// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_manager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/containers/adapters.h" #include "base/feature_list.h" #include "base/files/file_util.h" #include "base/guid.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/ptr_util.h" #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/strings/string16.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/strings/string_piece.h" #include "base/strings/string_split.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/task_scheduler/post_task.h" #include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autocomplete_history_manager.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_client.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_data_model.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_experiments.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_external_delegate.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_field.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_manager_test_delegate.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_metrics.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_profile.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_profile_comparator.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_type.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/country_names.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/credit_card.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/field_types.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/form_structure.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/personal_data_manager.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/phone_number.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/phone_number_i18n.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/popup_item_ids.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/ui/save_card_bubble_controller.h" #include "components/autofill/core/browser/validation.h" #include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_clock.h" #include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_constants.h" #include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_data_validation.h" #include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_pref_names.h" #include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_util.h" #include "components/autofill/core/common/form_data.h" #include "components/autofill/core/common/form_data_predictions.h" #include "components/autofill/core/common/form_field_data.h" #include "components/autofill/core/common/password_form_fill_data.h" #include "components/autofill/core/common/signatures_util.h" #include "components/pref_registry/pref_registry_syncable.h" #include "components/prefs/pref_service.h" #include "components/security_state/core/security_state.h" #include "components/strings/grit/components_strings.h" #include "google_apis/gaia/identity_provider.h" #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h" #include "url/gurl.h" #if defined(OS_IOS) #include "components/autofill/core/browser/keyboard_accessory_metrics_logger.h" #endif namespace autofill { using base::StartsWith; using base::TimeTicks; const int kCreditCardSigninPromoImpressionLimit = 3; namespace { const size_t kMaxRecentFormSignaturesToRemember = 3; // Set a conservative upper bound on the number of forms we are willing to // cache, simply to prevent unbounded memory consumption. const size_t kMaxFormCacheSize = 100; // Precondition: |form_structure| and |form| should correspond to the same // logical form. Returns true if any field in the given |section| within |form| // is auto-filled. bool SectionIsAutofilled(const FormStructure& form_structure, const FormData& form, const std::string& section) { DCHECK_EQ(form_structure.field_count(), form.fields.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < form_structure.field_count(); ++i) { if (form_structure.field(i)->section() == section && form.fields[i].is_autofilled) { return true; } } return false; } // Returns the credit card field |value| trimmed from whitespace and with stop // characters removed. base::string16 SanitizeCreditCardFieldValue(const base::string16& value) { base::string16 sanitized; base::TrimWhitespace(value, base::TRIM_ALL, &sanitized); // Some sites have ____-____-____-____ in their credit card number fields, for // example. base::ReplaceChars(sanitized, base::ASCIIToUTF16("-_"), base::ASCIIToUTF16(""), &sanitized); return sanitized; } // If |name| consists of three whitespace-separated parts and the second of the // three parts is a single character or a single character followed by a period, // returns the result of joining the first and third parts with a space. // Otherwise, returns |name|. // // Note that a better way to do this would be to use SplitName from // src/components/autofill/core/browser/contact_info.cc. However, for now we // want the logic of which variations of names are considered to be the same to // exactly match the logic applied on the Payments server. base::string16 RemoveMiddleInitial(const base::string16& name) { std::vector parts = base::SplitStringPiece(name, base::kWhitespaceUTF16, base::KEEP_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_NONEMPTY); if (parts.size() == 3 && (parts[1].length() == 1 || (parts[1].length() == 2 && base::EndsWith(parts[1], base::ASCIIToUTF16("."), base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE)))) { parts.erase(parts.begin() + 1); return base::JoinString(parts, base::ASCIIToUTF16(" ")); } return name; } // Returns whether the |field| is predicted as being any kind of name. bool IsNameType(const AutofillField& field) { return field.Type().group() == NAME || field.Type().group() == NAME_BILLING || field.Type().GetStorableType() == CREDIT_CARD_NAME_FULL || field.Type().GetStorableType() == CREDIT_CARD_NAME_FIRST || field.Type().GetStorableType() == CREDIT_CARD_NAME_LAST; } // Selects the right name type from the |old_types| to insert into the // |new_types| based on |is_credit_card|. void SelectRightNameType(const ServerFieldTypeSet& old_types, ServerFieldTypeSet* new_types, bool is_credit_card) { ServerFieldTypeSet upload_types; if (old_types.count(NAME_FIRST) && old_types.count(CREDIT_CARD_NAME_FIRST)) { if (is_credit_card) { new_types->insert(CREDIT_CARD_NAME_FIRST); } else { new_types->insert(NAME_FIRST); } } else if (old_types.count(NAME_LAST) && old_types.count(CREDIT_CARD_NAME_LAST)) { if (is_credit_card) { new_types->insert(CREDIT_CARD_NAME_LAST); } else { new_types->insert(NAME_LAST); } } else if (old_types.count(NAME_FULL) && old_types.count(CREDIT_CARD_NAME_FULL)) { if (is_credit_card) { new_types->insert(CREDIT_CARD_NAME_FULL); } else { new_types->insert(NAME_FULL); } } else { *new_types = old_types; } } bool IsCreditCardExpirationType(ServerFieldType type) { return type == CREDIT_CARD_EXP_MONTH || type == CREDIT_CARD_EXP_2_DIGIT_YEAR || type == CREDIT_CARD_EXP_4_DIGIT_YEAR || type == CREDIT_CARD_EXP_DATE_2_DIGIT_YEAR || type == CREDIT_CARD_EXP_DATE_4_DIGIT_YEAR; } // Create http bad warning message at the top of autofill popup list showing // "Payment not secure" when users are on http sites or broken https sites. Suggestion CreateHttpWarningMessageSuggestionItem(const GURL& source_url) { Suggestion cc_field_http_warning_suggestion( l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_AUTOFILL_CREDIT_CARD_HTTP_WARNING_MESSAGE)); cc_field_http_warning_suggestion.frontend_id = POPUP_ITEM_ID_HTTP_NOT_SECURE_WARNING_MESSAGE; cc_field_http_warning_suggestion.label = l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_AUTOFILL_HTTP_WARNING_LEARN_MORE); cc_field_http_warning_suggestion.icon = (source_url.is_valid() && source_url.SchemeIs("http")) ? base::ASCIIToUTF16("httpWarning") : base::ASCIIToUTF16("httpsInvalid"); return cc_field_http_warning_suggestion; } } // namespace AutofillManager::AutofillManager( AutofillDriver* driver, AutofillClient* client, const std::string& app_locale, AutofillDownloadManagerState enable_download_manager) : AutofillHandler(driver), client_(client), payments_client_(base::MakeUnique( driver->GetURLRequestContext(), this)), app_locale_(app_locale), personal_data_(client->GetPersonalDataManager()), autocomplete_history_manager_( base::MakeUnique(driver, client)), form_interactions_ukm_logger_( base::MakeUnique( client->GetUkmRecorder())), address_form_event_logger_( base::MakeUnique( false /* is_for_credit_card */, form_interactions_ukm_logger_.get())), credit_card_form_event_logger_( base::MakeUnique( true /* is_for_credit_card */, form_interactions_ukm_logger_.get())), has_logged_autofill_enabled_(false), has_logged_address_suggestions_count_(false), did_show_suggestions_(false), user_did_type_(false), user_did_autofill_(false), user_did_edit_autofilled_field_(false), user_did_accept_upload_prompt_(false), should_cvc_be_requested_(false), found_cvc_field_(false), found_value_in_cvc_field_(false), found_cvc_value_in_non_cvc_field_(false), enable_ablation_logging_(false), external_delegate_(NULL), test_delegate_(NULL), #if defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_IOS) autofill_assistant_(this), #endif weak_ptr_factory_(this) { if (enable_download_manager == ENABLE_AUTOFILL_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER) { download_manager_.reset(new AutofillDownloadManager(driver, this)); } CountryNames::SetLocaleString(app_locale_); if (personal_data_ && client_) personal_data_->OnSyncServiceInitialized(client_->GetSyncService()); if (personal_data_ && driver) personal_data_->SetURLRequestContextGetter(driver->GetURLRequestContext()); } AutofillManager::~AutofillManager() {} // static void AutofillManager::RegisterProfilePrefs( user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry) { // This pref is not synced because it's for a signin promo, which by // definition will not be synced. registry->RegisterIntegerPref( prefs::kAutofillCreditCardSigninPromoImpressionCount, 0); registry->RegisterBooleanPref( prefs::kAutofillEnabled, true, user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable::SYNCABLE_PREF); registry->RegisterBooleanPref( prefs::kAutofillProfileUseDatesFixed, false, user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable::SYNCABLE_PREF); registry->RegisterIntegerPref( prefs::kAutofillLastVersionDeduped, 0, user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable::SYNCABLE_PREF); registry->RegisterIntegerPref( prefs::kAutofillLastVersionDisusedAddressesDeleted, 0, user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable::SYNCABLE_PREF); // These choices are made on a per-device basis, so they're not syncable. registry->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kAutofillWalletImportEnabled, true); registry->RegisterBooleanPref( prefs::kAutofillWalletImportStorageCheckboxState, true); registry->RegisterIntegerPref( prefs::kAutofillAcceptSaveCreditCardPromptState, prefs::PREVIOUS_SAVE_CREDIT_CARD_PROMPT_USER_DECISION_NONE); registry->RegisterIntegerPref( prefs::kAutofillLastVersionDisusedCreditCardsDeleted, 0); registry->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kAutofillCreditCardEnabled, true); } void AutofillManager::SetExternalDelegate(AutofillExternalDelegate* delegate) { // TODO(jrg): consider passing delegate into the ctor. That won't // work if the delegate has a pointer to the AutofillManager, but // future directions may not need such a pointer. external_delegate_ = delegate; autocomplete_history_manager_->SetExternalDelegate(delegate); } void AutofillManager::ShowAutofillSettings() { client_->ShowAutofillSettings(); } bool AutofillManager::ShouldShowScanCreditCard(const FormData& form, const FormFieldData& field) { if (!client_->HasCreditCardScanFeature()) return false; AutofillField* autofill_field = GetAutofillField(form, field); if (!autofill_field) return false; bool is_card_number_field = autofill_field->Type().GetStorableType() == CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER && base::ContainsOnlyChars(CreditCard::StripSeparators(field.value), base::ASCIIToUTF16("0123456789")); bool is_scannable_name_on_card_field = autofill_field->Type().GetStorableType() == CREDIT_CARD_NAME_FULL && base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(kAutofillScanCardholderName); if (!is_card_number_field && !is_scannable_name_on_card_field) return false; if (IsFormNonSecure(form)) return false; static const int kShowScanCreditCardMaxValueLength = 6; return field.value.size() <= kShowScanCreditCardMaxValueLength; } bool AutofillManager::IsCreditCardPopup(const FormData& form, const FormFieldData& field) { AutofillField* autofill_field = GetAutofillField(form, field); return autofill_field && autofill_field->Type().group() == CREDIT_CARD; } bool AutofillManager::ShouldShowCreditCardSigninPromo( const FormData& form, const FormFieldData& field) { // Check whether we are dealing with a credit card field and whether it's // appropriate to show the promo (e.g. the platform is supported). AutofillField* autofill_field = GetAutofillField(form, field); if (!autofill_field || autofill_field->Type().group() != CREDIT_CARD || !client_->ShouldShowSigninPromo()) return false; if (IsFormNonSecure(form)) return false; // The last step is checking if we are under the limit of impressions. int impression_count = client_->GetPrefs()->GetInteger( prefs::kAutofillCreditCardSigninPromoImpressionCount); if (impression_count < kCreditCardSigninPromoImpressionLimit) { // The promo will be shown. Increment the impression count. client_->GetPrefs()->SetInteger( prefs::kAutofillCreditCardSigninPromoImpressionCount, impression_count + 1); return true; } return false; } void AutofillManager::OnFormsSeen(const std::vector& forms, const TimeTicks timestamp) { if (!IsValidFormDataVector(forms)) return; if (!driver()->RendererIsAvailable()) return; bool enabled = IsAutofillEnabled(); if (!has_logged_autofill_enabled_) { AutofillMetrics::LogIsAutofillEnabledAtPageLoad(enabled); has_logged_autofill_enabled_ = true; } if (!enabled) return; for (const FormData& form : forms) { forms_loaded_timestamps_[form] = timestamp; } ParseForms(forms); } bool AutofillManager::OnWillSubmitFormImpl(const FormData& form, const TimeTicks timestamp) { // We will always give Autocomplete a chance to save the data. std::unique_ptr submitted_form = ValidateSubmittedForm(form); if (!submitted_form) { autocomplete_history_manager_->OnWillSubmitForm(form); return false; } // However, if Autofill has recognized a field as CVC, that shouldn't be // saved. FormData form_for_autocomplete = submitted_form->ToFormData(); for (size_t i = 0; i < submitted_form->field_count(); ++i) { if (submitted_form->field(i)->Type().GetStorableType() == CREDIT_CARD_VERIFICATION_CODE) { form_for_autocomplete.fields[i].should_autocomplete = false; } } autocomplete_history_manager_->OnWillSubmitForm(form_for_autocomplete); address_form_event_logger_->OnWillSubmitForm(); if (IsCreditCardAutofillEnabled()) credit_card_form_event_logger_->OnWillSubmitForm(); StartUploadProcess(std::move(submitted_form), timestamp, true); return true; } bool AutofillManager::OnFormSubmitted(const FormData& form) { if (!IsValidFormData(form)) return false; // We will always give Autocomplete a chance to save the data. std::unique_ptr submitted_form = ValidateSubmittedForm(form); if (!submitted_form) { return false; } CreditCard credit_card = personal_data_->ExtractCreditCardFromForm(*submitted_form); if (IsValidCreditCardNumber(credit_card.number())) { credit_card_form_event_logger_->DetectedCardInSubmittedForm(); if (personal_data_->IsKnownCard(credit_card)) { credit_card_form_event_logger_->SubmittedKnownCard(); } } address_form_event_logger_->OnFormSubmitted(/*force_logging=*/false); if (IsCreditCardAutofillEnabled()) credit_card_form_event_logger_->OnFormSubmitted(enable_ablation_logging_); // Update Personal Data with the form's submitted data. if (submitted_form->IsAutofillable()) ImportFormData(*submitted_form); return true; } void AutofillManager::StartUploadProcess( std::unique_ptr form_structure, const TimeTicks& timestamp, bool observed_submission) { // It is possible for |personal_data_| to be null, such as when used in the // Android webview. if (!personal_data_) return; // Only upload server statistics and UMA metrics if at least some local data // is available to use as a baseline. const std::vector& profiles = personal_data_->GetProfiles(); if (observed_submission && form_structure->IsAutofillable()) { AutofillMetrics::LogNumberOfProfilesAtAutofillableFormSubmission( personal_data_->GetProfiles().size()); } const std::vector& credit_cards = personal_data_->GetCreditCards(); if (!profiles.empty() || !credit_cards.empty()) { // Copy the profile and credit card data, so that it can be accessed on a // separate thread. std::vector copied_profiles; copied_profiles.reserve(profiles.size()); for (const AutofillProfile* profile : profiles) copied_profiles.push_back(*profile); std::vector copied_credit_cards; copied_credit_cards.reserve(credit_cards.size()); for (const CreditCard* card : credit_cards) copied_credit_cards.push_back(*card); // Note that ownership of |form_structure| is passed to the second task, // using |base::Owned|. FormStructure* raw_form = form_structure.get(); TimeTicks loaded_timestamp = forms_loaded_timestamps_[raw_form->ToFormData()]; base::PostTaskWithTraitsAndReply( FROM_HERE, {base::MayBlock(), base::TaskPriority::BACKGROUND}, base::BindOnce(&AutofillManager::DeterminePossibleFieldTypesForUpload, copied_profiles, copied_credit_cards, app_locale_, raw_form), base::BindOnce(&AutofillManager::UploadFormDataAsyncCallback, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), base::Owned(form_structure.release()), loaded_timestamp, initial_interaction_timestamp_, timestamp, observed_submission)); } } void AutofillManager::UpdatePendingForm(const FormData& form) { // Process the current pending form if different than supplied |form|. if (pending_form_data_ && !pending_form_data_->SameFormAs(form)) { ProcessPendingFormForUpload(); } // A new pending form is assigned. pending_form_data_.reset(new FormData(form)); } void AutofillManager::ProcessPendingFormForUpload() { if (!pending_form_data_) return; // We get the FormStructure corresponding to |pending_form_data_|, used in the // upload process. |pending_form_data_| is reset. std::unique_ptr upload_form = ValidateSubmittedForm(*pending_form_data_); pending_form_data_.reset(); if (!upload_form) return; StartUploadProcess(std::move(upload_form), TimeTicks::Now(), false); } void AutofillManager::OnTextFieldDidChangeImpl(const FormData& form, const FormFieldData& field, const gfx::RectF& bounding_box, const TimeTicks timestamp) { if (test_delegate_) test_delegate_->OnTextFieldChanged(); FormStructure* form_structure = NULL; AutofillField* autofill_field = NULL; if (!GetCachedFormAndField(form, field, &form_structure, &autofill_field)) return; UpdatePendingForm(form); if (!user_did_type_ || autofill_field->is_autofilled) form_interactions_ukm_logger_->LogTextFieldDidChange( *autofill_field, form_structure->form_parsed_timestamp()); if (!user_did_type_) { user_did_type_ = true; AutofillMetrics::LogUserHappinessMetric(AutofillMetrics::USER_DID_TYPE, autofill_field->Type().group()); } if (autofill_field->is_autofilled) { autofill_field->is_autofilled = false; autofill_field->set_previously_autofilled(true); AutofillMetrics::LogUserHappinessMetric( AutofillMetrics::USER_DID_EDIT_AUTOFILLED_FIELD, autofill_field->Type().group()); if (!user_did_edit_autofilled_field_) { user_did_edit_autofilled_field_ = true; AutofillMetrics::LogUserHappinessMetric( AutofillMetrics::USER_DID_EDIT_AUTOFILLED_FIELD_ONCE, autofill_field->Type().group()); } } UpdateInitialInteractionTimestamp(timestamp); } bool AutofillManager::IsFormNonSecure(const FormData& form) const { return !client_->IsContextSecure() || (form.action.is_valid() && form.action.SchemeIs("http")); } void AutofillManager::OnQueryFormFieldAutofillImpl( int query_id, const FormData& form, const FormFieldData& field, const gfx::RectF& transformed_box) { external_delegate_->OnQuery(query_id, form, field, transformed_box); // Need to refresh models before using the form_event_loggers. bool is_autofill_possible = RefreshDataModels(); FormStructure* form_structure = NULL; AutofillField* autofill_field = NULL; bool got_autofillable_form = GetCachedFormAndField(form, field, &form_structure, &autofill_field) && // Don't send suggestions or track forms that should not be parsed. form_structure->ShouldBeParsed(); bool is_filling_credit_card = false; // Log interactions of forms that are autofillable. if (got_autofillable_form) { if (autofill_field->Type().group() == CREDIT_CARD) { is_filling_credit_card = true; driver()->DidInteractWithCreditCardForm(); credit_card_form_event_logger_->OnDidInteractWithAutofillableForm(); } else { address_form_event_logger_->OnDidInteractWithAutofillableForm(); } } std::vector suggestions; const bool is_context_secure = !IsFormNonSecure(form); const bool is_http_warning_enabled = security_state::IsHttpWarningInFormEnabled(); // TODO(rogerm): Early exit here on !driver()->RendererIsAvailable()? // We skip populating autofill data, but might generate warnings and or // signin promo to show over the unavailable renderer. That seems a mistake. if (is_autofill_possible && driver()->RendererIsAvailable() && got_autofillable_form) { // On desktop, don't return non credit card related suggestions for forms or // fields that have the "autocomplete" attribute set to off, only if the // feature to always fill addresses is off. if (!base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(kAutofillAlwaysFillAddresses) && IsDesktopPlatform() && !is_filling_credit_card && !field.should_autocomplete) { return; } if (is_filling_credit_card) { suggestions = GetCreditCardSuggestions(field, autofill_field->Type()); } else { suggestions = GetProfileSuggestions(*form_structure, field, *autofill_field); } // Logic for disabling/ablating credit card autofill. if (base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(kAutofillCreditCardAblationExperiment) && is_filling_credit_card && !suggestions.empty()) { suggestions.clear(); autocomplete_history_manager_->CancelPendingQuery(); external_delegate_->OnSuggestionsReturned(query_id, suggestions); enable_ablation_logging_ = true; return; } if (!suggestions.empty()) { if (is_filling_credit_card) AutofillMetrics::LogIsQueriedCreditCardFormSecure(is_context_secure); // Don't provide credit card suggestions for non-secure pages, but do // provide them for secure pages with passive mixed content (see impl. of // IsContextSecure). if (is_filling_credit_card && !is_context_secure) { // Replace the suggestion content with a warning message explaining why // Autofill is disabled for a website. The string is different if the // credit card autofill HTTP warning experiment is enabled. Suggestion warning_suggestion(l10n_util::GetStringUTF16( is_http_warning_enabled ? IDS_AUTOFILL_WARNING_PAYMENT_DISABLED : IDS_AUTOFILL_WARNING_INSECURE_CONNECTION)); warning_suggestion.frontend_id = POPUP_ITEM_ID_INSECURE_CONTEXT_PAYMENT_DISABLED_MESSAGE; suggestions.assign(1, warning_suggestion); } else { bool section_is_autofilled = SectionIsAutofilled( *form_structure, form, autofill_field->section()); if (section_is_autofilled) { // If the relevant section is auto-filled and the renderer is querying // for suggestions, then the user is editing the value of a field. // In this case, mimic autocomplete: don't display labels or icons, // as that information is redundant. Moreover, filter out duplicate // suggestions. std::set seen_values; for (auto iter = suggestions.begin(); iter != suggestions.end();) { if (!seen_values.insert(iter->value).second) { // If we've seen this suggestion value before, remove it. iter = suggestions.erase(iter); } else { iter->label.clear(); iter->icon.clear(); ++iter; } } } // The first time we show suggestions on this page, log the number of // suggestions available. // TODO(mathp): Differentiate between number of suggestions available // (current metric) and number shown to the user. if (!has_logged_address_suggestions_count_ && !section_is_autofilled) { AutofillMetrics::LogAddressSuggestionsCount(suggestions.size()); has_logged_address_suggestions_count_ = true; } } } } // Show a "Payment not secure" message. if (!is_context_secure && is_filling_credit_card && is_http_warning_enabled) { #if !defined(OS_ANDROID) if (!suggestions.empty()) { suggestions.insert(suggestions.begin(), Suggestion()); suggestions.front().frontend_id = POPUP_ITEM_ID_SEPARATOR; } #endif suggestions.insert( suggestions.begin(), CreateHttpWarningMessageSuggestionItem( form_structure ? form_structure->source_url() : GURL::EmptyGURL())); } // If there are no Autofill suggestions, consider showing Autocomplete // suggestions. We will not show Autocomplete suggestions for a field that // specifies autocomplete=off (or an unrecognized type), a field for which we // will show the credit card signin promo, or a field that we think is a // credit card expiration, cvc or number. if (suggestions.empty() && !ShouldShowCreditCardSigninPromo(form, field) && field.should_autocomplete && !(autofill_field && (IsCreditCardExpirationType(autofill_field->Type().GetStorableType()) || autofill_field->Type().html_type() == HTML_TYPE_UNRECOGNIZED || autofill_field->Type().GetStorableType() == CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER || autofill_field->Type().GetStorableType() == CREDIT_CARD_VERIFICATION_CODE))) { // Suggestions come back asynchronously, so the Autocomplete manager will // handle sending the results back to the renderer. autocomplete_history_manager_->OnGetAutocompleteSuggestions( query_id, field.name, field.value, field.form_control_type); return; } // Send Autofill suggestions (could be an empty list). autocomplete_history_manager_->CancelPendingQuery(); external_delegate_->OnSuggestionsReturned(query_id, suggestions); } bool AutofillManager::WillFillCreditCardNumber(const FormData& form, const FormFieldData& field) { FormStructure* form_structure = nullptr; AutofillField* autofill_field = nullptr; if (!GetCachedFormAndField(form, field, &form_structure, &autofill_field)) return false; if (autofill_field->Type().GetStorableType() == CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER) return true; // If the relevant section is already autofilled, the new fill operation will // only fill |autofill_field|. if (SectionIsAutofilled(*form_structure, form, autofill_field->section())) return false; DCHECK_EQ(form_structure->field_count(), form.fields.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < form_structure->field_count(); ++i) { if (form_structure->field(i)->section() == autofill_field->section() && form_structure->field(i)->Type().GetStorableType() == CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER && form.fields[i].value.empty()) { return true; } } return false; } void AutofillManager::FillOrPreviewCreditCardForm( AutofillDriver::RendererFormDataAction action, int query_id, const FormData& form, const FormFieldData& field, const CreditCard& credit_card) { FormStructure* form_structure = NULL; AutofillField* autofill_field = NULL; if (!GetCachedFormAndField(form, field, &form_structure, &autofill_field)) return; if (action == AutofillDriver::FORM_DATA_ACTION_FILL) { if (credit_card.record_type() == CreditCard::MASKED_SERVER_CARD && WillFillCreditCardNumber(form, field)) { unmasking_query_id_ = query_id; unmasking_form_ = form; unmasking_field_ = field; masked_card_ = credit_card; payments::FullCardRequest* full_card_request = CreateFullCardRequest(form_structure->form_parsed_timestamp()); full_card_request->GetFullCard( masked_card_, AutofillClient::UNMASK_FOR_AUTOFILL, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()); credit_card_form_event_logger_->OnDidSelectMaskedServerCardSuggestion( form_structure->form_parsed_timestamp()); return; } credit_card_form_event_logger_->OnDidFillSuggestion( credit_card, form_structure->form_parsed_timestamp()); } FillOrPreviewDataModelForm( action, query_id, form, field, credit_card, true /* is_credit_card */, base::string16() /* cvc */, form_structure, autofill_field); } void AutofillManager::FillOrPreviewProfileForm( AutofillDriver::RendererFormDataAction action, int query_id, const FormData& form, const FormFieldData& field, const AutofillProfile& profile) { FormStructure* form_structure = NULL; AutofillField* autofill_field = NULL; if (!GetCachedFormAndField(form, field, &form_structure, &autofill_field)) return; if (action == AutofillDriver::FORM_DATA_ACTION_FILL) address_form_event_logger_->OnDidFillSuggestion( profile, form_structure->form_parsed_timestamp()); FillOrPreviewDataModelForm( action, query_id, form, field, profile, false /* is_credit_card */, base::string16() /* cvc */, form_structure, autofill_field); } void AutofillManager::FillOrPreviewForm( AutofillDriver::RendererFormDataAction action, int query_id, const FormData& form, const FormFieldData& field, int unique_id) { if (!IsValidFormData(form) || !IsValidFormFieldData(field)) return; // NOTE: RefreshDataModels may invalidate |data_model| because it causes the // PersonalDataManager to reload Mac address book entries. Thus it must come // before GetProfile or GetCreditCard. if (!RefreshDataModels() || !driver()->RendererIsAvailable()) return; const CreditCard* credit_card = nullptr; const AutofillProfile* profile = nullptr; if (GetCreditCard(unique_id, &credit_card)) FillOrPreviewCreditCardForm(action, query_id, form, field, *credit_card); else if (GetProfile(unique_id, &profile)) FillOrPreviewProfileForm(action, query_id, form, field, *profile); } void AutofillManager::FillCreditCardForm(int query_id, const FormData& form, const FormFieldData& field, const CreditCard& credit_card, const base::string16& cvc) { if (!IsValidFormData(form) || !IsValidFormFieldData(field) || !driver()->RendererIsAvailable()) { return; } FillOrPreviewDataModelForm(AutofillDriver::FORM_DATA_ACTION_FILL, query_id, form, field, credit_card, true, cvc); } void AutofillManager::OnFocusNoLongerOnForm() { ProcessPendingFormForUpload(); } void AutofillManager::OnFocusOnFormFieldImpl(const FormData& form, const FormFieldData& field, const gfx::RectF& bounding_box) {} void AutofillManager::OnDidPreviewAutofillFormData() { if (test_delegate_) test_delegate_->DidPreviewFormData(); } void AutofillManager::OnDidFillAutofillFormData(const FormData& form, const TimeTicks timestamp) { if (test_delegate_) test_delegate_->DidFillFormData(); UpdatePendingForm(form); FormStructure* form_structure = NULL; std::set form_types; // Find the FormStructure that corresponds to |form|. Use default form type if // form is not present in our cache, which will happen rarely. if (FindCachedForm(form, &form_structure)) { form_types = form_structure->GetFormTypes(); } AutofillMetrics::LogUserHappinessMetric(AutofillMetrics::USER_DID_AUTOFILL, form_types); if (!user_did_autofill_) { user_did_autofill_ = true; AutofillMetrics::LogUserHappinessMetric( AutofillMetrics::USER_DID_AUTOFILL_ONCE, form_types); } UpdateInitialInteractionTimestamp(timestamp); } void AutofillManager::DidShowSuggestions(bool is_new_popup, const FormData& form, const FormFieldData& field) { if (test_delegate_) test_delegate_->DidShowSuggestions(); FormStructure* form_structure = NULL; AutofillField* autofill_field = NULL; if (!GetCachedFormAndField(form, field, &form_structure, &autofill_field)) return; if (is_new_popup) { AutofillMetrics::LogUserHappinessMetric(AutofillMetrics::SUGGESTIONS_SHOWN, autofill_field->Type().group()); if (!did_show_suggestions_) { did_show_suggestions_ = true; AutofillMetrics::LogUserHappinessMetric( AutofillMetrics::SUGGESTIONS_SHOWN_ONCE, autofill_field->Type().group()); } if (autofill_field->Type().group() == CREDIT_CARD) { credit_card_form_event_logger_->OnDidShowSuggestions( *autofill_field, form_structure->form_parsed_timestamp()); } else { address_form_event_logger_->OnDidShowSuggestions( *autofill_field, form_structure->form_parsed_timestamp()); } } } void AutofillManager::OnHidePopup() { if (!IsAutofillEnabled()) return; autocomplete_history_manager_->CancelPendingQuery(); client_->HideAutofillPopup(); } bool AutofillManager::GetDeletionConfirmationText(const base::string16& value, int identifier, base::string16* title, base::string16* body) { if (identifier == POPUP_ITEM_ID_AUTOCOMPLETE_ENTRY) { if (title) title->assign(value); if (body) { body->assign(l10n_util::GetStringUTF16( IDS_AUTOFILL_DELETE_AUTOCOMPLETE_SUGGESTION_CONFIRMATION_BODY)); } return true; } if (identifier < 0) return false; const CreditCard* credit_card = nullptr; const AutofillProfile* profile = nullptr; if (GetCreditCard(identifier, &credit_card)) { if (credit_card->record_type() != CreditCard::LOCAL_CARD) return false; if (title) title->assign(credit_card->NetworkAndLastFourDigits()); if (body) { body->assign(l10n_util::GetStringUTF16( IDS_AUTOFILL_DELETE_CREDIT_CARD_SUGGESTION_CONFIRMATION_BODY)); } return true; } else if (GetProfile(identifier, &profile)) { if (profile->record_type() != AutofillProfile::LOCAL_PROFILE) return false; if (title) { base::string16 street_address = profile->GetRawInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_CITY); if (!street_address.empty()) title->swap(street_address); else title->assign(value); } if (body) { body->assign(l10n_util::GetStringUTF16( IDS_AUTOFILL_DELETE_PROFILE_SUGGESTION_CONFIRMATION_BODY)); } return true; } NOTREACHED(); return false; } bool AutofillManager::RemoveAutofillProfileOrCreditCard(int unique_id) { std::string guid; const CreditCard* credit_card = nullptr; const AutofillProfile* profile = nullptr; if (GetCreditCard(unique_id, &credit_card)) { if (credit_card->record_type() != CreditCard::LOCAL_CARD) return false; guid = credit_card->guid(); } else if (GetProfile(unique_id, &profile)) { if (profile->record_type() != AutofillProfile::LOCAL_PROFILE) return false; guid = profile->guid(); } else { NOTREACHED(); return false; } personal_data_->RemoveByGUID(guid); return true; } void AutofillManager::RemoveAutocompleteEntry(const base::string16& name, const base::string16& value) { autocomplete_history_manager_->OnRemoveAutocompleteEntry(name, value); } bool AutofillManager::IsShowingUnmaskPrompt() { return full_card_request_ && full_card_request_->IsGettingFullCard(); } const std::vector>& AutofillManager::GetFormStructures() { return form_structures_; } payments::FullCardRequest* AutofillManager::GetOrCreateFullCardRequest() { if (!full_card_request_) { full_card_request_.reset(new payments::FullCardRequest( client_, payments_client_.get(), personal_data_)); } return full_card_request_.get(); } payments::FullCardRequest* AutofillManager::CreateFullCardRequest( const base::TimeTicks& form_parsed_timestamp) { full_card_request_.reset(new payments::FullCardRequest( client_, payments_client_.get(), personal_data_, form_parsed_timestamp)); return full_card_request_.get(); } void AutofillManager::SetTestDelegate(AutofillManagerTestDelegate* delegate) { test_delegate_ = delegate; } void AutofillManager::OnSetDataList(const std::vector& values, const std::vector& labels) { if (!IsValidString16Vector(values) || !IsValidString16Vector(labels) || values.size() != labels.size()) return; external_delegate_->SetCurrentDataListValues(values, labels); } void AutofillManager::OnLoadedServerPredictions( std::string response, const std::vector& form_signatures) { // We obtain the current valid FormStructures represented by // |form_signatures|. We invert both lists because most recent forms are at // the end of the list (and reverse the resulting pointer vector). std::vector queried_forms; for (const std::string& signature : base::Reversed(form_signatures)) { for (auto& cur_form : base::Reversed(form_structures_)) { if (cur_form->FormSignatureAsStr() == signature) { queried_forms.push_back(cur_form.get()); break; } } } std::reverse(queried_forms.begin(), queried_forms.end()); // If there are no current forms corresponding to the queried signatures, drop // the query response. if (queried_forms.empty()) return; // Parse and store the server predictions. FormStructure::ParseQueryResponse(std::move(response), queried_forms); // Will log quality metrics for each FormStructure based on the presence of // autocomplete attributes, if available. for (FormStructure* cur_form : queried_forms) { cur_form->LogQualityMetricsBasedOnAutocomplete( form_interactions_ukm_logger_.get()); } // Forward form structures to the password generation manager to detect // account creation forms. driver()->PropagateAutofillPredictions(queried_forms); // If the corresponding flag is set, annotate forms with the predicted types. driver()->SendAutofillTypePredictionsToRenderer(queried_forms); } IdentityProvider* AutofillManager::GetIdentityProvider() { return client_->GetIdentityProvider(); } void AutofillManager::OnDidGetRealPan(AutofillClient::PaymentsRpcResult result, const std::string& real_pan) { DCHECK(full_card_request_); full_card_request_->OnDidGetRealPan(result, real_pan); } void AutofillManager::OnDidGetUploadDetails( AutofillClient::PaymentsRpcResult result, const base::string16& context_token, std::unique_ptr legal_message) { int upload_decision_metrics; if (result == AutofillClient::SUCCESS) { // Do *not* call payments_client_->Prepare() here. We shouldn't send // credentials until the user has explicitly accepted a prompt to upload. upload_request_.context_token = context_token; user_did_accept_upload_prompt_ = false; client_->ConfirmSaveCreditCardToCloud( upload_request_.card, std::move(legal_message), should_cvc_be_requested_, base::Bind(&AutofillManager::OnUserDidAcceptUpload, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); client_->LoadRiskData(base::Bind(&AutofillManager::OnDidGetUploadRiskData, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); upload_decision_metrics = AutofillMetrics::UPLOAD_OFFERED; } else { // If the upload details request failed, fall back to a local save. The // reasoning here is as follows: // - This will sometimes fail intermittently, in which case it might be // better to not fall back, because sometimes offering upload and sometimes // offering local save is a poor user experience. // - However, in some cases, our local configuration limiting the feature to // countries that Payments is known to support will not match Payments' own // determination of what country the user is located in. In these cases, // the upload details request will consistently fail and if we don't fall // back to a local save then the user will never be offered any kind of // credit card save. client_->ConfirmSaveCreditCardLocally( upload_request_.card, base::Bind( base::IgnoreResult(&PersonalDataManager::SaveImportedCreditCard), base::Unretained(personal_data_), upload_request_.card)); upload_decision_metrics = AutofillMetrics::UPLOAD_NOT_OFFERED_GET_UPLOAD_DETAILS_FAILED; } if (!found_cvc_field_ || !found_value_in_cvc_field_) DCHECK(should_cvc_be_requested_); if (should_cvc_be_requested_) upload_decision_metrics |= GetCVCCardUploadDecisionMetric(); else DCHECK(found_cvc_field_ && found_value_in_cvc_field_); LogCardUploadDecisions(upload_decision_metrics); pending_upload_request_url_ = GURL(); } void AutofillManager::OnDidUploadCard(AutofillClient::PaymentsRpcResult result, const std::string& server_id) { // We don't do anything user-visible if the upload attempt fails. If the // upload succeeds and we can store unmasked cards on this OS, we will keep a // copy of the card as a full server card on the device. if (result == AutofillClient::SUCCESS && !server_id.empty() && OfferStoreUnmaskedCards()) { upload_request_.card.set_record_type(CreditCard::FULL_SERVER_CARD); upload_request_.card.SetServerStatus(CreditCard::OK); upload_request_.card.set_server_id(server_id); DCHECK(personal_data_); if (personal_data_) personal_data_->AddFullServerCreditCard(upload_request_.card); } } void AutofillManager::OnFullCardRequestSucceeded( const payments::FullCardRequest& full_card_request, const CreditCard& card, const base::string16& cvc) { credit_card_form_event_logger_->OnDidFillSuggestion( masked_card_, full_card_request.form_parsed_timestamp()); FillCreditCardForm(unmasking_query_id_, unmasking_form_, unmasking_field_, card, cvc); masked_card_ = CreditCard(); } void AutofillManager::OnFullCardRequestFailed() { driver()->RendererShouldClearPreviewedForm(); } void AutofillManager::ShowUnmaskPrompt( const CreditCard& card, AutofillClient::UnmaskCardReason reason, base::WeakPtr delegate) { client_->ShowUnmaskPrompt(card, reason, delegate); } void AutofillManager::OnUnmaskVerificationResult( AutofillClient::PaymentsRpcResult result) { client_->OnUnmaskVerificationResult(result); } void AutofillManager::OnUserDidAcceptUpload() { user_did_accept_upload_prompt_ = true; if (!upload_request_.risk_data.empty()) { upload_request_.app_locale = app_locale_; // If the upload request does not have card CVC, populate it with the // value provided by the user: if (upload_request_.cvc.empty()) { DCHECK(client_->GetSaveCardBubbleController()); upload_request_.cvc = client_->GetSaveCardBubbleController()->GetCvcEnteredByUser(); } payments_client_->UploadCard(upload_request_); } } void AutofillManager::OnDidGetUploadRiskData(const std::string& risk_data) { upload_request_.risk_data = risk_data; if (user_did_accept_upload_prompt_) { upload_request_.app_locale = app_locale_; // If the upload request does not have card CVC, populate it with the // value provided by the user: if (upload_request_.cvc.empty()) { DCHECK(client_->GetSaveCardBubbleController()); upload_request_.cvc = client_->GetSaveCardBubbleController()->GetCvcEnteredByUser(); } payments_client_->UploadCard(upload_request_); } } void AutofillManager::OnDidEndTextFieldEditing() { external_delegate_->DidEndTextFieldEditing(); } bool AutofillManager::IsAutofillEnabled() const { return ::autofill::IsAutofillEnabled(client_->GetPrefs()) && client_->IsAutofillSupported(); } bool AutofillManager::IsCreditCardUploadEnabled() { return ::autofill::IsCreditCardUploadEnabled( client_->GetPrefs(), client_->GetSyncService(), GetIdentityProvider()->GetActiveUsername()); } bool AutofillManager::IsCreditCardAutofillEnabled() { return client_->GetPrefs()->GetBoolean(prefs::kAutofillCreditCardEnabled) && client_->IsAutofillSupported(); } bool AutofillManager::ShouldUploadForm(const FormStructure& form) { return IsAutofillEnabled() && !driver()->IsIncognito() && form.ShouldBeParsed() && (form.active_field_count() >= kRequiredFieldsForUpload || (form.all_fields_are_passwords() && form.active_field_count() >= kRequiredFieldsForFormsWithOnlyPasswordFields)); } void AutofillManager::ImportFormData(const FormStructure& submitted_form) { std::unique_ptr imported_credit_card; bool imported_credit_card_matches_masked_server_credit_card; if (!personal_data_->ImportFormData( submitted_form, IsCreditCardAutofillEnabled(), IsCreditCardUploadEnabled(), &imported_credit_card, &imported_credit_card_matches_masked_server_credit_card)) return; #ifdef ENABLE_FORM_DEBUG_DUMP // Debug code for research on what autofill Chrome extracts from the last few // forms when submitting credit card data. See DumpAutofillData(). bool dump_data = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch("dump-autofill-data"); // Save the form data for future dumping. if (dump_data) { if (recently_autofilled_forms_.size() > 5) recently_autofilled_forms_.erase(recently_autofilled_forms_.begin()); recently_autofilled_forms_.push_back( std::map()); auto& map = recently_autofilled_forms_.back(); for (const auto& field : submitted_form) { AutofillType type = field->Type(); // Even though this is for development only, mask full credit card #'s. if (type.GetStorableType() == CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER && field->value.size() > 4) { map[type.ToString()] = base::ASCIIToUTF16("...(omitted)...") + field->value.substr(field->value.size() - 4, 4); } else { map[type.ToString()] = field->value; } } DumpAutofillData(!!imported_credit_card); } #endif // ENABLE_FORM_DEBUG_DUMP // No card available to offer save or upload. if (!imported_credit_card) return; if (!IsCreditCardUploadEnabled() || imported_credit_card_matches_masked_server_credit_card) { // This block will only be reached if we have observed a new card or a card // whose |TypeAndLastFourDigits| matches a masked server card. // |ImportFormData| will return false if the card matches a full card that // we have already stored. client_->ConfirmSaveCreditCardLocally( *imported_credit_card, base::Bind( base::IgnoreResult(&PersonalDataManager::SaveImportedCreditCard), base::Unretained(personal_data_), *imported_credit_card)); } else { // Whereas, because we pass IsCreditCardUploadEnabled() to ImportFormData, // this block can be reached on observing either a new card or one already // stored locally and whose |TypeAndLastFourDigits| do not match a masked // server card. We will offer to upload either kind. upload_request_ = payments::PaymentsClient::UploadRequestDetails(); upload_request_.card = *imported_credit_card; // In order to prompt the user to upload their card, we must have both: // 1) Card with CVC // 2) 1+ recently-used or modified addresses that meet the client-side // validation rules // Here we perform both checks before returning or logging anything, // because if only one of the two is missing, it may be fixable. // Check for a CVC to determine whether we can prompt the user to upload // their card. If no CVC is present and the experiment is off, do nothing. // We could fall back to a local save but we believe that sometimes offering // upload and sometimes offering local save is a confusing user experience. // If no CVC and the experiment is on, request CVC from the user in the // bubble and save using the provided value. found_cvc_field_ = false; found_value_in_cvc_field_ = false; found_cvc_value_in_non_cvc_field_ = false; for (const auto& field : submitted_form) { const bool is_valid_cvc = IsValidCreditCardSecurityCode( field->value, upload_request_.card.network()); if (field->Type().GetStorableType() == CREDIT_CARD_VERIFICATION_CODE) { found_cvc_field_ = true; if (!field->value.empty()) found_value_in_cvc_field_ = true; if (is_valid_cvc) { upload_request_.cvc = field->value; break; } } else if (is_valid_cvc && field->Type().GetStorableType() == UNKNOWN_TYPE) { found_cvc_value_in_non_cvc_field_ = true; } } // Upload requires that recently used or modified addresses meet the // client-side validation rules. int upload_decision_metrics = SetProfilesForCreditCardUpload(*imported_credit_card, &upload_request_); pending_upload_request_url_ = GURL(submitted_form.source_url()); should_cvc_be_requested_ = false; if (upload_request_.cvc.empty()) { should_cvc_be_requested_ = (!upload_decision_metrics && IsAutofillUpstreamRequestCvcIfMissingExperimentEnabled()); if (should_cvc_be_requested_) { upload_request_.active_experiments.push_back( kAutofillUpstreamRequestCvcIfMissing.name); } else { upload_decision_metrics |= GetCVCCardUploadDecisionMetric(); } } if (upload_decision_metrics) { LogCardUploadDecisions(upload_decision_metrics); pending_upload_request_url_ = GURL(); return; } if (IsAutofillUpstreamShowNewUiExperimentEnabled()) { upload_request_.active_experiments.push_back( kAutofillUpstreamShowNewUi.name); } if (IsAutofillUpstreamShowGoogleLogoExperimentEnabled()) { upload_request_.active_experiments.push_back( kAutofillUpstreamShowGoogleLogo.name); } // All required data is available, start the upload process. payments_client_->GetUploadDetails(upload_request_.profiles, upload_request_.active_experiments, app_locale_); } } AutofillMetrics::CardUploadDecisionMetric AutofillManager::GetCVCCardUploadDecisionMetric() const { if (found_cvc_field_) return found_value_in_cvc_field_ ? AutofillMetrics::INVALID_CVC_VALUE : AutofillMetrics::CVC_VALUE_NOT_FOUND; else return found_cvc_value_in_non_cvc_field_ ? AutofillMetrics::FOUND_POSSIBLE_CVC_VALUE_IN_NON_CVC_FIELD : AutofillMetrics::CVC_FIELD_NOT_FOUND; } int AutofillManager::SetProfilesForCreditCardUpload( const CreditCard& card, payments::PaymentsClient::UploadRequestDetails* upload_request) const { std::vector candidate_profiles; const base::Time now = AutofillClock::Now(); const base::TimeDelta fifteen_minutes = base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(15); int upload_decision_metrics = 0; bool has_profile = false; bool has_modified_profile = false; // First, collect all of the addresses used or modified recently. for (AutofillProfile* profile : personal_data_->GetProfiles()) { has_profile = true; if ((now - profile->modification_date()) < fifteen_minutes) { has_modified_profile = true; candidate_profiles.push_back(*profile); } else if ((now - profile->use_date()) < fifteen_minutes) { candidate_profiles.push_back(*profile); } } AutofillMetrics::LogHasModifiedProfileOnCreditCardFormSubmission( has_modified_profile); if (candidate_profiles.empty()) { upload_decision_metrics |= has_profile ? AutofillMetrics::UPLOAD_NOT_OFFERED_NO_RECENTLY_USED_ADDRESS : AutofillMetrics::UPLOAD_NOT_OFFERED_NO_ADDRESS_PROFILE; } std::unique_ptr comparator; if (!candidate_profiles.empty() && (base::FeatureList::IsEnabled( kAutofillUpstreamUseAutofillProfileComparator))) comparator = base::MakeUnique(app_locale_); // If any of the names on the card or the addresses don't match the // candidate set is invalid. This matches the rules for name matching applied // server-side by Google Payments and ensures that we don't send upload // requests that are guaranteed to fail. const base::string16 card_name = card.GetInfo(AutofillType(CREDIT_CARD_NAME_FULL), app_locale_); base::string16 verified_name; if (candidate_profiles.empty()) { verified_name = card_name; } else { bool found_conflicting_names = false; if (comparator) { upload_request->active_experiments.push_back( kAutofillUpstreamUseAutofillProfileComparator.name); verified_name = comparator->NormalizeForComparison(card_name); for (const AutofillProfile& profile : candidate_profiles) { const base::string16 address_name = comparator->NormalizeForComparison( profile.GetInfo(NAME_FULL, app_locale_)); if (address_name.empty()) continue; if (verified_name.empty() || comparator->IsNameVariantOf(address_name, verified_name)) { verified_name = address_name; } else if (!comparator->IsNameVariantOf(verified_name, address_name)) { found_conflicting_names = true; break; } } } else { verified_name = RemoveMiddleInitial(card_name); for (const AutofillProfile& profile : candidate_profiles) { const base::string16 address_name = RemoveMiddleInitial(profile.GetInfo(NAME_FULL, app_locale_)); if (address_name.empty()) continue; if (verified_name.empty()) { verified_name = address_name; } else if (!base::EqualsCaseInsensitiveASCII(verified_name, address_name)) { found_conflicting_names = true; break; } } } if (found_conflicting_names) { upload_decision_metrics |= AutofillMetrics::UPLOAD_NOT_OFFERED_CONFLICTING_NAMES; } } // If neither the card nor any of the addresses have a name associated with // them, the candidate set is invalid. if (verified_name.empty()) { upload_decision_metrics |= AutofillMetrics::UPLOAD_NOT_OFFERED_NO_NAME; } // If any of the candidate addresses have a non-empty zip that doesn't match // any other non-empty zip, then the candidate set is invalid. base::string16 verified_zip; base::string16 normalized_verified_zip; const AutofillType kZipCode(ADDRESS_HOME_ZIP); for (const AutofillProfile& profile : candidate_profiles) { const base::string16 zip = comparator ? profile.GetInfo(kZipCode, app_locale_) : profile.GetRawInfo(ADDRESS_HOME_ZIP); const base::string16 normalized_zip = comparator ? comparator->NormalizeForComparison( zip, AutofillProfileComparator::DISCARD_WHITESPACE) : base::string16(); if (!zip.empty()) { if (verified_zip.empty()) { verified_zip = zip; normalized_verified_zip = normalized_zip; } else if (comparator) { if (normalized_zip.find(normalized_verified_zip) == base::string16::npos && normalized_verified_zip.find(normalized_zip) == base::string16::npos) { upload_decision_metrics |= AutofillMetrics::UPLOAD_NOT_OFFERED_CONFLICTING_ZIPS; break; } } else { // To compare two zips, we check to see if either is a prefix of the // other. This allows us to consider a 5-digit zip and a zip+4 to be a // match if the first 5 digits are the same without hardcoding any // specifics of how postal codes are represented. (They can be numeric // or alphanumeric and vary from 3 to 10 digits long by country. See // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postal_code#Presentation.) The Payments // backend will apply a more sophisticated address-matching procedure. // This check is simply meant to avoid offering upload in cases that are // likely to fail. if (!(StartsWith(verified_zip, zip, base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE) || StartsWith(zip, verified_zip, base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE))) { upload_decision_metrics |= AutofillMetrics::UPLOAD_NOT_OFFERED_CONFLICTING_ZIPS; break; } } } } // If none of the candidate addresses have a zip, the candidate set is // invalid. if (verified_zip.empty() && !candidate_profiles.empty()) upload_decision_metrics |= AutofillMetrics::UPLOAD_NOT_OFFERED_NO_ZIP_CODE; if (!upload_decision_metrics) { upload_request->profiles.assign(candidate_profiles.begin(), candidate_profiles.end()); if (!has_modified_profile) for (const AutofillProfile& profile : candidate_profiles) UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_1000( "Autofill.DaysSincePreviousUseAtSubmission.Profile", (profile.use_date() - profile.previous_use_date()).InDays()); } return upload_decision_metrics; } // Note that |submitted_form| is passed as a pointer rather than as a reference // so that we can get memory management right across threads. Note also that we // explicitly pass in all the time stamps of interest, as the cached ones might // get reset before this method executes. void AutofillManager::UploadFormDataAsyncCallback( const FormStructure* submitted_form, const TimeTicks& load_time, const TimeTicks& interaction_time, const TimeTicks& submission_time, bool observed_submission) { submitted_form->LogQualityMetrics(load_time, interaction_time, submission_time, form_interactions_ukm_logger_.get(), did_show_suggestions_, observed_submission); if (submitted_form->ShouldBeCrowdsourced()) UploadFormData(*submitted_form, observed_submission); } void AutofillManager::UploadFormData(const FormStructure& submitted_form, bool observed_submission) { if (!download_manager_) return; // Check if the form is among the forms that were recently auto-filled. bool was_autofilled = false; std::string form_signature = submitted_form.FormSignatureAsStr(); for (const std::string& cur_sig : autofilled_form_signatures_) { if (cur_sig == form_signature) { was_autofilled = true; break; } } ServerFieldTypeSet non_empty_types; personal_data_->GetNonEmptyTypes(&non_empty_types); if (submitted_form.is_signin_upload()) non_empty_types.insert(PASSWORD); download_manager_->StartUploadRequest( submitted_form, was_autofilled, non_empty_types, std::string() /* login_form_signature */, observed_submission); } void AutofillManager::Reset() { // Note that upload_request_ is not reset here because the prompt to // save a card is shown after page navigation. ProcessPendingFormForUpload(); DCHECK(!pending_form_data_); form_structures_.clear(); form_interactions_ukm_logger_.reset( new AutofillMetrics::FormInteractionsUkmLogger( client_->GetUkmRecorder())); address_form_event_logger_.reset(new AutofillMetrics::FormEventLogger( false /* is_for_credit_card */, form_interactions_ukm_logger_.get())); credit_card_form_event_logger_.reset(new AutofillMetrics::FormEventLogger( true /* is_for_credit_card */, form_interactions_ukm_logger_.get())); #if defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_IOS) autofill_assistant_.Reset(); #endif has_logged_autofill_enabled_ = false; has_logged_address_suggestions_count_ = false; did_show_suggestions_ = false; user_did_type_ = false; user_did_autofill_ = false; user_did_edit_autofilled_field_ = false; enable_ablation_logging_ = false; masked_card_ = CreditCard(); unmasking_query_id_ = -1; unmasking_form_ = FormData(); unmasking_field_ = FormFieldData(); forms_loaded_timestamps_.clear(); initial_interaction_timestamp_ = TimeTicks(); external_delegate_->Reset(); } AutofillManager::AutofillManager(AutofillDriver* driver, AutofillClient* client, PersonalDataManager* personal_data) : AutofillHandler(driver), client_(client), payments_client_(base::MakeUnique( driver->GetURLRequestContext(), this)), app_locale_("en-US"), personal_data_(personal_data), autocomplete_history_manager_( base::MakeUnique(driver, client)), form_interactions_ukm_logger_( base::MakeUnique( client->GetUkmRecorder())), address_form_event_logger_( base::MakeUnique( false /* is_for_credit_card */, form_interactions_ukm_logger_.get())), credit_card_form_event_logger_( base::MakeUnique( true /* is_for_credit_card */, form_interactions_ukm_logger_.get())), has_logged_autofill_enabled_(false), has_logged_address_suggestions_count_(false), did_show_suggestions_(false), user_did_type_(false), user_did_autofill_(false), user_did_edit_autofilled_field_(false), unmasking_query_id_(-1), external_delegate_(NULL), test_delegate_(NULL), #if defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_IOS) autofill_assistant_(this), #endif weak_ptr_factory_(this) { DCHECK(driver); DCHECK(client_); CountryNames::SetLocaleString(app_locale_); } bool AutofillManager::RefreshDataModels() { if (!IsAutofillEnabled()) return false; // No autofill data to return if the profiles are empty. const std::vector& profiles = personal_data_->GetProfiles(); const std::vector& credit_cards = personal_data_->GetCreditCards(); // Updating the FormEventLoggers for addresses and credit cards. { size_t server_record_type_count = 0; size_t local_record_type_count = 0; for (CreditCard* credit_card : credit_cards) { if (credit_card->record_type() == CreditCard::LOCAL_CARD) local_record_type_count++; else server_record_type_count++; } credit_card_form_event_logger_->set_server_record_type_count( server_record_type_count); credit_card_form_event_logger_->set_local_record_type_count( local_record_type_count); credit_card_form_event_logger_->set_is_context_secure( client_->IsContextSecure()); } { size_t server_record_type_count = 0; size_t local_record_type_count = 0; for (AutofillProfile* profile : profiles) { if (profile->record_type() == AutofillProfile::LOCAL_PROFILE) local_record_type_count++; else if (profile->record_type() == AutofillProfile::SERVER_PROFILE) server_record_type_count++; } address_form_event_logger_->set_server_record_type_count( server_record_type_count); address_form_event_logger_->set_local_record_type_count( local_record_type_count); } if (profiles.empty() && credit_cards.empty()) return false; return true; } bool AutofillManager::GetProfile(int unique_id, const AutofillProfile** profile) { // Unpack the |unique_id| into component parts. std::string credit_card_id; std::string profile_id; SplitFrontendID(unique_id, &credit_card_id, &profile_id); *profile = NULL; if (base::IsValidGUID(profile_id)) *profile = personal_data_->GetProfileByGUID(profile_id); return !!*profile; } bool AutofillManager::GetCreditCard(int unique_id, const CreditCard** credit_card) { // Unpack the |unique_id| into component parts. std::string credit_card_id; std::string profile_id; SplitFrontendID(unique_id, &credit_card_id, &profile_id); *credit_card = NULL; if (base::IsValidGUID(credit_card_id)) *credit_card = personal_data_->GetCreditCardByGUID(credit_card_id); return !!*credit_card; } void AutofillManager::FillOrPreviewDataModelForm( AutofillDriver::RendererFormDataAction action, int query_id, const FormData& form, const FormFieldData& field, const AutofillDataModel& data_model, bool is_credit_card, const base::string16& cvc) { FormStructure* form_structure = NULL; AutofillField* autofill_field = NULL; if (!GetCachedFormAndField(form, field, &form_structure, &autofill_field)) return; FillOrPreviewDataModelForm(action, query_id, form, field, data_model, is_credit_card, cvc, form_structure, autofill_field); } void AutofillManager::FillOrPreviewDataModelForm( AutofillDriver::RendererFormDataAction action, int query_id, const FormData& form, const FormFieldData& field, const AutofillDataModel& data_model, bool is_credit_card, const base::string16& cvc, FormStructure* form_structure, AutofillField* autofill_field) { DCHECK(form_structure); DCHECK(autofill_field); FormData result = form; base::string16 profile_full_name; std::string profile_language_code; if (!is_credit_card) { profile_full_name = data_model.GetInfo(AutofillType(NAME_FULL), app_locale_); profile_language_code = static_cast(&data_model)->language_code(); } // If the relevant section is auto-filled, we should fill |field| but not the // rest of the form. if (SectionIsAutofilled(*form_structure, form, autofill_field->section())) { for (FormFieldData& iter : result.fields) { if (iter.SameFieldAs(field)) { base::string16 value = data_model.GetInfo(autofill_field->Type(), app_locale_); if (AutofillField::FillFormField(*autofill_field, value, profile_language_code, app_locale_, &iter)) { // Mark the cached field as autofilled, so that we can detect when a // user edits an autofilled field (for metrics). autofill_field->is_autofilled = true; // Mark the field as autofilled when a non-empty value is assigned to // it. This allows the renderer to distinguish autofilled fields from // fields with non-empty values, such as select-one fields. iter.is_autofilled = true; if (!is_credit_card && !value.empty()) client_->DidFillOrPreviewField(value, profile_full_name); } break; } } // Note that this may invalidate |data_model|, particularly if it is a Mac // address book entry. if (action == AutofillDriver::FORM_DATA_ACTION_FILL) personal_data_->RecordUseOf(data_model); driver()->SendFormDataToRenderer(query_id, action, result); return; } DCHECK_EQ(form_structure->field_count(), form.fields.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < form_structure->field_count(); ++i) { if (form_structure->field(i)->section() != autofill_field->section()) continue; DCHECK(form_structure->field(i)->SameFieldAs(result.fields[i])); const AutofillField* cached_field = form_structure->field(i); FieldTypeGroup field_group_type = cached_field->Type().group(); if (field_group_type == NO_GROUP) continue; base::string16 value = data_model.GetInfo(cached_field->Type(), app_locale_); if (is_credit_card && cached_field->Type().GetStorableType() == CREDIT_CARD_VERIFICATION_CODE) { value = cvc; } else if (is_credit_card && IsCreditCardExpirationType( cached_field->Type().GetStorableType()) && static_cast(&data_model) ->IsExpired(AutofillClock::Now())) { // Don't fill expired cards expiration date. value = base::string16(); } // Must match ForEachMatchingFormField() in form_autofill_util.cc. // Only notify autofilling of empty fields and the field that initiated // the filling (note that "select-one" controls may not be empty but will // still be autofilled). bool should_notify = !is_credit_card && !value.empty() && (result.fields[i].SameFieldAs(field) || result.fields[i].form_control_type == "select-one" || result.fields[i].value.empty()); if (AutofillField::FillFormField(*cached_field, value, profile_language_code, app_locale_, &result.fields[i])) { // Mark the cached field as autofilled, so that we can detect when a // user edits an autofilled field (for metrics). form_structure->field(i)->is_autofilled = true; // Mark the field as autofilled when a non-empty value is assigned to // it. This allows the renderer to distinguish autofilled fields from // fields with non-empty values, such as select-one fields. result.fields[i].is_autofilled = true; if (should_notify) client_->DidFillOrPreviewField(value, profile_full_name); } } autofilled_form_signatures_.push_front(form_structure->FormSignatureAsStr()); // Only remember the last few forms that we've seen, both to avoid false // positives and to avoid wasting memory. if (autofilled_form_signatures_.size() > kMaxRecentFormSignaturesToRemember) autofilled_form_signatures_.pop_back(); // Note that this may invalidate |data_model|, particularly if it is a Mac // address book entry. if (action == AutofillDriver::FORM_DATA_ACTION_FILL) personal_data_->RecordUseOf(data_model); driver()->SendFormDataToRenderer(query_id, action, result); } std::unique_ptr AutofillManager::ValidateSubmittedForm( const FormData& form) { std::unique_ptr submitted_form( base::MakeUnique(form)); if (!ShouldUploadForm(*submitted_form)) return std::unique_ptr(); // Ignore forms not present in our cache. These are typically forms with // wonky JavaScript that also makes them not auto-fillable. FormStructure* cached_submitted_form; if (!FindCachedForm(form, &cached_submitted_form)) return std::unique_ptr(); submitted_form->UpdateFromCache(*cached_submitted_form, false); return submitted_form; } bool AutofillManager::FindCachedForm(const FormData& form, FormStructure** form_structure) const { // Find the FormStructure that corresponds to |form|. // Scan backward through the cached |form_structures_|, as updated versions of // forms are added to the back of the list, whereas original versions of these // forms might appear toward the beginning of the list. The communication // protocol with the crowdsourcing server does not permit us to discard the // original versions of the forms. *form_structure = NULL; const auto& form_signature = autofill::CalculateFormSignature(form); for (auto& cur_form : base::Reversed(form_structures_)) { if (cur_form->form_signature() == form_signature || *cur_form == form) { *form_structure = cur_form.get(); // The same form might be cached with multiple field counts: in some // cases, non-autofillable fields are filtered out, whereas in other cases // they are not. To avoid thrashing the cache, keep scanning until we // find a cached version with the same number of fields, if there is one. if (cur_form->field_count() == form.fields.size()) break; } } if (!(*form_structure)) return false; return true; } bool AutofillManager::GetCachedFormAndField(const FormData& form, const FormFieldData& field, FormStructure** form_structure, AutofillField** autofill_field) { // Find the FormStructure that corresponds to |form|. // If we do not have this form in our cache but it is parseable, we'll add it // in the call to |UpdateCachedForm()|. if (!FindCachedForm(form, form_structure) && !FormStructure(form).ShouldBeParsed()) { return false; } // Update the cached form to reflect any dynamic changes to the form data, if // necessary. if (!UpdateCachedForm(form, *form_structure, form_structure)) return false; // No data to return if there are no auto-fillable fields. if (!(*form_structure)->autofill_count()) return false; // Find the AutofillField that corresponds to |field|. *autofill_field = NULL; for (const auto& current : **form_structure) { if (current->SameFieldAs(field)) { *autofill_field = current.get(); break; } } // Even though we always update the cache, the field might not exist if the // website disables autocomplete while the user is interacting with the form. // See http://crbug.com/160476 return *autofill_field != NULL; } AutofillField* AutofillManager::GetAutofillField(const FormData& form, const FormFieldData& field) { if (!personal_data_) return NULL; FormStructure* form_structure = NULL; AutofillField* autofill_field = NULL; if (!GetCachedFormAndField(form, field, &form_structure, &autofill_field)) return NULL; if (!form_structure->IsAutofillable()) return NULL; return autofill_field; } bool AutofillManager::UpdateCachedForm(const FormData& live_form, const FormStructure* cached_form, FormStructure** updated_form) { bool needs_update = (!cached_form || live_form.fields.size() != cached_form->field_count()); for (size_t i = 0; !needs_update && i < cached_form->field_count(); ++i) needs_update = !cached_form->field(i)->SameFieldAs(live_form.fields[i]); if (!needs_update) return true; // Note: We _must not_ remove the original version of the cached form from // the list of |form_structures_|. Otherwise, we break parsing of the // crowdsourcing server's response to our query. if (!ParseForm(live_form, updated_form)) return false; if (cached_form) (*updated_form)->UpdateFromCache(*cached_form, true); // Annotate the updated form with its predicted types. driver()->SendAutofillTypePredictionsToRenderer({*updated_form}); return true; } std::vector AutofillManager::GetProfileSuggestions( const FormStructure& form, const FormFieldData& field, const AutofillField& autofill_field) const { address_form_event_logger_->OnDidPollSuggestions(field); std::vector field_types(form.field_count()); for (size_t i = 0; i < form.field_count(); ++i) { field_types.push_back(form.field(i)->Type().GetStorableType()); } std::vector suggestions = personal_data_->GetProfileSuggestions( autofill_field.Type(), field.value, field.is_autofilled, field_types); // Adjust phone number to display in prefix/suffix case. if (autofill_field.Type().GetStorableType() == PHONE_HOME_NUMBER) { for (size_t i = 0; i < suggestions.size(); ++i) { suggestions[i].value = AutofillField::GetPhoneNumberValue( autofill_field, suggestions[i].value, field); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < suggestions.size(); ++i) { suggestions[i].frontend_id = MakeFrontendID(std::string(), suggestions[i].backend_id); } return suggestions; } std::vector AutofillManager::GetCreditCardSuggestions( const FormFieldData& field, const AutofillType& type) const { credit_card_form_event_logger_->OnDidPollSuggestions(field); // The field value is sanitized before attempting to match it to the user's // data. std::vector suggestions = personal_data_->GetCreditCardSuggestions( type, SanitizeCreditCardFieldValue(field.value)); const std::vector cards_to_suggest = personal_data_->GetCreditCardsToSuggest(); for (const CreditCard* credit_card : cards_to_suggest) { if (!credit_card->bank_name().empty()) { credit_card_form_event_logger_->SetBankNameAvailable(); break; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < suggestions.size(); i++) { suggestions[i].frontend_id = MakeFrontendID(suggestions[i].backend_id, std::string()); suggestions[i].is_value_bold = IsCreditCardPopupValueBold(); } return suggestions; } void AutofillManager::ParseForms(const std::vector& forms) { if (forms.empty()) return; // Setup the url for metrics that we will collect for this form. form_interactions_ukm_logger_->OnFormsParsed(forms[0].origin); std::vector non_queryable_forms; std::vector queryable_forms; std::set form_types; for (const FormData& form : forms) { const auto parse_form_start_time = TimeTicks::Now(); FormStructure* form_structure = nullptr; if (!ParseForm(form, &form_structure)) continue; DCHECK(form_structure); std::set current_form_types = form_structure->GetFormTypes(); form_types.insert(current_form_types.begin(), current_form_types.end()); // Set aside forms with method GET or author-specified types, so that they // are not included in the query to the server. if (form_structure->ShouldBeCrowdsourced()) queryable_forms.push_back(form_structure); else non_queryable_forms.push_back(form_structure); AutofillMetrics::LogParseFormTiming(TimeTicks::Now() - parse_form_start_time); } if (!queryable_forms.empty() || !non_queryable_forms.empty()) { AutofillMetrics::LogUserHappinessMetric(AutofillMetrics::FORMS_LOADED, form_types); #if defined(OS_IOS) // Log this from same location as AutofillMetrics::FORMS_LOADED to ensure // that KeyboardAccessoryButtonsIOS and UserHappiness UMA metrics will be // directly comparable. KeyboardAccessoryMetricsLogger::OnFormsLoaded(); #endif } #if defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_IOS) // When a credit card form is parsed and conditions are met, show an infobar // prompt for credit card assisted filling. Upon accepting the infobar, the // form will automatically be filled with the user's information through this // class' FillCreditCardForm(). if (autofill_assistant_.CanShowCreditCardAssist(form_structures_)) { const std::vector cards = personal_data_->GetCreditCardsToSuggest(); // Expired cards are last in the sorted order, so if the first one is // expired, they all are. if (!cards.empty() && !cards.front()->IsExpired(AutofillClock::Now())) autofill_assistant_.ShowAssistForCreditCard(*cards.front()); } #endif // Send the current type predictions to the renderer. For non-queryable forms // this is all the information about them that will ever be available. The // queryable forms will be updated once the field type query is complete. driver()->SendAutofillTypePredictionsToRenderer(non_queryable_forms); driver()->SendAutofillTypePredictionsToRenderer(queryable_forms); if (!queryable_forms.empty() && download_manager_) { // Query the server if at least one of the forms was parsed. download_manager_->StartQueryRequest(queryable_forms); } } bool AutofillManager::ParseForm(const FormData& form, FormStructure** parsed_form_structure) { DCHECK(parsed_form_structure); if (form_structures_.size() >= kMaxFormCacheSize) return false; auto form_structure = base::MakeUnique(form); form_structure->ParseFieldTypesFromAutocompleteAttributes(); if (!form_structure->ShouldBeParsed()) return false; // Ownership is transferred to |form_structures_| which maintains it until // the manager is Reset() or destroyed. It is safe to use references below // as long as receivers don't take ownership. form_structure->set_form_parsed_timestamp(TimeTicks::Now()); form_structures_.push_back(std::move(form_structure)); *parsed_form_structure = form_structures_.back().get(); (*parsed_form_structure)->DetermineHeuristicTypes(client_->GetUkmRecorder()); return true; } int AutofillManager::BackendIDToInt(const std::string& backend_id) const { if (!base::IsValidGUID(backend_id)) return 0; const auto found = backend_to_int_map_.find(backend_id); if (found == backend_to_int_map_.end()) { // Unknown one, make a new entry. int int_id = backend_to_int_map_.size() + 1; backend_to_int_map_[backend_id] = int_id; int_to_backend_map_[int_id] = backend_id; return int_id; } return found->second; } std::string AutofillManager::IntToBackendID(int int_id) const { if (int_id == 0) return std::string(); const auto found = int_to_backend_map_.find(int_id); if (found == int_to_backend_map_.end()) { NOTREACHED(); return std::string(); } return found->second; } // When sending IDs (across processes) to the renderer we pack credit card and // profile IDs into a single integer. Credit card IDs are sent in the high // word and profile IDs are sent in the low word. int AutofillManager::MakeFrontendID( const std::string& cc_backend_id, const std::string& profile_backend_id) const { int cc_int_id = BackendIDToInt(cc_backend_id); int profile_int_id = BackendIDToInt(profile_backend_id); // Should fit in signed 16-bit integers. We use 16-bits each when combining // below, and negative frontend IDs have special meaning so we can never use // the high bit. DCHECK(cc_int_id <= std::numeric_limits::max()); DCHECK(profile_int_id <= std::numeric_limits::max()); // Put CC in the high half of the bits. return (cc_int_id << std::numeric_limits::digits) | profile_int_id; } // When receiving IDs (across processes) from the renderer we unpack credit card // and profile IDs from a single integer. Credit card IDs are stored in the // high word and profile IDs are stored in the low word. void AutofillManager::SplitFrontendID(int frontend_id, std::string* cc_backend_id, std::string* profile_backend_id) const { int cc_int_id = (frontend_id >> std::numeric_limits::digits) & std::numeric_limits::max(); int profile_int_id = frontend_id & std::numeric_limits::max(); *cc_backend_id = IntToBackendID(cc_int_id); *profile_backend_id = IntToBackendID(profile_int_id); } void AutofillManager::UpdateInitialInteractionTimestamp( const TimeTicks& interaction_timestamp) { if (initial_interaction_timestamp_.is_null() || interaction_timestamp < initial_interaction_timestamp_) { initial_interaction_timestamp_ = interaction_timestamp; } } // static void AutofillManager::DeterminePossibleFieldTypesForUpload( const std::vector& profiles, const std::vector& credit_cards, const std::string& app_locale, FormStructure* submitted_form) { // For each field in the |submitted_form|, extract the value. Then for each // profile or credit card, identify any stored types that match the value. for (size_t i = 0; i < submitted_form->field_count(); ++i) { AutofillField* field = submitted_form->field(i); if (!field->possible_types().empty() && field->IsEmpty()) { // This is a password field in a sign-in form. Skip checking its type // since |field->value| is not set. DCHECK_EQ(1u, field->possible_types().size()); DCHECK_EQ(PASSWORD, *field->possible_types().begin()); continue; } ServerFieldTypeSet matching_types; base::string16 value; base::TrimWhitespace(field->value, base::TRIM_ALL, &value); for (const AutofillProfile& profile : profiles) profile.GetMatchingTypes(value, app_locale, &matching_types); for (const CreditCard& card : credit_cards) card.GetMatchingTypes(value, app_locale, &matching_types); if (matching_types.empty()) matching_types.insert(UNKNOWN_TYPE); field->set_possible_types(matching_types); } AutofillManager::DisambiguateUploadTypes(submitted_form); } // static void AutofillManager::DisambiguateUploadTypes(FormStructure* form) { for (size_t i = 0; i < form->field_count(); ++i) { AutofillField* field = form->field(i); const ServerFieldTypeSet& upload_types = field->possible_types(); if (upload_types.size() == 2) { if (upload_types.count(ADDRESS_HOME_LINE1) && upload_types.count(ADDRESS_HOME_STREET_ADDRESS)) { AutofillManager::DisambiguateAddressUploadTypes(form, i); } else if (upload_types.count(PHONE_HOME_CITY_AND_NUMBER) && upload_types.count(PHONE_HOME_WHOLE_NUMBER)) { AutofillManager::DisambiguatePhoneUploadTypes(form, i); } else if ((upload_types.count(NAME_FULL) && upload_types.count(CREDIT_CARD_NAME_FULL)) || (upload_types.count(NAME_FIRST) && upload_types.count(CREDIT_CARD_NAME_FIRST)) || (upload_types.count(NAME_LAST) && upload_types.count(CREDIT_CARD_NAME_LAST))) { AutofillManager::DisambiguateNameUploadTypes(form, i, upload_types); } } } } // static void AutofillManager::DisambiguateAddressUploadTypes(FormStructure* form, size_t current_index) { // This case happens when the profile has only one address line. // Therefore the address line one and the street address (the whole // address) have the same value and match. // If the field is followed by a field that is predicted to be an // address line two and is empty, we can safely assume that this field // is an address line one field. Otherwise it's a whole address field. ServerFieldTypeSet matching_types; size_t next_index = current_index + 1; if (next_index < form->field_count() && form->field(next_index)->Type().GetStorableType() == ADDRESS_HOME_LINE2 && form->field(next_index)->possible_types().count(EMPTY_TYPE)) { matching_types.insert(ADDRESS_HOME_LINE1); } else { matching_types.insert(ADDRESS_HOME_STREET_ADDRESS); } AutofillField* field = form->field(current_index); field->set_possible_types(matching_types); } // static void AutofillManager::DisambiguatePhoneUploadTypes(FormStructure* form, size_t current_index) { // This case happens for profiles that have no country code saved. // Therefore, both the whole number and the city code and number have // the same value and match. // Since the form was submitted, it is safe to assume that the form // didn't require a country code. Thus, only PHONE_HOME_CITY_AND_NUMBER // needs to be uploaded. ServerFieldTypeSet matching_types; matching_types.insert(PHONE_HOME_CITY_AND_NUMBER); AutofillField* field = form->field(current_index); field->set_possible_types(matching_types); } // static void AutofillManager::DisambiguateNameUploadTypes( FormStructure* form, size_t current_index, const ServerFieldTypeSet& upload_types) { // This case happens when both a profile and a credit card have the same // name. // If the ambiguous field has either a previous or next field that is // not name related, use that information to determine whether the field // is a name or a credit card name. // If the ambiguous field has both a previous or next field that is not // name related, if they are both from the same group, use that group to // decide this field's type. Otherwise, there is no safe way to // disambiguate. // Look for a previous non name related field. bool has_found_previous_type = false; bool is_previous_credit_card = false; size_t index = current_index; while (index != 0 && !has_found_previous_type) { --index; AutofillField* prev_field = form->field(index); if (!IsNameType(*prev_field)) { has_found_previous_type = true; is_previous_credit_card = prev_field->Type().group() == CREDIT_CARD; } } // Look for a next non name related field. bool has_found_next_type = false; bool is_next_credit_card = false; index = current_index; while (++index < form->field_count() && !has_found_next_type) { AutofillField* next_field = form->field(index); if (!IsNameType(*next_field)) { has_found_next_type = true; is_next_credit_card = next_field->Type().group() == CREDIT_CARD; } } // At least a previous or next field type must have been found in order to // disambiguate this field. if (has_found_previous_type || has_found_next_type) { // If both a previous type and a next type are found and not from the same // name group there is no sure way to disambiguate. if (has_found_previous_type && has_found_next_type && (is_previous_credit_card != is_next_credit_card)) { return; } // Otherwise, use the previous (if it was found) or next field group to // decide whether the field is a name or a credit card name. ServerFieldTypeSet matching_types; if (has_found_previous_type) { SelectRightNameType(upload_types, &matching_types, is_previous_credit_card); } else { SelectRightNameType(upload_types, &matching_types, is_next_credit_card); } AutofillField* field = form->field(current_index); field->set_possible_types(matching_types); } } #ifdef ENABLE_FORM_DEBUG_DUMP void AutofillManager::DumpAutofillData(bool imported_cc) const { base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_id; // This code dumps the last few forms seen on the current tab to a file on // the desktop. This is only enabled when a specific command line flag is // passed for manual analysis of the address context information available // when offering to save credit cards in a checkout session. This is to // help developers experimenting with better card saving features. base::FilePath path; if (!PathService::Get(base::DIR_USER_DESKTOP, &path)) return; path = path.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("autofill_debug_dump.txt")); FILE* file = base::OpenFile(path, "a"); if (!file) return; fputs("------------------------------------------------------\n", file); if (imported_cc) fputs("Got a new credit card on CC form:\n", file); else fputs("Submitted form:\n", file); for (int i = static_cast(recently_autofilled_forms_.size()) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (const auto& pair : recently_autofilled_forms_[i]) { fputs(" ", file); fputs(pair.first.c_str(), file); fputs(" = ", file); fputs(base::UTF16ToUTF8(pair.second).c_str(), file); fputs("\n", file); } if (i > 0) fputs("Next oldest form:\n", file); } fputs("\n", file); fclose(file); } #endif // ENABLE_FORM_DEBUG_DUMP void AutofillManager::LogCardUploadDecisions(int upload_decision_metrics) { AutofillMetrics::LogCardUploadDecisionMetrics(upload_decision_metrics); AutofillMetrics::LogCardUploadDecisionsUkm(client_->GetUkmRecorder(), pending_upload_request_url_, upload_decision_metrics); } } // namespace autofill