# Callback<> and Bind() ## Introduction The templated `base::Callback<>` class is a generalized function object. Together with the `base::Bind()` function in base/bind.h, they provide a type-safe method for performing partial application of functions. Partial application (or "currying") is the process of binding a subset of a function's arguments to produce another function that takes fewer arguments. This can be used to pass around a unit of delayed execution, much like lexical closures are used in other languages. For example, it is used in Chromium code to schedule tasks on different MessageLoops. A callback with no unbound input parameters (`base::Callback`) is called a `base::Closure`. Note that this is NOT the same as what other languages refer to as a closure -- it does not retain a reference to its enclosing environment. ### OnceCallback<> And RepeatingCallback<> `base::OnceCallback<>` and `base::RepeatingCallback<>` are next gen callback classes, which are under development. `base::OnceCallback<>` is created by `base::BindOnce()`. This is a callback variant that is a move-only type and can be run only once. This moves out bound parameters from its internal storage to the bound function by default, so it's easier to use with movable types. This should be the preferred callback type: since the lifetime of the callback is clear, it's simpler to reason about when a callback that is passed between threads is destroyed. `base::RepeatingCallback<>` is created by `base::BindRepeating()`. This is a callback variant that is copyable that can be run multiple times. It uses internal ref-counting to make copies cheap. However, since ownership is shared, it is harder to reason about when the callback and the bound state are destroyed, especially when the callback is passed between threads. The legacy `base::Callback<>` is currently aliased to `base::RepeatingCallback<>`. In new code, prefer `base::OnceCallback<>` where possible, and use `base::RepeatingCallback<>` otherwise. Once the migration is complete, the type alias will be removed and `base::OnceCallback<>` will be renamed to `base::Callback<>` to emphasize that it should be preferred. `base::RepeatingCallback<>` is convertible to `base::OnceCallback<>` by the implicit conversion. ### Memory Management And Passing Pass `base::Callback` objects by value if ownership is transferred; otherwise, pass it by const-reference. ```cpp // |Foo| just refers to |cb| but doesn't store it nor consume it. bool Foo(const base::OnceCallback& cb) { return cb.is_null(); } // |Bar| takes the ownership of |cb| and stores |cb| into |g_cb|. base::OnceCallback g_cb; void Bar(base::OnceCallback cb) { g_cb = std::move(cb); } // |Baz| takes the ownership of |cb| and consumes |cb| by Run(). void Baz(base::OnceCallback cb) { std::move(cb).Run(42); } // |Qux| takes the ownership of |cb| and transfers ownership to PostTask(), // which also takes the ownership of |cb|. void Qux(base::OnceCallback cb) { PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(std::move(cb), 42)); } ``` When you pass a `base::Callback` object to a function parameter, use `std::move()` if you don't need to keep a reference to it, otherwise, pass the object directly. You may see a compile error when the function requires the exclusive ownership, and you didn't pass the callback by move. Note that the moved-from `base::Callback` becomes null, as if its `Reset()` method had been called, and its `is_null()` method will return true. ## Quick reference for basic stuff ### Binding A Bare Function ```cpp int Return5() { return 5; } base::OnceCallback func_cb = base::BindOnce(&Return5); LOG(INFO) << std::move(func_cb).Run(); // Prints 5. ``` ```cpp int Return5() { return 5; } base::RepeatingCallback func_cb = base::BindRepeating(&Return5); LOG(INFO) << func_cb.Run(); // Prints 5. ``` ### Binding A Captureless Lambda ```cpp base::Callback lambda_cb = base::Bind([] { return 4; }); LOG(INFO) << lambda_cb.Run(); // Print 4. base::OnceCallback lambda_cb2 = base::BindOnce([] { return 3; }); LOG(INFO) << std::move(lambda_cb2).Run(); // Print 3. ``` ### Binding A Class Method The first argument to bind is the member function to call, the second is the object on which to call it. ```cpp class Ref : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe { public: int Foo() { return 3; } }; scoped_refptr ref = new Ref(); base::Callback ref_cb = base::Bind(&Ref::Foo, ref); LOG(INFO) << ref_cb.Run(); // Prints out 3. ``` By default the object must support RefCounted or you will get a compiler error. If you're passing between threads, be sure it's RefCountedThreadSafe! See "Advanced binding of member functions" below if you don't want to use reference counting. ### Running A Callback Callbacks can be run with their `Run` method, which has the same signature as the template argument to the callback. Note that `base::OnceCallback::Run` consumes the callback object and can only be invoked on a callback rvalue. ```cpp void DoSomething(const base::Callback& callback) { callback.Run(5, "hello"); } void DoSomethingOther(base::OnceCallback callback) { std::move(callback).Run(5, "hello"); } ``` RepeatingCallbacks can be run more than once (they don't get deleted or marked when run). However, this precludes using `base::Passed` (see below). ```cpp void DoSomething(const base::RepeatingCallback& callback) { double myresult = callback.Run(3.14159); myresult += callback.Run(2.71828); } ``` If running a callback could result in its own destruction (e.g., if the callback recipient deletes the object the callback is a member of), the callback should be moved before it can be safely invoked. The `base::ResetAndReturn` method provides this functionality. ```cpp void Foo::RunCallback() { base::ResetAndReturn(&foo_deleter_callback_).Run(); } ``` ### Passing Unbound Input Parameters Unbound parameters are specified at the time a callback is `Run()`. They are specified in the `base::Callback` template type: ```cpp void MyFunc(int i, const std::string& str) {} base::Callback cb = base::Bind(&MyFunc); cb.Run(23, "hello, world"); ``` ### Passing Bound Input Parameters Bound parameters are specified when you create the callback as arguments to `base::Bind()`. They will be passed to the function and the `Run()`ner of the callback doesn't see those values or even know that the function it's calling. ```cpp void MyFunc(int i, const std::string& str) {} base::Callback cb = base::Bind(&MyFunc, 23, "hello world"); cb.Run(); ``` A callback with no unbound input parameters (`base::Callback`) is called a `base::Closure`. So we could have also written: ```cpp base::Closure cb = base::Bind(&MyFunc, 23, "hello world"); ``` When calling member functions, bound parameters just go after the object pointer. ```cpp base::Closure cb = base::Bind(&MyClass::MyFunc, this, 23, "hello world"); ``` ### Partial Binding Of Parameters You can specify some parameters when you create the callback, and specify the rest when you execute the callback. ```cpp void MyFunc(int i, const std::string& str) {} base::Callback cb = base::Bind(&MyFunc, 23); cb.Run("hello world"); ``` When calling a function bound parameters are first, followed by unbound parameters. ### Avoiding Copies with Callback Parameters A parameter of `base::Bind()` is moved into its internal storage if it is passed as a rvalue. ```cpp std::vector v = {1, 2, 3}; // |v| is moved into the internal storage without copy. base::Bind(&Foo, std::move(v)); ``` ```cpp std::vector v = {1, 2, 3}; // The vector is moved into the internal storage without copy. base::Bind(&Foo, std::vector({1, 2, 3})); ``` A bound object is moved out to the target function if you use `base::Passed()` for the parameter. If you use `base::BindOnce()`, the bound object is moved out even without `base::Passed()`. ```cpp void Foo(std::unique_ptr) {} std::unique_ptr p(new int(42)); // |p| is moved into the internal storage of Bind(), and moved out to |Foo|. base::BindOnce(&Foo, std::move(p)); base::BindRepeating(&Foo, base::Passed(&p)); base::BindRepeating(&Foo, base::Passed(std::move(p))); ``` ## Quick reference for advanced binding ### Binding A Class Method With Weak Pointers ```cpp base::Bind(&MyClass::Foo, GetWeakPtr()); ``` The callback will not be run if the object has already been destroyed. **DANGER**: weak pointers are not threadsafe, so don't use this when passing between threads! To make a weak pointer, you would typically create a `base::WeakPtrFactory` member at the bottom (to ensure it's destroyed last) of class `Foo`, then call `weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()`. ### Binding A Class Method With Manual Lifetime Management ```cpp base::Bind(&MyClass::Foo, base::Unretained(this)); ``` This disables all lifetime management on the object. You're responsible for making sure the object is alive at the time of the call. You break it, you own it! ### Binding A Class Method And Having The Callback Own The Class ```cpp MyClass* myclass = new MyClass; base::Bind(&MyClass::Foo, base::Owned(myclass)); ``` The object will be deleted when the callback is destroyed, even if it's not run (like if you post a task during shutdown). Potentially useful for "fire and forget" cases. Smart pointers (e.g. `std::unique_ptr<>`) are also supported as the receiver. ```cpp std::unique_ptr myclass(new MyClass); base::Bind(&MyClass::Foo, std::move(myclass)); ``` ### Ignoring Return Values Sometimes you want to call a function that returns a value in a callback that doesn't expect a return value. ```cpp int DoSomething(int arg) { cout << arg << endl; } base::Callback cb = base::Bind(IgnoreResult(&DoSomething)); ``` ## Quick reference for binding parameters to Bind() Bound parameters are specified as arguments to `base::Bind()` and are passed to the function. A callback with no parameters or no unbound parameters is called a `base::Closure` (`base::Callback` and `base::Closure` are the same thing). ### Passing Parameters Owned By The Callback ```cpp void Foo(int* arg) { cout << *arg << endl; } int* pn = new int(1); base::Closure foo_callback = base::Bind(&foo, base::Owned(pn)); ``` The parameter will be deleted when the callback is destroyed, even if it's not run (like if you post a task during shutdown). ### Passing Parameters As A unique_ptr ```cpp void TakesOwnership(std::unique_ptr arg) {} std::unique_ptr f(new Foo); // f becomes null during the following call. base::RepeatingClosure cb = base::BindRepeating(&TakesOwnership, base::Passed(&f)); ``` Ownership of the parameter will be with the callback until the callback is run, and then ownership is passed to the callback function. This means the callback can only be run once. If the callback is never run, it will delete the object when it's destroyed. ### Passing Parameters As A scoped_refptr ```cpp void TakesOneRef(scoped_refptr arg) {} scoped_refptr f(new Foo); base::Closure cb = base::Bind(&TakesOneRef, f); ``` This should "just work." The closure will take a reference as long as it is alive, and another reference will be taken for the called function. ```cpp void DontTakeRef(Foo* arg) {} scoped_refptr f(new Foo); base::Closure cb = base::Bind(&DontTakeRef, base::RetainedRef(f)); ``` `base::RetainedRef` holds a reference to the object and passes a raw pointer to the object when the Callback is run. ### Passing Parameters By Reference Const references are *copied* unless `base::ConstRef` is used. Example: ```cpp void foo(const int& arg) { printf("%d %p\n", arg, &arg); } int n = 1; base::Closure has_copy = base::Bind(&foo, n); base::Closure has_ref = base::Bind(&foo, base::ConstRef(n)); n = 2; foo(n); // Prints "2 0xaaaaaaaaaaaa" has_copy.Run(); // Prints "1 0xbbbbbbbbbbbb" has_ref.Run(); // Prints "2 0xaaaaaaaaaaaa" ``` Normally parameters are copied in the closure. **DANGER**: `base::ConstRef` stores a const reference instead, referencing the original parameter. This means that you must ensure the object outlives the callback! ## Implementation notes ### Where Is This Design From: The design of `base::Callback` and `base::Bind` is heavily influenced by C++'s `tr1::function` / `tr1::bind`, and by the "Google Callback" system used inside Google. ### Customizing the behavior There are several injection points that controls binding behavior from outside of its implementation. ```cpp namespace base { template struct IsWeakReceiver { static constexpr bool value = false; }; template struct UnwrapTraits { template T&& Unwrap(T&& obj) { return std::forward(obj); } }; } // namespace base ``` If `base::IsWeakReceiver::value` is true on a receiver of a method, `base::Bind` checks if the receiver is evaluated to true and cancels the invocation if it's evaluated to false. You can specialize `base::IsWeakReceiver` to make an external smart pointer as a weak pointer. `base::UnwrapTraits::Unwrap()` is called for each bound arguments right before `base::Callback` calls the target function. You can specialize this to define an argument wrapper such as `base::Unretained`, `base::ConstRef`, `base::Owned`, `base::RetainedRef` and `base::Passed`. ### How The Implementation Works: There are three main components to the system: 1) The `base::Callback<>` classes. 2) The `base::Bind()` functions. 3) The arguments wrappers (e.g., `base::Unretained()` and `base::ConstRef()`). The Callback classes represent a generic function pointer. Internally, it stores a refcounted piece of state that represents the target function and all its bound parameters. The `base::Callback` constructor takes a `base::BindStateBase*`, which is upcasted from a `base::BindState<>`. In the context of the constructor, the static type of this `base::BindState<>` pointer uniquely identifies the function it is representing, all its bound parameters, and a `Run()` method that is capable of invoking the target. `base::Bind()` creates the `base::BindState<>` that has the full static type, and erases the target function type as well as the types of the bound parameters. It does this by storing a pointer to the specific `Run()` function, and upcasting the state of `base::BindState<>*` to a `base::BindStateBase*`. This is safe as long as this `BindStateBase` pointer is only used with the stored `Run()` pointer. To `base::BindState<>` objects are created inside the `base::Bind()` functions. These functions, along with a set of internal templates, are responsible for - Unwrapping the function signature into return type, and parameters - Determining the number of parameters that are bound - Creating the BindState storing the bound parameters - Performing compile-time asserts to avoid error-prone behavior - Returning an `Callback<>` with an arity matching the number of unbound parameters and that knows the correct refcounting semantics for the target object if we are binding a method. The `base::Bind` functions do the above using type-inference and variadic templates. By default `base::Bind()` will store copies of all bound parameters, and attempt to refcount a target object if the function being bound is a class method. These copies are created even if the function takes parameters as const references. (Binding to non-const references is forbidden, see bind.h.) To change this behavior, we introduce a set of argument wrappers (e.g., `base::Unretained()`, and `base::ConstRef()`). These are simple container templates that are passed by value, and wrap a pointer to argument. See the file-level comment in base/bind_helpers.h for more info. These types are passed to the `Unwrap()` functions to modify the behavior of `base::Bind()`. The `Unwrap()` functions change behavior by doing partial specialization based on whether or not a parameter is a wrapper type. `base::ConstRef()` is similar to `tr1::cref`. `base::Unretained()` is specific to Chromium. ### Missing Functionality - Binding arrays to functions that take a non-const pointer. Example: ```cpp void Foo(const char* ptr); void Bar(char* ptr); base::Bind(&Foo, "test"); base::Bind(&Bar, "test"); // This fails because ptr is not const. ``` If you are thinking of forward declaring `base::Callback` in your own header file, please include "base/callback_forward.h" instead.