// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "quic/tools/quic_memory_cache_backend.h" #include #include "absl/strings/match.h" #include "absl/strings/numbers.h" #include "absl/strings/string_view.h" #include "quic/core/http/spdy_utils.h" #include "quic/platform/api/quic_bug_tracker.h" #include "quic/platform/api/quic_file_utils.h" #include "quic/platform/api/quic_logging.h" #include "quic/platform/api/quic_map_util.h" #include "common/platform/api/quiche_text_utils.h" using spdy::Http2HeaderBlock; using spdy::kV3LowestPriority; namespace quic { QuicMemoryCacheBackend::ResourceFile::ResourceFile(const std::string& file_name) : file_name_(file_name) {} QuicMemoryCacheBackend::ResourceFile::~ResourceFile() = default; void QuicMemoryCacheBackend::ResourceFile::Read() { ReadFileContents(file_name_, &file_contents_); // First read the headers. size_t start = 0; while (start < file_contents_.length()) { size_t pos = file_contents_.find("\n", start); if (pos == std::string::npos) { QUIC_LOG(DFATAL) << "Headers invalid or empty, ignoring: " << file_name_; return; } size_t len = pos - start; // Support both dos and unix line endings for convenience. if (file_contents_[pos - 1] == '\r') { len -= 1; } absl::string_view line(file_contents_.data() + start, len); start = pos + 1; // Headers end with an empty line. if (line.empty()) { break; } // Extract the status from the HTTP first line. if (line.substr(0, 4) == "HTTP") { pos = line.find(" "); if (pos == std::string::npos) { QUIC_LOG(DFATAL) << "Headers invalid or empty, ignoring: " << file_name_; return; } spdy_headers_[":status"] = line.substr(pos + 1, 3); continue; } // Headers are "key: value". pos = line.find(": "); if (pos == std::string::npos) { QUIC_LOG(DFATAL) << "Headers invalid or empty, ignoring: " << file_name_; return; } spdy_headers_.AppendValueOrAddHeader( quiche::QuicheTextUtils::ToLower(line.substr(0, pos)), line.substr(pos + 2)); } // The connection header is prohibited in HTTP/2. spdy_headers_.erase("connection"); // Override the URL with the X-Original-Url header, if present. auto it = spdy_headers_.find("x-original-url"); if (it != spdy_headers_.end()) { x_original_url_ = it->second; HandleXOriginalUrl(); } // X-Push-URL header is a relatively quick way to support sever push // in the toy server. A production server should use link=preload // stuff as described in https://w3c.github.io/preload/. it = spdy_headers_.find("x-push-url"); if (it != spdy_headers_.end()) { absl::string_view push_urls = it->second; size_t start = 0; while (start < push_urls.length()) { size_t pos = push_urls.find('\0', start); if (pos == std::string::npos) { push_urls_.push_back(absl::string_view(push_urls.data() + start, push_urls.length() - start)); break; } push_urls_.push_back(absl::string_view(push_urls.data() + start, pos)); start += pos + 1; } } body_ = absl::string_view(file_contents_.data() + start, file_contents_.size() - start); } void QuicMemoryCacheBackend::ResourceFile::SetHostPathFromBase( absl::string_view base) { QUICHE_DCHECK(base[0] != '/') << base; size_t path_start = base.find_first_of('/'); if (path_start == absl::string_view::npos) { host_ = std::string(base); path_ = ""; return; } host_ = std::string(base.substr(0, path_start)); size_t query_start = base.find_first_of(','); if (query_start > 0) { path_ = std::string(base.substr(path_start, query_start - 1)); } else { path_ = std::string(base.substr(path_start)); } } absl::string_view QuicMemoryCacheBackend::ResourceFile::RemoveScheme( absl::string_view url) { if (absl::StartsWith(url, "https://")) { url.remove_prefix(8); } else if (absl::StartsWith(url, "http://")) { url.remove_prefix(7); } return url; } void QuicMemoryCacheBackend::ResourceFile::HandleXOriginalUrl() { absl::string_view url(x_original_url_); SetHostPathFromBase(RemoveScheme(url)); } const QuicBackendResponse* QuicMemoryCacheBackend::GetResponse( absl::string_view host, absl::string_view path) const { QuicWriterMutexLock lock(&response_mutex_); auto it = responses_.find(GetKey(host, path)); if (it == responses_.end()) { uint64_t ignored = 0; if (generate_bytes_response_) { if (absl::SimpleAtoi(absl::string_view(path.data() + 1, path.size() - 1), &ignored)) { // The actual parsed length is ignored here and will be recomputed // by the caller. return generate_bytes_response_.get(); } } QUIC_DVLOG(1) << "Get response for resource failed: host " << host << " path " << path; if (default_response_) { return default_response_.get(); } return nullptr; } return it->second.get(); } using ServerPushInfo = QuicBackendResponse::ServerPushInfo; using SpecialResponseType = QuicBackendResponse::SpecialResponseType; void QuicMemoryCacheBackend::AddSimpleResponse(absl::string_view host, absl::string_view path, int response_code, absl::string_view body) { Http2HeaderBlock response_headers; response_headers[":status"] = quiche::QuicheTextUtils::Uint64ToString(response_code); response_headers["content-length"] = quiche::QuicheTextUtils::Uint64ToString(body.length()); AddResponse(host, path, std::move(response_headers), body); } void QuicMemoryCacheBackend::AddSimpleResponseWithServerPushResources( absl::string_view host, absl::string_view path, int response_code, absl::string_view body, std::list push_resources) { AddSimpleResponse(host, path, response_code, body); MaybeAddServerPushResources(host, path, push_resources); } void QuicMemoryCacheBackend::AddDefaultResponse(QuicBackendResponse* response) { QuicWriterMutexLock lock(&response_mutex_); default_response_.reset(response); } void QuicMemoryCacheBackend::AddResponse(absl::string_view host, absl::string_view path, Http2HeaderBlock response_headers, absl::string_view response_body) { AddResponseImpl(host, path, QuicBackendResponse::REGULAR_RESPONSE, std::move(response_headers), response_body, Http2HeaderBlock()); } void QuicMemoryCacheBackend::AddResponse(absl::string_view host, absl::string_view path, Http2HeaderBlock response_headers, absl::string_view response_body, Http2HeaderBlock response_trailers) { AddResponseImpl(host, path, QuicBackendResponse::REGULAR_RESPONSE, std::move(response_headers), response_body, std::move(response_trailers)); } void QuicMemoryCacheBackend::AddSpecialResponse( absl::string_view host, absl::string_view path, SpecialResponseType response_type) { AddResponseImpl(host, path, response_type, Http2HeaderBlock(), "", Http2HeaderBlock()); } void QuicMemoryCacheBackend::AddSpecialResponse( absl::string_view host, absl::string_view path, spdy::Http2HeaderBlock response_headers, absl::string_view response_body, SpecialResponseType response_type) { AddResponseImpl(host, path, response_type, std::move(response_headers), response_body, Http2HeaderBlock()); } QuicMemoryCacheBackend::QuicMemoryCacheBackend() : cache_initialized_(false) {} bool QuicMemoryCacheBackend::InitializeBackend( const std::string& cache_directory) { if (cache_directory.empty()) { QUIC_BUG << "cache_directory must not be empty."; return false; } QUIC_LOG(INFO) << "Attempting to initialize QuicMemoryCacheBackend from directory: " << cache_directory; std::vector files = ReadFileContents(cache_directory); std::list> resource_files; for (const auto& filename : files) { std::unique_ptr resource_file(new ResourceFile(filename)); // Tease apart filename into host and path. std::string base(resource_file->file_name()); // Transform windows path separators to URL path separators. for (size_t i = 0; i < base.length(); ++i) { if (base[i] == '\\') { base[i] = '/'; } } base.erase(0, cache_directory.length()); if (base[0] == '/') { base.erase(0, 1); } resource_file->SetHostPathFromBase(base); resource_file->Read(); AddResponse(resource_file->host(), resource_file->path(), resource_file->spdy_headers().Clone(), resource_file->body()); resource_files.push_back(std::move(resource_file)); } for (const auto& resource_file : resource_files) { std::list push_resources; for (const auto& push_url : resource_file->push_urls()) { QuicUrl url(push_url); const QuicBackendResponse* response = GetResponse(url.host(), url.path()); if (!response) { QUIC_BUG << "Push URL '" << push_url << "' not found."; return false; } push_resources.push_back(ServerPushInfo(url, response->headers().Clone(), kV3LowestPriority, (std::string(response->body())))); } MaybeAddServerPushResources(resource_file->host(), resource_file->path(), push_resources); } cache_initialized_ = true; return true; } void QuicMemoryCacheBackend::GenerateDynamicResponses() { QuicWriterMutexLock lock(&response_mutex_); // Add a generate bytes response. spdy::Http2HeaderBlock response_headers; response_headers[":status"] = "200"; generate_bytes_response_ = std::make_unique(); generate_bytes_response_->set_headers(std::move(response_headers)); generate_bytes_response_->set_response_type( QuicBackendResponse::GENERATE_BYTES); } bool QuicMemoryCacheBackend::IsBackendInitialized() const { return cache_initialized_; } void QuicMemoryCacheBackend::FetchResponseFromBackend( const Http2HeaderBlock& request_headers, const std::string& /*request_body*/, QuicSimpleServerBackend::RequestHandler* quic_stream) { const QuicBackendResponse* quic_response = nullptr; // Find response in cache. If not found, send error response. auto authority = request_headers.find(":authority"); auto path = request_headers.find(":path"); if (authority != request_headers.end() && path != request_headers.end()) { quic_response = GetResponse(authority->second, path->second); } std::string request_url = std::string(authority->second) + std::string(path->second); std::list resources = GetServerPushResources(request_url); QUIC_DVLOG(1) << "Fetching QUIC response from backend in-memory cache for url " << request_url; quic_stream->OnResponseBackendComplete(quic_response, resources); } // The memory cache does not have a per-stream handler void QuicMemoryCacheBackend::CloseBackendResponseStream( QuicSimpleServerBackend::RequestHandler* /*quic_stream*/) {} std::list QuicMemoryCacheBackend::GetServerPushResources( std::string request_url) { QuicWriterMutexLock lock(&response_mutex_); std::list resources; auto resource_range = server_push_resources_.equal_range(request_url); for (auto it = resource_range.first; it != resource_range.second; ++it) { resources.push_back(it->second); } QUIC_DVLOG(1) << "Found " << resources.size() << " push resources for " << request_url; return resources; } QuicMemoryCacheBackend::~QuicMemoryCacheBackend() { { QuicWriterMutexLock lock(&response_mutex_); responses_.clear(); } } void QuicMemoryCacheBackend::AddResponseImpl( absl::string_view host, absl::string_view path, SpecialResponseType response_type, Http2HeaderBlock response_headers, absl::string_view response_body, Http2HeaderBlock response_trailers) { QuicWriterMutexLock lock(&response_mutex_); QUICHE_DCHECK(!host.empty()) << "Host must be populated, e.g. \"www.google.com\""; std::string key = GetKey(host, path); if (QuicContainsKey(responses_, key)) { QUIC_BUG << "Response for '" << key << "' already exists!"; return; } auto new_response = std::make_unique(); new_response->set_response_type(response_type); new_response->set_headers(std::move(response_headers)); new_response->set_body(response_body); new_response->set_trailers(std::move(response_trailers)); QUIC_DVLOG(1) << "Add response with key " << key; responses_[key] = std::move(new_response); } std::string QuicMemoryCacheBackend::GetKey(absl::string_view host, absl::string_view path) const { std::string host_string = std::string(host); size_t port = host_string.find(':'); if (port != std::string::npos) host_string = std::string(host_string.c_str(), port); return host_string + std::string(path); } void QuicMemoryCacheBackend::MaybeAddServerPushResources( absl::string_view request_host, absl::string_view request_path, std::list push_resources) { std::string request_url = GetKey(request_host, request_path); for (const auto& push_resource : push_resources) { if (PushResourceExistsInCache(request_url, push_resource)) { continue; } QUIC_DVLOG(1) << "Add request-resource association: request url " << request_url << " push url " << push_resource.request_url.ToString() << " response headers " << push_resource.headers.DebugString(); { QuicWriterMutexLock lock(&response_mutex_); server_push_resources_.insert(std::make_pair(request_url, push_resource)); } std::string host = push_resource.request_url.host(); if (host.empty()) { host = std::string(request_host); } std::string path = push_resource.request_url.path(); bool found_existing_response = false; { QuicWriterMutexLock lock(&response_mutex_); found_existing_response = QuicContainsKey(responses_, GetKey(host, path)); } if (!found_existing_response) { // Add a server push response to responses map, if it is not in the map. absl::string_view body = push_resource.body; QUIC_DVLOG(1) << "Add response for push resource: host " << host << " path " << path; AddResponse(host, path, push_resource.headers.Clone(), body); } } } bool QuicMemoryCacheBackend::PushResourceExistsInCache( std::string original_request_url, ServerPushInfo resource) { QuicWriterMutexLock lock(&response_mutex_); auto resource_range = server_push_resources_.equal_range(original_request_url); for (auto it = resource_range.first; it != resource_range.second; ++it) { ServerPushInfo push_resource = it->second; if (push_resource.request_url.ToString() == resource.request_url.ToString()) { return true; } } return false; } } // namespace quic