# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("//chromecast/chromecast.gni") # These targets shall only be referenced on Android builds. assert(is_android) # This source_set should only contain headers for internal code. These must be # built separately from public stub implementations of this code to keep the # dependency tree clean. source_set("platform_jni_loader") { sources = [ "platform_jni_loader.h", ] } # GYP target: chromecast.gyp:libcast_shell_android shared_library("libcast_shell_android") { sources = [ "//chromecast/app/android/cast_jni_loader.cc", "cast_jni_registrar.cc", "cast_jni_registrar.h", "cast_metrics_helper_android.cc", "cast_metrics_helper_android.h", ] deps = [ ":platform_jni_loader", "//base", "//chromecast:cast_shell_common", "//chromecast/app", "//chromecast/app:cast_crash_client", "//chromecast/base", "//chromecast/base:cast_sys_info", "//chromecast/base:jni_headers", "//chromecast/base/metrics", "//chromecast/browser", "//chromecast/browser:jni_headers", "//components/external_video_surface", "//content/public/app:both", "//content/public/browser", "//skia", ] if (chromecast_branding != "public") { deps += [ "//chromecast/internal:cast_shell_android_internal" ] } else { sources += [ "platform_jni_loader_stub.cc" ] } }