// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_socket_mac.h" #import #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/callback_helpers.h" #include "base/containers/queue.h" #include "base/mac/scoped_cftyperef.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h" #include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h" #include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_adapter_mac.h" #include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_channel_mac.h" #include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_classic_device_mac.h" #include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_device.h" #include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_l2cap_channel_mac.h" #include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_rfcomm_channel_mac.h" #include "net/base/io_buffer.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h" using device::BluetoothSocket; // A simple helper class that forwards SDP query completed notifications to its // wrapped |socket_|. @interface SDPQueryListener : NSObject { @private // The socket that registered for notifications. scoped_refptr _socket; // Callbacks associated with the request that triggered this SDP query. base::OnceClosure _success_callback; BluetoothSocket::ErrorCompletionCallback _error_callback; // The device being queried. IOBluetoothDevice* _device; // weak } - (instancetype)initWithSocket:(scoped_refptr)socket device:(IOBluetoothDevice*)device success_callback:(base::OnceClosure)success_callback error_callback: (BluetoothSocket::ErrorCompletionCallback)error_callback; - (void)sdpQueryComplete:(IOBluetoothDevice*)device status:(IOReturn)status; @end @implementation SDPQueryListener - (instancetype)initWithSocket:(scoped_refptr)socket device:(IOBluetoothDevice*)device success_callback:(base::OnceClosure)success_callback error_callback: (BluetoothSocket::ErrorCompletionCallback)error_callback { if ((self = [super init])) { _socket = socket; _device = device; _success_callback = std::move(success_callback); _error_callback = std::move(error_callback); } return self; } - (void)dealloc { if (_error_callback) { // The delegate's sdpQueryComplete was not called. This may happen if no // target is specified. std::move(_error_callback).Run("No target"); } [super dealloc]; } - (void)sdpQueryComplete:(IOBluetoothDevice*)device status:(IOReturn)status { DCHECK_EQ(device, _device); _socket->OnSDPQueryComplete(status, device, std::move(_success_callback), std::move(_error_callback)); } @end // A simple helper class that forwards RFCOMM channel opened notifications to // its wrapped |socket_|. @interface BluetoothRfcommConnectionListener : NSObject { @private // The socket that owns |self|. device::BluetoothSocketMac* _socket; // weak // The OS mechanism used to subscribe to and unsubscribe from RFCOMM channel // creation notifications. IOBluetoothUserNotification* _rfcommNewChannelNotification; // weak } - (instancetype)initWithSocket:(device::BluetoothSocketMac*)socket channelID:(BluetoothRFCOMMChannelID)channelID; - (void)rfcommChannelOpened:(IOBluetoothUserNotification*)notification channel:(IOBluetoothRFCOMMChannel*)rfcommChannel; @end @implementation BluetoothRfcommConnectionListener - (instancetype)initWithSocket:(device::BluetoothSocketMac*)socket channelID:(BluetoothRFCOMMChannelID)channelID { if ((self = [super init])) { _socket = socket; SEL selector = @selector(rfcommChannelOpened:channel:); const auto kIncomingDirection = kIOBluetoothUserNotificationChannelDirectionIncoming; _rfcommNewChannelNotification = [IOBluetoothRFCOMMChannel registerForChannelOpenNotifications:self selector:selector withChannelID:channelID direction:kIncomingDirection]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [_rfcommNewChannelNotification unregister]; [super dealloc]; } - (void)rfcommChannelOpened:(IOBluetoothUserNotification*)notification channel:(IOBluetoothRFCOMMChannel*)rfcommChannel { if (notification != _rfcommNewChannelNotification) { // This case is reachable if there are pre-existing RFCOMM channels open at // the time that the listener is created. In that case, each existing // channel calls into this method with a different notification than the one // this class registered with. Ignore those; this class is only interested // in channels that have opened since it registered for notifications. return; } _socket->OnChannelOpened(std::unique_ptr( new device::BluetoothRfcommChannelMac(NULL, [rfcommChannel retain]))); } @end // A simple helper class that forwards L2CAP channel opened notifications to // its wrapped |socket_|. @interface BluetoothL2capConnectionListener : NSObject { @private // The socket that owns |self|. device::BluetoothSocketMac* _socket; // weak // The OS mechanism used to subscribe to and unsubscribe from L2CAP channel // creation notifications. IOBluetoothUserNotification* _l2capNewChannelNotification; // weak } - (instancetype)initWithSocket:(device::BluetoothSocketMac*)socket psm:(BluetoothL2CAPPSM)psm; - (void)l2capChannelOpened:(IOBluetoothUserNotification*)notification channel:(IOBluetoothL2CAPChannel*)l2capChannel; @end @implementation BluetoothL2capConnectionListener - (instancetype)initWithSocket:(device::BluetoothSocketMac*)socket psm:(BluetoothL2CAPPSM)psm { if ((self = [super init])) { _socket = socket; SEL selector = @selector(l2capChannelOpened:channel:); const auto kIncomingDirection = kIOBluetoothUserNotificationChannelDirectionIncoming; _l2capNewChannelNotification = [IOBluetoothL2CAPChannel registerForChannelOpenNotifications:self selector:selector withPSM:psm direction:kIncomingDirection]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [_l2capNewChannelNotification unregister]; [super dealloc]; } - (void)l2capChannelOpened:(IOBluetoothUserNotification*)notification channel:(IOBluetoothL2CAPChannel*)l2capChannel { if (notification != _l2capNewChannelNotification) { // This case is reachable if there are pre-existing L2CAP channels open at // the time that the listener is created. In that case, each existing // channel calls into this method with a different notification than the one // this class registered with. Ignore those; this class is only interested // in channels that have opened since it registered for notifications. return; } _socket->OnChannelOpened(std::unique_ptr( new device::BluetoothL2capChannelMac(NULL, [l2capChannel retain]))); } @end namespace device { namespace { // It's safe to use 0 to represent invalid channel or PSM port numbers, as both // are required to be non-zero for valid services. const BluetoothRFCOMMChannelID kInvalidRfcommChannelId = 0; const BluetoothL2CAPPSM kInvalidL2capPsm = 0; const char kInvalidOrUsedChannel[] = "Invalid channel or already in use"; const char kInvalidOrUsedPsm[] = "Invalid PSM or already in use"; const char kProfileNotFound[] = "Profile not found"; const char kSDPQueryFailed[] = "SDP query failed"; const char kSocketConnecting[] = "The socket is currently connecting"; const char kSocketAlreadyConnected[] = "The socket is already connected"; const char kSocketNotConnected[] = "The socket is not connected"; const char kReceivePending[] = "A Receive operation is pending"; template void empty_queue(base::queue& queue) { base::queue empty; std::swap(queue, empty); } // Converts |uuid| to a IOBluetoothSDPUUID instance. IOBluetoothSDPUUID* GetIOBluetoothSDPUUID(const BluetoothUUID& uuid) { std::vector uuid_bytes_vector = uuid.GetBytes(); return [IOBluetoothSDPUUID uuidWithBytes:uuid_bytes_vector.data() length:uuid_bytes_vector.size()]; } // Converts the given |integer| to a string. NSString* IntToNSString(int integer) { return [@(integer) stringValue]; } // Returns a dictionary containing the Bluetooth service definition // corresponding to the provided |uuid|, |name|, and |protocol_definition|. Does // not include a service name in the definition if |name| is null. NSDictionary* BuildServiceDefinition(const BluetoothUUID& uuid, const absl::optional& name, NSArray* protocol_definition) { NSMutableDictionary* service_definition = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; if (name) { // TODO(isherman): The service's language is currently hardcoded to English. // The language should ideally be specified in the chrome.bluetooth API // instead. const int kEnglishLanguageBase = 100; const int kServiceNameKey = kEnglishLanguageBase + kBluetoothSDPAttributeIdentifierServiceName; NSString* service_name = base::SysUTF8ToNSString(*name); service_definition[IntToNSString(kServiceNameKey)] = service_name; } const int kUUIDsKey = kBluetoothSDPAttributeIdentifierServiceClassIDList; NSArray* uuids = @[GetIOBluetoothSDPUUID(uuid)]; service_definition[IntToNSString(kUUIDsKey)] = uuids; const int kProtocolDefinitionsKey = kBluetoothSDPAttributeIdentifierProtocolDescriptorList; service_definition[IntToNSString(kProtocolDefinitionsKey)] = protocol_definition; return service_definition; } // Returns a dictionary containing the Bluetooth RFCOMM service definition // corresponding to the provided |uuid| and |options|. NSDictionary* BuildRfcommServiceDefinition( const BluetoothUUID& uuid, const BluetoothAdapter::ServiceOptions& options) { int channel_id = options.channel ? *options.channel : kInvalidRfcommChannelId; NSArray* rfcomm_protocol_definition = @[ @[ [IOBluetoothSDPUUID uuid16:kBluetoothSDPUUID16L2CAP] ], @[ [IOBluetoothSDPUUID uuid16:kBluetoothSDPUUID16RFCOMM], @{ @"DataElementType" : @1, // Unsigned integer. @"DataElementSize" : @1, // 1 byte. @"DataElementValue" : @(channel_id), }, ], ]; return BuildServiceDefinition(uuid, options.name, rfcomm_protocol_definition); } // Returns a dictionary containing the Bluetooth L2CAP service definition // corresponding to the provided |uuid| and |options|. NSDictionary* BuildL2capServiceDefinition( const BluetoothUUID& uuid, const BluetoothAdapter::ServiceOptions& options) { int psm = options.psm ? *options.psm : kInvalidL2capPsm; NSArray* l2cap_protocol_definition = @[ @[ [IOBluetoothSDPUUID uuid16:kBluetoothSDPUUID16L2CAP], @{ @"DataElementType" : @1, // Unsigned integer. @"DataElementSize" : @2, // 2 bytes. @"DataElementValue" : @(psm), }, ], ]; return BuildServiceDefinition(uuid, options.name, l2cap_protocol_definition); } // Registers a Bluetooth service with the specified |service_definition| in the // system SDP server. Returns the registered service on success. If the service // could not be registered, or if |verify_service_callback| indicates that the // to-be-registered service was not configured correctly, returns nil. IOBluetoothSDPServiceRecord* RegisterService( NSDictionary* service_definition, base::OnceCallback verify_service_callback) { // Attempt to register the service. IOBluetoothSDPServiceRecord* service_record = [IOBluetoothSDPServiceRecord publishedServiceRecordWithDictionary:service_definition]; // Verify that the registered service was configured correctly. If not, // withdraw the service. if (!service_record || !std::move(verify_service_callback).Run(service_record)) { [service_record removeServiceRecord]; service_record = nil; } return service_record; } // Returns true iff the |requested_channel_id| was registered in the RFCOMM // |service_record|. If it was, also updates |registered_channel_id| with the // registered value, as the requested id may have been left unspecified. bool VerifyRfcommService(const absl::optional& requested_channel_id, BluetoothRFCOMMChannelID* registered_channel_id, IOBluetoothSDPServiceRecord* service_record) { // Test whether the requested channel id was available. // TODO(isherman): The OS doesn't seem to actually pick a random channel if we // pass in |kInvalidRfcommChannelId|. BluetoothRFCOMMChannelID rfcomm_channel_id; IOReturn result = [service_record getRFCOMMChannelID:&rfcomm_channel_id]; if (result != kIOReturnSuccess || (requested_channel_id && rfcomm_channel_id != *requested_channel_id)) { return false; } *registered_channel_id = rfcomm_channel_id; return true; } // Registers an RFCOMM service with the specified |uuid|, |options.channel|, // and |options.name| in the system SDP server. Automatically allocates a // channel if |options.channel| is null. Does not specify a name if // |options.name| is null. Returns a handle to the registered service and // updates |registered_channel_id| to the actual channel id, or returns nil if // the service could not be registered. IOBluetoothSDPServiceRecord* RegisterRfcommService( const BluetoothUUID& uuid, const BluetoothAdapter::ServiceOptions& options, BluetoothRFCOMMChannelID* registered_channel_id) { return RegisterService( BuildRfcommServiceDefinition(uuid, options), base::BindOnce(&VerifyRfcommService, options.channel, registered_channel_id)); } // Returns true iff the |requested_psm| was registered in the L2CAP // |service_record|. If it was, also updates |registered_psm| with the // registered value, as the requested PSM may have been left unspecified. bool VerifyL2capService(const absl::optional& requested_psm, BluetoothL2CAPPSM* registered_psm, IOBluetoothSDPServiceRecord* service_record) { // Test whether the requested PSM was available. // TODO(isherman): The OS doesn't seem to actually pick a random PSM if we // pass in |kInvalidL2capPsm|. BluetoothL2CAPPSM l2cap_psm; IOReturn result = [service_record getL2CAPPSM:&l2cap_psm]; if (result != kIOReturnSuccess || (requested_psm && l2cap_psm != *requested_psm)) { return false; } *registered_psm = l2cap_psm; return true; } // Registers an L2CAP service with the specified |uuid|, |options.psm|, and // |options.name| in the system SDP server. Automatically allocates a PSM if // |options.psm| is null. Does not register a name if |options.name| is null. // Returns a handle to the registered service and updates |registered_psm| to // the actual PSM, or returns nil if the service could not be registered. IOBluetoothSDPServiceRecord* RegisterL2capService( const BluetoothUUID& uuid, const BluetoothAdapter::ServiceOptions& options, BluetoothL2CAPPSM* registered_psm) { return RegisterService( BuildL2capServiceDefinition(uuid, options), base::BindOnce(&VerifyL2capService, options.psm, registered_psm)); } } // namespace // static scoped_refptr BluetoothSocketMac::CreateSocket() { return base::WrapRefCounted(new BluetoothSocketMac()); } void BluetoothSocketMac::Connect(IOBluetoothDevice* device, const BluetoothUUID& uuid, base::OnceClosure success_callback, ErrorCompletionCallback error_callback) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); uuid_ = uuid; // Perform an SDP query on the |device| to refresh the cache, in case the // services that the |device| advertises have changed since the previous // query. DVLOG(1) << BluetoothClassicDeviceMac::GetDeviceAddress(device) << " " << uuid_.canonical_value() << ": Sending SDP query."; SDPQueryListener* listener = [[SDPQueryListener alloc] initWithSocket:this device:device success_callback:std::move(success_callback) error_callback:std::move(error_callback)]; [device performSDPQuery:[listener autorelease] uuids:@[GetIOBluetoothSDPUUID(uuid_)]]; } void BluetoothSocketMac::ListenUsingRfcomm( scoped_refptr adapter, const BluetoothUUID& uuid, const BluetoothAdapter::ServiceOptions& options, base::OnceClosure success_callback, ErrorCompletionCallback error_callback) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); adapter_ = adapter; uuid_ = uuid; DVLOG(1) << uuid_.canonical_value() << ": Registering RFCOMM service."; BluetoothRFCOMMChannelID registered_channel_id; service_record_.reset( RegisterRfcommService(uuid, options, ®istered_channel_id)); if (!service_record_.get()) { std::move(error_callback).Run(kInvalidOrUsedChannel); return; } rfcomm_connection_listener_.reset( [[BluetoothRfcommConnectionListener alloc] initWithSocket:this channelID:registered_channel_id]); std::move(success_callback).Run(); } void BluetoothSocketMac::ListenUsingL2cap( scoped_refptr adapter, const BluetoothUUID& uuid, const BluetoothAdapter::ServiceOptions& options, base::OnceClosure success_callback, ErrorCompletionCallback error_callback) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); adapter_ = adapter; uuid_ = uuid; DVLOG(1) << uuid_.canonical_value() << ": Registering L2CAP service."; BluetoothL2CAPPSM registered_psm; service_record_.reset(RegisterL2capService(uuid, options, ®istered_psm)); if (!service_record_.get()) { std::move(error_callback).Run(kInvalidOrUsedPsm); return; } l2cap_connection_listener_.reset( [[BluetoothL2capConnectionListener alloc] initWithSocket:this psm:registered_psm]); std::move(success_callback).Run(); } void BluetoothSocketMac::OnSDPQueryComplete( IOReturn status, IOBluetoothDevice* device, base::OnceClosure success_callback, ErrorCompletionCallback error_callback) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); DVLOG(1) << BluetoothClassicDeviceMac::GetDeviceAddress(device) << " " << uuid_.canonical_value() << ": SDP query complete."; if (status != kIOReturnSuccess) { std::move(error_callback).Run(kSDPQueryFailed); return; } IOBluetoothSDPServiceRecord* record = [device getServiceRecordForUUID:GetIOBluetoothSDPUUID(uuid_)]; if (record == nil) { std::move(error_callback).Run(kProfileNotFound); return; } if (is_connecting()) { std::move(error_callback).Run(kSocketConnecting); return; } if (channel_) { std::move(error_callback).Run(kSocketAlreadyConnected); return; } // Since RFCOMM is built on top of L2CAP, a service record with both should // always be treated as RFCOMM. BluetoothRFCOMMChannelID rfcomm_channel_id = kInvalidRfcommChannelId; BluetoothL2CAPPSM l2cap_psm = kInvalidL2capPsm; status = [record getRFCOMMChannelID:&rfcomm_channel_id]; if (status != kIOReturnSuccess) { status = [record getL2CAPPSM:&l2cap_psm]; if (status != kIOReturnSuccess) { std::move(error_callback).Run(kProfileNotFound); return; } } if (rfcomm_channel_id != kInvalidRfcommChannelId) { DVLOG(1) << BluetoothClassicDeviceMac::GetDeviceAddress(device) << " " << uuid_.canonical_value() << ": Opening RFCOMM channel: " << rfcomm_channel_id; } else { DCHECK_NE(l2cap_psm, kInvalidL2capPsm); DVLOG(1) << BluetoothClassicDeviceMac::GetDeviceAddress(device) << " " << uuid_.canonical_value() << ": Opening L2CAP channel: " << l2cap_psm; } // Note: It's important to set the connect callbacks *prior* to opening the // channel, as opening the channel can synchronously call into // OnChannelOpenComplete(). connect_callbacks_ = std::make_unique(); connect_callbacks_->success_callback = std::move(success_callback); connect_callbacks_->error_callback = std::move(error_callback); if (rfcomm_channel_id != kInvalidRfcommChannelId) { channel_ = BluetoothRfcommChannelMac::OpenAsync( this, device, rfcomm_channel_id, &status); } else { DCHECK_NE(l2cap_psm, kInvalidL2capPsm); channel_ = BluetoothL2capChannelMac::OpenAsync(this, device, l2cap_psm, &status); } if (status != kIOReturnSuccess) { // ReleaseChannel() will reset |connect_callbacks_|. error_callback = std::move(connect_callbacks_->error_callback); ReleaseChannel(); std::stringstream error; error << "Failed to connect bluetooth socket (" << BluetoothClassicDeviceMac::GetDeviceAddress(device) << "): (" << status << ")"; std::move(error_callback).Run(error.str()); return; } DVLOG(1) << BluetoothClassicDeviceMac::GetDeviceAddress(device) << " " << uuid_.canonical_value() << ": channel opening in background."; } void BluetoothSocketMac::OnChannelOpened( std::unique_ptr channel) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); DVLOG(1) << uuid_.canonical_value() << ": Incoming channel pending."; accept_queue_.push(std::move(channel)); if (accept_request_) AcceptConnectionRequest(); // TODO(isherman): Currently, the socket remains alive even after the app that // requested it is closed. That's not great, as a misbehaving app could // saturate all of the system's RFCOMM channels, and then they would not be // freed until the user restarts Chrome. http://crbug.com/367316 // TODO(isherman): Likewise, the socket currently remains alive even if the // underlying channel is closed, e.g. via the client disconnecting, or the // user closing the Bluetooth connection via the system menu. This functions // essentially as a minor memory leak. http://crbug.com/367319 } void BluetoothSocketMac::OnChannelOpenComplete( const std::string& device_address, IOReturn status) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); DCHECK(is_connecting()); DVLOG(1) << device_address << " " << uuid_.canonical_value() << ": channel open complete."; std::unique_ptr temp = std::move(connect_callbacks_); if (status != kIOReturnSuccess) { ReleaseChannel(); std::stringstream error; error << "Failed to connect bluetooth socket (" << device_address << "): (" << status << ")"; std::move(temp->error_callback).Run(error.str()); return; } std::move(temp->success_callback).Run(); } void BluetoothSocketMac::Disconnect(base::OnceClosure callback) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); if (channel_) ReleaseChannel(); else if (service_record_.get()) ReleaseListener(); std::move(callback).Run(); } void BluetoothSocketMac::Receive( int /* buffer_size */, ReceiveCompletionCallback success_callback, ReceiveErrorCompletionCallback error_callback) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); if (is_connecting()) { std::move(error_callback) .Run(BluetoothSocket::kSystemError, kSocketConnecting); return; } if (!channel_) { std::move(error_callback) .Run(BluetoothSocket::kDisconnected, kSocketNotConnected); return; } // Only one pending read at a time if (receive_callbacks_) { std::move(error_callback).Run(BluetoothSocket::kIOPending, kReceivePending); return; } // If there is at least one packet, consume it and succeed right away. if (!receive_queue_.empty()) { scoped_refptr buffer = receive_queue_.front(); receive_queue_.pop(); std::move(success_callback).Run(buffer->size(), buffer); return; } // Set the receive callback to use when data is received. receive_callbacks_ = std::make_unique(); receive_callbacks_->success_callback = std::move(success_callback); receive_callbacks_->error_callback = std::move(error_callback); } void BluetoothSocketMac::OnChannelDataReceived(void* data, size_t length) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); DCHECK(!is_connecting()); int data_size = base::checked_cast(length); auto buffer = base::MakeRefCounted(data_size); memcpy(buffer->data(), data, buffer->size()); // If there is a pending read callback, call it now. if (receive_callbacks_) { std::unique_ptr temp = std::move(receive_callbacks_); std::move(temp->success_callback).Run(buffer->size(), buffer); return; } // Otherwise, enqueue the buffer for later use receive_queue_.push(buffer); } void BluetoothSocketMac::Send(scoped_refptr buffer, int buffer_size, SendCompletionCallback success_callback, ErrorCompletionCallback error_callback) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); if (is_connecting()) { std::move(error_callback).Run(kSocketConnecting); return; } if (!channel_) { std::move(error_callback).Run(kSocketNotConnected); return; } // Create and enqueue request in preparation of async writes. auto request = std::make_unique(); SendRequest* request_ptr = request.get(); request->buffer_size = buffer_size; request->success_callback = std::move(success_callback); request->error_callback = std::move(error_callback); send_queue_.push(std::move(request)); // |writeAsync| accepts buffers of max. mtu bytes per call, so we need to emit // multiple write operations if buffer_size > mtu. uint16_t mtu = channel_->GetOutgoingMTU(); auto send_buffer = base::MakeRefCounted(buffer.get(), buffer_size); while (send_buffer->BytesRemaining() > 0) { int byte_count = send_buffer->BytesRemaining(); if (byte_count > mtu) byte_count = mtu; IOReturn status = channel_->WriteAsync(send_buffer->data(), byte_count, request_ptr); if (status != kIOReturnSuccess) { std::stringstream error; error << "Failed to connect bluetooth socket (" << channel_->GetDeviceAddress() << "): (" << status << ")"; // Remember the first error only if (request_ptr->status == kIOReturnSuccess) request_ptr->status = status; request_ptr->error_signaled = true; std::move(request_ptr->error_callback).Run(error.str()); // We may have failed to issue any write operation. In that case, there // will be no corresponding completion callback for this particular // request, so we must forget about it now. if (request_ptr->active_async_writes == 0) { send_queue_.pop(); } return; } request_ptr->active_async_writes++; send_buffer->DidConsume(byte_count); } } void BluetoothSocketMac::OnChannelWriteComplete(void* refcon, IOReturn status) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); SendRequest* request_ptr = send_queue_.front().get(); // Note: We use "CHECK" below to ensure we never run into unforeseen // occurrences of asynchronous callbacks, which could lead to data // corruption. CHECK_EQ(static_cast(refcon), request_ptr); // Remember the first error only. if (status != kIOReturnSuccess) { if (request_ptr->status == kIOReturnSuccess) request_ptr->status = status; } // Figure out if we are done with this async request. request_ptr->active_async_writes--; if (request_ptr->active_async_writes > 0) return; // If this was the last active async write for this request, remove it from // the queue and call the appropriate callback associated to the request. std::unique_ptr request = std::move(send_queue_.front()); send_queue_.pop(); if (request->status != kIOReturnSuccess) { if (!request->error_signaled) { std::stringstream error; error << "Failed to connect bluetooth socket (" << channel_->GetDeviceAddress() << "): (" << status << ")"; request->error_signaled = true; std::move(request->error_callback).Run(error.str()); } } else { std::move(request->success_callback).Run(request->buffer_size); } } void BluetoothSocketMac::OnChannelClosed() { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); if (receive_callbacks_) { std::unique_ptr temp = std::move(receive_callbacks_); std::move(temp->error_callback) .Run(BluetoothSocket::kDisconnected, kSocketNotConnected); } ReleaseChannel(); } void BluetoothSocketMac::Accept(AcceptCompletionCallback success_callback, ErrorCompletionCallback error_callback) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); // Allow only one pending accept at a time. if (accept_request_) { std::move(error_callback).Run(net::ErrorToString(net::ERR_IO_PENDING)); return; } accept_request_ = std::make_unique(); accept_request_->success_callback = std::move(success_callback); accept_request_->error_callback = std::move(error_callback); if (accept_queue_.size() >= 1) AcceptConnectionRequest(); } void BluetoothSocketMac::AcceptConnectionRequest() { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); DVLOG(1) << uuid_.canonical_value() << ": Accepting pending connection."; std::unique_ptr channel = std::move(accept_queue_.front()); accept_queue_.pop(); adapter_->DeviceConnected(channel->GetDevice()); BluetoothDevice* device = adapter_->GetDevice(channel->GetDeviceAddress()); DCHECK(device); scoped_refptr client_socket = BluetoothSocketMac::CreateSocket(); client_socket->uuid_ = uuid_; client_socket->channel_ = std::move(channel); // Associating the socket can synchronously call into OnChannelOpenComplete(). // Make sure to first set the new socket to be connecting and hook it up to // run the accept callback with the device object. client_socket->connect_callbacks_ = std::make_unique(); client_socket->connect_callbacks_->success_callback = base::BindOnce( std::move(accept_request_->success_callback), device, client_socket); client_socket->connect_callbacks_->error_callback = std::move(accept_request_->error_callback); accept_request_.reset(); // Now it's safe to associate the socket with the channel. client_socket->channel_->SetSocket(client_socket.get()); DVLOG(1) << uuid_.canonical_value() << ": Accept complete."; } BluetoothSocketMac::AcceptRequest::AcceptRequest() {} BluetoothSocketMac::AcceptRequest::~AcceptRequest() {} BluetoothSocketMac::SendRequest::SendRequest() : status(kIOReturnSuccess), active_async_writes(0), error_signaled(false) {} BluetoothSocketMac::SendRequest::~SendRequest() {} BluetoothSocketMac::ReceiveCallbacks::ReceiveCallbacks() {} BluetoothSocketMac::ReceiveCallbacks::~ReceiveCallbacks() {} BluetoothSocketMac::ConnectCallbacks::ConnectCallbacks() {} BluetoothSocketMac::ConnectCallbacks::~ConnectCallbacks() {} BluetoothSocketMac::BluetoothSocketMac() {} BluetoothSocketMac::~BluetoothSocketMac() { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); DCHECK(!channel_); DCHECK(!rfcomm_connection_listener_); } void BluetoothSocketMac::ReleaseChannel() { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); channel_.reset(); // Closing the channel above prevents the callback delegate from being called // so it is now safe to release all callback state. connect_callbacks_.reset(); receive_callbacks_.reset(); empty_queue(receive_queue_); empty_queue(send_queue_); } void BluetoothSocketMac::ReleaseListener() { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); DCHECK(service_record_.get()); [service_record_ removeServiceRecord]; service_record_.reset(); rfcomm_connection_listener_.reset(); l2cap_connection_listener_.reset(); // Destroying the listener above prevents the callback delegate from being // called so it is now safe to release all callback state. accept_request_.reset(); empty_queue(accept_queue_); } } // namespace device