// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/ios/ios_util.h" #import #import #include #include "base/mac/foundation_util.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/system/sys_info.h" namespace { // Key for the scene API manifest in the application Info.plist. NSString* const kApplicationSceneManifestKey = @"UIApplicationSceneManifest"; // Key for the boolean telling whether the multi-scene support is enabled for // the application in the scene API manifest. NSString* const kApplicationSupportsMultipleScenesKey = @"UIApplicationSupportsMultipleScenes"; // Return a 3 elements array containing the major, minor and bug fix version of // the OS. const int32_t* OSVersionAsArray() { int32_t* digits = new int32_t[3]; base::SysInfo::OperatingSystemVersionNumbers( &digits[0], &digits[1], &digits[2]); return digits; } // Return an autoreleased pointer to the dictionary configuring the scene API // from the application Info.plist. Can be null if the application or the OS // version does not use the scene API. NSDictionary* SceneAPIManifestFromInfoPlist() { // Scene API is only supported on iOS 13.0+. if (!base::ios::IsRunningOnIOS13OrLater()) return nil; NSBundle* main_bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle]; return base::mac::ObjCCastStrict( [main_bundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey:kApplicationSceneManifestKey]); } std::string* g_icudtl_path_override = nullptr; } // namespace namespace base { namespace ios { bool IsRunningOnIOS12OrLater() { static const bool is_running_on_or_later = IsRunningOnOrLater(12, 0, 0); return is_running_on_or_later; } bool IsRunningOnIOS13OrLater() { static const bool is_running_on_or_later = IsRunningOnOrLater(13, 0, 0); return is_running_on_or_later; } bool IsRunningOnIOS14OrLater() { static const bool is_running_on_or_later = IsRunningOnOrLater(14, 0, 0); return is_running_on_or_later; } bool IsRunningOnOrLater(int32_t major, int32_t minor, int32_t bug_fix) { static const int32_t* current_version = OSVersionAsArray(); int32_t version[] = {major, minor, bug_fix}; for (size_t i = 0; i < base::size(version); i++) { if (current_version[i] != version[i]) return current_version[i] > version[i]; } return true; } bool IsInForcedRTL() { NSUserDefaults* defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; return [defaults boolForKey:@"NSForceRightToLeftWritingDirection"]; } void OverridePathOfEmbeddedICU(const char* path) { DCHECK(!g_icudtl_path_override); g_icudtl_path_override = new std::string(path); } FilePath FilePathOfEmbeddedICU() { if (g_icudtl_path_override) { return FilePath(*g_icudtl_path_override); } return FilePath(); } bool IsMultiwindowSupported() { static bool cached_value = false; static dispatch_once_t once_token = 0; dispatch_once(&once_token, ^{ NSDictionary* scene_api_manifest = SceneAPIManifestFromInfoPlist(); NSNumber* value = base::mac::ObjCCastStrict([scene_api_manifest objectForKey:kApplicationSupportsMultipleScenesKey]); cached_value = [value boolValue]; }); return cached_value; } bool IsSceneStartupSupported() { static bool cached_value = false; static dispatch_once_t once_token = 0; dispatch_once(&once_token, ^{ NSDictionary* scene_api_manifest = SceneAPIManifestFromInfoPlist(); cached_value = scene_api_manifest != nil; }); return cached_value; } bool IsMultipleScenesSupported() { if (@available(iOS 13, *)) { return UIApplication.sharedApplication.supportsMultipleScenes; } return false; } } // namespace ios } // namespace base