// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "media/formats/mpeg/mpeg1_audio_stream_parser.h" namespace media { static const uint32 kMPEG1StartCodeMask = 0xffe00000; // Map that determines which bitrate_index & channel_mode combinations // are allowed. // Derived from: http://mpgedit.org/mpgedit/mpeg_format/MP3Format.html static const bool kIsAllowed[17][4] = { { true, true, true, true }, // free { true, false, false, false }, // 32 { true, false, false, false }, // 48 { true, false, false, false }, // 56 { true, true, true, true }, // 64 { true, false, false, false }, // 80 { true, true, true, true }, // 96 { true, true, true, true }, // 112 { true, true, true, true }, // 128 { true, true, true, true }, // 160 { true, true, true, true }, // 192 { false, true, true, true }, // 224 { false, true, true, true }, // 256 { false, true, true, true }, // 320 { false, true, true, true }, // 384 { false, false, false, false } // bad }; // Maps version and layer information in the frame header // into an index for the |kBitrateMap|. // Derived from: http://mpgedit.org/mpgedit/mpeg_format/MP3Format.html static const int kVersionLayerMap[4][4] = { // { reserved, L3, L2, L1 } { 5, 4, 4, 3 }, // MPEG 2.5 { 5, 5, 5, 5 }, // reserved { 5, 4, 4, 3 }, // MPEG 2 { 5, 2, 1, 0 } // MPEG 1 }; // Maps the bitrate index field in the header and an index // from |kVersionLayerMap| to a frame bitrate. // Derived from: http://mpgedit.org/mpgedit/mpeg_format/MP3Format.html static const int kBitrateMap[16][6] = { // { V1L1, V1L2, V1L3, V2L1, V2L2 & V2L3, reserved } { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 32, 32, 32, 32, 8, 0 }, { 64, 48, 40, 48, 16, 0 }, { 96, 56, 48, 56, 24, 0 }, { 128, 64, 56, 64, 32, 0 }, { 160, 80, 64, 80, 40, 0 }, { 192, 96, 80, 96, 48, 0 }, { 224, 112, 96, 112, 56, 0 }, { 256, 128, 112, 128, 64, 0 }, { 288, 160, 128, 144, 80, 0 }, { 320, 192, 160, 160, 96, 0 }, { 352, 224, 192, 176, 112, 0 }, { 384, 256, 224, 192, 128, 0 }, { 416, 320, 256, 224, 144, 0 }, { 448, 384, 320, 256, 160, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }; // Maps the sample rate index and version fields from the frame header // to a sample rate. // Derived from: http://mpgedit.org/mpgedit/mpeg_format/MP3Format.html static const int kSampleRateMap[4][4] = { // { V2.5, reserved, V2, V1 } { 11025, 0, 22050, 44100 }, { 12000, 0, 24000, 48000 }, { 8000, 0, 16000, 32000 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; // Offset in bytes from the end of the MP3 header to "Xing" or "Info" tags which // indicate a frame is silent metadata frame. Values taken from FFmpeg. static const int kXingHeaderMap[2][2] = {{32, 17}, {17, 9}}; // Frame header field constants. static const int kBitrateFree = 0; static const int kBitrateBad = 0xf; static const int kSampleRateReserved = 3; static const int kCodecDelay = 529; // static bool MPEG1AudioStreamParser::ParseHeader( const LogCB& log_cb, const uint8* data, Header* header) { BitReader reader(data, kHeaderSize); int sync; int version; int layer; int is_protected; int bitrate_index; int sample_rate_index; int has_padding; int is_private; int channel_mode; int other_flags; if (!reader.ReadBits(11, &sync) || !reader.ReadBits(2, &version) || !reader.ReadBits(2, &layer) || !reader.ReadBits(1, &is_protected) || !reader.ReadBits(4, &bitrate_index) || !reader.ReadBits(2, &sample_rate_index) || !reader.ReadBits(1, &has_padding) || !reader.ReadBits(1, &is_private) || !reader.ReadBits(2, &channel_mode) || !reader.ReadBits(6, &other_flags)) { return false; } DVLOG(2) << "Header data :" << std::hex << " sync 0x" << sync << " version 0x" << version << " layer 0x" << layer << " bitrate_index 0x" << bitrate_index << " sample_rate_index 0x" << sample_rate_index << " channel_mode 0x" << channel_mode; if (sync != 0x7ff || version == kVersionReserved || layer == kLayerReserved || bitrate_index == kBitrateFree || bitrate_index == kBitrateBad || sample_rate_index == kSampleRateReserved) { MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, log_cb) << "Invalid header data :" << std::hex << " sync 0x" << sync << " version 0x" << version << " layer 0x" << layer << " bitrate_index 0x" << bitrate_index << " sample_rate_index 0x" << sample_rate_index << " channel_mode 0x" << channel_mode; return false; } if (layer == kLayer2 && kIsAllowed[bitrate_index][channel_mode]) { MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, log_cb) << "Invalid (bitrate_index, channel_mode)" << " combination :" << std::hex << " bitrate_index " << bitrate_index << " channel_mode " << channel_mode; return false; } int bitrate = kBitrateMap[bitrate_index][kVersionLayerMap[version][layer]]; if (bitrate == 0) { MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, log_cb) << "Invalid bitrate :" << std::hex << " version " << version << " layer " << layer << " bitrate_index " << bitrate_index; return false; } DVLOG(2) << " bitrate " << bitrate; int frame_sample_rate = kSampleRateMap[sample_rate_index][version]; if (frame_sample_rate == 0) { MEDIA_LOG(ERROR, log_cb) << "Invalid sample rate :" << std::hex << " version " << version << " sample_rate_index " << sample_rate_index; return false; } header->sample_rate = frame_sample_rate; // http://teslabs.com/openplayer/docs/docs/specs/mp3_structure2.pdf // Table 2.1.5 int samples_per_frame; switch (layer) { case kLayer1: samples_per_frame = 384; break; case kLayer2: samples_per_frame = 1152; break; case kLayer3: if (version == kVersion2 || version == kVersion2_5) samples_per_frame = 576; else samples_per_frame = 1152; break; default: return false; } header->sample_count = samples_per_frame; // http://teslabs.com/openplayer/docs/docs/specs/mp3_structure2.pdf // Text just below Table 2.1.5. if (layer == kLayer1) { // This formulation is a slight variation on the equation below, // but has slightly different truncation characteristics to deal // with the fact that Layer 1 has 4 byte "slots" instead of single // byte ones. header->frame_size = 4 * (12 * bitrate * 1000 / frame_sample_rate); } else { header->frame_size = ((samples_per_frame / 8) * bitrate * 1000) / frame_sample_rate; } if (has_padding) header->frame_size += (layer == kLayer1) ? 4 : 1; // Map Stereo(0), Joint Stereo(1), and Dual Channel (2) to // CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO and Single Channel (3) to CHANNEL_LAYOUT_MONO. header->channel_layout = (channel_mode == 3) ? CHANNEL_LAYOUT_MONO : CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO; header->version = static_cast(version); header->layer = static_cast(layer); header->channel_mode = channel_mode; return true; } MPEG1AudioStreamParser::MPEG1AudioStreamParser() : MPEGAudioStreamParserBase(kMPEG1StartCodeMask, kCodecMP3, kCodecDelay) {} MPEG1AudioStreamParser::~MPEG1AudioStreamParser() {} int MPEG1AudioStreamParser::ParseFrameHeader(const uint8* data, int size, int* frame_size, int* sample_rate, ChannelLayout* channel_layout, int* sample_count, bool* metadata_frame) const { DCHECK(data); DCHECK_GE(size, 0); DCHECK(frame_size); if (size < kHeaderSize) return 0; Header header; if (!ParseHeader(log_cb(), data, &header)) return -1; *frame_size = header.frame_size; if (sample_rate) *sample_rate = header.sample_rate; if (sample_count) *sample_count = header.sample_count; if (channel_layout) *channel_layout = header.channel_layout; if (metadata_frame) *metadata_frame = false; const int header_bytes_read = kHeaderSize; if (header.layer != kLayer3) return header_bytes_read; // Check if this is a XING frame and tell the base parser to skip it if so. const int xing_header_index = kXingHeaderMap[header.version == kVersion2 || header.version == kVersion2_5][header.channel_mode == 3]; uint32_t tag = 0; // It's not a XING frame if the frame isn't big enough to be one. if (*frame_size < header_bytes_read + xing_header_index + static_cast(sizeof(tag))) { return header_bytes_read; } // If we don't have enough data available to check, return 0 so frame parsing // will be retried once more data is available. BitReader reader(data + header_bytes_read, size - header_bytes_read); if (!reader.SkipBits(xing_header_index * 8) || !reader.ReadBits(sizeof(tag) * 8, &tag)) { return 0; } // Check to see if the tag contains 'Xing' or 'Info' if (tag == 0x496e666f || tag == 0x58696e67) { MEDIA_LOG(DEBUG, log_cb()) << "Skipping XING header."; if (metadata_frame) *metadata_frame = true; return header_bytes_read + reader.bits_read() / 8; } // If it wasn't a XING frame, just return the number consumed bytes. return header_bytes_read; } } // namespace media