// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. syntax = "proto2"; option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME; package content.proto; message CacheStorageIndex { message Cache { required string name = 1; optional string cache_dir = 2; optional int64 size = 3; optional string padding_key = 4; optional int64 padding = 5; optional int32 padding_version = 6; } repeated Cache cache = 1; optional string origin = 2; } message CacheHeaderMap { required string name = 1; required string value = 2; } message CacheRequest { required string method = 1; repeated CacheHeaderMap headers = 2; } message CacheResponse { enum ResponseType { BASIC_TYPE = 0; CORS_TYPE = 1; DEFAULT_TYPE = 2; ERROR_TYPE = 3; OPAQUE_TYPE = 4; OPAQUE_REDIRECT_TYPE = 5; } required int32 status_code = 1; required string status_text = 2; required ResponseType response_type = 3; repeated CacheHeaderMap headers = 4; optional string url = 5 [deprecated = true]; optional int64 response_time = 6; repeated string cors_exposed_header_names = 7; repeated string url_list = 8; } message CacheMetadata { required CacheRequest request = 1; required CacheResponse response = 2; optional int64 entry_time = 3; }