// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef COMPONENTS_SYNC_SESSIONS_SESSIONS_SYNC_MANAGER_H_ #define COMPONENTS_SYNC_SESSIONS_SESSIONS_SYNC_MANAGER_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/callback_forward.h" #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "components/sessions/core/session_id.h" #include "components/sessions/core/session_types.h" #include "components/sync/base/sync_prefs.h" #include "components/sync/device_info/device_info.h" #include "components/sync/model/syncable_service.h" #include "components/sync/user_events/global_id_mapper.h" #include "components/sync_sessions/favicon_cache.h" #include "components/sync_sessions/local_session_event_router.h" #include "components/sync_sessions/lost_navigations_recorder.h" #include "components/sync_sessions/open_tabs_ui_delegate.h" #include "components/sync_sessions/revisit/page_revisit_broadcaster.h" #include "components/sync_sessions/synced_session.h" #include "components/sync_sessions/synced_session_tracker.h" #include "components/sync_sessions/task_tracker.h" namespace syncer { class LocalDeviceInfoProvider; class SyncErrorFactory; class SyncPrefs; } // namespace syncer namespace sync_pb { class SessionHeader; class SessionSpecifics; class SessionTab; class SessionWindow; } // namespace sync_pb namespace extensions { class ExtensionSessionsTest; } // namespace extensions namespace sync_sessions { class SyncedTabDelegate; class SyncedWindowDelegatesGetter; // Contains all logic for associating the Chrome sessions model and // the sync sessions model. class SessionsSyncManager : public syncer::SyncableService, public OpenTabsUIDelegate, public LocalSessionEventHandler, public syncer::GlobalIdMapper { public: SessionsSyncManager(SyncSessionsClient* sessions_client, syncer::SyncPrefs* sync_prefs, syncer::LocalDeviceInfoProvider* local_device, LocalSessionEventRouter* router, const base::Closure& sessions_updated_callback, const base::Closure& datatype_refresh_callback); ~SessionsSyncManager() override; // syncer::SyncableService implementation. syncer::SyncMergeResult MergeDataAndStartSyncing( syncer::ModelType type, const syncer::SyncDataList& initial_sync_data, std::unique_ptr sync_processor, std::unique_ptr error_handler) override; void StopSyncing(syncer::ModelType type) override; syncer::SyncDataList GetAllSyncData(syncer::ModelType type) const override; syncer::SyncError ProcessSyncChanges( const base::Location& from_here, const syncer::SyncChangeList& change_list) override; // OpenTabsUIDelegate implementation. bool GetSyncedFaviconForPageURL( const std::string& pageurl, scoped_refptr* favicon_png) const override; bool GetAllForeignSessions( std::vector* sessions) override; bool GetForeignSession( const std::string& tag, std::vector* windows) override; bool GetForeignTab(const std::string& tag, SessionID::id_type tab_id, const sessions::SessionTab** tab) override; bool GetForeignSessionTabs( const std::string& tag, std::vector* tabs) override; void DeleteForeignSession(const std::string& tag) override; bool GetLocalSession(const SyncedSession** local_session) override; // LocalSessionEventHandler implementation. void OnLocalTabModified(SyncedTabDelegate* modified_tab) override; void OnFaviconsChanged(const std::set& page_urls, const GURL& icon_url) override; // Returns the tag used to uniquely identify this machine's session in the // sync model. const std::string& current_machine_tag() const { DCHECK(!current_machine_tag_.empty()); return current_machine_tag_; } FaviconCache* GetFaviconCache(); // Triggers garbage collection of stale sessions (as defined by // |stale_session_threshold_days_|). This is called every time we see new // sessions data downloaded (sync cycles complete). void DoGarbageCollection(); // GlobalIdMapper implementation. void AddGlobalIdChangeObserver(syncer::GlobalIdChange callback) override; int64_t GetLatestGlobalId(int64_t global_id) override; private: friend class extensions::ExtensionSessionsTest; friend class SessionsSyncManagerTest; FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionsSyncManagerTest, PopulateSyncedSession); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionsSyncManagerTest, PopulateSessionWindow); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionsSyncManagerTest, ValidTabs); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionsSyncManagerTest, SetSessionTabFromDelegate); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionsSyncManagerTest, SetSessionTabFromDelegateNavigationIndex); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionsSyncManagerTest, SetSessionTabFromDelegateCurrentInvalid); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionsSyncManagerTest, BlockedNavigations); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionsSyncManagerTest, DeleteForeignSession); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionsSyncManagerTest, ProcessForeignDeleteTabsWithShadowing); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionsSyncManagerTest, ProcessForeignDeleteTabsWithReusedNodeIds); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionsSyncManagerTest, SaveUnassociatedNodesForReassociation); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionsSyncManagerTest, MergeDeletesCorruptNode); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionsSyncManagerTest, MergeDeletesBadHash); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionsSyncManagerTest, MergeLocalSessionExistingTabs); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionsSyncManagerTest, CheckPrerenderedWebContentsSwap); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionsSyncManagerTest, AssociateWindowsDontReloadTabs); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionsSyncManagerTest, SwappedOutOnRestore); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionsSyncManagerTest, ProcessRemoteDeleteOfLocalSession); void InitializeCurrentMachineTag(const std::string& cache_guid); // Load and add window or tab data from synced specifics to our internal // tracking. void UpdateTrackerWithSpecifics(const sync_pb::SessionSpecifics& specifics, const base::Time& modification_time); // Returns true if |sync_data| contained a header node for the current // machine, false otherwise. |new_changes| is a link to the SyncChange // pipeline that exists in the caller's context. This function will append // necessary changes for processing later. bool InitFromSyncModel(const syncer::SyncDataList& sync_data, syncer::SyncChangeList* new_changes); // Helper to construct a deletion SyncChange for a *tab node*. // Caller should check IsValid() on the returned change, as it's possible // this node could not be deleted. syncer::SyncChange TombstoneTab(const sync_pb::SessionSpecifics& tab); // Helper method to load the favicon data from the tab specifics. If the // favicon is valid, stores the favicon data into the favicon cache. void RefreshFaviconVisitTimesFromForeignTab( const sync_pb::SessionTab& tab, const base::Time& modification_time); // Removes a foreign session from our internal bookkeeping. // Returns true if the session was found and deleted, false if no data was // found for that session. This will *NOT* trigger sync deletions. See // DeleteForeignSession below. bool DisassociateForeignSession(const std::string& foreign_session_tag); // Delete a foreign session and all its sync data. // |change_output| *must* be provided as a link to the SyncChange pipeline // that exists in the caller's context. This function will append necessary // changes for processing later. void DeleteForeignSessionInternal(const std::string& tag, syncer::SyncChangeList* change_output); // Used to populate a session header from the session specifics header // provided. void PopulateSyncedSessionFromSpecifics( const std::string& session_tag, const sync_pb::SessionHeader& header_specifics, base::Time mtime, SyncedSession* synced_session); // Builds |synced_session_window| from the session specifics window // provided and updates the SessionTracker with foreign session data created. void PopulateSyncedSessionWindowFromSpecifics( const std::string& session_tag, const sync_pb::SessionWindow& specifics, base::Time mtime, SyncedSessionWindow* synced_session_window); // Resync local window information. Updates the local sessions header node // with the status of open windows and the order of tabs they contain. Should // only be called for changes that affect a window, not a change within a // single tab. // // RELOAD_TABS will additionally cause a resync of all tabs (same as calling // AssociateTabs with a vector of all tabs). // // Returns: false if the local session's sync nodes were deleted and // reassociation is necessary, true otherwise. // // |change_output| *must* be provided as a link to the SyncChange pipeline // that exists in the caller's context. This function will append necessary // changes for processing later. enum ReloadTabsOption { RELOAD_TABS, DONT_RELOAD_TABS }; void AssociateWindows(ReloadTabsOption option, syncer::SyncChangeList* change_output); // Loads and reassociates the local tabs referenced in |tabs|. // |change_output| *must* be provided as a link to the SyncChange pipeline // that exists in the caller's context. This function will append necessary // changes for processing later. void AssociateTab(SyncedTabDelegate* const tab, syncer::SyncChangeList* change_output); // Set |session_tab| from |tab_delegate| and |mtime|. void SetSessionTabFromDelegate(const SyncedTabDelegate& tab_delegate, base::Time mtime, sessions::SessionTab* session_tab); // Populates |specifics| based on the data in |tab_delegate|. void LocalTabDelegateToSpecifics(const SyncedTabDelegate& tab_delegate, sync_pb::SessionSpecifics* specifics); // Updates task tracker with the navigations of |tab_delegate|. void UpdateTaskTracker(SyncedTabDelegate* const tab_delegate); // Update |tab_specifics| with the corresponding task ids. void WriteTasksIntoSpecifics(sync_pb::SessionTab* tab_specifics); // It's possible that when we associate windows, tabs aren't all loaded // into memory yet (e.g on android) and we don't have a WebContents. In this // case we can't do a full association, but we still want to update tab IDs // as they may have changed after a session was restored. This method // compares new_tab_id and new_window_id against the previously persisted tab // ID and window ID (from our TabNodePool) and updates them if either differs. void AssociateRestoredPlaceholderTab( const SyncedTabDelegate& tab_delegate, SessionID::id_type new_tab_id, SessionID::id_type new_window_id, syncer::SyncChangeList* change_output); // Appends an ACTION_UPDATE for a sync tab entity onto |change_output| to // reflect the contents of |tab|, given the tab node id |sync_id|. void AppendChangeForExistingTab(int sync_id, const sessions::SessionTab& tab, syncer::SyncChangeList* change_output); // Stops and re-starts syncing to rebuild association mappings. Returns true // when re-starting succeeds. // See |local_tab_pool_out_of_sync_|. bool RebuildAssociations(); // Validates the content of a SessionHeader protobuf. // Returns false if validation fails. static bool IsValidSessionHeader(const sync_pb::SessionHeader& header); // Calculates the tag hash from a specifics object. Calculating the hash is // something we typically want to avoid doing in the model type like this. // However, the only place that understands how to generate a tag from the // specifics is the model type, ie us. We need to generate the tag because it // is not passed over the wire for remote data. The use case this function was // created for is detecting bad tag hashes from remote data, see // crbug.com/604657. static std::string TagHashFromSpecifics( const sync_pb::SessionSpecifics& specifics); SyncedWindowDelegatesGetter* synced_window_delegates_getter() const; void TrackNavigationIds(const sessions::SerializedNavigationEntry& current); void CleanupNavigationTracking(); // The client of this sync sessions datatype. SyncSessionsClient* const sessions_client_; SyncedSessionTracker session_tracker_; FaviconCache favicon_cache_; // Tracks whether our local representation of which sync nodes map to what // tabs (belonging to the current local session) is inconsistent. This can // happen if a foreign client deems our session as "stale" and decides to // delete it. Rather than respond by bullishly re-creating our nodes // immediately, which could lead to ping-pong sequences, we give the benefit // of the doubt and hold off until another local navigation occurs, which // proves that we are still relevant. bool local_tab_pool_out_of_sync_; syncer::SyncPrefs* sync_prefs_; std::unique_ptr error_handler_; std::unique_ptr sync_processor_; // Local device info provider, owned by ProfileSyncService. const syncer::LocalDeviceInfoProvider* const local_device_; // Unique client tag. std::string current_machine_tag_; // User-visible machine name and device type to populate header. std::string current_session_name_; sync_pb::SyncEnums::DeviceType current_device_type_; // SyncID for the sync node containing all the window information for this // client. int local_session_header_node_id_; // Number of days without activity after which we consider a session to be // stale and a candidate for garbage collection. int stale_session_threshold_days_; LocalSessionEventRouter* local_event_router_; // Owns revisiting instrumentation logic for page visit events. PageRevisitBroadcaster page_revisit_broadcaster_; std::unique_ptr lost_navigations_recorder_; // Callback to inform interested observer that new sessions data has arrived. base::Closure sessions_updated_callback_; // Callback to inform sync that a sync data refresh is requested. base::Closure datatype_refresh_callback_; // Tracks Chrome Tasks, which associates navigations, with tab and navigation // changes of current session. std::unique_ptr task_tracker_; // Used to track global_ids that should be used when referencing various // pieces of sessions data, and notify observer when things have changed. std::map global_to_unique_; std::map unique_to_current_global_; std::vector global_id_change_observers_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SessionsSyncManager); }; } // namespace sync_sessions #endif // COMPONENTS_SYNC_SESSIONS_SESSIONS_SYNC_MANAGER_H_