// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. module IPC.mojom; interface SimpleTestDriver { ExpectValue(int32 value); [Sync] GetExpectedValue() => (int32 value); [Sync] RequestValue() => (int32 value); RequestQuit() => (); }; interface SimpleTestClient { [Sync] RequestValue() => (int32 value); }; interface PingReceiver { Ping() => (); }; interface IndirectTestDriver { GetPingReceiver(associated PingReceiver& request); }; interface Reflector { Ping(string value) => (string value); [Sync] SyncPing(string value) => (string response); Quit(); }; interface AssociatedInterfaceVendor { GetTestInterface(associated SimpleTestDriver& interface_reqest); }; interface InterfacePassingTestDriver { Init() => (); GetPingReceiver(array request) => (); GetAssociatedPingReceiver(array request) => (); Quit(); };