameters on Items. TEST(StructuredHeaderTest, ParseItem) { for (const auto& c : parameterized_item_test_cases) { SCOPED_TRACE(c.name); absl::optional result = ParseItem(c.raw); EXPECT_EQ(result, c.expected); } } // Structured Headers Draft 9 parsing rules are different than Draft 15, and // some strings which are considered invalid in SH15 should parse in SH09. // The SH09 Item parser is not directly exposed, but can be used indirectly by // calling the parser for SH09-specific lists. TEST(StructuredHeaderTest, ParseSH09Item) { for (const auto& c : sh09_item_test_cases) { SCOPED_TRACE(c.name); absl::optional result = ParseListOfLists(c.raw); if (c.expected.has_value()) { EXPECT_TRUE(result.has_value()); EXPECT_EQ(result->size(), 1UL); EXPECT_EQ((*result)[0].size(), 1UL); EXPECT_EQ((*result)[0][0], c.expected); } else { EXPECT_FALSE(result.has_value()); } } } // In Structured Headers Draft 9, floats can have more than three fractional // digits, and can be larger than 1e12. This behaviour is exposed in the parser // for SH09-specific lists, so test it through that interface. TEST(StructuredHeaderTest, SH09HighPrecisionFloats) { // These values are exactly representable in binary floating point, so no // accuracy issues are expected in this test. absl::optional result = ParseListOfLists("1.03125;-1.03125;12345678901234.5;-12345678901234.5"); ASSERT_TRUE(result.has_value()); EXPECT_EQ(*result, (ListOfLists{{Item(1.03125), Item(-1.03125), Item(12345678901234.5), Item(-12345678901234.5)}})); result = ParseListOfLists("123456789012345.0"); EXPECT_FALSE(result.has_value()); result = ParseListOfLists("-123456789012345.0"); EXPECT_FALSE(result.has_value()); } // For Structured Headers Draft 9 TEST(StructuredHeaderTest, ParseListOfLists) { static const struct TestCase { const char* name; const char* raw; ListOfLists expected; // empty if parse error is expected } cases[] = { {"basic list of lists", "1;2, 42;43", {{Integer(1L), Integer(2L)}, {Integer(42L), Integer(43L)}}}, {"empty list of lists", "", {}}, {"single item list of lists", "42", {{Integer(42L)}}}, {"no whitespace list of lists", "1,42", {{Integer(1L)}, {Integer(42L)}}}, {"no inner whitespace list of lists", "1;2, 42;43", {{Integer(1L), Integer(2L)}, {Integer(42L), Integer(43L)}}}, {"extra whitespace list of lists", "1 , 42", {{Integer(1L)}, {Integer(42L)}}}, {"extra inner whitespace list of lists", "1 ; 2,42 ; 43", {{Integer(1L), Integer(2L)}, {Integer(42L), Integer(43L)}}}, {"trailing comma list of lists", "1;2, 42,", {}}, {"trailing semicolon list of lists", "1;2, 42;43;", {}}, {"leading comma list of lists", ",1;2, 42", {}}, {"leading semicolon list of lists", ";1;2, 42;43", {}}, {"empty item list of lists", "1,,42", {}}, {"empty inner item list of lists", "1;;2,42", {}}, }; for (const auto& c : cases) { SCOPED_TRACE(c.name); absl::optional result = ParseListOfLists(c.raw); if (!c.expected.empty()) { EXPECT_TRUE(result.has_value()); EXPECT_EQ(*result, c.expected); } else { EXPECT_FALSE(result.has_value()); } } } // For Structured Headers Draft 9 TEST(StructuredHeaderTest, ParseParameterisedList) { static const struct TestCase { const char* name; const char* raw; ParameterisedList expected; // empty if parse error is expected } cases[] = { {"basic param-list", "abc_123;a=1;b=2; cdef_456, ghi;q=\"9\";r=\"w\"", { {Token("abc_123"), {Param("a", 1), Param("b", 2), NullParam("cdef_456")}}, {Token("ghi"), {Param("q", "9"), Param("r", "w")}}, }}, {"empty param-list", "", {}}, {"single item param-list", "text/html;q=1", {{Token("text/html"), {Param("q", 1)}}}}, {"empty param-list", "", {}}, {"no whitespace param-list", "text/html,text/plain;q=1", {{Token("text/html"), {}}, {Token("text/plain"), {Param("q", 1)}}}}, {"whitespace before = param-list", "text/html, text/plain;q =1", {}}, {"whitespace after = param-list", "text/html, text/plain;q= 1", {}}, {"extra whitespace param-list", "text/html , text/plain ; q=1", {{Token("text/html"), {}}, {Token("text/plain"), {Param("q", 1)}}}}, {"duplicate key", "abc;a=1;b=2;a=1", {}}, {"numeric key", "abc;a=1;1b=2;c=1", {}}, {"uppercase key", "abc;a=1;B=2;c=1", {}}, {"bad key", "abc;a=1;b!=2;c=1", {}}, {"another bad key", "abc;a=1;b==2;c=1", {}}, {"empty key name", "abc;a=1;=2;c=1", {}}, {"empty parameter", "abc;a=1;;c=1", {}}, {"empty list item", "abc;a=1,,def;b=1", {}}, {"extra semicolon", "abc;a=1;b=1;", {}}, {"extra comma", "abc;a=1,def;b=1,", {}}, {"leading semicolon", ";abc;a=1", {}}, {"leading comma", ",abc;a=1", {}}, }; for (const auto& c : cases) { SCOPED_TRACE(c.name); absl::optional result = ParseParameterisedList(c.raw); if (c.expected.empty()) { EXPECT_FALSE(result.has_value()); continue; } EXPECT_TRUE(result.has_value()); EXPECT_EQ(result->size(), c.expected.size()); if (result->size() == c.expected.size()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < c.expected.size(); ++i) { EXPECT_EQ((*result)[i], c.expected[i]); } } } } // For Structured Headers Draft 15 TEST(StructuredHeaderTest, ParseList) { for (const auto& c : list_test_cases) { SCOPED_TRACE(c.name); absl::optional result = ParseList(c.raw); EXPECT_EQ(result, c.expected); } } // For Structured Headers Draft 15 TEST(StructuredHeaderTest, ParseDictionary) { for (const auto& c : dictionary_test_cases) { SCOPED_TRACE(c.name); absl::optional result = ParseDictionary(c.raw); EXPECT_EQ(result, c.expected); } } // Serializer tests are all exclusively for Structured Headers Draft 15 TEST(StructuredHeaderTest, SerializeItem) { for (const auto& c : item_test_cases) { SCOPED_TRACE(c.name); if (c.expected) { absl::optional result = SerializeItem(*c.expected); EXPECT_TRUE(result.has_value()); EXPECT_EQ(result.value(), std::string(c.canonical ? c.canonical : c.raw)); } } } TEST(StructuredHeaderTest, SerializeParameterizedItem) { for (const auto& c : parameterized_item_test_cases) { SCOPED_TRACE(c.name); if (c.expected) { absl::optional result = SerializeItem(*c.expected); EXPECT_TRUE(result.has_value()); EXPECT_EQ(result.value(), std::string(c.canonical ? c.canonical : c.raw)); } } } TEST(StructuredHeaderTest, UnserializableItems) { // Test that items with unknown type are not serialized. EXPECT_FALSE(SerializeItem(Item()).has_value()); } TEST(StructuredHeaderTest, UnserializableTokens) { static const struct UnserializableString { const char* name; const char* value; } bad_tokens[] = { {"empty token", ""}, {"contains high ascii", "a\xff"}, {"contains nonprintable character", "a\x7f"}, {"contains C0", "a\x01"}, {"UTF-8 encoded", "a\xc3\xa9"}, {"contains TAB", "a\t"}, {"contains LF", "a\n"}, {"contains CR", "a\r"}, {"contains SP", "a "}, {"begins with digit", "9token"}, {"begins with hyphen", "-token"}, {"begins with LF", "\ntoken"}, {"begins with SP", " token"}, {"begins with colon", ":token"}, {"begins with percent", "%token"}, {"begins with period", ".token"}, {"begins with slash", "/token"}, }; for (const auto& bad_token : bad_tokens) { SCOPED_TRACE(bad_token.name); absl::optional serialization = SerializeItem(Token(bad_token.value)); EXPECT_FALSE(serialization.has_value()) << *serialization; } } TEST(StructuredHeaderTest, UnserializableKeys) { static const struct UnserializableString { const char* name; const char* value; } bad_keys[] = { {"empty key", ""}, {"contains high ascii", "a\xff"}, {"contains nonprintable character", "a\x7f"}, {"contains C0", "a\x01"}, {"UTF-8 encoded", "a\xc3\xa9"}, {"contains TAB", "a\t"}, {"contains LF", "a\n"}, {"contains CR", "a\r"}, {"contains SP", "a "}, {"begins with uppercase", "Atoken"}, {"begins with digit", "9token"}, {"begins with hyphen", "-token"}, {"begins with LF", "\ntoken"}, {"begins with SP", " token"}, {"begins with colon", ":token"}, {"begins with percent", "%token"}, {"begins with period", ".token"}, {"begins with slash", "/token"}, }; for (const auto& bad_key : bad_keys) { SCOPED_TRACE(bad_key.name); absl::optional serialization = SerializeItem(ParameterizedItem("a", {{bad_key.value, "a"}})); EXPECT_FALSE(serialization.has_value()) << *serialization; } } TEST(StructuredHeaderTest, UnserializableStrings) { static const struct UnserializableString { const char* name; const char* value; } bad_strings[] = { {"contains high ascii", "a\xff"}, {"contains nonprintable character", "a\x7f"}, {"UTF-8 encoded", "a\xc3\xa9"}, {"contains TAB", "a\t"}, {"contains LF", "a\n"}, {"contains CR", "a\r"}, {"contains C0", "a\x01"}, }; for (const auto& bad_string : bad_strings) { SCOPED_TRACE(bad_string.name); absl::optional serialization = SerializeItem(Item(bad_string.value)); EXPECT_FALSE(serialization.has_value()) << *serialization; } } TEST(StructuredHeaderTest, UnserializableIntegers) { EXPECT_FALSE(SerializeItem(Integer(1e15L)).has_value()); EXPECT_FALSE(SerializeItem(Integer(-1e15L)).has_value()); } TEST(StructuredHeaderTest, UnserializableDecimals) { for (double value : {std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(), std::numeric_limits::infinity(), -std::numeric_limits::infinity(), 1e12, 1e12 - 0.0001, 1e12 - 0.0005, -1e12, -1e12 + 0.0001, -1e12 + 0.0005}) { auto x = SerializeItem(Item(value)); EXPECT_FALSE(SerializeItem(Item(value)).has_value()); } } // These values cannot be directly parsed from headers, but are valid doubles // which can be serialized as sh-floats (though rounding is expected.) TEST(StructuredHeaderTest, SerializeUnparseableDecimals) { struct UnparseableDecimal { const char* name; double value; const char* canonical; } float_test_cases[] = { {"negative 0", -0.0, "0.0"}, {"0.0001", 0.0001, "0.0"}, {"0.0000001", 0.0000001, "0.0"}, {"1.0001", 1.0001, "1.0"}, {"1.0009", 1.0009, "1.001"}, {"round positive odd decimal", 0.0015, "0.002"}, {"round positive even decimal", 0.0025, "0.002"}, {"round negative odd decimal", -0.0015, "-0.002"}, {"round negative even decimal", -0.0025, "-0.002"}, {"round decimal up to integer part", 9.9995, "10.0"}, {"subnormal numbers", std::numeric_limits::denorm_min(), "0.0"}, {"round up to 10 digits", 1e9 - 0.0000001, "1000000000.0"}, {"round up to 11 digits", 1e10 - 0.000001, "10000000000.0"}, {"round up to 12 digits", 1e11 - 0.00001, "100000000000.0"}, {"largest serializable float", nextafter(1e12 - 0.0005, 0), "999999999999.999"}, {"largest serializable negative float", -nextafter(1e12 - 0.0005, 0), "-999999999999.999"}, // This will fail if we simply truncate the fractional portion. {"float rounds up to next int", 3.9999999, "4.0"}, // This will fail if we first round to >3 digits, and then round again to // 3 digits. {"don't double round", 3.99949, "3.999"}, // This will fail if we first round to 3 digits, and then round again to // max_avail_digits. {"don't double round", 123456789.99949, "123456789.999"}, }; for (const auto& test_case : float_test_cases) { SCOPED_TRACE(test_case.name); absl::optional serialization = SerializeItem(Item(test_case.value)); EXPECT_TRUE(serialization.has_value()); EXPECT_EQ(*serialization, test_case.canonical); } } TEST(StructuredHeaderTest, SerializeList) { for (const auto& c : list_test_cases) { SCOPED_TRACE(c.name); if (c.expected) { absl::optional result = SerializeList(*c.expected); EXPECT_TRUE(result.has_value()); EXPECT_EQ(result.value(), std::string(c.canonical ? c.canonical : c.raw)); } } } TEST(StructuredHeaderTest, UnserializableLists) { static const struct UnserializableList { const char* name; const List value; } bad_lists[] = { {"Null item as member", {{Item(), {}}}}, {"Unserializable item as member", {{Token("\n"), {}}}}, {"Key is empty", {{Token("abc"), {Param("", 1)}}}}, {"Key containswhitespace", {{Token("abc"), {Param("a\n", 1)}}}}, {"Key contains UTF8", {{Token("abc"), {Param("a\xc3\xa9", 1)}}}}, {"Key contains unprintable characters", {{Token("abc"), {Param("a\x7f", 1)}}}}, {"Key contains disallowed characters", {{Token("abc"), {Param("a:", 1)}}}}, {"Param value is unserializable", {{Token("abc"), {{"a", Token("\n")}}}}}, {"Inner list contains unserializable item", {{std::vector{{Token("\n"), {}}}, {}}}}, }; for (const auto& bad_list : bad_lists) { SCOPED_TRACE(bad_list.name); absl::optional serialization = SerializeList(bad_list.value); EXPECT_FALSE(serialization.has_value()) << *serialization; } } TEST(StructuredHeaderTest, SerializeDictionary) { for (const auto& c : dictionary_test_cases) { SCOPED_TRACE(c.name); if (c.expected) { absl::optional result = SerializeDictionary(*c.expected); EXPECT_TRUE(result.has_value()); EXPECT_EQ(result.value(), std::string(c.canonical ? c.canonical : c.raw)); } } } TEST(StructuredHeaderTest, DictionaryConstructors) { const std::string key0 = "key0"; const std::string key1 = "key1"; const ParameterizedMember member0{Item("Applepie"), {}}; const ParameterizedMember member1{Item("hello", Item::kByteSequenceType), {}}; Dictionary dict; EXPECT_TRUE(dict.empty()); EXPECT_EQ(0U, dict.size()); dict[key0] = member0; EXPECT_FALSE(dict.empty()); EXPECT_EQ(1U, dict.size()); const Dictionary dict_copy = dict; EXPECT_FALSE(dict_copy.empty()); EXPECT_EQ(1U, dict_copy.size()); EXPECT_EQ(dict, dict_copy); const Dictionary dict_init{{{key0, member0}, {key1, member1}}}; EXPECT_FALSE(dict_init.empty()); EXPECT_EQ(2U, dict_init.size()); EXPECT_EQ(member0, dict_init.at(key0)); EXPECT_EQ(member1, dict_init.at(key1)); } TEST(StructuredHeaderTest, DictionaryAccessors) { const std::string key0 = "key0"; const std::string key1 = "key1"; const ParameterizedMember nonempty_member0{Item("Applepie"), {}}; const ParameterizedMember nonempty_member1{ Item("hello", Item::kByteSequenceType), {}}; const ParameterizedMember empty_member; Dictionary dict{{{key0, nonempty_member0}}}; EXPECT_TRUE(dict.contains(key0)); EXPECT_EQ(nonempty_member0, dict[key0]); EXPECT_EQ(&dict[key0], &dict.at(key0)); EXPECT_EQ(&dict[key0], &dict[0]); EXPECT_EQ(&dict[key0], &dict.at(0)); // Even if the key does not yet exist in |dict|, operator[]() should // automatically create an empty entry. ASSERT_FALSE(dict.contains(key1)); ParameterizedMember& member1 = dict[key1]; EXPECT_TRUE(dict.contains(key1)); EXPECT_EQ(empty_member, member1); EXPECT_EQ(&member1, &dict[key1]); EXPECT_EQ(&member1, &dict.at(key1)); EXPECT_EQ(&member1, &dict[1]); EXPECT_EQ(&member1, &dict.at(1)); member1 = nonempty_member1; EXPECT_EQ(nonempty_member1, dict[key1]); EXPECT_EQ(&dict[key1], &dict.at(key1)); EXPECT_EQ(&dict[key1], &dict[1]); EXPECT_EQ(&dict[key1], &dict.at(1)); // at(StringPiece) and indexed accessors have const overloads. const Dictionary& dict_ref = dict; EXPECT_EQ(&member1, &dict_ref.at(key1)); EXPECT_EQ(&member1, &dict_ref[1]); EXPECT_EQ(&member1, &dict_ref.at(1)); } TEST(StructuredHeaderTest, UnserializableDictionary) { static const struct UnserializableDictionary { const char* name; const Dictionary value; } bad_dictionaries[] = { {"Unserializable dict key", Dictionary{{{"ABC", {Token("abc"), {}}}}}}, {"Dictionary item is unserializable", Dictionary{{{"abc", {Token("abc="), {}}}}}}, {"Param value is unserializable", Dictionary{{{"abc", {Token("abc"), {{"a", Token("\n")}}}}}}}, {"Dictionary inner-list contains unserializable item", Dictionary{ {{"abc", {std::vector{{Token("abc="), {}}}, {}}}}}}, }; for (const auto& bad_dictionary : bad_dictionaries) { SCOPED_TRACE(bad_dictionary.name); absl::optional serialization = SerializeDictionary(bad_dictionary.value); EXPECT_FALSE(serialization.has_value()) << *serialization; } } } // namespace structured_headers } // namespace quiche