# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("//net/features.gni") import("//testing/libfuzzer/fuzzer_test.gni") enable_built_in_dns = !is_ios source_set("dns") { # Due to circular dependencies, should only be depended on through //net. visibility = [ "//net", "//net/http:transport_security_state_generated_files", ] # Internals only intended for use inside network stack (and tests). friend = [ "//chrome/browser:test_support", "//chrome/test/*", "//components/certificate_transparency:unit_tests", "//components/cronet/*", "//net/*", "//services/network/*", ] public = [] sources = [ "address_info.cc", "address_info.h", "address_sorter.h", "context_host_resolver.cc", "context_host_resolver.h", "dns_alias_utility.cc", "dns_alias_utility.h", "dns_config.cc", "dns_config_service.cc", "dns_config_service.h", "dns_hosts.cc", "dns_hosts.h", "dns_query.cc", "dns_query.h", "dns_reloader.cc", "dns_reloader.h", "dns_response.cc", "dns_response_result_extractor.cc", "dns_response_result_extractor.h", "dns_server_iterator.cc", "dns_server_iterator.h", "dns_session.cc", "dns_session.h", "dns_socket_allocator.cc", "dns_socket_allocator.h", "dns_transaction.cc", "dns_udp_tracker.cc", "dns_udp_tracker.h", "dns_util.cc", "dns_util.h", "host_cache.cc", "host_resolver.cc", "host_resolver_manager.cc", "host_resolver_mdns_listener_impl.cc", "host_resolver_mdns_listener_impl.h", "host_resolver_mdns_task.cc", "host_resolver_mdns_task.h", "host_resolver_proc.cc", "host_resolver_proc.h", "https_record_rdata.cc", "httpssvc_metrics.cc", "httpssvc_metrics.h", "mapped_host_resolver.cc", "nsswitch_reader.cc", "nsswitch_reader.h", "record_parsed.cc", "record_rdata.cc", "resolve_context.cc", "resolve_context.h", "serial_worker.cc", "serial_worker.h", "system_dns_config_change_notifier.cc", "system_dns_config_change_notifier.h", ] if (is_win) { sources += [ "address_sorter_win.cc", "dns_config_service_win.cc", "dns_config_service_win.h", ] } if (is_mac) { sources += [ "dns_config_watcher_mac.cc", "dns_config_watcher_mac.h", "notify_watcher_mac.cc", "notify_watcher_mac.h", ] } if (is_fuchsia) { sources += [ "dns_config_service_fuchsia.cc", "dns_config_service_fuchsia.h", ] } if (is_android) { sources += [ "dns_config_service_android.cc", "dns_config_service_android.h", ] } else if (is_linux) { sources += [ "dns_config_service_linux.cc", "dns_config_service_linux.h", ] } else if (is_posix) { sources += [ "dns_config_service_posix.cc", "dns_config_service_posix.h", ] } if (enable_built_in_dns) { sources += [ "dns_client.cc" ] if (is_posix || is_fuchsia) { sources += [ "address_sorter_posix.cc", "address_sorter_posix.h", ] } } if (enable_mdns) { sources += [ "mdns_cache.cc", "mdns_cache.h", "mdns_client.cc", "mdns_client_impl.cc", "mdns_client_impl.h", ] } deps = [ "//net:net_deps" ] public_deps = [ ":dns_client", ":host_resolver", ":host_resolver_manager", ":mdns_client", "//net:net_public_deps", ] allow_circular_includes_from = [ ":dns_client", ":host_resolver", ":host_resolver_manager", ":mdns_client", ] } # The standard API of net/dns. # # Should typically only be used within the network service. Usage external to # the network service should instead use network service Mojo IPCs for host # resolution. See ResolveHost() in # /services/network/public/mojom/network_context.mojom and # /services/network/public/mojom/host_resolver.mojom. source_set("host_resolver") { # Due to circular dependencies, should only be depended on through //net. # Limit visibility to //net and other source_sets with the same access # restriction. visibility = [ ":dns", ":dns_client", ":host_resolver_manager", ":mdns_client", "//net", ] # Restricted access so we can keep track of all usage external to the # network stack and network service. friend = [ # chromecast/browser/url_request_context_factory.cc # URLRequestContext creation for chromecast. "//chromecast/browser", # URLRequestContext and HttpNetworkSession::Context creation for iOS. "//ios/components/io_thread", "//ios/web/shell", "//ios/web_view:*", # Tests and test support. "//chrome/browser:test_support", "//chrome/test:browser_tests", "//chrome/test:unit_tests", "//components/grpc_support/test:unit_tests", "//content/shell:content_shell_lib", # Stand-alone tools. "//google_apis/gcm:mcs_probe", # Network stack/service. "//components/certificate_transparency/*", "//components/cronet/*", "//net/*", "//services/network/*", # The proxy resolution service uses its own host cache and HostResolver Mojo # wrapper. "//services/proxy_resolver/*", ] sources = [ "dns_config.h", "host_cache.h", "host_resolver.h", "host_resolver_source.h", "mapped_host_resolver.h", ] public = [] deps = [ "//net:net_deps", "//net/dns/public", ] public_deps = [ "//net:net_public_deps" ] allow_circular_includes_from = [ "//net/dns/public" ] } # Shared mostly-global handler of HostResolver requests. # # Typically should only be directly interacted with by NetworkService (or other # mostly-global creators of request contexts), standalone tools, and tests. Host # resolution should generally instead go through HostResolvers received from # URLRequestContext or network service Mojo IPCs. source_set("host_resolver_manager") { # Due to circular dependencies, should only be depended on through //net. # Limit visibility to //net and other source_sets with the same access # restriction. visibility = [ ":dns", ":host_resolver", "//net", ] # Restricted access so we can keep track of all usage external to the # network stack and network service. friend = [ # chromecast/browser/url_request_context_factory.cc # URLRequestContext creation for chromecast. "//chromecast/browser", # Tests and test support. "//components/cronet:cronet_common_unittests", # Network stack/service. "//net/*", "//services/network/*", ] sources = [ "host_resolver_manager.h" ] public = [] deps = [ ":host_resolver", "//net:net_deps", "//net/dns/public", ] public_deps = [ "//net:net_public_deps" ] } # DnsClient interfaces. Primarily intended as part of the implementation of the # standard HostResolver interface, but can be used as an alternative external # interface for advanced usage. source_set("dns_client") { # Due to circular dependencies, should only be depended on through //net. # Limit visibility to //net and other source_sets with the same access # restriction. visibility = [ ":dns", ":mdns_client", "//net", ] # Restricted access so we can keep track of all usage external to the # network stack. friend = [ # chrome/browser/local_discovery/service_discovery_client_impl.cc # Result parsing utilities for parsing results read through MdnsClient. # TODO(crbug.com/874662): Remove once migrated to network service. "//chrome/browser", # chrome/browser/chromeos/smb_client/discovery/mdns_host_locator.cc # Result parsing for results read through MdnsClient. # TODO(crbug.com/902531): Remove once migrated to network service. "//chrome/browser/chromeos", # Tests and test support "//chrome/browser:test_support", "//chrome/test/*", # Network stack/service "//components/certificate_transparency/*", "//net/*", "//services/network/*", ] sources = [ "dns_client.h", "dns_response.h", "dns_transaction.h", "https_record_rdata.h", "record_parsed.h", "record_rdata.h", ] public = [] deps = [ ":host_resolver", "//net:net_deps", ] public_deps = [ "//net:net_public_deps", "//net/dns/public", ] } # MdnsClient interfaces. source_set("mdns_client") { # Due to circular dependencies, should only be depended on through //net. # Limit visibility to //net and other source_sets with the same access # restriction. visibility = [ ":dns", "//net", ] # Restricted access so we can keep track of all usage external to the # network stack. friend = [ # chrome/browser/local_discovery/service_discovery_client_mdns.h # chrome/browser/local_discovery/service_discovery_client_impl.h # Makes MDNS queries using MDnsClient. # TODO(crbug.com/874662): Remove once migrated to network service. "//chrome/browser", # chrome/tools/service_discovery_sniffer/service_discovery_sniffer.cc # Creates MDnsClient instance and passes to ServiceDiscoveryClientImpl. # TODO(crbug.com/874662): Remove once discovery client migrated. "//chrome/tools/service_discovery_sniffer", # chrome/browser/chromeos/smb_client/discovery/mdns_host_locator.h # chrome/browser/chromeos/smb_client/discovery/mdns_host_locator.cc # Makes MDNS queries using MDnsClient. # TODO(crbug.com/902531): Remove once migrated to network service. "//chrome/browser/chromeos", # Tests and test support "//chrome/browser:test_support", # Network stack/service "//net/*", "//services/network/*", ] public = [] sources = [] if (enable_mdns) { sources += [ "mdns_client.h" ] } deps = [ ":dns_client", ":host_resolver", "//net:net_deps", ] public_deps = [ "//net:net_public_deps" ] } source_set("tests") { testonly = true sources = [ "address_info_unittest.cc", "context_host_resolver_unittest.cc", "dns_alias_utility_unittest.cc", "dns_config_service_unittest.cc", "dns_hosts_unittest.cc", "dns_query_unittest.cc", "dns_response_result_extractor_unittest.cc", "dns_response_unittest.cc", "dns_socket_allocator_unittest.cc", "dns_transaction_unittest.cc", "dns_udp_tracker_unittest.cc", "dns_util_unittest.cc", "host_cache_unittest.cc", "host_resolver_manager_unittest.cc", "https_record_rdata_unittest.cc", "httpssvc_metrics_unittest.cc", "mapped_host_resolver_unittest.cc", "nsswitch_reader_unittest.cc", "record_parsed_unittest.cc", "record_rdata_unittest.cc", "resolve_context_unittest.cc", "serial_worker_unittest.cc", "system_dns_config_change_notifier_unittest.cc", ] if (is_win) { sources += [ "dns_config_service_win_unittest.cc" ] } if (is_android) { sources += [ "dns_config_service_android_unittest.cc" ] } else if (is_linux) { sources += [ "dns_config_service_linux_unittest.cc" ] } else if (is_posix) { sources += [ "dns_config_service_posix_unittest.cc" ] } if (enable_built_in_dns) { sources += [ "address_sorter_unittest.cc", "dns_client_unittest.cc", ] if (is_posix || is_fuchsia) { sources += [ "address_sorter_posix_unittest.cc" ] } } if (enable_mdns) { sources += [ "mdns_cache_unittest.cc", "mdns_client_unittest.cc", ] } deps = [ "//base", "//net", "//net:test_support", "//testing/gmock", "//testing/gtest", ] } source_set("test_support") { visibility = [ "//net:test_support" ] testonly = true sources = [ "address_info_test_util.cc", "dns_test_util.cc", "mock_host_resolver.cc", "test_dns_config_service.cc", ] public = [ "address_info_test_util.h", "dns_test_util.h", "mock_host_resolver.h", "test_dns_config_service.h", ] if (enable_mdns) { sources += [ "mock_mdns_client.cc", "mock_mdns_socket_factory.cc", ] public += [ "mock_mdns_client.h", "mock_mdns_socket_factory.h", ] } deps = [ "//base", "//net", "//testing/gmock", "//testing/gtest", ] } if (use_fuzzing_engine) { # fuzzer_test targets are no-op when |use_fuzzing_engine| is false. Fuzzer # support targets should be disabled too. source_set("fuzzer_test_support") { testonly = true sources = [ "fuzzed_host_resolver_util.cc", "fuzzed_host_resolver_util.h", ] deps = [ "//base", "//base/test:test_support", "//net", ] } } fuzzer_test("net_dns_host_cache_fuzzer") { sources = [ "host_cache_fuzzer.cc" ] deps = [ "//base", "//net", "//net:net_fuzzer_test_support", ] dict = "//testing/libfuzzer/fuzzers/dicts/json.dict" } fuzzer_test("net_dns_hosts_parse_fuzzer") { sources = [ "dns_hosts_parse_fuzzer.cc" ] deps = [ "//base", "//net", "//net:net_fuzzer_test_support", ] dict = "//net/data/fuzzer_dictionaries/net_dns_hosts_parse_fuzzer.dict" } fuzzer_test("net_dns_https_record_rdata_fuzzer") { sources = [ "https_record_rdata_fuzzer.cc" ] deps = [ "//base", "//net", "//net:net_fuzzer_test_support", ] dict = "//net/data/fuzzer_dictionaries/net_dns_record_fuzzer.dict" } fuzzer_test("net_dns_integrity_record_fuzzer") { sources = [ "integrity_record_fuzzer.cc" ] deps = [ "//base", "//net", "//net:net_fuzzer_test_support", ] } fuzzer_test("net_dns_nsswitch_reader_fuzzer") { sources = [ "nsswitch_reader_fuzzer.cc" ] deps = [ "//base", "//net", "//net:net_fuzzer_test_support", ] dict = "//net/data/fuzzer_dictionaries/net_dns_nsswitch_reader_fuzzer.dict" } fuzzer_test("net_dns_record_fuzzer") { sources = [ "dns_record_fuzzer.cc" ] deps = [ "//base", "//net", "//net:net_fuzzer_test_support", ] dict = "//net/data/fuzzer_dictionaries/net_dns_record_fuzzer.dict" } fuzzer_test("net_dns_query_parse_fuzzer") { sources = [ "dns_query_parse_fuzzer.cc" ] deps = [ "//base", "//net", "//net:net_fuzzer_test_support", ] dict = "//net/data/fuzzer_dictionaries/net_dns_record_fuzzer.dict" } fuzzer_test("net_dns_response_fuzzer") { sources = [ "dns_response_fuzzer.cc" ] deps = [ "//base", "//net", "//net:net_fuzzer_test_support", ] dict = "//net/data/fuzzer_dictionaries/net_dns_record_fuzzer.dict" } fuzzer_test("net_host_resolver_manager_fuzzer") { sources = [ "host_resolver_manager_fuzzer.cc" ] deps = [ "//base", "//net", "//net:net_fuzzer_test_support", "//net:test_support", ] dict = "//net/data/fuzzer_dictionaries/net_host_resolver_manager_fuzzer.dict" } if (is_win) { fuzzer_test("net_dns_parse_domain_ascii_win_fuzzer") { sources = [ "dns_parse_domain_ascii_win_fuzzer.cc" ] deps = [ "//base", "//net", "//net:net_fuzzer_test_support", ] dict = "//net/data/fuzzer_dictionaries/net_dns_hosts_parse_fuzzer.dict" seed_corpus = "//net/data/fuzzer_data/dns_parse_domain_ascii_win_fuzzer" } }