// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/run_loop.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/cancelable_callback.h" #include "base/check.h" #include "base/no_destructor.h" #include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h" #include "base/threading/thread_local.h" #include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h" #include "base/trace_event/base_tracing.h" #include "build/build_config.h" namespace base { namespace { ThreadLocalPointer& GetTlsDelegate() { static NoDestructor> instance; return *instance; } // Runs |closure| immediately if this is called on |task_runner|, otherwise // forwards |closure| to it. void ProxyToTaskRunner(scoped_refptr task_runner, OnceClosure closure) { if (task_runner->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()) { std::move(closure).Run(); return; } task_runner->PostTask(FROM_HERE, std::move(closure)); } ThreadLocalPointer& RunLoopTimeoutTLS() { static NoDestructor> tls; return *tls; } void OnRunLoopTimeout(RunLoop* run_loop, const Location& location, OnceCallback on_timeout) { run_loop->Quit(); std::move(on_timeout).Run(location); } } // namespace RunLoop::Delegate::Delegate() { // The Delegate can be created on another thread. It is only bound in // RegisterDelegateForCurrentThread(). DETACH_FROM_THREAD(bound_thread_checker_); } RunLoop::Delegate::~Delegate() { DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_THREAD(bound_thread_checker_); DCHECK(active_run_loops_.empty()); // A RunLoop::Delegate may be destroyed before it is bound, if so it may still // be on its creation thread (e.g. a Thread that fails to start) and // shouldn't disrupt that thread's state. if (bound_) { DCHECK_EQ(this, GetTlsDelegate().Get()); GetTlsDelegate().Set(nullptr); } } bool RunLoop::Delegate::ShouldQuitWhenIdle() { const auto* top_loop = active_run_loops_.top(); if (top_loop->quit_when_idle_) { TRACE_EVENT_WITH_FLOW0("toplevel.flow", "RunLoop_ExitedOnIdle", TRACE_ID_LOCAL(top_loop), TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_FLOW_IN); return true; } return false; } // static void RunLoop::RegisterDelegateForCurrentThread(Delegate* delegate) { // Bind |delegate| to this thread. DCHECK(!delegate->bound_); DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_THREAD(delegate->bound_thread_checker_); // There can only be one RunLoop::Delegate per thread. DCHECK(!GetTlsDelegate().Get()) << "Error: Multiple RunLoop::Delegates registered on the same thread.\n\n" "Hint: You perhaps instantiated a second " "MessageLoop/TaskEnvironment on a thread that already had one?"; GetTlsDelegate().Set(delegate); delegate->bound_ = true; } RunLoop::RunLoop(Type type) : delegate_(GetTlsDelegate().Get()), type_(type), origin_task_runner_(ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()) { DCHECK(delegate_) << "A RunLoop::Delegate must be bound to this thread prior " "to using RunLoop."; DCHECK(origin_task_runner_); } RunLoop::~RunLoop() { // ~RunLoop() must happen-after the RunLoop is done running but it doesn't // have to be on |sequence_checker_| (it usually is but sometimes it can be a // member of a RefCountedThreadSafe object and be destroyed on another thread // after being quit). DCHECK(!running_); } void RunLoop::Run(const Location& location) { DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_); if (!BeforeRun()) return; // If there is a RunLoopTimeout active then set the timeout. // TODO(crbug.com/905412): Use real-time for Run() timeouts so that they // can be applied even in tests which mock TimeTicks::Now(). CancelableOnceClosure cancelable_timeout; const RunLoopTimeout* run_timeout = GetTimeoutForCurrentThread(); if (run_timeout) { cancelable_timeout.Reset(BindOnce(&OnRunLoopTimeout, Unretained(this), location, run_timeout->on_timeout)); origin_task_runner_->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, cancelable_timeout.callback(), run_timeout->timeout); } DCHECK_EQ(this, delegate_->active_run_loops_.top()); const bool application_tasks_allowed = delegate_->active_run_loops_.size() == 1U || type_ == Type::kNestableTasksAllowed; delegate_->Run(application_tasks_allowed, TimeDelta::Max()); AfterRun(); } void RunLoop::RunUntilIdle() { DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_); quit_when_idle_ = true; Run(); if (!AnyQuitCalled()) { quit_when_idle_ = false; #if DCHECK_IS_ON() run_allowed_ = true; #endif } } void RunLoop::Quit() { // Thread-safe. // This can only be hit if RunLoop::Quit() is called directly (QuitClosure() // proxies through ProxyToTaskRunner() as it can only deref its WeakPtr on // |origin_task_runner_|). if (!origin_task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()) { origin_task_runner_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, BindOnce(&RunLoop::Quit, Unretained(this))); return; } // While Quit() is an "OUT" call to reach one of the quit-states ("IN"), // OUT|IN is used to visually link multiple Quit*() together which can help // when debugging flaky tests. TRACE_EVENT_WITH_FLOW0("toplevel.flow", "RunLoop::Quit", TRACE_ID_LOCAL(this), TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_FLOW_OUT | TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_FLOW_IN); quit_called_ = true; if (running_ && delegate_->active_run_loops_.top() == this) { // This is the inner-most RunLoop, so quit now. delegate_->Quit(); } } void RunLoop::QuitWhenIdle() { // Thread-safe. // This can only be hit if RunLoop::QuitWhenIdle() is called directly // (QuitWhenIdleClosure() proxies through ProxyToTaskRunner() as it can only // deref its WeakPtr on |origin_task_runner_|). if (!origin_task_runner_->RunsTasksInCurrentSequence()) { origin_task_runner_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, BindOnce(&RunLoop::QuitWhenIdle, Unretained(this))); return; } // OUT|IN as in Quit() to link all Quit*() together should there be multiple. TRACE_EVENT_WITH_FLOW0("toplevel.flow", "RunLoop::QuitWhenIdle", TRACE_ID_LOCAL(this), TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_FLOW_OUT | TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_FLOW_IN); quit_when_idle_ = true; quit_when_idle_called_ = true; } RepeatingClosure RunLoop::QuitClosure() { // Obtaining the QuitClosure() is not thread-safe; either obtain the // QuitClosure() from the owning thread before Run() or invoke Quit() directly // (which is thread-safe). DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_); allow_quit_current_deprecated_ = false; return BindRepeating( &ProxyToTaskRunner, origin_task_runner_, BindRepeating(&RunLoop::Quit, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); } RepeatingClosure RunLoop::QuitWhenIdleClosure() { // Obtaining the QuitWhenIdleClosure() is not thread-safe; either obtain the // QuitWhenIdleClosure() from the owning thread before Run() or invoke // QuitWhenIdle() directly (which is thread-safe). DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_); allow_quit_current_deprecated_ = false; return BindRepeating( &ProxyToTaskRunner, origin_task_runner_, BindRepeating(&RunLoop::QuitWhenIdle, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); } bool RunLoop::AnyQuitCalled() { return quit_called_ || quit_when_idle_called_; } // static bool RunLoop::IsRunningOnCurrentThread() { Delegate* delegate = GetTlsDelegate().Get(); return delegate && !delegate->active_run_loops_.empty(); } // static bool RunLoop::IsNestedOnCurrentThread() { Delegate* delegate = GetTlsDelegate().Get(); return delegate && delegate->active_run_loops_.size() > 1; } // static void RunLoop::AddNestingObserverOnCurrentThread(NestingObserver* observer) { Delegate* delegate = GetTlsDelegate().Get(); DCHECK(delegate); delegate->nesting_observers_.AddObserver(observer); } // static void RunLoop::RemoveNestingObserverOnCurrentThread(NestingObserver* observer) { Delegate* delegate = GetTlsDelegate().Get(); DCHECK(delegate); delegate->nesting_observers_.RemoveObserver(observer); } // static void RunLoop::QuitCurrentDeprecated() { DCHECK(IsRunningOnCurrentThread()); Delegate* delegate = GetTlsDelegate().Get(); DCHECK(delegate->active_run_loops_.top()->allow_quit_current_deprecated_) << "Please migrate off QuitCurrentDeprecated(), e.g. to QuitClosure()."; delegate->active_run_loops_.top()->Quit(); } // static void RunLoop::QuitCurrentWhenIdleDeprecated() { DCHECK(IsRunningOnCurrentThread()); Delegate* delegate = GetTlsDelegate().Get(); DCHECK(delegate->active_run_loops_.top()->allow_quit_current_deprecated_) << "Please migrate off QuitCurrentWhenIdleDeprecated(), e.g. to " "QuitWhenIdleClosure()."; delegate->active_run_loops_.top()->QuitWhenIdle(); } // static RepeatingClosure RunLoop::QuitCurrentWhenIdleClosureDeprecated() { // TODO(844016): Fix callsites and enable this check, or remove the API. // Delegate* delegate = GetTlsDelegate().Get(); // DCHECK(delegate->active_run_loops_.top()->allow_quit_current_deprecated_) // << "Please migrate off QuitCurrentWhenIdleClosureDeprecated(), e.g to " // "QuitWhenIdleClosure()."; return BindRepeating(&RunLoop::QuitCurrentWhenIdleDeprecated); } #if DCHECK_IS_ON() RunLoop::ScopedDisallowRunning::ScopedDisallowRunning() : current_delegate_(GetTlsDelegate().Get()), previous_run_allowance_( current_delegate_ ? current_delegate_->allow_running_for_testing_ : false) { if (current_delegate_) current_delegate_->allow_running_for_testing_ = false; } RunLoop::ScopedDisallowRunning::~ScopedDisallowRunning() { DCHECK_EQ(current_delegate_, GetTlsDelegate().Get()); if (current_delegate_) current_delegate_->allow_running_for_testing_ = previous_run_allowance_; } #else // DCHECK_IS_ON() // Defined out of line so that the compiler doesn't inline these and realize // the scope has no effect and then throws an "unused variable" warning in // non-dcheck builds. RunLoop::ScopedDisallowRunning::ScopedDisallowRunning() = default; RunLoop::ScopedDisallowRunning::~ScopedDisallowRunning() = default; #endif // DCHECK_IS_ON() RunLoop::RunLoopTimeout::RunLoopTimeout() = default; RunLoop::RunLoopTimeout::~RunLoopTimeout() = default; // static void RunLoop::SetTimeoutForCurrentThread(const RunLoopTimeout* timeout) { RunLoopTimeoutTLS().Set(timeout); } // static const RunLoop::RunLoopTimeout* RunLoop::GetTimeoutForCurrentThread() { return RunLoopTimeoutTLS().Get(); } bool RunLoop::BeforeRun() { DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_); #if DCHECK_IS_ON() DCHECK(delegate_->allow_running_for_testing_) << "RunLoop::Run() isn't allowed in the scope of a " "ScopedDisallowRunning. Hint: if mixing " "TestMockTimeTaskRunners on same thread, use TestMockTimeTaskRunner's " "API instead of RunLoop to drive individual task runners."; DCHECK(run_allowed_); run_allowed_ = false; #endif // DCHECK_IS_ON() // Allow Quit to be called before Run. if (quit_called_) { TRACE_EVENT_WITH_FLOW0("toplevel.flow", "RunLoop_ExitedEarly", TRACE_ID_LOCAL(this), TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_FLOW_IN); return false; } auto& active_run_loops = delegate_->active_run_loops_; active_run_loops.push(this); const bool is_nested = active_run_loops.size() > 1; if (is_nested) { for (auto& observer : delegate_->nesting_observers_) observer.OnBeginNestedRunLoop(); if (type_ == Type::kNestableTasksAllowed) delegate_->EnsureWorkScheduled(); } running_ = true; return true; } void RunLoop::AfterRun() { DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_); running_ = false; TRACE_EVENT_WITH_FLOW0("toplevel.flow", "RunLoop_Exited", TRACE_ID_LOCAL(this), TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_FLOW_IN); auto& active_run_loops = delegate_->active_run_loops_; DCHECK_EQ(active_run_loops.top(), this); active_run_loops.pop(); // Exiting a nested RunLoop? if (!active_run_loops.empty()) { for (auto& observer : delegate_->nesting_observers_) observer.OnExitNestedRunLoop(); // Execute deferred Quit, if any: if (active_run_loops.top()->quit_called_) delegate_->Quit(); } } } // namespace base