// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // NOTE: based loosely on mozilla's nsDataChannel.cpp #include #include "net/base/data_url.h" #include "base/base64.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/strings/escape.h" #include "base/strings/string_piece.h" #include "base/strings/string_split.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "net/base/mime_util.h" #include "net/http/http_response_headers.h" #include "net/http/http_util.h" #include "url/gurl.h" namespace net { bool DataURL::Parse(const GURL& url, std::string* mime_type, std::string* charset, std::string* data) { if (!url.is_valid() || !url.has_scheme()) return false; DCHECK(mime_type->empty()); DCHECK(charset->empty()); DCHECK(!data || data->empty()); std::string content = url.GetContent(); std::string::const_iterator begin = content.begin(); std::string::const_iterator end = content.end(); std::string::const_iterator comma = std::find(begin, end, ','); if (comma == end) return false; std::vector meta_data = base::SplitStringPiece(base::MakeStringPiece(begin, comma), ";", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL); // These are moved to |mime_type| and |charset| on success. std::string mime_type_value; std::string charset_value; auto iter = meta_data.cbegin(); if (iter != meta_data.cend()) { mime_type_value = base::ToLowerASCII(*iter); ++iter; } static constexpr base::StringPiece kBase64Tag("base64"); static constexpr base::StringPiece kCharsetTag("charset="); bool base64_encoded = false; for (; iter != meta_data.cend(); ++iter) { if (!base64_encoded && base::EqualsCaseInsensitiveASCII(*iter, kBase64Tag)) { base64_encoded = true; } else if (charset_value.empty() && base::StartsWith(*iter, kCharsetTag, base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII)) { charset_value = std::string(iter->substr(kCharsetTag.size())); // The grammar for charset is not specially defined in RFC2045 and // RFC2397. It just needs to be a token. if (!HttpUtil::IsToken(charset_value)) return false; } } if (mime_type_value.empty()) { // Fallback to the default if nothing specified in the mediatype part as // specified in RFC2045. As specified in RFC2397, we use |charset| even if // |mime_type| is empty. mime_type_value = "text/plain"; if (charset_value.empty()) charset_value = "US-ASCII"; } else if (!ParseMimeTypeWithoutParameter(mime_type_value, nullptr, nullptr)) { // Fallback to the default as recommended in RFC2045 when the mediatype // value is invalid. For this case, we don't respect |charset| but force it // set to "US-ASCII". mime_type_value = "text/plain"; charset_value = "US-ASCII"; } // The caller may not be interested in receiving the data. if (data) { // Preserve spaces if dealing with text or xml input, same as mozilla: // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=138052 // but strip them otherwise: // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=37200 // (Spaces in a data URL should be escaped, which is handled below, so any // spaces now are wrong. People expect to be able to enter them in the URL // bar for text, and it can't hurt, so we allow it.) // // TODO(mmenke): Is removing all spaces reasonable? GURL removes trailing // spaces itself, anyways. Should we just trim leading spaces instead? // Allowing random intermediary spaces seems unnecessary. auto raw_body = base::MakeStringPiece(comma + 1, end); // For base64, we may have url-escaped whitespace which is not part // of the data, and should be stripped. Otherwise, the escaped whitespace // could be part of the payload, so don't strip it. if (base64_encoded) { std::string unescaped_body = base::UnescapeBinaryURLComponent(raw_body); // Strip spaces, which aren't allowed in Base64 encoding. base::EraseIf(unescaped_body, base::IsAsciiWhitespace); size_t length = unescaped_body.length(); size_t padding_needed = 4 - (length % 4); // If the input wasn't padded, then we pad it as necessary until we have a // length that is a multiple of 4 as required by our decoder. We don't // correct if the input was incorrectly padded. If |padding_needed| == 3, // then the input isn't well formed and decoding will fail with or without // padding. if ((padding_needed == 1 || padding_needed == 2) && unescaped_body[length - 1] != '=') { unescaped_body.resize(length + padding_needed, '='); } if (!base::Base64Decode(unescaped_body, data)) return false; } else { // Strip whitespace for non-text MIME types. std::string temp; if (!(mime_type_value.compare(0, 5, "text/") == 0 || mime_type_value.find("xml") != std::string::npos)) { temp = std::string(raw_body); base::EraseIf(temp, base::IsAsciiWhitespace); raw_body = temp; } *data = base::UnescapeBinaryURLComponent(raw_body); } } *mime_type = std::move(mime_type_value); *charset = std::move(charset_value); return true; } Error DataURL::BuildResponse(const GURL& url, base::StringPiece method, std::string* mime_type, std::string* charset, std::string* data, scoped_refptr* headers) { DCHECK(data); DCHECK(!*headers); if (!DataURL::Parse(url, mime_type, charset, data)) return ERR_INVALID_URL; // |mime_type| set by DataURL::Parse() is guaranteed to be in // token "/" token // form. |charset| can be an empty string. DCHECK(!mime_type->empty()); // "charset" in the Content-Type header is specified explicitly to follow // the "token" ABNF in the HTTP spec. When the DataURL::Parse() call is // successful, it's guaranteed that the string in |charset| follows the // "token" ABNF. std::string content_type = *mime_type; if (!charset->empty()) content_type.append(";charset=" + *charset); // The terminal double CRLF isn't needed by TryToCreate(). *headers = HttpResponseHeaders::TryToCreate( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Type:" + content_type); // Above line should always succeed - TryToCreate() only fails when there are // nulls in the string, and DataURL::Parse() can't return nulls in anything // but the |data| argument. DCHECK(*headers); if (base::EqualsCaseInsensitiveASCII(method, "HEAD")) data->clear(); return OK; } } // namespace net