# CQ Quick Run CQ Quick Run (QR) is a new CQ mode with the goal of delivering results faster. QR saves roughly 50% CPU time in exchange for at most a 5% chance of false negative. QR uses a novel regression test selection [technique](./testing/regression-test-selection.md) that is more granular than the conventional build dependency graph technique (see link for more info). QR may be the home for other aggressive CQ speed improvements in the future. ## Usage Ping guterman@google.com if you would like to be added to the pilot/beta. Then one can trigger a quick run by running either `git cl try -q` or `git cl upload -q`. This sets both the Quick-Run and Commit-Queue labels to 1, which starts a Quick Run. Setting the two labels at the same time in the Gerrit UI also starts a Quick Run Unlike Dry Runs, Quick Runs can't be reused for CQ+2. Quick Run starts all the builders a Dry Run would. Not all builders have the new test selection algorithm enabled yet, so these builders will run at their regular speed. Look for "use_rts: true" in the build to see which builders are speed optimized. ## Known Issues Please report any Quick Run issues [here](https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/entry?template=Quick%20Run%20Issue) * The Gerrit integration isn't fully fleshed out yet so it's hard to tell what's a Quick Run vs a normal run. Also, in the future there will be a dedicated button in Gerrit for Quick Run, just like Dry Run and Submit.