// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/der/parse_values.h" #include #include "base/check_op.h" #include "base/notreached.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversion_utils.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/sys_byteorder.h" #include "base/third_party/icu/icu_utf.h" #include "third_party/boringssl/src/include/openssl/bytestring.h" namespace net { namespace der { namespace { bool ParseBoolInternal(const Input& in, bool* out, bool relaxed) { // According to ITU-T X.690 section 8.2, a bool is encoded as a single octet // where the octet of all zeroes is FALSE and a non-zero value for the octet // is TRUE. if (in.Length() != 1) return false; ByteReader data(in); uint8_t byte; if (!data.ReadByte(&byte)) return false; if (byte == 0) { *out = false; return true; } // ITU-T X.690 section 11.1 specifies that for DER, the TRUE value must be // encoded as an octet of all ones. if (byte == 0xff || relaxed) { *out = true; return true; } return false; } // Reads a positive decimal number with |digits| digits and stores it in // |*out|. This function does not check that the type of |*out| is large // enough to hold 10^digits - 1; the caller must choose an appropriate type // based on the number of digits they wish to parse. template bool DecimalStringToUint(ByteReader& in, size_t digits, UINT* out) { UINT value = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < digits; ++i) { uint8_t digit; if (!in.ReadByte(&digit)) { return false; } if (digit < '0' || digit > '9') { return false; } value = (value * 10) + (digit - '0'); } *out = value; return true; } // Checks that the values in a GeneralizedTime struct are valid. This involves // checking that the year is 4 digits, the month is between 1 and 12, the day // is a day that exists in that month (following current leap year rules), // hours are between 0 and 23, minutes between 0 and 59, and seconds between // 0 and 60 (to allow for leap seconds; no validation is done that a leap // second is on a day that could be a leap second). bool ValidateGeneralizedTime(const GeneralizedTime& time) { if (time.month < 1 || time.month > 12) return false; if (time.day < 1) return false; if (time.hours < 0 || time.hours > 23) return false; if (time.minutes < 0 || time.minutes > 59) return false; // Leap seconds are allowed. if (time.seconds < 0 || time.seconds > 60) return false; // validate upper bound for day of month switch (time.month) { case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11: if (time.day > 30) return false; break; case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 10: case 12: if (time.day > 31) return false; break; case 2: if (time.year % 4 == 0 && (time.year % 100 != 0 || time.year % 400 == 0)) { if (time.day > 29) return false; } else { if (time.day > 28) return false; } break; default: NOTREACHED(); return false; } return true; } // Returns the number of bytes of numeric precision in a DER encoded INTEGER // value. |in| must be a valid DER encoding of an INTEGER for this to work. // // Normally the precision of the number is exactly in.Length(). However when // encoding positive numbers using DER it is possible to have a leading zero // (to prevent number from being interpreted as negative). // // For instance a 160-bit positive number might take 21 bytes to encode. This // function will return 20 in such a case. size_t GetUnsignedIntegerLength(const Input& in) { der::ByteReader reader(in); uint8_t first_byte; if (!reader.ReadByte(&first_byte)) return 0; // Not valid DER as |in| was empty. if (first_byte == 0 && in.Length() > 1) return in.Length() - 1; return in.Length(); } } // namespace bool ParseBool(const Input& in, bool* out) { return ParseBoolInternal(in, out, false /* relaxed */); } // BER interprets any non-zero value as true, while DER requires a bool to // have either all bits zero (false) or all bits one (true). To support // malformed certs, we recognized the BER encoding instead of failing to // parse. bool ParseBoolRelaxed(const Input& in, bool* out) { return ParseBoolInternal(in, out, true /* relaxed */); } // ITU-T X.690 section 8.3.2 specifies that an integer value must be encoded // in the smallest number of octets. If the encoding consists of more than // one octet, then the bits of the first octet and the most significant bit // of the second octet must not be all zeroes or all ones. bool IsValidInteger(const Input& in, bool* negative) { CBS cbs; CBS_init(&cbs, in.UnsafeData(), in.Length()); int negative_int; if (!CBS_is_valid_asn1_integer(&cbs, &negative_int)) { return false; } *negative = !!negative_int; return true; } bool ParseUint64(const Input& in, uint64_t* out) { // Reject non-minimally encoded numbers and negative numbers. bool negative; if (!IsValidInteger(in, &negative) || negative) return false; // Reject (non-negative) integers whose value would overflow the output type. if (GetUnsignedIntegerLength(in) > sizeof(*out)) return false; ByteReader reader(in); uint8_t data; uint64_t value = 0; while (reader.ReadByte(&data)) { value <<= 8; value |= data; } *out = value; return true; } bool ParseUint8(const Input& in, uint8_t* out) { // TODO(eroman): Implement this more directly. uint64_t value; if (!ParseUint64(in, &value)) return false; if (value > 0xFF) return false; *out = static_cast(value); return true; } BitString::BitString(const Input& bytes, uint8_t unused_bits) : bytes_(bytes), unused_bits_(unused_bits) { DCHECK_LT(unused_bits, 8); DCHECK(unused_bits == 0 || bytes.Length() != 0); // The unused bits must be zero. DCHECK(bytes.Length() == 0 || (bytes.UnsafeData()[bytes.Length() - 1] & ((1u << unused_bits) - 1)) == 0); } bool BitString::AssertsBit(size_t bit_index) const { // Index of the byte that contains the bit. size_t byte_index = bit_index / 8; // If the bit is outside of the bitstring, by definition it is not // asserted. if (byte_index >= bytes_.Length()) return false; // Within a byte, bits are ordered from most significant to least significant. // Convert |bit_index| to an index within the |byte_index| byte, measured from // its least significant bit. uint8_t bit_index_in_byte = 7 - (bit_index - byte_index * 8); // BIT STRING parsing already guarantees that unused bits in a byte are zero // (otherwise it wouldn't be valid DER). Therefore it isn't necessary to check // |unused_bits_| uint8_t byte = bytes_.UnsafeData()[byte_index]; return 0 != (byte & (1 << bit_index_in_byte)); } bool ParseBitString(const Input& in, BitString* out) { ByteReader reader(in); // From ITU-T X.690, section (applies to BER, CER, DER): // // The initial octet shall encode, as an unsigned binary integer with // bit 1 as the least significant bit, the number of unused bits in the final // subsequent octet. The number shall be in the range zero to seven. uint8_t unused_bits; if (!reader.ReadByte(&unused_bits)) return false; if (unused_bits > 7) return false; Input bytes; if (!reader.ReadBytes(reader.BytesLeft(), &bytes)) return false; // Not reachable. // Ensure that unused bits in the last byte are set to 0. if (unused_bits > 0) { // From ITU-T X.690, section (applies to BER, CER, DER): // // If the bitstring is empty, there shall be no subsequent octets, // and the initial octet shall be zero. if (bytes.Length() == 0) return false; uint8_t last_byte = bytes.UnsafeData()[bytes.Length() - 1]; // From ITU-T X.690, section 11.2.1 (applies to CER and DER, but not BER): // // Each unused bit in the final octet of the encoding of a bit string value // shall be set to zero. uint8_t mask = 0xFF >> (8 - unused_bits); if ((mask & last_byte) != 0) return false; } *out = BitString(bytes, unused_bits); return true; } bool GeneralizedTime::InUTCTimeRange() const { return 1950 <= year && year < 2050; } bool operator<(const GeneralizedTime& lhs, const GeneralizedTime& rhs) { return std::tie(lhs.year, lhs.month, lhs.day, lhs.hours, lhs.minutes, lhs.seconds) < std::tie(rhs.year, rhs.month, rhs.day, rhs.hours, rhs.minutes, rhs.seconds); } bool operator>(const GeneralizedTime& lhs, const GeneralizedTime& rhs) { return rhs < lhs; } bool operator<=(const GeneralizedTime& lhs, const GeneralizedTime& rhs) { return !(lhs > rhs); } bool operator>=(const GeneralizedTime& lhs, const GeneralizedTime& rhs) { return !(lhs < rhs); } // A UTC Time in DER encoding should be YYMMDDHHMMSSZ, but some CAs encode // the time following BER rules, which allows for YYMMDDHHMMZ. If the length // is 11, assume it's YYMMDDHHMMZ, and in converting it to a GeneralizedTime, // add in the seconds (set to 0). bool ParseUTCTimeRelaxed(const Input& in, GeneralizedTime* value) { ByteReader reader(in); GeneralizedTime time; if (!DecimalStringToUint(reader, 2, &time.year) || !DecimalStringToUint(reader, 2, &time.month) || !DecimalStringToUint(reader, 2, &time.day) || !DecimalStringToUint(reader, 2, &time.hours) || !DecimalStringToUint(reader, 2, &time.minutes)) { return false; } // Try to read the 'Z' at the end. If we read something else, then for it to // be valid the next bytes should be seconds (and then followed by 'Z'). uint8_t zulu; ByteReader zulu_reader = reader; if (!zulu_reader.ReadByte(&zulu)) return false; if (zulu == 'Z' && !zulu_reader.HasMore()) { time.seconds = 0; *value = time; } else { if (!DecimalStringToUint(reader, 2, &time.seconds)) return false; if (!reader.ReadByte(&zulu) || zulu != 'Z' || reader.HasMore()) return false; } if (time.year < 50) { time.year += 2000; } else { time.year += 1900; } if (!ValidateGeneralizedTime(time)) return false; *value = time; return true; } bool ParseUTCTime(const Input& in, GeneralizedTime* value) { ByteReader reader(in); GeneralizedTime time; if (!DecimalStringToUint(reader, 2, &time.year) || !DecimalStringToUint(reader, 2, &time.month) || !DecimalStringToUint(reader, 2, &time.day) || !DecimalStringToUint(reader, 2, &time.hours) || !DecimalStringToUint(reader, 2, &time.minutes) || !DecimalStringToUint(reader, 2, &time.seconds)) { return false; } uint8_t zulu; if (!reader.ReadByte(&zulu) || zulu != 'Z' || reader.HasMore()) return false; if (time.year < 50) { time.year += 2000; } else { time.year += 1900; } if (!ValidateGeneralizedTime(time)) return false; *value = time; return true; } bool ParseGeneralizedTime(const Input& in, GeneralizedTime* value) { ByteReader reader(in); GeneralizedTime time; if (!DecimalStringToUint(reader, 4, &time.year) || !DecimalStringToUint(reader, 2, &time.month) || !DecimalStringToUint(reader, 2, &time.day) || !DecimalStringToUint(reader, 2, &time.hours) || !DecimalStringToUint(reader, 2, &time.minutes) || !DecimalStringToUint(reader, 2, &time.seconds)) { return false; } uint8_t zulu; if (!reader.ReadByte(&zulu) || zulu != 'Z' || reader.HasMore()) return false; if (!ValidateGeneralizedTime(time)) return false; *value = time; return true; } bool ParseIA5String(Input in, std::string* out) { for (char c : in.AsStringPiece()) { if (static_cast(c) > 127) return false; } *out = in.AsString(); return true; } bool ParseVisibleString(Input in, std::string* out) { // ITU-T X.680: // VisibleString : "Defining registration number 6" + SPACE // 6 includes all the characters from '!' .. '~' (33 .. 126), space is 32. // Also ITU-T X.691 says it much more clearly: // "for VisibleString [the range] is 32 to 126 ... For VisibleString .. all // the values in the range are present." for (char c : in.AsStringPiece()) { if (static_cast(c) < 32 || static_cast(c) > 126) return false; } *out = in.AsString(); return true; } bool ParsePrintableString(Input in, std::string* out) { for (char c : in.AsStringPiece()) { if (!(base::IsAsciiAlpha(c) || c == ' ' || (c >= '\'' && c <= ':') || c == '=' || c == '?')) { return false; } } *out = in.AsString(); return true; } bool ParseTeletexStringAsLatin1(Input in, std::string* out) { out->clear(); // Convert from Latin-1 to UTF-8. size_t utf8_length = in.Length(); for (size_t i = 0; i < in.Length(); i++) { if (in.UnsafeData()[i] > 0x7f) utf8_length++; } out->reserve(utf8_length); for (size_t i = 0; i < in.Length(); i++) { uint8_t u = in.UnsafeData()[i]; if (u <= 0x7f) { out->push_back(u); } else { out->push_back(0xc0 | (u >> 6)); out->push_back(0x80 | (u & 0x3f)); } } DCHECK_EQ(utf8_length, out->size()); return true; } bool ParseUniversalString(Input in, std::string* out) { if (in.Length() % 4 != 0) return false; out->clear(); std::vector in_32bit(in.Length() / 4); if (in.Length()) memcpy(in_32bit.data(), in.UnsafeData(), in.Length()); for (const uint32_t c : in_32bit) { // UniversalString is UCS-4 in big-endian order. uint32_t codepoint = base::NetToHost32(c); if (!CBU_IS_UNICODE_CHAR(codepoint)) return false; base::WriteUnicodeCharacter(codepoint, out); } return true; } bool ParseBmpString(Input in, std::string* out) { if (in.Length() % 2 != 0) return false; out->clear(); std::vector in_16bit(in.Length() / 2); if (in.Length()) memcpy(in_16bit.data(), in.UnsafeData(), in.Length()); for (const uint16_t c : in_16bit) { // BMPString is UCS-2 in big-endian order. uint32_t codepoint = base::NetToHost16(c); // BMPString only supports codepoints in the Basic Multilingual Plane; // surrogates are not allowed. CBU_IS_UNICODE_CHAR excludes the surrogate // code points, among other invalid values. if (!CBU_IS_UNICODE_CHAR(codepoint)) return false; base::WriteUnicodeCharacter(codepoint, out); } return true; } } // namespace der } // namespace net