// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_profile.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/guid.h" #include "base/i18n/case_conversion.h" #include "base/i18n/char_iterator.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h" #include "base/sha1.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversion_utils.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/address.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/address_i18n.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_country.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_field.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_metrics.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_profile_comparator.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_type.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/contact_info.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/phone_number.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/phone_number_i18n.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/state_names.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/validation.h" #include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_clock.h" #include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_l10n_util.h" #include "components/autofill/core/common/form_field_data.h" #include "components/strings/grit/components_strings.h" #include "third_party/icu/source/common/unicode/uchar.h" #include "third_party/icu/source/common/unicode/utypes.h" #include "third_party/icu/source/i18n/unicode/translit.h" #include "third_party/libaddressinput/chromium/addressinput_util.h" #include "third_party/libaddressinput/src/cpp/include/libaddressinput/address_data.h" #include "third_party/libaddressinput/src/cpp/include/libaddressinput/address_formatter.h" #include "third_party/libaddressinput/src/cpp/include/libaddressinput/address_metadata.h" #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h" using base::ASCIIToUTF16; using base::UTF16ToUTF8; using ::i18n::addressinput::AddressData; using ::i18n::addressinput::AddressField; namespace autofill { namespace { // Like |AutofillType::GetStorableType()|, but also returns |NAME_FULL| for // first, middle, and last name field types, and groups phone number types // similarly. ServerFieldType GetStorableTypeCollapsingGroups(ServerFieldType type) { ServerFieldType storable_type = AutofillType(type).GetStorableType(); if (AutofillType(storable_type).group() == NAME) return NAME_FULL; if (AutofillType(storable_type).group() == PHONE_HOME) return PHONE_HOME_WHOLE_NUMBER; return storable_type; } // Returns a value that represents specificity/privacy of the given type. This // is used for prioritizing which data types are shown in inferred labels. For // example, if the profile is going to fill ADDRESS_HOME_ZIP, it should // prioritize showing that over ADDRESS_HOME_STATE in the suggestion sublabel. int SpecificityForType(ServerFieldType type) { switch (type) { case ADDRESS_HOME_LINE1: return 1; case ADDRESS_HOME_LINE2: return 2; case EMAIL_ADDRESS: return 3; case PHONE_HOME_WHOLE_NUMBER: return 4; case NAME_FULL: return 5; case ADDRESS_HOME_ZIP: return 6; case ADDRESS_HOME_SORTING_CODE: return 7; case COMPANY_NAME: return 8; case ADDRESS_HOME_CITY: return 9; case ADDRESS_HOME_STATE: return 10; case ADDRESS_HOME_COUNTRY: return 11; default: break; } // The priority of other types is arbitrary, but deterministic. return 100 + type; } bool CompareSpecificity(ServerFieldType type1, ServerFieldType type2) { return SpecificityForType(type1) < SpecificityForType(type2); } // Fills |distinguishing_fields| with a list of fields to use when creating // labels that can help to distinguish between two profiles. Draws fields from // |suggested_fields| if it is non-NULL; otherwise returns a default list. // If |suggested_fields| is non-NULL, does not include |excluded_field| in the // list. Otherwise, |excluded_field| is ignored, and should be set to // |UNKNOWN_TYPE| by convention. The resulting list of fields is sorted in // decreasing order of importance. void GetFieldsForDistinguishingProfiles( const std::vector* suggested_fields, ServerFieldType excluded_field, std::vector* distinguishing_fields) { static const ServerFieldType kDefaultDistinguishingFields[] = { NAME_FULL, ADDRESS_HOME_LINE1, ADDRESS_HOME_LINE2, ADDRESS_HOME_DEPENDENT_LOCALITY, ADDRESS_HOME_CITY, ADDRESS_HOME_STATE, ADDRESS_HOME_ZIP, ADDRESS_HOME_SORTING_CODE, ADDRESS_HOME_COUNTRY, EMAIL_ADDRESS, PHONE_HOME_WHOLE_NUMBER, COMPANY_NAME, }; std::vector default_fields; if (!suggested_fields) { default_fields.assign( kDefaultDistinguishingFields, kDefaultDistinguishingFields + arraysize(kDefaultDistinguishingFields)); if (excluded_field == UNKNOWN_TYPE) { distinguishing_fields->swap(default_fields); return; } suggested_fields = &default_fields; } // Keep track of which fields we've seen so that we avoid duplicate entries. // Always ignore fields of unknown type and the excluded field. std::set seen_fields; seen_fields.insert(UNKNOWN_TYPE); seen_fields.insert(GetStorableTypeCollapsingGroups(excluded_field)); distinguishing_fields->clear(); for (const ServerFieldType& it : *suggested_fields) { ServerFieldType suggested_type = GetStorableTypeCollapsingGroups(it); if (seen_fields.insert(suggested_type).second) distinguishing_fields->push_back(suggested_type); } std::sort(distinguishing_fields->begin(), distinguishing_fields->end(), CompareSpecificity); // Special case: If the excluded field is a partial name (e.g. first name) and // the suggested fields include other name fields, include |NAME_FULL| in the // list of distinguishing fields as a last-ditch fallback. This allows us to // distinguish between profiles that are identical except for the name. ServerFieldType effective_excluded_type = GetStorableTypeCollapsingGroups(excluded_field); if (excluded_field != effective_excluded_type) { for (const ServerFieldType& it : *suggested_fields) { if (it != excluded_field && GetStorableTypeCollapsingGroups(it) == effective_excluded_type) { distinguishing_fields->push_back(effective_excluded_type); break; } } } } // Constants for the validity bitfield. static const size_t kValidityBitsPerType = 2; // The order is important to ensure a consistent bitfield value. New values // should be added at the end NOT at the start or middle. static const ServerFieldType kSupportedTypesForValidation[] = { ADDRESS_HOME_COUNTRY, ADDRESS_HOME_STATE, ADDRESS_HOME_ZIP, ADDRESS_HOME_CITY, ADDRESS_HOME_DEPENDENT_LOCALITY, EMAIL_ADDRESS, PHONE_HOME_WHOLE_NUMBER}; static const size_t kNumSupportedTypesForValidation = sizeof(kSupportedTypesForValidation) / sizeof(kSupportedTypesForValidation[0]); static_assert(kNumSupportedTypesForValidation * kValidityBitsPerType <= 64, "Not enough bits to encode profile validity information!"); } // namespace AutofillProfile::AutofillProfile(const std::string& guid, const std::string& origin) : AutofillDataModel(guid, origin), phone_number_(this), record_type_(LOCAL_PROFILE), has_converted_(false) {} AutofillProfile::AutofillProfile(RecordType type, const std::string& server_id) : AutofillDataModel(base::GenerateGUID(), std::string()), phone_number_(this), server_id_(server_id), record_type_(type), has_converted_(false) { DCHECK(type == SERVER_PROFILE); } AutofillProfile::AutofillProfile() : AutofillDataModel(base::GenerateGUID(), std::string()), phone_number_(this), record_type_(LOCAL_PROFILE), has_converted_(false) {} AutofillProfile::AutofillProfile(const AutofillProfile& profile) : AutofillDataModel(std::string(), std::string()), phone_number_(this) { operator=(profile); } AutofillProfile::~AutofillProfile() { } AutofillProfile& AutofillProfile::operator=(const AutofillProfile& profile) { set_use_count(profile.use_count()); set_use_date(profile.use_date()); set_previous_use_date(profile.previous_use_date()); set_modification_date(profile.modification_date()); if (this == &profile) return *this; set_guid(profile.guid()); set_origin(profile.origin()); record_type_ = profile.record_type_; name_ = profile.name_; email_ = profile.email_; company_ = profile.company_; phone_number_ = profile.phone_number_; phone_number_.set_profile(this); address_ = profile.address_; set_language_code(profile.language_code()); server_id_ = profile.server_id(); has_converted_ = profile.has_converted(); SetValidityFromBitfieldValue(profile.GetValidityBitfieldValue()); return *this; } // TODO(crbug.com/589535): Disambiguate similar field types before uploading. void AutofillProfile::GetMatchingTypes( const base::string16& text, const std::string& app_locale, ServerFieldTypeSet* matching_types) const { FormGroupList info = FormGroups(); for (const auto* form_group : info) { form_group->GetMatchingTypes(text, app_locale, matching_types); } } base::string16 AutofillProfile::GetRawInfo(ServerFieldType type) const { const FormGroup* form_group = FormGroupForType(AutofillType(type)); if (!form_group) return base::string16(); return form_group->GetRawInfo(type); } void AutofillProfile::SetRawInfo(ServerFieldType type, const base::string16& value) { FormGroup* form_group = MutableFormGroupForType(AutofillType(type)); if (form_group) form_group->SetRawInfo(type, value); } void AutofillProfile::GetSupportedTypes( ServerFieldTypeSet* supported_types) const { FormGroupList info = FormGroups(); for (const auto* form_group : info) { form_group->GetSupportedTypes(supported_types); } } bool AutofillProfile::IsEmpty(const std::string& app_locale) const { ServerFieldTypeSet types; GetNonEmptyTypes(app_locale, &types); return types.empty(); } bool AutofillProfile::IsPresentButInvalid(ServerFieldType type) const { std::string country = UTF16ToUTF8(GetRawInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_COUNTRY)); base::string16 data = GetRawInfo(type); if (data.empty()) return false; switch (type) { case ADDRESS_HOME_STATE: return country == "US" && !IsValidState(data); case ADDRESS_HOME_ZIP: return country == "US" && !IsValidZip(data); case PHONE_HOME_WHOLE_NUMBER: return !i18n::PhoneObject(data, country).IsValidNumber(); case EMAIL_ADDRESS: return !IsValidEmailAddress(data); default: NOTREACHED(); return false; } } int AutofillProfile::Compare(const AutofillProfile& profile) const { const ServerFieldType types[] = { NAME_FULL, NAME_FIRST, NAME_MIDDLE, NAME_LAST, COMPANY_NAME, ADDRESS_HOME_STREET_ADDRESS, ADDRESS_HOME_DEPENDENT_LOCALITY, ADDRESS_HOME_CITY, ADDRESS_HOME_STATE, ADDRESS_HOME_ZIP, ADDRESS_HOME_SORTING_CODE, ADDRESS_HOME_COUNTRY, EMAIL_ADDRESS, PHONE_HOME_WHOLE_NUMBER, }; for (ServerFieldType type : types) { int comparison = GetRawInfo(type).compare(profile.GetRawInfo(type)); if (comparison != 0) { return comparison; } } return 0; } bool AutofillProfile::EqualsSansOrigin(const AutofillProfile& profile) const { return guid() == profile.guid() && language_code() == profile.language_code() && GetValidityBitfieldValue() == profile.GetValidityBitfieldValue() && Compare(profile) == 0; } bool AutofillProfile::EqualsForSyncPurposes(const AutofillProfile& profile) const { return use_count() == profile.use_count() && use_date() == profile.use_date() && EqualsSansGuid(profile); } bool AutofillProfile::operator==(const AutofillProfile& profile) const { return guid() == profile.guid() && EqualsSansGuid(profile); } bool AutofillProfile::operator!=(const AutofillProfile& profile) const { return !operator==(profile); } bool AutofillProfile::IsSubsetOf(const AutofillProfile& profile, const std::string& app_locale) const { ServerFieldTypeSet types; GetSupportedTypes(&types); return IsSubsetOfForFieldSet(profile, app_locale, types); } bool AutofillProfile::IsSubsetOfForFieldSet( const AutofillProfile& profile, const std::string& app_locale, const ServerFieldTypeSet& types) const { AutofillProfileComparator comparator(app_locale); for (ServerFieldType type : types) { base::string16 value = GetRawInfo(type); if (value.empty()) continue; if (type == NAME_FULL || type == ADDRESS_HOME_STREET_ADDRESS) { // Ignore the compound "full name" field type. We are only interested in // comparing the constituent parts. For example, if |this| has a middle // name saved, but |profile| lacks one, |profile| could still be a subset // of |this|. Likewise, ignore the compound "street address" type, as we // are only interested in matching line-by-line. continue; } else if (AutofillType(type).group() == PHONE_HOME) { // Phone numbers should be canonicalized prior to being compared. if (type != PHONE_HOME_WHOLE_NUMBER) { continue; } else if (!i18n::PhoneNumbersMatch( value, profile.GetRawInfo(type), base::UTF16ToASCII(GetRawInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_COUNTRY)), app_locale)) { return false; } } else { const base::string16 this_value = comparator.NormalizeForComparison(value); const base::string16 that_value = comparator.NormalizeForComparison(profile.GetRawInfo(type)); if (this_value != that_value) return false; } } return true; } bool AutofillProfile::MergeDataFrom(const AutofillProfile& profile, const std::string& app_locale) { // Verified profiles should never be overwritten with unverified data. DCHECK(!IsVerified() || profile.IsVerified()); AutofillProfileComparator comparator(app_locale); DCHECK(comparator.AreMergeable(*this, profile)); NameInfo name; EmailInfo email; CompanyInfo company; PhoneNumber phone_number(this); Address address; DVLOG(1) << "Merging profiles:\nSource = " << profile << "\nDest = " << *this; // The comparator's merge operations are biased to prefer the data in the // first profile parameter when the data is the same modulo case. We expect // the caller to pass the incoming profile in this position to prefer // accepting updates instead of preserving the original data. I.e., passing // the incoming profile first accepts case and diacritic changes, for example, // the other ways does not. if (!comparator.MergeNames(profile, *this, &name) || !comparator.MergeEmailAddresses(profile, *this, &email) || !comparator.MergeCompanyNames(profile, *this, &company) || !comparator.MergePhoneNumbers(profile, *this, &phone_number) || !comparator.MergeAddresses(profile, *this, &address)) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } // TODO(rogerm): As implemented, "origin" really denotes "domain of last use". // Find a better merge heuristic. Ditto for language code. set_origin(profile.origin()); set_language_code(profile.language_code()); // Update the use-count to be the max of the two merge-counts. Alternatively, // we could have summed the two merge-counts. We don't sum because it skews // the frecency value on merge and double counts usage on profile reuse. // Profile reuse is accounted for on RecordUseOf() on selection of a profile // in the autofill drop-down; we don't need to account for that here. Further, // a similar, fully-typed submission that merges to an existing profile should // not be counted as a re-use of that profile. set_use_count(std::max(profile.use_count(), use_count())); set_use_date(std::max(profile.use_date(), use_date())); // Update the fields which need to be modified, if any. Note: that we're // comparing the fields for representational equality below (i.e., are the // values byte for byte the same). bool modified = false; if (name_ != name) { name_ = name; modified = true; } if (email_ != email) { email_ = email; modified = true; } if (company_ != company) { company_ = company; modified = true; } if (phone_number_ != phone_number) { phone_number_ = phone_number; modified = true; } if (address_ != address) { address_ = address; modified = true; } return modified; } bool AutofillProfile::SaveAdditionalInfo(const AutofillProfile& profile, const std::string& app_locale) { // If both profiles are verified, do not merge them. if (IsVerified() && profile.IsVerified()) return false; AutofillProfileComparator comparator(app_locale); // SaveAdditionalInfo should not have been called if the profiles were not // already deemed to be mergeable. DCHECK(comparator.AreMergeable(*this, profile)); // We don't replace verified profile data with unverified profile data. But, // we can merge two verified profiles or merge verified profile data into an // unverified profile. if (!IsVerified() || profile.IsVerified()) { if (MergeDataFrom(profile, app_locale)) { AutofillMetrics::LogProfileActionOnFormSubmitted( AutofillMetrics::EXISTING_PROFILE_UPDATED); } else { AutofillMetrics::LogProfileActionOnFormSubmitted( AutofillMetrics::EXISTING_PROFILE_USED); } } return true; } // static bool AutofillProfile::SupportsMultiValue(ServerFieldType type) { FieldTypeGroup group = AutofillType(type).group(); return group == NAME || group == NAME_BILLING || group == EMAIL || group == PHONE_HOME || group == PHONE_BILLING; } // static void AutofillProfile::CreateDifferentiatingLabels( const std::vector& profiles, const std::string& app_locale, std::vector* labels) { const size_t kMinimalFieldsShown = 2; CreateInferredLabels(profiles, nullptr, UNKNOWN_TYPE, kMinimalFieldsShown, app_locale, labels); DCHECK_EQ(profiles.size(), labels->size()); } // static void AutofillProfile::CreateInferredLabels( const std::vector& profiles, const std::vector* suggested_fields, ServerFieldType excluded_field, size_t minimal_fields_shown, const std::string& app_locale, std::vector* labels) { std::vector fields_to_use; GetFieldsForDistinguishingProfiles(suggested_fields, excluded_field, &fields_to_use); // Construct the default label for each profile. Also construct a map that // associates each label with the profiles that have this label. This map is // then used to detect which labels need further differentiating fields. std::map > labels_to_profiles; for (size_t i = 0; i < profiles.size(); ++i) { base::string16 label = profiles[i]->ConstructInferredLabel( fields_to_use.data(), fields_to_use.size(), minimal_fields_shown, app_locale); labels_to_profiles[label].push_back(i); } labels->resize(profiles.size()); for (auto& it : labels_to_profiles) { if (it.second.size() == 1) { // This label is unique, so use it without any further ado. base::string16 label = it.first; size_t profile_index = it.second.front(); (*labels)[profile_index] = label; } else { // We have more than one profile with the same label, so add // differentiating fields. CreateInferredLabelsHelper(profiles, it.second, fields_to_use, minimal_fields_shown, app_locale, labels); } } } base::string16 AutofillProfile::ConstructInferredLabel( const ServerFieldType* included_fields, const size_t included_fields_size, size_t num_fields_to_use, const std::string& app_locale) const { // TODO(estade): use libaddressinput? base::string16 separator = l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_AUTOFILL_ADDRESS_SUMMARY_SEPARATOR); AutofillType region_code_type(HTML_TYPE_COUNTRY_CODE, HTML_MODE_NONE); const base::string16& profile_region_code = GetInfo(region_code_type, app_locale); std::string address_region_code = UTF16ToUTF8(profile_region_code); // A copy of |this| pruned down to contain only data for the address fields in // |included_fields|. AutofillProfile trimmed_profile(guid(), origin()); trimmed_profile.SetInfo(region_code_type, profile_region_code, app_locale); trimmed_profile.set_language_code(language_code()); std::vector remaining_fields; for (size_t i = 0; i < included_fields_size && num_fields_to_use > 0; ++i) { AddressField address_field; if (!i18n::FieldForType(included_fields[i], &address_field) || !::i18n::addressinput::IsFieldUsed(address_field, address_region_code) || address_field == ::i18n::addressinput::COUNTRY) { remaining_fields.push_back(included_fields[i]); continue; } AutofillType autofill_type(included_fields[i]); base::string16 field_value = GetInfo(autofill_type, app_locale); if (field_value.empty()) continue; trimmed_profile.SetInfo(autofill_type, field_value, app_locale); --num_fields_to_use; } std::unique_ptr address_data = i18n::CreateAddressDataFromAutofillProfile(trimmed_profile, app_locale); std::string address_line; ::i18n::addressinput::GetFormattedNationalAddressLine( *address_data, &address_line); base::string16 label = base::UTF8ToUTF16(address_line); for (std::vector::const_iterator it = remaining_fields.begin(); it != remaining_fields.end() && num_fields_to_use > 0; ++it) { base::string16 field_value; // Special case whole numbers: we want the user-formatted (raw) version, not // the canonicalized version we'll fill into the page. if (*it == PHONE_HOME_WHOLE_NUMBER) field_value = GetRawInfo(*it); else field_value = GetInfo(AutofillType(*it), app_locale); if (field_value.empty()) continue; if (!label.empty()) label.append(separator); label.append(field_value); --num_fields_to_use; } // If country code is missing, libaddressinput won't be used to format the // address. In this case the suggestion might include a multi-line street // address which needs to be flattened. base::ReplaceChars(label, base::ASCIIToUTF16("\n"), separator, &label); return label; } void AutofillProfile::GenerateServerProfileIdentifier() { DCHECK_EQ(SERVER_PROFILE, record_type()); base::string16 contents = GetRawInfo(NAME_FIRST); contents.append(GetRawInfo(NAME_MIDDLE)); contents.append(GetRawInfo(NAME_LAST)); contents.append(GetRawInfo(EMAIL_ADDRESS)); contents.append(GetRawInfo(COMPANY_NAME)); contents.append(GetRawInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_STREET_ADDRESS)); contents.append(GetRawInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_DEPENDENT_LOCALITY)); contents.append(GetRawInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_CITY)); contents.append(GetRawInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_STATE)); contents.append(GetRawInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_ZIP)); contents.append(GetRawInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_SORTING_CODE)); contents.append(GetRawInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_COUNTRY)); contents.append(GetRawInfo(PHONE_HOME_WHOLE_NUMBER)); std::string contents_utf8 = UTF16ToUTF8(contents); contents_utf8.append(language_code()); server_id_ = base::SHA1HashString(contents_utf8); } void AutofillProfile::RecordAndLogUse() { previous_use_date_ = use_date(); UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_1000("Autofill.DaysSinceLastUse.Profile", (AutofillClock::Now() - use_date()).InDays()); RecordUse(); } AutofillProfile::ValidityState AutofillProfile::GetValidityState( ServerFieldType type) const { // Return UNSUPPORTED for types that autofill does not validate. if (!IsValidationSupportedForType(type)) return UNSUPPORTED; auto it = validity_states_.find(type); return (it == validity_states_.end()) ? UNVALIDATED : it->second; } void AutofillProfile::SetValidityState(ServerFieldType type, ValidityState validity) { // Do not save validity of unsupported types. if (!IsValidationSupportedForType(type)) return; validity_states_[type] = validity; } bool AutofillProfile::IsValidationSupportedForType(ServerFieldType type) const { for (auto supported_type : kSupportedTypesForValidation) { if (type == supported_type) return true; } return false; } int AutofillProfile::GetValidityBitfieldValue() const { int validity_value = 0; size_t field_type_shift = 0; for (ServerFieldType supported_type : kSupportedTypesForValidation) { DCHECK(GetValidityState(supported_type) != UNSUPPORTED); validity_value |= GetValidityState(supported_type) << field_type_shift; field_type_shift += kValidityBitsPerType; } // Check the the shift is still in range. DCHECK_LE(field_type_shift, 64U); return validity_value; } void AutofillProfile::SetValidityFromBitfieldValue(int bitfield_value) { // Compute the bitmask based on the number a bits per type. For example, this // could be the two least significant bits (0b11). const int kBitmask = (1 << kValidityBitsPerType) - 1; for (ServerFieldType supported_type : kSupportedTypesForValidation) { // Apply the bitmask to the bitfield value to get the validity value of the // current |supported_type|. int validity_value = bitfield_value & kBitmask; if (validity_value < 0 || validity_value >= UNSUPPORTED) { NOTREACHED(); continue; } SetValidityState(supported_type, static_cast(validity_value)); // Shift the bitfield value to access the validity of the next field type. bitfield_value = bitfield_value >> kValidityBitsPerType; } } base::string16 AutofillProfile::GetInfoImpl( const AutofillType& type, const std::string& app_locale) const { if (type.html_type() == HTML_TYPE_FULL_ADDRESS) { std::unique_ptr address_data = i18n::CreateAddressDataFromAutofillProfile(*this, app_locale); if (!addressinput::HasAllRequiredFields(*address_data)) return base::string16(); std::vector lines; ::i18n::addressinput::GetFormattedNationalAddress(*address_data, &lines); return base::UTF8ToUTF16(base::JoinString(lines, "\n")); } const FormGroup* form_group = FormGroupForType(type); if (!form_group) return base::string16(); return form_group->GetInfoImpl(type, app_locale); } bool AutofillProfile::SetInfoImpl(const AutofillType& type, const base::string16& value, const std::string& app_locale) { FormGroup* form_group = MutableFormGroupForType(type); if (!form_group) return false; base::string16 trimmed_value; base::TrimWhitespace(value, base::TRIM_ALL, &trimmed_value); return form_group->SetInfoImpl(type, trimmed_value, app_locale); } // static void AutofillProfile::CreateInferredLabelsHelper( const std::vector& profiles, const std::list& indices, const std::vector& fields, size_t num_fields_to_include, const std::string& app_locale, std::vector* labels) { // For efficiency, we first construct a map of fields to their text values and // each value's frequency. std::map > field_text_frequencies_by_field; for (const ServerFieldType& field : fields) { std::map& field_text_frequencies = field_text_frequencies_by_field[field]; for (const auto& it : indices) { const AutofillProfile* profile = profiles[it]; base::string16 field_text = profile->GetInfo(AutofillType(field), app_locale); // If this label is not already in the map, add it with frequency 0. if (!field_text_frequencies.count(field_text)) field_text_frequencies[field_text] = 0; // Now, increment the frequency for this label. ++field_text_frequencies[field_text]; } } // Now comes the meat of the algorithm. For each profile, we scan the list of // fields to use, looking for two things: // 1. A (non-empty) field that differentiates the profile from all others // 2. At least |num_fields_to_include| non-empty fields // Before we've satisfied condition (2), we include all fields, even ones that // are identical across all the profiles. Once we've satisfied condition (2), // we only include fields that that have at last two distinct values. for (const auto& it : indices) { const AutofillProfile* profile = profiles[it]; std::vector label_fields; bool found_differentiating_field = false; for (std::vector::const_iterator field = fields.begin(); field != fields.end(); ++field) { // Skip over empty fields. base::string16 field_text = profile->GetInfo(AutofillType(*field), app_locale); if (field_text.empty()) continue; std::map& field_text_frequencies = field_text_frequencies_by_field[*field]; found_differentiating_field |= !field_text_frequencies.count(base::string16()) && (field_text_frequencies[field_text] == 1); // Once we've found enough non-empty fields, skip over any remaining // fields that are identical across all the profiles. if (label_fields.size() >= num_fields_to_include && (field_text_frequencies.size() == 1)) continue; label_fields.push_back(*field); // If we've (1) found a differentiating field and (2) found at least // |num_fields_to_include| non-empty fields, we're done! if (found_differentiating_field && label_fields.size() >= num_fields_to_include) break; } (*labels)[it] = profile->ConstructInferredLabel( label_fields.data(), label_fields.size(), label_fields.size(), app_locale); } } AutofillProfile::FormGroupList AutofillProfile::FormGroups() const { FormGroupList v(5); v[0] = &name_; v[1] = &email_; v[2] = &company_; v[3] = &phone_number_; v[4] = &address_; return v; } const FormGroup* AutofillProfile::FormGroupForType( const AutofillType& type) const { return const_cast(this)->MutableFormGroupForType(type); } FormGroup* AutofillProfile::MutableFormGroupForType(const AutofillType& type) { switch (type.group()) { case NAME: case NAME_BILLING: return &name_; case EMAIL: return &email_; case COMPANY: return &company_; case PHONE_HOME: case PHONE_BILLING: return &phone_number_; case ADDRESS_HOME: case ADDRESS_BILLING: return &address_; case NO_GROUP: case CREDIT_CARD: case PASSWORD_FIELD: case USERNAME_FIELD: case TRANSACTION: case UNFILLABLE: return nullptr; } NOTREACHED(); return nullptr; } bool AutofillProfile::EqualsSansGuid(const AutofillProfile& profile) const { return origin() == profile.origin() && language_code() == profile.language_code() && GetValidityBitfieldValue() == profile.GetValidityBitfieldValue() && Compare(profile) == 0; } // So we can compare AutofillProfiles with EXPECT_EQ(). std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AutofillProfile& profile) { return os << profile.guid() << " " << profile.origin() << " " << UTF16ToUTF8(profile.GetRawInfo(NAME_FIRST)) << " " << UTF16ToUTF8(profile.GetRawInfo(NAME_MIDDLE)) << " " << UTF16ToUTF8(profile.GetRawInfo(NAME_LAST)) << " " << UTF16ToUTF8(profile.GetRawInfo(EMAIL_ADDRESS)) << " " << UTF16ToUTF8(profile.GetRawInfo(COMPANY_NAME)) << " " << UTF16ToUTF8(profile.GetRawInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_LINE1)) << " " << UTF16ToUTF8(profile.GetRawInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_LINE2)) << " " << UTF16ToUTF8(profile.GetRawInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_DEPENDENT_LOCALITY)) << " " << UTF16ToUTF8(profile.GetRawInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_CITY)) << " " << UTF16ToUTF8(profile.GetRawInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_STATE)) << " " << UTF16ToUTF8(profile.GetRawInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_ZIP)) << " " << UTF16ToUTF8(profile.GetRawInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_SORTING_CODE)) << " " << UTF16ToUTF8(profile.GetRawInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_COUNTRY)) << " " << profile.language_code() << " " << UTF16ToUTF8(profile.GetRawInfo(PHONE_HOME_WHOLE_NUMBER)) << " " << profile.GetValidityBitfieldValue(); } } // namespace autofill