// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include "puredocparser.h" #include "qdocdatabase.h" #include "tokenizer.h" #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE /*! Returns a list of the kinds of files that the pure doc parser is meant to parse. The elements of the list are file suffixes. */ QStringList PureDocParser::sourceFileNameFilter() { return QStringList() << "*.qdoc" << "*.qtx" << "*.qtt" << "*.js"; } /*! Parses the source file identified by \a filePath and adds its parsed contents to the database. The \a location is used for reporting errors. */ void PureDocParser::parseSourceFile(const Location &location, const QString &filePath) { QFile in(filePath); m_currentFile = filePath; if (!in.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { location.error( QStringLiteral("Can't open source file '%1' (%2)").arg(filePath, strerror(errno))); m_currentFile.clear(); return; } Location fileLocation(filePath); Tokenizer fileTokenizer(fileLocation, in); m_tokenizer = &fileTokenizer; m_token = m_tokenizer->getToken(); /* The set of open namespaces is cleared before parsing each source file. The word "source" here means cpp file. */ m_qdb->clearOpenNamespaces(); processQdocComments(); in.close(); m_currentFile.clear(); } /*! This is called by parseSourceFile() to do the actual parsing and tree building. It only processes qdoc comments. It skips everything else. */ bool PureDocParser::processQdocComments() { const QSet &commands = topicCommands() + metaCommands(); while (m_token != Tok_Eoi) { if (m_token == Tok_Doc) { QString comment = m_tokenizer->lexeme(); // returns an entire qdoc comment. Location start_loc(m_tokenizer->location()); m_token = m_tokenizer->getToken(); Doc::trimCStyleComment(start_loc, comment); Location end_loc(m_tokenizer->location()); // Doc constructor parses the comment. Doc doc(start_loc, end_loc, comment, commands, topicCommands()); const TopicList &topics = doc.topicsUsed(); if (topics.isEmpty()) { doc.location().warning(QStringLiteral("This qdoc comment contains no topic command " "(e.g., '\\%1', '\\%2').") .arg(COMMAND_MODULE, COMMAND_PAGE)); continue; } if (hasTooManyTopics(doc)) continue; DocList docs; NodeList nodes; QString topic = topics[0].m_topic; processTopicArgs(doc, topic, nodes, docs); processMetaCommands(nodes, docs); } else { m_token = m_tokenizer->getToken(); } } return true; } QT_END_NAMESPACE