/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2012 Denis Shienkov ** Copyright (C) 2012 Laszlo Papp ** Copyright (C) 2012 Andre Hartmann ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of the QtSerialPort module of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:LGPL$ ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements ** will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General ** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free ** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3 ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html and ** https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "qserialport_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef CTL_CODE # define CTL_CODE(DeviceType, Function, Method, Access) ( \ ((DeviceType) << 16) | ((Access) << 14) | ((Function) << 2) | (Method) \ ) #endif #ifndef FILE_DEVICE_SERIAL_PORT # define FILE_DEVICE_SERIAL_PORT 27 #endif #ifndef METHOD_BUFFERED # define METHOD_BUFFERED 0 #endif #ifndef FILE_ANY_ACCESS # define FILE_ANY_ACCESS 0x00000000 #endif #ifndef IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_DTRRTS # define IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_DTRRTS \ CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_SERIAL_PORT, 30, METHOD_BUFFERED, FILE_ANY_ACCESS) #endif #ifndef SERIAL_DTR_STATE # define SERIAL_DTR_STATE 0x00000001 #endif #ifndef SERIAL_RTS_STATE # define SERIAL_RTS_STATE 0x00000002 #endif QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE bool QSerialPortPrivate::open(QIODevice::OpenMode mode) { DWORD desiredAccess = 0; originalEventMask = 0; if (mode & QIODevice::ReadOnly) { desiredAccess |= GENERIC_READ; originalEventMask |= EV_RXCHAR; } if (mode & QIODevice::WriteOnly) desiredAccess |= GENERIC_WRITE; handle = ::CreateFile(reinterpret_cast(systemLocation.utf16()), desiredAccess, 0, Q_NULLPTR, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, Q_NULLPTR); if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { setError(getSystemError()); return false; } if (initialize()) return true; ::CloseHandle(handle); return false; } void QSerialPortPrivate::close() { ::CancelIo(handle); if (notifier) { delete notifier; notifier = Q_NULLPTR; } if (startAsyncWriteTimer) { delete startAsyncWriteTimer; startAsyncWriteTimer = Q_NULLPTR; } communicationStarted = false; readStarted = false; writeStarted = false; writeBuffer.clear(); actualBytesToWrite = 0; if (settingsRestoredOnClose) { ::SetCommState(handle, &restoredDcb); ::SetCommTimeouts(handle, &restoredCommTimeouts); } ::CloseHandle(handle); handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } QSerialPort::PinoutSignals QSerialPortPrivate::pinoutSignals() { DWORD modemStat = 0; if (!::GetCommModemStatus(handle, &modemStat)) { setError(getSystemError()); return QSerialPort::NoSignal; } QSerialPort::PinoutSignals ret = QSerialPort::NoSignal; if (modemStat & MS_CTS_ON) ret |= QSerialPort::ClearToSendSignal; if (modemStat & MS_DSR_ON) ret |= QSerialPort::DataSetReadySignal; if (modemStat & MS_RING_ON) ret |= QSerialPort::RingIndicatorSignal; if (modemStat & MS_RLSD_ON) ret |= QSerialPort::DataCarrierDetectSignal; DWORD bytesReturned = 0; if (!::DeviceIoControl(handle, IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_DTRRTS, Q_NULLPTR, 0, &modemStat, sizeof(modemStat), &bytesReturned, Q_NULLPTR)) { setError(getSystemError()); return ret; } if (modemStat & SERIAL_DTR_STATE) ret |= QSerialPort::DataTerminalReadySignal; if (modemStat & SERIAL_RTS_STATE) ret |= QSerialPort::RequestToSendSignal; return ret; } bool QSerialPortPrivate::setDataTerminalReady(bool set) { if (!::EscapeCommFunction(handle, set ? SETDTR : CLRDTR)) { setError(getSystemError()); return false; } DCB dcb; if (!getDcb(&dcb)) return false; dcb.fDtrControl = set ? DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE : DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE; return setDcb(&dcb); } bool QSerialPortPrivate::setRequestToSend(bool set) { if (!::EscapeCommFunction(handle, set ? SETRTS : CLRRTS)) { setError(getSystemError()); return false; } return true; } bool QSerialPortPrivate::flush() { return _q_startAsyncWrite(); } bool QSerialPortPrivate::clear(QSerialPort::Directions directions) { DWORD flags = 0; if (directions & QSerialPort::Input) flags |= PURGE_RXABORT | PURGE_RXCLEAR; if (directions & QSerialPort::Output) { flags |= PURGE_TXABORT | PURGE_TXCLEAR; actualBytesToWrite = 0; } if (!::PurgeComm(handle, flags)) { setError(getSystemError()); return false; } // We need start async read because a reading can be stalled. Since the // PurgeComm can abort of current reading sequence, or a port is in hardware // flow control mode, or a port has a limited read buffer size. if (directions & QSerialPort::Input) startAsyncCommunication(); return true; } bool QSerialPortPrivate::sendBreak(int duration) { if (!setBreakEnabled(true)) return false; ::Sleep(duration); if (!setBreakEnabled(false)) return false; return true; } bool QSerialPortPrivate::setBreakEnabled(bool set) { if (set ? !::SetCommBreak(handle) : !::ClearCommBreak(handle)) { setError(getSystemError()); return false; } return true; } bool QSerialPortPrivate::waitForReadyRead(int msecs) { if (!writeStarted && !_q_startAsyncWrite()) return false; const qint64 initialReadBufferSize = buffer.size(); qint64 currentReadBufferSize = initialReadBufferSize; QElapsedTimer stopWatch; stopWatch.start(); do { OVERLAPPED *overlapped = waitForNotified( qt_subtract_from_timeout(msecs, stopWatch.elapsed())); if (!overlapped) return false; if (overlapped == &readCompletionOverlapped) { const qint64 readBytesForOneReadOperation = qint64(buffer.size()) - currentReadBufferSize; if (readBytesForOneReadOperation == ReadChunkSize) { currentReadBufferSize = buffer.size(); } else if (readBytesForOneReadOperation == 0) { if (initialReadBufferSize != currentReadBufferSize) return true; } else { return true; } } } while (msecs == -1 || qt_subtract_from_timeout(msecs, stopWatch.elapsed()) > 0); return false; } bool QSerialPortPrivate::waitForBytesWritten(int msecs) { if (writeBuffer.isEmpty()) return false; if (!writeStarted && !_q_startAsyncWrite()) return false; QElapsedTimer stopWatch; stopWatch.start(); forever { OVERLAPPED *overlapped = waitForNotified( qt_subtract_from_timeout(msecs, stopWatch.elapsed())); if (!overlapped) return false; if (overlapped == &writeCompletionOverlapped) return true; } return false; } bool QSerialPortPrivate::setBaudRate() { return setBaudRate(inputBaudRate, QSerialPort::AllDirections); } bool QSerialPortPrivate::setBaudRate(qint32 baudRate, QSerialPort::Directions directions) { if (directions != QSerialPort::AllDirections) { setError(QSerialPortErrorInfo(QSerialPort::UnsupportedOperationError, QSerialPort::tr("Custom baud rate direction is unsupported"))); return false; } DCB dcb; if (!getDcb(&dcb)) return false; dcb.BaudRate = baudRate; return setDcb(&dcb); } bool QSerialPortPrivate::setDataBits(QSerialPort::DataBits dataBits) { DCB dcb; if (!getDcb(&dcb)) return false; dcb.ByteSize = dataBits; return setDcb(&dcb); } bool QSerialPortPrivate::setParity(QSerialPort::Parity parity) { DCB dcb; if (!getDcb(&dcb)) return false; dcb.fParity = TRUE; switch (parity) { case QSerialPort::NoParity: dcb.Parity = NOPARITY; dcb.fParity = FALSE; break; case QSerialPort::OddParity: dcb.Parity = ODDPARITY; break; case QSerialPort::EvenParity: dcb.Parity = EVENPARITY; break; case QSerialPort::MarkParity: dcb.Parity = MARKPARITY; break; case QSerialPort::SpaceParity: dcb.Parity = SPACEPARITY; break; default: dcb.Parity = NOPARITY; dcb.fParity = FALSE; break; } return setDcb(&dcb); } bool QSerialPortPrivate::setStopBits(QSerialPort::StopBits stopBits) { DCB dcb; if (!getDcb(&dcb)) return false; switch (stopBits) { case QSerialPort::OneStop: dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT; break; case QSerialPort::OneAndHalfStop: dcb.StopBits = ONE5STOPBITS; break; case QSerialPort::TwoStop: dcb.StopBits = TWOSTOPBITS; break; default: dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT; break; } return setDcb(&dcb); } bool QSerialPortPrivate::setFlowControl(QSerialPort::FlowControl flowControl) { DCB dcb; if (!getDcb(&dcb)) return false; dcb.fInX = FALSE; dcb.fOutX = FALSE; dcb.fOutxCtsFlow = FALSE; dcb.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE; switch (flowControl) { case QSerialPort::NoFlowControl: break; case QSerialPort::SoftwareControl: dcb.fInX = TRUE; dcb.fOutX = TRUE; break; case QSerialPort::HardwareControl: dcb.fOutxCtsFlow = TRUE; dcb.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE; break; default: break; } return setDcb(&dcb); } bool QSerialPortPrivate::completeAsyncCommunication(qint64 bytesTransferred) { communicationStarted = false; if (bytesTransferred == qint64(-1)) return false; return startAsyncRead(); } bool QSerialPortPrivate::completeAsyncRead(qint64 bytesTransferred) { if (bytesTransferred == qint64(-1)) { readStarted = false; return false; } if (bytesTransferred > 0) { char *ptr = buffer.reserve(bytesTransferred); ::memcpy(ptr, readChunkBuffer.constData(), bytesTransferred); } readStarted = false; bool result = true; if (bytesTransferred == ReadChunkSize) result = startAsyncRead(); else if (readBufferMaxSize == 0 || readBufferMaxSize > buffer.size()) result = startAsyncCommunication(); if (bytesTransferred > 0) emitReadyRead(); return result; } bool QSerialPortPrivate::completeAsyncWrite(qint64 bytesTransferred) { Q_Q(QSerialPort); if (writeStarted) { if (bytesTransferred == qint64(-1)) { writeStarted = false; return false; } else if (bytesTransferred > 0) { writeBuffer.free(bytesTransferred); emit q->bytesWritten(bytesTransferred); } writeStarted = false; } return _q_startAsyncWrite(); } bool QSerialPortPrivate::startAsyncCommunication() { if (communicationStarted) return true; ::ZeroMemory(&communicationOverlapped, sizeof(communicationOverlapped)); if (!::WaitCommEvent(handle, &triggeredEventMask, &communicationOverlapped)) { QSerialPortErrorInfo error = getSystemError(); if (error.errorCode != QSerialPort::NoError) { if (error.errorCode == QSerialPort::PermissionError) error.errorCode = QSerialPort::ResourceError; setError(error); return false; } } communicationStarted = true; return true; } bool QSerialPortPrivate::startAsyncRead() { if (readStarted) return true; DWORD bytesToRead = ReadChunkSize; if (readBufferMaxSize && bytesToRead > (readBufferMaxSize - buffer.size())) { bytesToRead = readBufferMaxSize - buffer.size(); if (bytesToRead == 0) { // Buffer is full. User must read data from the buffer // before we can read more from the port. return false; } } ::ZeroMemory(&readCompletionOverlapped, sizeof(readCompletionOverlapped)); if (::ReadFile(handle, readChunkBuffer.data(), bytesToRead, Q_NULLPTR, &readCompletionOverlapped)) { readStarted = true; return true; } QSerialPortErrorInfo error = getSystemError(); if (error.errorCode != QSerialPort::NoError) { if (error.errorCode == QSerialPort::PermissionError) error.errorCode = QSerialPort::ResourceError; if (error.errorCode != QSerialPort::ResourceError) error.errorCode = QSerialPort::ReadError; setError(error); return false; } readStarted = true; return true; } bool QSerialPortPrivate::_q_startAsyncWrite() { if (writeBuffer.isEmpty() || writeStarted) return true; const int writeBytes = writeBuffer.nextDataBlockSize(); ::ZeroMemory(&writeCompletionOverlapped, sizeof(writeCompletionOverlapped)); if (!::WriteFile(handle, writeBuffer.readPointer(), writeBytes, Q_NULLPTR, &writeCompletionOverlapped)) { QSerialPortErrorInfo error = getSystemError(); if (error.errorCode != QSerialPort::NoError) { if (error.errorCode != QSerialPort::ResourceError) error.errorCode = QSerialPort::WriteError; setError(error); return false; } } actualBytesToWrite -= writeBytes; writeStarted = true; return true; } void QSerialPortPrivate::_q_notified(DWORD numberOfBytes, DWORD errorCode, OVERLAPPED *overlapped) { const QSerialPortErrorInfo error = getSystemError(errorCode); if (error.errorCode != QSerialPort::NoError) { setError(error); return; } if (overlapped == &communicationOverlapped) completeAsyncCommunication(numberOfBytes); else if (overlapped == &readCompletionOverlapped) completeAsyncRead(numberOfBytes); else if (overlapped == &writeCompletionOverlapped) completeAsyncWrite(numberOfBytes); else Q_ASSERT(!"Unknown OVERLAPPED activated"); } void QSerialPortPrivate::emitReadyRead() { Q_Q(QSerialPort); emit q->readyRead(); } qint64 QSerialPortPrivate::writeData(const char *data, qint64 maxSize) { Q_Q(QSerialPort); ::memcpy(writeBuffer.reserve(maxSize), data, maxSize); actualBytesToWrite += maxSize; if (!writeBuffer.isEmpty() && !writeStarted) { if (!startAsyncWriteTimer) { startAsyncWriteTimer = new QTimer(q); QObjectPrivate::connect(startAsyncWriteTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &QSerialPortPrivate::_q_startAsyncWrite); startAsyncWriteTimer->setSingleShot(true); } startAsyncWriteTimer->start(0); } return maxSize; } OVERLAPPED *QSerialPortPrivate::waitForNotified(int msecs) { OVERLAPPED *overlapped = notifier->waitForAnyNotified(msecs); if (!overlapped) { setError(getSystemError(WAIT_TIMEOUT)); return 0; } return overlapped; } inline bool QSerialPortPrivate::initialize() { Q_Q(QSerialPort); DCB dcb; if (!getDcb(&dcb)) return false; restoredDcb = dcb; dcb.fBinary = TRUE; dcb.fInX = FALSE; dcb.fOutX = FALSE; dcb.fAbortOnError = FALSE; dcb.fNull = FALSE; dcb.fErrorChar = FALSE; if (dcb.fDtrControl == DTR_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE) dcb.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE; dcb.BaudRate = inputBaudRate; if (!setDcb(&dcb)) return false; if (!::GetCommTimeouts(handle, &restoredCommTimeouts)) { setError(getSystemError()); return false; } ::ZeroMemory(¤tCommTimeouts, sizeof(currentCommTimeouts)); currentCommTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = MAXDWORD; if (!::SetCommTimeouts(handle, ¤tCommTimeouts)) { setError(getSystemError()); return false; } if (!::SetCommMask(handle, originalEventMask)) { setError(getSystemError()); return false; } notifier = new QWinOverlappedIoNotifier(q); QObjectPrivate::connect(notifier, &QWinOverlappedIoNotifier::notified, this, &QSerialPortPrivate::_q_notified); notifier->setHandle(handle); notifier->setEnabled(true); if ((originalEventMask & EV_RXCHAR) && !startAsyncCommunication()) return false; return true; } bool QSerialPortPrivate::setDcb(DCB *dcb) { if (!::SetCommState(handle, dcb)) { setError(getSystemError()); return false; } return true; } bool QSerialPortPrivate::getDcb(DCB *dcb) { ::ZeroMemory(dcb, sizeof(DCB)); dcb->DCBlength = sizeof(DCB); if (!::GetCommState(handle, dcb)) { setError(getSystemError()); return false; } return true; } QSerialPortErrorInfo QSerialPortPrivate::getSystemError(int systemErrorCode) const { if (systemErrorCode == -1) systemErrorCode = ::GetLastError(); QSerialPortErrorInfo error; error.errorString = qt_error_string(systemErrorCode); switch (systemErrorCode) { case ERROR_SUCCESS: error.errorCode = QSerialPort::NoError; break; case ERROR_IO_PENDING: error.errorCode = QSerialPort::NoError; break; case ERROR_MORE_DATA: error.errorCode = QSerialPort::NoError; break; case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: error.errorCode = QSerialPort::DeviceNotFoundError; break; case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: error.errorCode = QSerialPort::DeviceNotFoundError; break; case ERROR_INVALID_NAME: error.errorCode = QSerialPort::DeviceNotFoundError; break; case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: error.errorCode = QSerialPort::PermissionError; break; case ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE: error.errorCode = QSerialPort::ResourceError; break; case ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: error.errorCode = QSerialPort::UnsupportedOperationError; break; case ERROR_BAD_COMMAND: error.errorCode = QSerialPort::ResourceError; break; case ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED: error.errorCode = QSerialPort::ResourceError; break; case ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED: error.errorCode = QSerialPort::ResourceError; break; case WAIT_TIMEOUT: error.errorCode = QSerialPort::TimeoutError; break; default: error.errorCode = QSerialPort::UnknownError; break; } return error; } // This table contains standard values of baud rates that // are defined in MSDN and/or in Win SDK file winbase.h static const QList standardBaudRatePairList() { static const QList standardBaudRatesTable = QList() #ifdef CBR_110 << CBR_110 #endif #ifdef CBR_300 << CBR_300 #endif #ifdef CBR_600 << CBR_600 #endif #ifdef CBR_1200 << CBR_1200 #endif #ifdef CBR_2400 << CBR_2400 #endif #ifdef CBR_4800 << CBR_4800 #endif #ifdef CBR_9600 << CBR_9600 #endif #ifdef CBR_14400 << CBR_14400 #endif #ifdef CBR_19200 << CBR_19200 #endif #ifdef CBR_38400 << CBR_38400 #endif #ifdef CBR_56000 << CBR_56000 #endif #ifdef CBR_57600 << CBR_57600 #endif #ifdef CBR_115200 << CBR_115200 #endif #ifdef CBR_128000 << CBR_128000 #endif #ifdef CBR_256000 << CBR_256000 #endif ; return standardBaudRatesTable; }; QList QSerialPortPrivate::standardBaudRates() { return standardBaudRatePairList(); } QSerialPort::Handle QSerialPort::handle() const { Q_D(const QSerialPort); return d->handle; } QT_END_NAMESPACE