// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \class QDesignerDnDItemInterface \brief The QDesignerDnDItemInterface class provides an interface that is used to manage items during a drag and drop operation. \inmodule QtDesigner \internal */ /*! \enum QDesignerDnDItemInterface::DropType This enum describes the result of a drag and drop operation. \value MoveDrop The item was moved. \value CopyDrop The item was copied. */ /*! \fn QDesignerDnDItemInterface::QDesignerDnDItemInterface() Constructs a new interface to a drag and drop item. */ /*! \fn QDesignerDnDItemInterface::~QDesignerDnDItemInterface() Destroys the interface to the item. */ /*! \fn DomUI *QDesignerDnDItemInterface::domUi() const Returns a user interface object for the item. */ /*! \fn QWidget *QDesignerDnDItemInterface::widget() const Returns the widget being copied or moved in the drag and drop operation. \sa source() */ /*! \fn QWidget *QDesignerDnDItemInterface::decoration() const Returns the widget used to represent the item. */ /*! \fn QPoint QDesignerDnDItemInterface::hotSpot() const Returns the cursor's hotspot. \sa QDrag::hotSpot() */ /*! \fn DropType QDesignerDnDItemInterface::type() const Returns the type of drag and drop operation in progress. */ /*! \fn QWidget *QDesignerDnDItemInterface::source() const Returns the widget that is the source of the drag and drop operation; i.e. the original container of the widget being dragged. \sa widget() */