// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/base/backoff_entry_serializer.h" #include #include #include "base/notreached.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/time/tick_clock.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "net/base/backoff_entry.h" namespace { // This max defines how many times we are willing to call // |BackoffEntry::InformOfRequest| in |DeserializeFromList|. // // This value is meant to large enough that the computed backoff duration can // still be saturated. Given that the duration is an int64 and assuming 1.01 as // a conservative lower bound for BackoffEntry::Policy::multiply_factor, // ceil(log(2**63-1, 1.01)) = 4389. const int kMaxFailureCount = 4389; // This function returns true iff |duration| is finite and can be serialized and // deserialized without becoming infinite. This function is aligned with the // latest version. bool BackoffDurationSafeToSerialize(const base::TimeDelta& duration) { return !duration.is_inf() && !base::Microseconds(duration.InMicroseconds()).is_inf(); } } // namespace namespace net { base::Value::List BackoffEntrySerializer::SerializeToList( const BackoffEntry& entry, base::Time time_now) { base::Value::List serialized; serialized.Append(SerializationFormatVersion::kVersion2); serialized.Append(entry.failure_count()); // Convert both |base::TimeTicks| values into |base::TimeDelta| values by // subtracting |kZeroTicks. This way, the top-level subtraction uses // |base::TimeDelta::operator-|, which has clamping semantics. const base::TimeTicks kZeroTicks; const base::TimeDelta kReleaseTime = entry.GetReleaseTime() - kZeroTicks; const base::TimeDelta kTimeTicksNow = entry.GetTimeTicksNow() - kZeroTicks; base::TimeDelta backoff_duration; if (!kReleaseTime.is_inf() && !kTimeTicksNow.is_inf()) { backoff_duration = kReleaseTime - kTimeTicksNow; } if (!BackoffDurationSafeToSerialize(backoff_duration)) { backoff_duration = base::TimeDelta(); } base::Time absolute_release_time = backoff_duration + time_now; // If the computed release time is infinite, default to zero. The deserializer // should pick up on this. if (absolute_release_time.is_inf()) { absolute_release_time = base::Time(); } // Redundantly stores both the remaining time delta and the absolute time. // The delta is used to work around some cases where wall clock time changes. serialized.Append(base::NumberToString(backoff_duration.InMicroseconds())); serialized.Append( base::NumberToString(absolute_release_time.ToInternalValue())); return serialized; } std::unique_ptr BackoffEntrySerializer::DeserializeFromList( const base::Value::List& serialized, const BackoffEntry::Policy* policy, const base::TickClock* tick_clock, base::Time time_now) { if (serialized.size() != 4) return nullptr; if (!serialized[0].is_int()) return nullptr; int version_number = serialized[0].GetInt(); if (version_number != kVersion1 && version_number != kVersion2) return nullptr; if (!serialized[1].is_int()) return nullptr; int failure_count = serialized[1].GetInt(); if (failure_count < 0) { return nullptr; } failure_count = std::min(failure_count, kMaxFailureCount); base::TimeDelta original_backoff_duration; switch (version_number) { case kVersion1: { if (!serialized[2].is_double()) return nullptr; double original_backoff_duration_double = serialized[2].GetDouble(); original_backoff_duration = base::Seconds(original_backoff_duration_double); break; } case kVersion2: { if (!serialized[2].is_string()) return nullptr; std::string original_backoff_duration_string = serialized[2].GetString(); int64_t original_backoff_duration_us; if (!base::StringToInt64(original_backoff_duration_string, &original_backoff_duration_us)) { return nullptr; } original_backoff_duration = base::Microseconds(original_backoff_duration_us); break; } default: NOTREACHED() << "Unexpected version_number: " << version_number; } if (!serialized[3].is_string()) return nullptr; std::string absolute_release_time_string = serialized[3].GetString(); int64_t absolute_release_time_us; if (!base::StringToInt64(absolute_release_time_string, &absolute_release_time_us)) { return nullptr; } auto entry = std::make_unique(policy, tick_clock); for (int n = 0; n < failure_count; n++) entry->InformOfRequest(false); base::Time absolute_release_time = base::Time::FromInternalValue(absolute_release_time_us); base::TimeDelta backoff_duration; if (absolute_release_time == base::Time()) { // When the serializer cannot compute a finite release time, it uses zero. // When we see this, fall back to the redundant original_backoff_duration. backoff_duration = original_backoff_duration; } else { // Before computing |backoff_duration|, throw out +/- infinity values for // either operand. This way, we can use base::TimeDelta's saturated math. if (absolute_release_time.is_inf() || time_now.is_inf()) return nullptr; backoff_duration = absolute_release_time.ToDeltaSinceWindowsEpoch() - time_now.ToDeltaSinceWindowsEpoch(); // In cases where the system wall clock is rewound, use the redundant // original_backoff_duration to ensure the backoff duration isn't longer // than it was before serializing (note that it's not possible to protect // against the clock being wound forward). if (backoff_duration > original_backoff_duration) backoff_duration = original_backoff_duration; } if (!BackoffDurationSafeToSerialize(backoff_duration)) return nullptr; const base::TimeTicks release_time = entry->BackoffDurationToReleaseTime(backoff_duration); if (release_time.is_inf()) return nullptr; entry->SetCustomReleaseTime(release_time); return entry; } } // namespace net