// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/base/filename_util.h" #include "base/files/file_path.h" #include "base/files/file_util.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/test/test_file_util.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h" #include "net/base/mime_util.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "url/gurl.h" namespace net { namespace { struct FileCase { const wchar_t* file; // nullptr indicates expected to fail. const char* url; }; struct GenerateFilenameCase { int lineno; const char* url; const char* content_disp_header; const char* referrer_charset; const char* suggested_filename; const char* mime_type; const wchar_t* default_filename; const wchar_t* expected_filename; }; // The expected filenames are coded as wchar_t for convenience. // TODO(https://crbug.com/911896): Make these char16_t once std::u16string is // std::u16string. std::wstring FilePathAsWString(const base::FilePath& path) { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) return path.value(); #elif BUILDFLAG(IS_POSIX) || BUILDFLAG(IS_FUCHSIA) return base::UTF8ToWide(path.value()); #endif } base::FilePath WStringAsFilePath(const std::wstring& str) { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) return base::FilePath(str); #elif BUILDFLAG(IS_POSIX) || BUILDFLAG(IS_FUCHSIA) return base::FilePath(base::WideToUTF8(str)); #endif } std::string GetLocaleWarningString() { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) || BUILDFLAG(IS_ANDROID) return ""; #elif BUILDFLAG(IS_POSIX) || BUILDFLAG(IS_FUCHSIA) // The generate filename tests can fail on certain OS_POSIX platforms when // LC_CTYPE is not "utf8" or "utf-8" because some of the string conversions // fail. // This warning text is appended to any test failures to save people time if // this happens to be the cause of failure :) // Note: some platforms (MACOSX, Chromecast) don't have this problem: // setlocale returns "c" but it functions as utf8. And Android doesn't // have setlocale at all. std::string locale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, nullptr); return " this test may have failed because the current LC_CTYPE locale is " "not utf8 (currently set to " + locale + ")"; #endif } void RunGenerateFileNameTestCase(const GenerateFilenameCase* test_case) { std::string default_filename(base::WideToUTF8(test_case->default_filename)); base::FilePath file_path = GenerateFileName( GURL(test_case->url), test_case->content_disp_header, test_case->referrer_charset, test_case->suggested_filename, test_case->mime_type, default_filename); EXPECT_EQ(test_case->expected_filename, FilePathAsWString(file_path)) << "test case at line number: " << test_case->lineno << "; " << GetLocaleWarningString(); } constexpr const base::FilePath::CharType* kSafePortableBasenames[] = { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("a"), FILE_PATH_LITERAL("a.txt"), FILE_PATH_LITERAL("a b.txt"), FILE_PATH_LITERAL("a-b.txt"), FILE_PATH_LITERAL("My Computer"), }; constexpr const base::FilePath::CharType* kUnsafePortableBasenames[] = { FILE_PATH_LITERAL(""), FILE_PATH_LITERAL("."), FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".."), FILE_PATH_LITERAL("..."), FILE_PATH_LITERAL("con"), FILE_PATH_LITERAL("con.zip"), FILE_PATH_LITERAL("NUL"), FILE_PATH_LITERAL("NUL.zip"), FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".a"), FILE_PATH_LITERAL("a."), FILE_PATH_LITERAL("a\"a"), FILE_PATH_LITERAL("aa"), FILE_PATH_LITERAL("a?a"), FILE_PATH_LITERAL("a/"), FILE_PATH_LITERAL("a\\"), FILE_PATH_LITERAL("a "), FILE_PATH_LITERAL("a . ."), FILE_PATH_LITERAL(" Computer"), FILE_PATH_LITERAL("My Computer.{a}"), FILE_PATH_LITERAL("My Computer.{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}"), #if BUILDFLAG(IS_POSIX) || BUILDFLAG(IS_FUCHSIA) FILE_PATH_LITERAL("a\\a"), #endif }; constexpr const base::FilePath::CharType* kUnsafePortableBasenamesForWin[] = { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("con"), FILE_PATH_LITERAL("con.zip"), FILE_PATH_LITERAL("NUL"), FILE_PATH_LITERAL("NUL.zip"), }; constexpr const base::FilePath::CharType* kSafePortableRelativePaths[] = { FILE_PATH_LITERAL("a/a"), #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) FILE_PATH_LITERAL("a\\a"), #endif }; } // namespace TEST(FilenameUtilTest, IsSafePortablePathComponent) { for (auto* basename : kSafePortableBasenames) { EXPECT_TRUE(IsSafePortablePathComponent(base::FilePath(basename))) << basename; } for (auto* basename : kUnsafePortableBasenames) { EXPECT_FALSE(IsSafePortablePathComponent(base::FilePath(basename))) << basename; } for (auto* path : kSafePortableRelativePaths) { EXPECT_FALSE(IsSafePortablePathComponent(base::FilePath(path))) << path; } } TEST(FilenameUtilTest, IsSafePortableRelativePath) { base::FilePath safe_dirname(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("a")); for (auto* basename : kSafePortableBasenames) { EXPECT_TRUE(IsSafePortableRelativePath(base::FilePath(basename))) << basename; EXPECT_TRUE(IsSafePortableRelativePath( safe_dirname.Append(base::FilePath(basename)))) << basename; } for (auto* path : kSafePortableRelativePaths) { EXPECT_TRUE(IsSafePortableRelativePath(base::FilePath(path))) << path; EXPECT_TRUE( IsSafePortableRelativePath(safe_dirname.Append(base::FilePath(path)))) << path; } for (auto* basename : kUnsafePortableBasenames) { EXPECT_FALSE(IsSafePortableRelativePath(base::FilePath(basename))) << basename; if (!base::FilePath::StringType(basename).empty()) { EXPECT_FALSE(IsSafePortableRelativePath( safe_dirname.Append(base::FilePath(basename)))) << basename; } } } TEST(FilenameUtilTest, FileURLConversion) { // a list of test file names and the corresponding URLs const FileCase round_trip_cases[] = { #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) {L"C:\\foo\\bar.txt", "file:///C:/foo/bar.txt"}, {L"\\\\some computer\\foo\\bar.txt", "file://some%20computer/foo/bar.txt"}, // UNC {L"D:\\Name;with%some symbols*#", "file:///D:/Name%3Bwith%25some%20symbols*%23"}, // issue 14153: To be tested with the OS default codepage other than 1252. {L"D:\\latin1\\caf\x00E9\x00DD.txt", "file:///D:/latin1/caf%C3%A9%C3%9D.txt"}, {L"D:\\otherlatin\\caf\x0119.txt", "file:///D:/otherlatin/caf%C4%99.txt"}, {L"D:\\greek\\\x03B1\x03B2\x03B3.txt", "file:///D:/greek/%CE%B1%CE%B2%CE%B3.txt"}, {L"D:\\Chinese\\\x6240\x6709\x4e2d\x6587\x7f51\x9875.doc", "file:///D:/Chinese/%E6%89%80%E6%9C%89%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87%E7%BD%91" "%E9%A1%B5.doc"}, {L"D:\\plane1\\\xD835\xDC00\xD835\xDC01.txt", // Math alphabet "AB" "file:///D:/plane1/%F0%9D%90%80%F0%9D%90%81.txt"}, // Other percent-encoded characters that are left alone when displaying a // URL are decoded in a file path (https://crbug.com/585422). {L"C:\\foo\\\U0001F512.txt", "file:///C:/foo/%F0%9F%94%92.txt"}, // Blocked. {L"C:\\foo\\\u2001.txt", "file:///C:/foo/%E2%80%81.txt"}, // Blocked. {L"C:\\foo\\\a\tbar\n ", "file:///C:/foo/%07%09bar%0A%20"}, // Blocked. #elif BUILDFLAG(IS_POSIX) || BUILDFLAG(IS_FUCHSIA) {L"/foo/bar.txt", "file:///foo/bar.txt"}, {L"/foo/BAR.txt", "file:///foo/BAR.txt"}, {L"/C:/foo/bar.txt", "file:///C:/foo/bar.txt"}, {L"/foo/bar?.txt", "file:///foo/bar%3F.txt"}, {L"/foo/\a\tbar\n ", "file:///foo/%07%09bar%0A%20"}, // %5C ('\\') is not special on POSIX, and is therefore decoded as normal. {L"/foo/..\\bar", "file:///foo/..%5Cbar"}, {L"/some computer/foo/bar.txt", "file:///some%20computer/foo/bar.txt"}, {L"/Name;with%some symbols*#", "file:///Name%3Bwith%25some%20symbols*%23"}, {L"/latin1/caf\x00E9\x00DD.txt", "file:///latin1/caf%C3%A9%C3%9D.txt"}, {L"/otherlatin/caf\x0119.txt", "file:///otherlatin/caf%C4%99.txt"}, {L"/greek/\x03B1\x03B2\x03B3.txt", "file:///greek/%CE%B1%CE%B2%CE%B3.txt"}, {L"/Chinese/\x6240\x6709\x4e2d\x6587\x7f51\x9875.doc", "file:///Chinese/%E6%89%80%E6%9C%89%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87%E7%BD" "%91%E9%A1%B5.doc"}, {L"/plane1/\x1D400\x1D401.txt", // Math alphabet "AB" "file:///plane1/%F0%9D%90%80%F0%9D%90%81.txt"}, // Other percent-encoded characters that are left alone when displaying a // URL are decoded in a file path (https://crbug.com/585422). {L"/foo/\U0001F512.txt", "file:///foo/%F0%9F%94%92.txt"}, // Blocked. {L"/foo/\u2001.txt", "file:///foo/%E2%80%81.txt"}, // Blocked. #endif }; // First, we'll test that we can round-trip all of the above cases of URLs base::FilePath output; for (const auto& test_case : round_trip_cases) { // convert to the file URL GURL file_url(FilePathToFileURL(WStringAsFilePath(test_case.file))); EXPECT_EQ(test_case.url, file_url.spec()); // Back to the filename. EXPECT_TRUE(FileURLToFilePath(file_url, &output)); EXPECT_EQ(test_case.file, FilePathAsWString(output)); } // Test that various file: URLs get decoded into the correct file type FileCase url_cases[] = { {nullptr, "http://foo/bar.txt"}, {nullptr, "http://localhost/foo/bar.txt"}, {nullptr, "https://localhost/foo/bar.txt"}, #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) {L"C:\\foo\\bar.txt", "file:c|/foo\\bar.txt"}, {L"C:\\foo\\bar.txt", "file:/c:/foo/bar.txt"}, {L"\\\\foo\\bar.txt", "file://foo\\bar.txt"}, {L"C:\\foo\\bar.txt", "file:///c:/foo/bar.txt"}, {L"\\\\foo\\bar.txt", "file:////foo\\bar.txt"}, {L"\\\\foo\\bar.txt", "file:/foo/bar.txt"}, {L"\\\\foo\\bar.txt", "file://foo\\bar.txt"}, {L"C:\\foo\\bar.txt", "file:\\\\\\c:/foo/bar.txt"}, // %2F ('/') should fail, because it might otherwise be interpreted as a // path separator on Windows. {nullptr, "file:///C:\\foo%2f..\\bar"}, // %5C ('\\') should fail, because it can't be represented in a Windows // filename (and should not be considered a path separator). {nullptr, "file:///foo\\..%5cbar"}, // %00 should fail, because it represents a null byte in a filename. {nullptr, "file:///foo/%00bar.txt"}, // Other percent-encoded characters that are left alone when displaying a // URL are decoded in a file path (https://crbug.com/585422). {L"C:\\foo\\\n.txt", "file:///c:/foo/%0A.txt"}, // Control char. {L"C:\\foo\\a=$b.txt", "file:///c:/foo/a%3D%24b.txt"}, // Reserved. // Make sure that '+' isn't converted into ' '. {L"C:\\foo\\romeo+juliet.txt", "file:/c:/foo/romeo+juliet.txt"}, // SAMBA share case. {L"\\\\computername\\ShareName\\Path\\Foo.txt", "file://computername/ShareName/Path/Foo.txt"}, #elif BUILDFLAG(IS_POSIX) || BUILDFLAG(IS_FUCHSIA) {L"/c:/foo/bar.txt", "file:/c:/foo/bar.txt"}, {L"/c:/foo/bar.txt", "file:///c:/foo/bar.txt"}, {L"/foo/bar.txt", "file:/foo/bar.txt"}, {L"/c:/foo/bar.txt", "file:\\\\\\c:/foo/bar.txt"}, {L"/foo/bar.txt", "file:foo/bar.txt"}, {L"/foo/bar.txt", "file:///foo/bar.txt"}, {L"/foo/bar.txt", "file:////foo/bar.txt"}, {L"/foo/bar.txt", "file:////foo//bar.txt"}, {L"/foo/bar.txt", "file:////foo///bar.txt"}, {L"/foo/bar.txt", "file:////foo////bar.txt"}, {L"/c:/foo/bar.txt", "file:\\\\\\c:/foo/bar.txt"}, {L"/c:/foo/bar.txt", "file:c:/foo/bar.txt"}, // %2F ('/') should fail, because it can't be represented in a POSIX // filename (and should not be considered a path separator). {nullptr, "file:///foo%2f../bar"}, // %00 should fail, because it represents a null byte in a filename. {nullptr, "file:///foo/%00bar.txt"}, // Other percent-encoded characters that are left alone when displaying a // URL are decoded in a file path (https://crbug.com/585422). {L"/foo/\n.txt", "file:///foo/%0A.txt"}, // Control char. {L"/foo/a=$b.txt", "file:///foo/a%3D%24b.txt"}, // Reserved. // Make sure that '+' isn't converted into ' '. {L"/foo/romeo+juliet.txt", "file:///foo/romeo+juliet.txt"}, // Backslashes in a file URL are normalized as forward slashes. {L"/bar.txt", "file://\\bar.txt"}, {L"/c|/foo/bar.txt", "file:c|/foo\\bar.txt"}, {L"/foo/bar.txt", "file:////foo\\bar.txt"}, // Accept obviously-local file URLs. {L"/foo/bar.txt", "file:///foo/bar.txt"}, {L"/foo/bar.txt", "file://localhost/foo/bar.txt"}, {L"/foo/bar.txt", "file://"}, {L"/foo/bar.txt", "file://[::1]/foo/bar.txt"}, // Reject non-local file URLs. {nullptr, "file://foo/bar.txt"}, {nullptr, "file://example.com/bar.txt"}, {nullptr, "file://"}, {nullptr, "file://[2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334]/foo/bar.txt"}, #endif }; for (const auto& test_case : url_cases) { EXPECT_EQ(test_case.file != nullptr, FileURLToFilePath(GURL(test_case.url), &output)); if (test_case.file) { EXPECT_EQ(test_case.file, FilePathAsWString(output)); } else { EXPECT_EQ(L"", FilePathAsWString(output)); } } // Invalid UTF-8 tests can't be tested above because FilePathAsWString assumes // the output is valid UTF-8. // Invalid UTF-8 bytes in input. { const char invalid_utf8[] = "file:///d:/Blah/\x85\x99.doc"; EXPECT_TRUE(FileURLToFilePath(GURL(invalid_utf8), &output)); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) // On Windows, invalid UTF-8 bytes are interpreted using the default ANSI // code page. This defaults to Windows-1252 (which we assume here). const base::FilePath::CharType expected_output[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("D:\\Blah\\\u2026\u2122.doc"); EXPECT_EQ(expected_output, output.value()); #elif BUILDFLAG(IS_POSIX) // No conversion should happen, and the invalid UTF-8 should be preserved. const char expected_output[] = "/d:/Blah/\x85\x99.doc"; EXPECT_EQ(expected_output, output.value()); #endif } // Invalid UTF-8 percent-encoded bytes in input. { const char invalid_utf8[] = "file:///d:/Blah/%85%99.doc"; EXPECT_TRUE(FileURLToFilePath(GURL(invalid_utf8), &output)); #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) // On Windows, invalid UTF-8 bytes are interpreted using the default ANSI // code page. This defaults to Windows-1252 (which we assume here). const base::FilePath::CharType expected_output[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("D:\\Blah\\\u2026\u2122.doc"); EXPECT_EQ(expected_output, output.value()); #elif BUILDFLAG(IS_POSIX) // No conversion should happen, and the invalid UTF-8 should be preserved. const char expected_output[] = "/d:/Blah/\x85\x99.doc"; EXPECT_EQ(expected_output, output.value()); #endif } // Test that if a file URL is malformed, we get a failure EXPECT_FALSE(FileURLToFilePath(GURL("filefoobar"), &output)); } TEST(FilenameUtilTest, GenerateSafeFileName) { const struct { int line; const char* mime_type; const char* filename; const char* expected_filename; } safe_tests[] = { {__LINE__, "text/html", "bar.htm", "bar.htm"}, {__LINE__, "text/html", "bar.html", "bar.html"}, {__LINE__, "application/x-chrome-extension", "bar", "bar.crx"}, {__LINE__, "image/png", "bar.html", "bar.html"}, {__LINE__, "text/html", "bar.exe", "bar.exe"}, {__LINE__, "image/gif", "bar.exe", "bar.exe"}, {__LINE__, "text/html", "google.com", "google.com"}, // Allow extension synonyms. {__LINE__, "image/jpeg", "bar.jpg", "bar.jpg"}, {__LINE__, "image/jpeg", "bar.jpeg", "bar.jpeg"}, #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) // Device names {__LINE__, "text/html", "con.htm", "_con.htm"}, {__LINE__, "text/html", "lpt1.htm", "_lpt1.htm"}, {__LINE__, "application/x-chrome-extension", "con", "_con.crx"}, // Looks like foo.{GUID} which get treated as namespace mounts on Windows. {__LINE__, "text/html", "harmless.{not-really-this-may-be-a-guid}", "harmless.download"}, {__LINE__, "text/html", "harmless.{mismatched-", "harmless.{mismatched-"}, // Dangerous extensions {__LINE__, "text/html", "harmless.local", "harmless.download"}, {__LINE__, "text/html", "harmless.lnk", "harmless.download"}, #elif BUILDFLAG(IS_POSIX) || BUILDFLAG(IS_FUCHSIA) // On Posix, none of the above set is particularly dangerous. {__LINE__, "text/html", "con.htm", "con.htm"}, {__LINE__, "text/html", "lpt1.htm", "lpt1.htm"}, {__LINE__, "application/x-chrome-extension", "con", "con.crx"}, {__LINE__, "text/html", "harmless.{not-really-this-may-be-a-guid}", "harmless.{not-really-this-may-be-a-guid}"}, {__LINE__, "text/html", "harmless.{mismatched-", "harmless.{mismatched-"}, {__LINE__, "text/html", "harmless.local", "harmless.local"}, {__LINE__, "text/html", "harmless.lnk", "harmless.lnk"}, #endif // BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) }; #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) base::FilePath base_path(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("C:\\foo")); #elif BUILDFLAG(IS_POSIX) || BUILDFLAG(IS_FUCHSIA) base::FilePath base_path("/foo"); #endif for (const auto& test : safe_tests) { base::FilePath file_path = base_path.AppendASCII(test.filename); base::FilePath expected_path = base_path.AppendASCII(test.expected_filename); GenerateSafeFileName(test.mime_type, false, &file_path); EXPECT_EQ(expected_path.value(), file_path.value()) << "Test case at line " << test.line; } } TEST(FilenameUtilTest, GenerateFileName_Assumptions) { base::FilePath::StringType extension; EXPECT_TRUE(GetPreferredExtensionForMimeType("application/x-chrome-extension", &extension)); EXPECT_EQ(base::FilePath::StringType(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("crx")), extension); } TEST(FilenameUtilTest, GenerateFileName) { // Tests whether the correct filename is selected from the the given // parameters and that Content-Disposition headers are properly // handled including failovers when the header is malformed. const GenerateFilenameCase selection_tests[] = { {// Picks the filename from the C-D header. __LINE__, "http://www.google.com/", "attachment; filename=test.html", "", "", "", L"", L"test.html"}, {// Ditto. The C-D header uses a quoted string. __LINE__, "http://www.google.com/", "attachment; filename=\"test.html\"", "", "", "", L"", L"test.html"}, {// Ditto. Extra whilespace after the '=' sign. __LINE__, "http://www.google.com/", "attachment; filename= \"test.html\"", "", "", "", L"", L"test.html"}, {// Ditto. Whitespace before and after '=' sign. __LINE__, "http://www.google.com/", "attachment; filename = \"test.html\"", "", "", "", L"", L"test.html"}, {// Filename is whitespace. Should failover to URL host __LINE__, "http://www.google.com/", "attachment; filename= ", "", "", "", L"", L"www.google.com"}, {// No filename. __LINE__, "http://www.google.com/path/test.html", "attachment", "", "", "", L"", L"test.html"}, {// Ditto __LINE__, "http://www.google.com/path/test.html", "attachment;", "", "", "", L"", L"test.html"}, {// No C-D, and no URL path. __LINE__, "http://www.google.com/", "", "", "", "", L"", L"www.google.com"}, {// No C-D. URL has a path. __LINE__, "http://www.google.com/test.html", "", "", "", "", L"", L"test.html"}, {// No C-D. URL's path ends in a slash which results in an empty final // component. __LINE__, "http://www.google.com/path/", "", "", "", "", L"", L"www.google.com"}, {// No C-D. URL has a path, but the path has no extension. __LINE__, "http://www.google.com/path", "", "", "", "", L"", L"path"}, {// No C-D. URL gives no filename hints. __LINE__, "file:///", "", "", "", "", L"", L"download"}, {// file:// URL. __LINE__, "file:///path/testfile", "", "", "", "", L"", L"testfile"}, {// Unknown scheme. __LINE__, "non-standard-scheme:", "", "", "", "", L"", L"download"}, {// C-D overrides default __LINE__, "http://www.google.com/", "attachment; filename =\"test.html\"", "", "", "", L"download", L"test.html"}, {// But the URL doesn't __LINE__, "http://www.google.com/", "", "", "", "", L"download", L"download"}, // Below is a small subset of cases taken from HttpContentDisposition // tests. {__LINE__, "http://www.google.com/", "attachment; filename=\"%EC%98%88%EC%88%A0%20" "%EC%98%88%EC%88%A0.jpg\"", "", "", "", L"", L"\uc608\uc220 \uc608\uc220.jpg"}, {__LINE__, "http://www.google.com/%EC%98%88%EC%88%A0%20%EC%98%88%EC%88%A0.jpg", "", "", "", "", L"download", L"\uc608\uc220 \uc608\uc220.jpg"}, {__LINE__, "http://www.google.com/", "attachment;", "", "", "", L"\uB2E4\uC6B4\uB85C\uB4DC", L"\uB2E4\uC6B4\uB85C\uB4DC"}, {__LINE__, "http://www.google.com/", "attachment; filename=\"=?EUC-JP?Q?=B7=DD=BD=" "D13=2Epng?=\"", "", "", "", L"download", L"\u82b8\u88533.png"}, {__LINE__, "http://www.example.com/images?id=3", "attachment; filename=caf\xc3\xa9.png", "iso-8859-1", "", "", L"", L"caf\u00e9.png"}, {__LINE__, "http://www.example.com/images?id=3", "attachment; filename=caf\xe5.png", "windows-1253", "", "", L"", L"caf\u03b5.png"}, {// Invalid C-D header. Name value is skipped now. __LINE__, "http://www.example.com/file?id=3", "attachment; name=\xcf\xc2\xd4\xd8.zip", "GBK", "", "", L"", L"file"}, {// Invalid C-D header. Extracts filename from url. __LINE__, "http://www.google.com/test.html", "attachment; filename==?iiso88591?Q?caf=EG?=", "", "", "", L"", L"test.html"}, // about: and data: URLs {__LINE__, "about:chrome", "", "", "", "", L"", L"download"}, {__LINE__, "data:,looks/like/a.path", "", "", "", "", L"", L"download"}, {__LINE__, "data:text/plain;base64,VG8gYmUgb3Igbm90IHRvIGJlLg=", "", "", "", "", L"", L"download"}, {__LINE__, "data:,looks/like/a.path", "", "", "", "", L"default_filename_is_given", L"default_filename_is_given"}, {__LINE__, "data:,looks/like/a.path", "", "", "", "", L"\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e", // Japanese Kanji. L"\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e"}, {// The filename encoding is specified by the referrer charset. __LINE__, "http://example.com/V%FDvojov%E1%20psychologie.doc", "", "iso-8859-1", "", "", L"", L"V\u00fdvojov\u00e1 psychologie.doc"}, {// Suggested filename takes precedence over URL __LINE__, "http://www.google.com/test", "", "", "suggested", "", L"", L"suggested"}, {// The content-disposition has higher precedence over the suggested name. __LINE__, "http://www.google.com/test", "attachment; filename=test.html", "", "suggested", "", L"", L"test.html"}, {__LINE__, "http://www.google.com/test", "attachment; filename=test", "utf-8", "", "image/png", L"", L"test"}, // Raw 8bit characters in C-D {__LINE__, "http://www.example.com/images?id=3", "attachment; filename=caf\xc3\xa9.png", "iso-8859-1", "", "image/png", L"", L"caf\u00e9.png"}, {__LINE__, "http://www.example.com/images?id=3", "attachment; filename=caf\xe5.png", "windows-1253", "", "image/png", L"", L"caf\u03b5.png"}, {// No 'filename' keyword in the disposition, use the URL __LINE__, "http://www.evil.com/my_download.txt", "a_file_name.txt", "", "", "text/plain", L"download", L"my_download.txt"}, {// Spaces in the disposition file name __LINE__, "http://www.frontpagehacker.com/a_download.exe", "filename=My Downloaded File.exe", "", "", "application/octet-stream", L"download", L"My Downloaded File.exe"}, {// % encoded __LINE__, "http://www.examples.com/", "attachment; " "filename=\"%EC%98%88%EC%88%A0%20%EC%98%88%EC%88%A0.jpg\"", "", "", "application/x-chrome-extension", L"download", L"\uc608\uc220 \uc608\uc220.jpg"}, {// Invalid C-D header. Name value is skipped now. __LINE__, "http://www.examples.com/q.cgi?id=abc", "attachment; name=abc de.pdf", "", "", "application/octet-stream", L"download", L"q.cgi"}, {__LINE__, "http://www.example.com/path", "filename=\"=?EUC-JP?Q?=B7=DD=BD=D13=2Epng?=\"", "", "", "image/png", L"download", L"\x82b8\x8853" L"3.png"}, {// The following two have invalid CD headers and filenames come from the // URL. __LINE__, "http://www.example.com/test%20123", "attachment; filename==?iiso88591?Q?caf=EG?=", "", "", "", L"download", L"test 123"}, {__LINE__, "http://www.google.com/%EC%98%88%EC%88%A0%20%EC%98%88%EC%88%A0.jpg", "malformed_disposition", "", "", "", L"download", L"\uc608\uc220 \uc608\uc220.jpg"}, {// Invalid C-D. No filename from URL. Falls back to 'download'. __LINE__, "http://www.google.com/path1/path2/", "attachment; filename==?iso88591?Q?caf=E3?", "", "", "", L"download", L"download"}, }; // Tests filename generation. Once the correct filename is // selected, they should be passed through the validation steps and // a correct extension should be added if necessary. const GenerateFilenameCase generation_tests[] = { // Dotfiles. Ensures preceeding period(s) stripped. {__LINE__, "http://www.google.com/.test.html", "", "", "", "", L"", L"test.html"}, {__LINE__, "http://www.google.com/.test", "", "", "", "", L"", L"test"}, {__LINE__, "http://www.google.com/..test", "", "", "", "", L"", L"test"}, {// Disposition has relative paths, remove directory separators __LINE__, "", "filename=../../../../././../a_file_name.txt", "", "", "text/plain", L"download", L"_.._.._.._._._.._a_file_name.txt"}, {// Disposition has parent directories, remove directory separators __LINE__, "", "filename=dir1/dir2/a_file_name.txt", "", "", "text/plain", L"download", L"dir1_dir2_a_file_name.txt"}, {// Disposition has relative paths, remove directory separators __LINE__, "", "filename=..\\..\\..\\..\\.\\.\\..\\a_file_name.txt", "", "", "text/plain", L"download", L"_.._.._.._._._.._a_file_name.txt"}, {// Disposition has parent directories, remove directory separators __LINE__, "", "filename=dir1\\dir2\\a_file_name.txt", "", "", "text/plain", L"download", L"dir1_dir2_a_file_name.txt"}, {// Filename looks like HTML? __LINE__, "", "filename=\"Hello kitty\"", "", "", "text/plain", L"default", L"_blink_Hello kitty__blink_"}, {// A normal avi should get .avi and not .avi.avi __LINE__, "https://example.com/misc/2.avi", "", "", "", "video/x-msvideo", L"download", L"2.avi"}, {// Slashes are illegal, and should be replaced with underscores. __LINE__, "http://example.com/foo%2f..%2fbar.jpg", "", "", "", "text/plain", L"download", L"foo_.._bar.jpg"}, {// "%00" decodes to the NUL byte, which is illegal and should be replaced // with an underscore. (Note: This can't be tested with a URL, since "%00" // is illegal in a URL. Only applies to Content-Disposition.) __LINE__, "http://example.com/download.py", "filename=foo%00bar.jpg", "", "", "text/plain", L"download", L"foo_bar.jpg"}, {// Extension generation for C-D derived filenames. __LINE__, "", "filename=my-cat", "", "", "image/jpeg", L"download", L"my-cat"}, {// Unknown MIME type __LINE__, "", "filename=my-cat", "", "", "dance/party", L"download", L"my-cat"}, {// Known MIME type. __LINE__, "", "filename=my-cat.jpg", "", "", "text/plain", L"download", L"my-cat.jpg"}, #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) // Test truncation of trailing dots and spaces (Windows) {__LINE__, "", "filename=evil.exe ", "", "", "binary/octet-stream", L"download", L"evil.exe"}, {__LINE__, "", "filename=evil.exe.", "", "", "binary/octet-stream", L"download", L"evil.exe_"}, {__LINE__, "", "filename=evil.exe. . .", "", "", "binary/octet-stream", L"download", L"evil.exe_______"}, {__LINE__, "", "filename=evil.", "", "", "binary/octet-stream", L"download", L"evil_"}, {__LINE__, "", "filename=. . . . .", "", "", "binary/octet-stream", L"download", L"download"}, #elif BUILDFLAG(IS_POSIX) || BUILDFLAG(IS_FUCHSIA) // Test truncation of trailing dots and spaces (non-Windows) {__LINE__, "", "filename=evil.exe ", "", "", "binary/octet-stream", L"download", L"evil.exe"}, {__LINE__, "", "filename=evil.exe.", "", "", "binary/octet-stream", L"download", L"evil.exe"}, {__LINE__, "", "filename=evil.exe. . .", "", "", "binary/octet-stream", L"download", L"evil.exe. . _"}, {__LINE__, "", "filename=evil.", "", "", "binary/octet-stream", L"download", L"evil"}, {__LINE__, "", "filename=. . . . .", "", "", "binary/octet-stream", L"download", L"_. . ._"}, #endif {__LINE__, "", "attachment; filename=\"meh.exe\xC2\xA0\"", "", "", "binary/octet-stream", L"", L"meh.exe_"}, // Disappearing directory references: {__LINE__, "", "filename=.", "", "", "dance/party", L"download", L"download"}, {__LINE__, "", "filename=..", "", "", "dance/party", L"download", L"download"}, {__LINE__, "", "filename=...", "", "", "dance/party", L"download", L"download"}, // Reserved words on Windows {__LINE__, "", "filename=COM1", "", "", "application/foo-bar", L"download", #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) L"_COM1" #else L"COM1" #endif }, {__LINE__, "", "filename=COM4.txt", "", "", "text/plain", L"download", #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) L"_COM4.txt" #else L"COM4.txt" #endif }, {__LINE__, "", "filename=lpt1.TXT", "", "", "text/plain", L"download", #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) L"_lpt1.TXT" #else L"lpt1.TXT" #endif }, {__LINE__, "", "filename=clock$.txt", "", "", "text/plain", L"download", #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) L"_clock$.txt" #else L"clock$.txt" #endif }, {// Validation should also apply to sugested name __LINE__, "", "", "", "clock$.txt", "text/plain", L"download", #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) L"_clock$.txt" #else L"clock$.txt" #endif }, {// Device names only work when present at the start of the string. __LINE__, "", "filename=mycom1.foo", "", "", "", L"download", L"mycom1.foo"}, {__LINE__, "", "filename=Setup.exe.local", "", "", "", L"download", #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) L"Setup.exe.download" #else L"Setup.exe.local" #endif }, {__LINE__, "", "filename=Setup.exe.local.local", "", "", "", L"download", #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) L"Setup.exe.local.download" #else L"Setup.exe.local.local" #endif }, {__LINE__, "", "filename=Setup.exe.lnk", "", "", "", L"download", #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) L"Setup.exe.download" #else L"Setup.exe.lnk" #endif }, {__LINE__, "", "filename=Desktop.ini", "", "", "", L"download", #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) L"_Desktop.ini" #else L"Desktop.ini" #endif }, {__LINE__, "", "filename=Thumbs.db", "", "", "", L"download", #if BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN) L"_Thumbs.db" #else L"Thumbs.db" #endif }, // Regression tests for older issues: {// http://crbug.com/5772. __LINE__, "http://www.example.com/foo.tar.gz", "", "", "", "application/x-tar", L"download", L"foo.tar.gz"}, {// http://crbug.com/52250. __LINE__, "http://www.example.com/foo.tgz", "", "", "", "application/x-tar", L"download", L"foo.tgz"}, {// http://crbug.com/7337. __LINE__, "http://maged.lordaeron.org/blank.reg", "", "", "", "text/x-registry", L"download", L"blank.reg"}, {__LINE__, "http://www.example.com/bar.tar", "", "", "", "application/x-tar", L"download", L"bar.tar"}, {__LINE__, "http://www.example.com/bar.bogus", "", "", "", "application/x-tar", L"download", L"bar.bogus"}, {// http://crbug.com/20337 __LINE__, "http://www.example.com/.download.txt", "filename=.download.txt", "", "", "text/plain", L"-download", L"download.txt"}, {// http://crbug.com/56855. __LINE__, "http://www.example.com/bar.sh", "", "", "", "application/x-sh", L"download", L"bar.sh"}, {// http://crbug.com/61571 __LINE__, "http://www.example.com/npdf.php?fn=foobar.pdf", "", "", "", "application/x-chrome-extension", L"download", L"npdf.crx"}, {// Shouldn't overwrite C-D specified extension. __LINE__, "http://www.example.com/npdf.php?fn=foobar.pdf", "filename=foobar.jpg", "", "", "text/plain", L"download", L"foobar.jpg"}, {// http://crbug.com/87719 __LINE__, "http://www.example.com/image.aspx?id=blargh", "", "", "", "application/x-chrome-extension", L"download", L"image.crx"}, {__LINE__, "http://www.example.com/image.aspx?id=blargh", "", "", " .foo", "", L"download", L"_.foo"}, // Note that the next 4 tests will not fail on all platforms on regression. // They only fail if application/[x-]gzip has a default extension, which // can vary across platforms (And even by OS install). {__LINE__, "http://www.example.com/goat.tar.gz?wearing_hat=true", "", "", "", "application/gzip", L"", L"goat.tar.gz"}, {__LINE__, "http://www.example.com/goat.tar.gz?wearing_hat=true", "", "", "", "application/x-gzip", L"", L"goat.tar.gz"}, {__LINE__, "http://www.example.com/goat.tgz?wearing_hat=true", "", "", "", "application/gzip", L"", L"goat.tgz"}, {__LINE__, "http://www.example.com/goat.tgz?wearing_hat=true", "", "", "", "application/x-gzip", L"", L"goat.tgz"}, #if BUILDFLAG(IS_CHROMEOS_ASH) {// http://crosbug.com/26028 __LINE__, "http://www.example.com/fooa%cc%88.txt", "", "", "", "image/jpeg", L"foo\xe4", L"foo\xe4.txt"}, #endif // U+3000 IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE (http://crbug.com/849794): In URL file name. {__LINE__, "http://www.example.com/%E5%B2%A1%E3%80%80%E5%B2%A1.txt", "", "", "", "text/plain", L"", L"\u5ca1\u3000\u5ca1.txt"}, // U+3000 IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE (http://crbug.com/849794): In // Content-Disposition filename. {__LINE__, "http://www.example.com/download.py", "filename=%E5%B2%A1%E3%80%80%E5%B2%A1.txt", "utf-8", "", "text/plain", L"", L"\u5ca1\u3000\u5ca1.txt"}, }; for (const auto& selection_test : selection_tests) RunGenerateFileNameTestCase(&selection_test); for (const auto& generation_test : generation_tests) RunGenerateFileNameTestCase(&generation_test); for (const auto& generation_test : generation_tests) { GenerateFilenameCase test_case = generation_test; test_case.referrer_charset = "GBK"; RunGenerateFileNameTestCase(&test_case); } } TEST(FilenameUtilTest, IsReservedNameOnWindows) { for (auto* basename : kSafePortableBasenames) { EXPECT_FALSE(IsReservedNameOnWindows(base::FilePath(basename).value())) << basename; } for (auto* basename : kUnsafePortableBasenamesForWin) { EXPECT_TRUE(IsReservedNameOnWindows(base::FilePath(basename).value())) << basename; } } } // namespace net