// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "components/base32/base32.h" #include #include #include "base/check_op.h" #include "base/numerics/safe_math.h" namespace base32 { namespace { // Returns a 5 bit number between [0,31] matching the provided base 32 encoded // character. Returns 0xff on error. uint8_t ReverseMapping(char input_char) { if (input_char >= 'A' && input_char <= 'Z') return input_char - 'A'; if (input_char >= '2' && input_char <= '7') return input_char - '2' + 26; return 0xff; } } // namespace std::string Base32Encode(base::StringPiece input, Base32EncodePolicy policy) { if (input.empty()) return std::string(); // Per RFC4648, the output is formed of 8 characters per 40 bits of input and // another 8 characters for the last group of [1,39] bits in the input. // That is: ceil(input.size() * 8.0 / 40.0) * 8 == // ceil(input.size() / 5.0) * 8 == // ((input.size() + 4) / 5) * 8. const size_t padded_length = ((input.size() + 4) / 5) * 8; // When no padding is used, the output is exactly 1 character per 5 bits of // input and one more for the last [1,4] bits. // That is: ceil(input.size() * 8.0 / 5.0) == // (input.size() * 8 + 4) / 5. const size_t unpadded_length = ((base::MakeCheckedNum(input.size()) * 8 + 4) / 5).ValueOrDie(); std::string output; const size_t encoded_length = policy == Base32EncodePolicy::INCLUDE_PADDING ? padded_length : unpadded_length; output.reserve(encoded_length); // A bit stream which will be read from the left and appended to from the // right as it's emptied. uint16_t bit_stream = (static_cast(input[0]) << 8); size_t next_byte_index = 1; int free_bits = 8; while (free_bits < 16) { // Extract the 5 leftmost bits in the stream output.push_back(kEncoding[bit_stream >> 11]); bit_stream <<= 5; free_bits += 5; // If there is enough room in the bit stream, inject another byte (if there // are any left...). if (free_bits >= 8 && next_byte_index < input.size()) { free_bits -= 8; bit_stream += static_cast(input[next_byte_index++]) << free_bits; } } if (policy == Base32EncodePolicy::INCLUDE_PADDING) { output.append(padded_length - unpadded_length, kPaddingChar); } DCHECK_EQ(encoded_length, output.size()); return output; } std::string Base32Decode(base::StringPiece input) { // Remove padding, if any const size_t padding_index = input.find(kPaddingChar); if (padding_index != base::StringPiece::npos) input.remove_suffix(input.size() - padding_index); if (input.empty()) return std::string(); const size_t decoded_length = (base::MakeCheckedNum(input.size()) * 5 / 8).ValueOrDie(); std::string output; output.reserve(decoded_length); // A bit stream which will be read from the left and appended to from the // right as it's emptied. uint16_t bit_stream = 0; size_t free_bits = 16; for (char input_char : input) { const uint8_t decoded_5bits = ReverseMapping(input_char); // If an invalid character is read from the input, then stop decoding. if (decoded_5bits >= 32) return std::string(); // Place the next decoded 5-bits in the stream. bit_stream |= decoded_5bits << (free_bits - 5); free_bits -= 5; // If the stream is filled with a byte, flush the stream of that byte and // append it to the output. if (free_bits <= 8) { output.push_back(static_cast(bit_stream >> 8)); bit_stream <<= 8; free_bits += 8; } } DCHECK_EQ(decoded_length, output.size()); return output; } } // namespace base32