// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include "cppcodeparser.h" #include "access.h" #include "classnode.h" #include "collectionnode.h" #include "config.h" #include "examplenode.h" #include "externalpagenode.h" #include "functionnode.h" #include "generator.h" #include "headernode.h" #include "namespacenode.h" #include "qdocdatabase.h" #include "qmltypenode.h" #include "qmlpropertynode.h" #include "sharedcommentnode.h" #include "utilities.h" #include #include #include using namespace Qt::Literals::StringLiterals; QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE /* qmake ignore Q_OBJECT */ QSet CppCodeParser::m_excludeDirs; QSet CppCodeParser::m_excludeFiles; static QSet topicCommands_; static QSet metaCommands_; /*! The constructor initializes some regular expressions and initializes the tokenizer variables. */ CppCodeParser::CppCodeParser() { if (topicCommands_.isEmpty()) { topicCommands_ << COMMAND_CLASS << COMMAND_DONTDOCUMENT << COMMAND_ENUM << COMMAND_EXAMPLE << COMMAND_EXTERNALPAGE << COMMAND_FN << COMMAND_GROUP << COMMAND_HEADERFILE << COMMAND_MACRO << COMMAND_MODULE << COMMAND_NAMESPACE << COMMAND_PAGE << COMMAND_PROPERTY << COMMAND_TYPEALIAS << COMMAND_TYPEDEF << COMMAND_VARIABLE << COMMAND_QMLTYPE << COMMAND_QMLPROPERTY << COMMAND_QMLPROPERTYGROUP // mws 13/03/2019 << COMMAND_QMLATTACHEDPROPERTY << COMMAND_QMLSIGNAL << COMMAND_QMLATTACHEDSIGNAL << COMMAND_QMLMETHOD << COMMAND_QMLATTACHEDMETHOD << COMMAND_QMLVALUETYPE << COMMAND_QMLBASICTYPE << COMMAND_QMLMODULE << COMMAND_STRUCT << COMMAND_UNION; } if (metaCommands_.isEmpty()) { metaCommands_ = commonMetaCommands(); metaCommands_ << COMMAND_INHEADERFILE << COMMAND_NEXTPAGE << COMMAND_OVERLOAD << COMMAND_PREVIOUSPAGE << COMMAND_QMLINSTANTIATES << COMMAND_REIMP << COMMAND_RELATES; } } /*! The constructor initializes a map of special node types for identifying important nodes. And it initializes some filters for identifying and excluding certain kinds of files. */ void CppCodeParser::initializeParser() { CodeParser::initializeParser(); /* All these can appear in a C++ namespace. Don't add anything that can't be in a C++ namespace. */ m_nodeTypeMap.insert(COMMAND_NAMESPACE, Node::Namespace); m_nodeTypeMap.insert(COMMAND_CLASS, Node::Class); m_nodeTypeMap.insert(COMMAND_STRUCT, Node::Struct); m_nodeTypeMap.insert(COMMAND_UNION, Node::Union); m_nodeTypeMap.insert(COMMAND_ENUM, Node::Enum); m_nodeTypeMap.insert(COMMAND_TYPEALIAS, Node::TypeAlias); m_nodeTypeMap.insert(COMMAND_TYPEDEF, Node::Typedef); m_nodeTypeMap.insert(COMMAND_PROPERTY, Node::Property); m_nodeTypeMap.insert(COMMAND_VARIABLE, Node::Variable); m_nodeTypeTestFuncMap.insert(COMMAND_NAMESPACE, &Node::isNamespace); m_nodeTypeTestFuncMap.insert(COMMAND_CLASS, &Node::isClassNode); m_nodeTypeTestFuncMap.insert(COMMAND_STRUCT, &Node::isStruct); m_nodeTypeTestFuncMap.insert(COMMAND_UNION, &Node::isUnion); m_nodeTypeTestFuncMap.insert(COMMAND_ENUM, &Node::isEnumType); m_nodeTypeTestFuncMap.insert(COMMAND_TYPEALIAS, &Node::isTypeAlias); m_nodeTypeTestFuncMap.insert(COMMAND_TYPEDEF, &Node::isTypedef); m_nodeTypeTestFuncMap.insert(COMMAND_PROPERTY, &Node::isProperty); m_nodeTypeTestFuncMap.insert(COMMAND_VARIABLE, &Node::isVariable); Config &config = Config::instance(); QStringList exampleFilePatterns = config.getStringList(CONFIG_EXAMPLES + Config::dot + CONFIG_FILEEXTENSIONS); // Used for excluding dirs and files from the list of example files const auto &excludeDirsList = config.getCanonicalPathList(CONFIG_EXCLUDEDIRS); m_excludeDirs = QSet(excludeDirsList.cbegin(), excludeDirsList.cend()); const auto &excludeFilesList = config.getCanonicalPathList(CONFIG_EXCLUDEDIRS); m_excludeFiles = QSet(excludeFilesList.cbegin(), excludeFilesList.cend()); if (!exampleFilePatterns.isEmpty()) m_exampleNameFilter = exampleFilePatterns.join(' '); else m_exampleNameFilter = "*.cpp *.h *.js *.xq *.svg *.xml *.ui"; QStringList exampleImagePatterns = config.getStringList(CONFIG_EXAMPLES + Config::dot + CONFIG_IMAGEEXTENSIONS); if (!exampleImagePatterns.isEmpty()) m_exampleImageFilter = exampleImagePatterns.join(' '); else m_exampleImageFilter = "*.png"; m_showLinkErrors = !config.getBool(CONFIG_NOLINKERRORS); } /*! Clear the map of common node types and call the same function in the base class. */ void CppCodeParser::terminateParser() { m_nodeTypeMap.clear(); m_nodeTypeTestFuncMap.clear(); m_excludeDirs.clear(); m_excludeFiles.clear(); CodeParser::terminateParser(); } /*! Returns a list of extensions for header files. */ QStringList CppCodeParser::headerFileNameFilter() { return QStringList(); } /*! Returns a list of extensions for source files, i.e. not header files. */ QStringList CppCodeParser::sourceFileNameFilter() { return QStringList(); } /*! Returns the set of strings representing the topic commands. */ const QSet &CppCodeParser::topicCommands() { return topicCommands_; } /*! Process the topic \a command found in the \a doc with argument \a arg. */ Node *CppCodeParser::processTopicCommand(const Doc &doc, const QString &command, const ArgPair &arg) { ExtraFuncData extra; if (command == COMMAND_FN) { Q_UNREACHABLE(); } else if (m_nodeTypeMap.contains(command)) { /* We should only get in here if the command refers to something that can appear in a C++ namespace, i.e. a class, another namespace, an enum, a typedef, a property or a variable. I think these are handled this way to allow the writer to refer to the entity without including the namespace qualifier. */ Node::NodeType type = m_nodeTypeMap[command]; QStringList words = arg.first.split(QLatin1Char(' ')); QStringList path; qsizetype idx = 0; Node *node = nullptr; if (type == Node::Variable && words.size() > 1) idx = words.size() - 1; path = words[idx].split("::"); node = m_qdb->findNodeInOpenNamespace(path, m_nodeTypeTestFuncMap[command]); if (node == nullptr) node = m_qdb->findNodeByNameAndType(path, m_nodeTypeTestFuncMap[command]); // Allow representing a type alias as a class if (node == nullptr && command == COMMAND_CLASS) { node = m_qdb->findNodeByNameAndType(path, &Node::isTypeAlias); if (node) { auto access = node->access(); auto loc = node->location(); auto templateDecl = node->templateDecl(); node = new ClassNode(Node::Class, node->parent(), node->name()); node->setAccess(access); node->setLocation(loc); node->setTemplateDecl(templateDecl); } } if (node == nullptr) { if (isWorthWarningAbout(doc)) { doc.location().warning( QStringLiteral("Cannot find '%1' specified with '\\%2' in any header file") .arg(arg.first, command)); } } else if (node->isAggregate()) { if (type == Node::Namespace) { auto *ns = static_cast(node); ns->markSeen(); ns->setWhereDocumented(ns->tree()->camelCaseModuleName()); } /* This treats a class as a namespace. */ if ((type == Node::Class) || (type == Node::Namespace) || (type == Node::Struct) || (type == Node::Union)) { if (path.size() > 1) { path.pop_back(); QString ns = path.join(QLatin1String("::")); m_qdb->insertOpenNamespace(ns); } } } return node; } else if (command == COMMAND_EXAMPLE) { if (Config::generateExamples) { auto *en = new ExampleNode(m_qdb->primaryTreeRoot(), arg.first); en->setLocation(doc.startLocation()); setExampleFileLists(en); return en; } } else if (command == COMMAND_EXTERNALPAGE) { auto *epn = new ExternalPageNode(m_qdb->primaryTreeRoot(), arg.first); epn->setLocation(doc.startLocation()); return epn; } else if (command == COMMAND_HEADERFILE) { auto *hn = new HeaderNode(m_qdb->primaryTreeRoot(), arg.first); hn->setLocation(doc.startLocation()); return hn; } else if (command == COMMAND_GROUP) { CollectionNode *cn = m_qdb->addGroup(arg.first); cn->setLocation(doc.startLocation()); cn->markSeen(); return cn; } else if (command == COMMAND_MODULE) { CollectionNode *cn = m_qdb->addModule(arg.first); cn->setLocation(doc.startLocation()); cn->markSeen(); return cn; } else if (command == COMMAND_QMLMODULE) { QStringList blankSplit = arg.first.split(QLatin1Char(' ')); CollectionNode *cn = m_qdb->addQmlModule(blankSplit[0]); cn->setLogicalModuleInfo(blankSplit); cn->setLocation(doc.startLocation()); cn->markSeen(); return cn; } else if (command == COMMAND_PAGE) { auto *pn = new PageNode(m_qdb->primaryTreeRoot(), arg.first.split(' ').front()); pn->setLocation(doc.startLocation()); return pn; } else if (command == COMMAND_QMLTYPE || command == COMMAND_QMLVALUETYPE || command == COMMAND_QMLBASICTYPE) { QmlTypeNode *qcn = nullptr; auto nodeType = (command == COMMAND_QMLTYPE) ? Node::QmlType : Node::QmlValueType; Node *candidate = m_qdb->primaryTreeRoot()->findChildNode(arg.first, Node::QML); qcn = (candidate && candidate->nodeType() == nodeType) ? static_cast(candidate) : new QmlTypeNode(m_qdb->primaryTreeRoot(), arg.first, nodeType); qcn->setLocation(doc.startLocation()); return qcn; } else if ((command == COMMAND_QMLSIGNAL) || (command == COMMAND_QMLMETHOD) || (command == COMMAND_QMLATTACHEDSIGNAL) || (command == COMMAND_QMLATTACHEDMETHOD)) { Q_UNREACHABLE(); } return nullptr; } /*! A QML property argument has the form... :: :::: This function splits the argument into one of those two forms. The three part form is the old form, which was used before the creation of Qt Quick 2 and Qt Components. A is the QML equivalent of a C++ namespace. So this function splits \a arg on "::" and stores the parts in \a type, \a module, \a qmlTypeName, and \a name, and returns \c true. If any part other than \a module is not found, a qdoc warning is emitted and false is returned. \note The two QML types \e{Component} and \e{QtObject} never have a module qualifier. */ bool CppCodeParser::splitQmlPropertyArg(const QString &arg, QString &type, QString &module, QString &qmlTypeName, QString &name, const Location &location) { QStringList blankSplit = arg.split(QLatin1Char(' ')); if (blankSplit.size() > 1) { type = blankSplit[0]; QStringList colonSplit(blankSplit[1].split("::")); if (colonSplit.size() == 3) { module = colonSplit[0]; qmlTypeName = colonSplit[1]; name = colonSplit[2]; return true; } if (colonSplit.size() == 2) { module.clear(); qmlTypeName = colonSplit[0]; name = colonSplit[1]; return true; } location.warning( QStringLiteral("Unrecognizable QML module/component qualifier for %1").arg(arg)); } else { location.warning(QStringLiteral("Missing property type for %1").arg(arg)); } return false; } /*! */ void CppCodeParser::processQmlProperties(const Doc &doc, NodeList &nodes, DocList &docs) { const TopicList &topics = doc.topicsUsed(); if (topics.isEmpty()) return; QString arg; QString type; QString group; QString module; QString property; QString qmlTypeName; Topic topic = topics.at(0); arg = topic.m_args; if (splitQmlPropertyArg(arg, type, module, qmlTypeName, property, doc.location())) { qsizetype i = property.indexOf('.'); if (i != -1) group = property.left(i); } NodeList sharedNodes; QmlTypeNode *qmlType = m_qdb->findQmlType(module, qmlTypeName); // Note: Constructing a QmlType node by default, as opposed to QmlValueType. // This may lead to unexpected behavior if documenting \qmlvaluetype's properties // before the type itself. if (qmlType == nullptr) qmlType = new QmlTypeNode(m_qdb->primaryTreeRoot(), qmlTypeName, Node::QmlType); for (const auto &topicCommand : topics) { QString cmd = topicCommand.m_topic; arg = topicCommand.m_args; if ((cmd == COMMAND_QMLPROPERTY) || (cmd == COMMAND_QMLATTACHEDPROPERTY)) { bool attached = cmd.contains(QLatin1String("attached")); if (splitQmlPropertyArg(arg, type, module, qmlTypeName, property, doc.location())) { if (qmlType != m_qdb->findQmlType(module, qmlTypeName)) { doc.startLocation().warning( QStringLiteral( "All properties in a group must belong to the same type: '%1'") .arg(arg)); continue; } QmlPropertyNode *existingProperty = qmlType->hasQmlProperty(property, attached); if (existingProperty) { processMetaCommands(doc, existingProperty); if (!doc.body().isEmpty()) { doc.startLocation().warning( QStringLiteral("QML property documented multiple times: '%1'") .arg(arg), QStringLiteral("also seen here: %1") .arg(existingProperty->location().toString())); } continue; } auto *qpn = new QmlPropertyNode(qmlType, property, type, attached); qpn->setLocation(doc.startLocation()); qpn->setGenus(Node::QML); nodes.append(qpn); docs.append(doc); sharedNodes << qpn; } } else { doc.startLocation().warning( QStringLiteral("Command '\\%1'; not allowed with QML property commands") .arg(cmd)); } } // Construct a SharedCommentNode (scn) if multiple topics generated // valid nodes. Note that it's important to do this *after* constructing // the topic nodes - which need to be written to index before the related // scn. if (sharedNodes.size() > 1) { auto *scn = new SharedCommentNode(qmlType, sharedNodes.size(), group); scn->setLocation(doc.startLocation()); nodes.append(scn); docs.append(doc); for (const auto n : sharedNodes) scn->append(n); scn->sort(); } } /*! Returns the set of strings representing the common metacommands plus some other metacommands. */ const QSet &CppCodeParser::metaCommands() { return metaCommands_; } /*! Process the metacommand \a command in the context of the \a node associated with the topic command and the \a doc. \a arg is the argument to the metacommand. \a node is guaranteed to be non-null. */ void CppCodeParser::processMetaCommand(const Doc &doc, const QString &command, const ArgPair &argPair, Node *node) { QString arg = argPair.first; if (command == COMMAND_INHEADERFILE) { // TODO: [incorrect-constructs][header-arg] // The emptiness check for arg is required as, // currently, DocParser fancies passing (without any warning) // incorrect constructs doen the chain, such as an // "\inheaderfile" command with no argument. // // As it is the case here, we require further sanity checks to // preserve some of the semantic for the later phases. // This generally has a ripple effect on the whole codebase, // making it more complex and increasesing the surface of bugs. // // The following emptiness check should be removed as soon as // DocParser is enhanced with correct semantics. if (node->isAggregate() && !arg.isEmpty()) static_cast(node)->setIncludeFile(arg); else doc.location().warning(QStringLiteral("Ignored '\\%1'").arg(COMMAND_INHEADERFILE)); } else if (command == COMMAND_OVERLOAD) { /* Note that this might set the overload flag of the primary function. This is ok because the overload flags and overload numbers will be resolved later in Aggregate::normalizeOverloads(). */ if (node->isFunction()) static_cast(node)->setOverloadFlag(); else if (node->isSharedCommentNode()) static_cast(node)->setOverloadFlags(); else doc.location().warning(QStringLiteral("Ignored '\\%1'").arg(COMMAND_OVERLOAD)); } else if (command == COMMAND_REIMP) { if (node->parent() && !node->parent()->isInternal()) { if (node->isFunction()) { auto *fn = static_cast(node); // The clang visitor class will have set the // qualified name of the overridden function. // If the name of the overridden function isn't // set, issue a warning. if (fn->overridesThis().isEmpty() && isWorthWarningAbout(doc)) { doc.location().warning( QStringLiteral("Cannot find base function for '\\%1' in %2()") .arg(COMMAND_REIMP, node->name()), QStringLiteral("The function either doesn't exist in any " "base class with the same signature or it " "exists but isn't virtual.")); } fn->setReimpFlag(); } else { doc.location().warning( QStringLiteral("Ignored '\\%1' in %2").arg(COMMAND_REIMP, node->name())); } } } else if (command == COMMAND_RELATES) { QStringList path = arg.split("::"); Aggregate *aggregate = m_qdb->findRelatesNode(path); if (aggregate == nullptr) aggregate = new ProxyNode(node->root(), arg); if (node->parent() == aggregate) { // node is already a child of aggregate doc.location().warning(QStringLiteral("Invalid '\\%1' (already a member of '%2')") .arg(COMMAND_RELATES, arg)); } else { if (node->isAggregate()) { doc.location().warning(QStringLiteral("Invalid '\\%1' not allowed in '\\%2'") .arg(COMMAND_RELATES, node->nodeTypeString())); } else if (!node->isRelatedNonmember() && !node->parent()->isNamespace() && !node->parent()->isHeader()) { if (!doc.isInternal()) { doc.location().warning(QStringLiteral("Invalid '\\%1' ('%2' must be global)") .arg(COMMAND_RELATES, node->name())); } } else if (!node->isRelatedNonmember() && !node->parent()->isHeader()) { aggregate->adoptChild(node); node->setRelatedNonmember(true); } else { /* There are multiple \relates commands. This one is not the first, so clone the node as a child of aggregate. */ Node *clone = node->clone(aggregate); if (clone == nullptr) { doc.location().warning( QStringLiteral("Invalid '\\%1' (multiple uses not allowed in '%2')") .arg(COMMAND_RELATES, node->nodeTypeString())); } else { clone->setRelatedNonmember(true); } } } } else if (command == COMMAND_NEXTPAGE) { setLink(node, Node::NextLink, arg); } else if (command == COMMAND_PREVIOUSPAGE) { setLink(node, Node::PreviousLink, arg); } else if (command == COMMAND_STARTPAGE) { setLink(node, Node::StartLink, arg); } else if (command == COMMAND_QMLINHERITS) { if (node->name() == arg) doc.location().warning(QStringLiteral("%1 tries to inherit itself").arg(arg)); else if (node->isQmlType()) { auto *qmlType = static_cast(node); qmlType->setQmlBaseName(arg); } } else if (command == COMMAND_QMLINSTANTIATES) { if (node->isQmlType()) { ClassNode *classNode = m_qdb->findClassNode(arg.split("::")); if (classNode) node->setClassNode(classNode); else if (m_showLinkErrors) { doc.location().warning( QStringLiteral("C++ class %2 not found: \\%1 %2") .arg(command, arg)); } } else { doc.location().warning( QStringLiteral("\\%1 is only allowed in \\%2") .arg(command, COMMAND_QMLTYPE)); } } else if (command == COMMAND_DEFAULT) { if (!node->isQmlProperty()) { doc.location().warning(QStringLiteral("Ignored '\\%1', applies only to '\\%2'") .arg(command, COMMAND_QMLPROPERTY)); } else if (arg.isEmpty()) { doc.location().warning(QStringLiteral("Expected an argument for '\\%1' (maybe you meant '\\%2'?)") .arg(command, COMMAND_QMLDEFAULT)); } else { static_cast(node)->setDefaultValue(arg); } } else if (command == COMMAND_QMLDEFAULT) { node->markDefault(); } else if (command == COMMAND_QMLREADONLY) { node->markReadOnly(true); } else if (command == COMMAND_QMLREQUIRED) { if (!node->isQmlProperty()) doc.location().warning(QStringLiteral("Ignored '\\%1'").arg(COMMAND_QMLREQUIRED)); else static_cast(node)->setRequired(); } else if ((command == COMMAND_QMLABSTRACT) || (command == COMMAND_ABSTRACT)) { if (node->isQmlType()) node->setAbstract(true); } else if (command == COMMAND_DEPRECATED) { node->setStatus(Node::Deprecated); if (!argPair.second.isEmpty()) node->setDeprecatedSince(argPair.second); } else if (command == COMMAND_INGROUP || command == COMMAND_INPUBLICGROUP) { // Note: \ingroup and \inpublicgroup are the same (and now recognized as such). m_qdb->addToGroup(arg, node); } else if (command == COMMAND_INMODULE) { m_qdb->addToModule(arg, node); } else if (command == COMMAND_INQMLMODULE) { m_qdb->addToQmlModule(arg, node); } else if (command == COMMAND_OBSOLETE) { node->setStatus(Node::Deprecated); } else if (command == COMMAND_NONREENTRANT) { node->setThreadSafeness(Node::NonReentrant); } else if (command == COMMAND_PRELIMINARY) { // \internal wins. if (!node->isInternal()) node->setStatus(Node::Preliminary); } else if (command == COMMAND_INTERNAL) { if (!showInternal()) node->markInternal(); } else if (command == COMMAND_REENTRANT) { node->setThreadSafeness(Node::Reentrant); } else if (command == COMMAND_SINCE) { node->setSince(arg); } else if (command == COMMAND_WRAPPER) { node->setWrapper(); } else if (command == COMMAND_THREADSAFE) { node->setThreadSafeness(Node::ThreadSafe); } else if (command == COMMAND_TITLE) { if (!node->setTitle(arg)) doc.location().warning(QStringLiteral("Ignored '\\%1'").arg(COMMAND_TITLE)); else if (node->isExample()) m_qdb->addExampleNode(static_cast(node)); } else if (command == COMMAND_SUBTITLE) { if (!node->setSubtitle(arg)) doc.location().warning(QStringLiteral("Ignored '\\%1'").arg(COMMAND_SUBTITLE)); } else if (command == COMMAND_QTVARIABLE) { node->setQtVariable(arg); if (!node->isModule() && !node->isQmlModule()) doc.location().warning( QStringLiteral( "Command '\\%1' is only meaningful in '\\module' and '\\qmlmodule'.") .arg(COMMAND_QTVARIABLE)); } else if (command == COMMAND_QTCMAKEPACKAGE) { node->setQtCMakeComponent(arg); if (!node->isModule()) doc.location().warning( QStringLiteral("Command '\\%1' is only meaningful in '\\module'.") .arg(COMMAND_QTCMAKEPACKAGE)); } else if (command == COMMAND_MODULESTATE ) { if (!node->isModule() && !node->isQmlModule()) { doc.location().warning( QStringLiteral( "Command '\\%1' is only meaningful in '\\module' and '\\qmlmodule'.") .arg(COMMAND_MODULESTATE)); } else { static_cast(node)->setState(arg); } } else if (command == COMMAND_NOAUTOLIST) { if (!node->isCollectionNode() && !node->isExample()) { doc.location().warning( QStringLiteral( "Command '\\%1' is only meaningful in '\\module', '\\qmlmodule', `\\group` and `\\example`.") .arg(COMMAND_NOAUTOLIST)); } else { static_cast(node)->setNoAutoList(true); } } else if (command == COMMAND_ATTRIBUTION) { // TODO: This condition is not currently exact enough, as it // will allow any non-aggregate `PageNode` to use the command, // For example, an `ExampleNode`. // // The command is intended only for internal usage by // "qattributionscanner" and should only work on `PageNode`s // that are generated from a "\page" command. // // It is already possible to provide a more restricted check, // albeit in a somewhat dirty way. It is not expected that // this warning will have any particular use. // If it so happens that a case where the too-broad scope of // the warning is a problem or hides a bug, modify the // condition to be restrictive enough. // Otherwise, wait until a more torough look at QDoc's // internal representations an way to enable "Attribution // Pages" is performed before looking at the issue again. if (!node->isTextPageNode()) { doc.location().warning(u"Command '\\%1' is only meaningful in '\\%2'"_s.arg(COMMAND_ATTRIBUTION, COMMAND_PAGE)); } else { static_cast(node)->markAttribution(); } } } /*! The topic command has been processed, and now \a doc and \a node are passed to this function to get the metacommands from \a doc and process them one at a time. \a node is the node where \a doc resides. */ void CppCodeParser::processMetaCommands(const Doc &doc, Node *node) { const QStringList metaCommandsUsed = doc.metaCommandsUsed().values(); for (const auto &command : metaCommandsUsed) { const ArgList args = doc.metaCommandArgs(command); for (const auto &arg : args) processMetaCommand(doc, command, arg, node); } } /*! Parse QML signal/method topic commands. */ FunctionNode *CppCodeParser::parseOtherFuncArg(const QString &topic, const Location &location, const QString &funcArg) { QString funcName; QString returnType; qsizetype leftParen = funcArg.indexOf(QChar('(')); if (leftParen > 0) funcName = funcArg.left(leftParen); else funcName = funcArg; qsizetype firstBlank = funcName.indexOf(QChar(' ')); if (firstBlank > 0) { returnType = funcName.left(firstBlank); funcName = funcName.right(funcName.size() - firstBlank - 1); } QStringList colonSplit(funcName.split("::")); if (colonSplit.size() < 2) { QString msg = "Unrecognizable QML module/component qualifier for " + funcArg; location.warning(msg.toLatin1().data()); return nullptr; } QString moduleName; QString elementName; if (colonSplit.size() > 2) { moduleName = colonSplit[0]; elementName = colonSplit[1]; } else { elementName = colonSplit[0]; } funcName = colonSplit.last(); Aggregate *aggregate = m_qdb->findQmlType(moduleName, elementName); if (aggregate == nullptr) return nullptr; QString params; QStringList leftParenSplit = funcArg.split('('); if (leftParenSplit.size() > 1) { QStringList rightParenSplit = leftParenSplit[1].split(')'); if (!rightParenSplit.empty()) params = rightParenSplit[0]; } FunctionNode::Metaness metaness = FunctionNode::getMetanessFromTopic(topic); bool attached = topic.contains(QLatin1String("attached")); auto *fn = new FunctionNode(metaness, aggregate, funcName, attached); fn->setAccess(Access::Public); fn->setLocation(location); fn->setReturnType(returnType); fn->setParameters(params); return fn; } /*! Parse the macro arguments in \a macroArg ad hoc, without using any actual parser. If successful, return a pointer to the new FunctionNode for the macro. Otherwise return null. \a location is used for reporting errors. */ FunctionNode *CppCodeParser::parseMacroArg(const Location &location, const QString ¯oArg) { QStringList leftParenSplit = macroArg.split('('); if (leftParenSplit.isEmpty()) return nullptr; QString macroName; FunctionNode *oldMacroNode = nullptr; QStringList blankSplit = leftParenSplit[0].split(' '); if (!blankSplit.empty()) { macroName = blankSplit.last(); oldMacroNode = m_qdb->findMacroNode(macroName); } QString returnType; if (blankSplit.size() > 1) { blankSplit.removeLast(); returnType = blankSplit.join(' '); } QString params; if (leftParenSplit.size() > 1) { const QString &afterParen = leftParenSplit.at(1); qsizetype rightParen = afterParen.indexOf(')'); if (rightParen >= 0) params = afterParen.left(rightParen); } int i = 0; while (i < macroName.size() && !macroName.at(i).isLetter()) i++; if (i > 0) { returnType += QChar(' ') + macroName.left(i); macroName = macroName.mid(i); } FunctionNode::Metaness metaness = FunctionNode::MacroWithParams; if (params.isEmpty()) metaness = FunctionNode::MacroWithoutParams; auto *macro = new FunctionNode(metaness, m_qdb->primaryTreeRoot(), macroName); macro->setAccess(Access::Public); macro->setLocation(location); macro->setReturnType(returnType); macro->setParameters(params); if (macro->compare(oldMacroNode)) { location.warning(QStringLiteral("\\macro %1 documented more than once") .arg(macroArg), QStringLiteral("also seen here: %1") .arg(oldMacroNode->doc().location().toString())); } return macro; } void CppCodeParser::setExampleFileLists(ExampleNode *en) { Config &config = Config::instance(); QString fullPath = config.getExampleProjectFile(en->name()); if (fullPath.isEmpty()) { QString details = QLatin1String("Example directories: ") + config.getCanonicalPathList(CONFIG_EXAMPLEDIRS).join(QLatin1Char(' ')); en->location().warning( QStringLiteral("Cannot find project file for example '%1'").arg(en->name()), details); return; } QDir exampleDir(QFileInfo(fullPath).dir()); QStringList exampleFiles = Config::getFilesHere(exampleDir.path(), m_exampleNameFilter, Location(), m_excludeDirs, m_excludeFiles); // Search for all image files under the example project, excluding doc/images directory. QSet excludeDocDirs(m_excludeDirs); excludeDocDirs.insert(exampleDir.path() + QLatin1String("/doc/images")); QStringList imageFiles = Config::getFilesHere(exampleDir.path(), m_exampleImageFilter, Location(), excludeDocDirs, m_excludeFiles); if (!exampleFiles.isEmpty()) { // move main.cpp to the end, if it exists QString mainCpp; const auto isGeneratedOrMainCpp = [&mainCpp](const QString &fileName) { if (fileName.endsWith("/main.cpp")) { if (mainCpp.isEmpty()) mainCpp = fileName; return true; } return fileName.contains("/qrc_") || fileName.contains("/moc_") || fileName.contains("/ui_"); }; exampleFiles.erase( std::remove_if(exampleFiles.begin(), exampleFiles.end(), isGeneratedOrMainCpp), exampleFiles.end()); if (!mainCpp.isEmpty()) exampleFiles.append(mainCpp); // Add any resource and project files exampleFiles += Config::getFilesHere(exampleDir.path(), QLatin1String("*.qrc *.pro *.qmlproject *.pyproject CMakeLists.txt qmldir")); } const qsizetype pathLen = exampleDir.path().size() - en->name().size(); for (auto &file : exampleFiles) file = file.mid(pathLen); for (auto &file : imageFiles) file = file.mid(pathLen); en->setFiles(exampleFiles, fullPath.mid(pathLen)); en->setImages(imageFiles); } /*! returns true if \a t is \e {qmlsignal}, \e {qmlmethod}, \e {qmlattachedsignal}, or \e {qmlattachedmethod}. */ bool CppCodeParser::isQMLMethodTopic(const QString &t) { return (t == COMMAND_QMLSIGNAL || t == COMMAND_QMLMETHOD || t == COMMAND_QMLATTACHEDSIGNAL || t == COMMAND_QMLATTACHEDMETHOD); } /*! Returns true if \a t is \e {qmlproperty}, \e {qmlpropertygroup}, or \e {qmlattachedproperty}. */ bool CppCodeParser::isQMLPropertyTopic(const QString &t) { return (t == COMMAND_QMLPROPERTY || t == COMMAND_QMLATTACHEDPROPERTY); } void CppCodeParser::processTopicArgs(const Doc &doc, const QString &topic, NodeList &nodes, DocList &docs) { if (isQMLPropertyTopic(topic)) { processQmlProperties(doc, nodes, docs); } else { ArgList args = doc.metaCommandArgs(topic); Node *node = nullptr; if (args.size() == 1) { if (topic == COMMAND_FN) { if (showInternal() || !doc.isInternal()) node = parserForLanguage("Clang")->parseFnArg(doc.location(), args[0].first, args[0].second); } else if (topic == COMMAND_MACRO) { node = parseMacroArg(doc.location(), args[0].first); } else if (isQMLMethodTopic(topic)) { node = parseOtherFuncArg(topic, doc.location(), args[0].first); } else if (topic == COMMAND_DONTDOCUMENT) { m_qdb->primaryTree()->addToDontDocumentMap(args[0].first); } else { node = processTopicCommand(doc, topic, args[0]); } if (node != nullptr) { nodes.append(node); docs.append(doc); } } else if (args.size() > 1) { QList sharedCommentNodes; for (const auto &arg : std::as_const(args)) { node = nullptr; if (topic == COMMAND_FN) { if (showInternal() || !doc.isInternal()) node = parserForLanguage("Clang")->parseFnArg(doc.location(), arg.first, arg.second); } else if (topic == COMMAND_MACRO) { node = parseMacroArg(doc.location(), arg.first); } else if (isQMLMethodTopic(topic)) { node = parseOtherFuncArg(topic, doc.location(), arg.first); } else { node = processTopicCommand(doc, topic, arg); } if (node != nullptr) { bool found = false; for (SharedCommentNode *scn : sharedCommentNodes) { if (scn->parent() == node->parent()) { scn->append(node); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { auto *scn = new SharedCommentNode(node); sharedCommentNodes.append(scn); nodes.append(scn); docs.append(doc); } processMetaCommands(doc, node); } } for (auto *scn : sharedCommentNodes) scn->sort(); } } } void CppCodeParser::processMetaCommands(NodeList &nodes, DocList &docs) { QList::Iterator d = docs.begin(); for (const auto &node : nodes) { if (node != nullptr) { processMetaCommands(*d, node); node->setDoc(*d); checkModuleInclusion(node); if (node->isAggregate()) { auto *aggregate = static_cast(node); if (!aggregate->includeFile()) { Aggregate *parent = aggregate; while (parent->physicalModuleName().isEmpty() && (parent->parent() != nullptr)) parent = parent->parent(); if (parent == aggregate) // TODO: Understand if the name can be empty. // In theory it should not be possible as // there would be no aggregate to refer to // such that this code is never reached. // // If the name can be empty, this would // endanger users of the include file down the // line, forcing them to ensure that, further // to there being an actual include file, that // include file is not an empty string, such // that we would require a different way to // generate the include file here. aggregate->setIncludeFile(aggregate->name()); else if (aggregate->includeFile()) aggregate->setIncludeFile(*parent->includeFile()); } } } ++d; } } bool CppCodeParser::hasTooManyTopics(const Doc &doc) const { const QSet topicCommandsUsed = topicCommands() & doc.metaCommandsUsed(); if (topicCommandsUsed.size() > 1) { bool ok = true; for (const auto &t : topicCommandsUsed) { if (!t.startsWith(QLatin1String("qml"))) ok = false; } if (ok) return false; QString topicList; for (const auto &t : topicCommandsUsed) topicList += QLatin1String(" \\") + t + QLatin1Char(','); topicList[topicList.lastIndexOf(',')] = '.'; qsizetype i = topicList.lastIndexOf(','); Q_ASSERT(i >= 0); // we had at least two commas topicList[i] = ' '; topicList.insert(i + 1, "and"); doc.location().warning( QStringLiteral("Multiple topic commands found in comment:%1").arg(topicList)); return true; } return false; } QT_END_NAMESPACE