/* * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "ExceptionHelpers.h" #include "CodeBlock.h" #include "CallFrame.h" #include "JSGlobalObjectFunctions.h" #include "JSObject.h" #include "JSNotAnObject.h" #include "Interpreter.h" #include "Nodes.h" namespace JSC { class InterruptedExecutionError : public JSObject { public: InterruptedExecutionError(JSGlobalData* globalData) : JSObject(globalData->interruptedExecutionErrorStructure) { } virtual bool isWatchdogException() const { return true; } virtual UString toString(ExecState*) const { return "JavaScript execution exceeded timeout."; } }; JSValue createInterruptedExecutionException(JSGlobalData* globalData) { return new (globalData) InterruptedExecutionError(globalData); } static JSValue createError(ExecState* exec, ErrorType e, const char* msg) { return Error::create(exec, e, msg, -1, -1, 0); } JSValue createStackOverflowError(ExecState* exec) { return createError(exec, RangeError, "Maximum call stack size exceeded."); } JSValue createTypeError(ExecState* exec, const char* message) { return createError(exec, TypeError, message); } JSValue createUndefinedVariableError(ExecState* exec, const Identifier& ident, unsigned bytecodeOffset, CodeBlock* codeBlock) { int startOffset = 0; int endOffset = 0; int divotPoint = 0; int line = codeBlock->expressionRangeForBytecodeOffset(exec, bytecodeOffset, divotPoint, startOffset, endOffset); JSObject* exception = Error::create(exec, ReferenceError, makeString("Can't find variable: ", ident.ustring()), line, codeBlock->ownerExecutable()->sourceID(), codeBlock->ownerExecutable()->sourceURL()); exception->putWithAttributes(exec, Identifier(exec, expressionBeginOffsetPropertyName), jsNumber(exec, divotPoint - startOffset), ReadOnly | DontDelete); exception->putWithAttributes(exec, Identifier(exec, expressionCaretOffsetPropertyName), jsNumber(exec, divotPoint), ReadOnly | DontDelete); exception->putWithAttributes(exec, Identifier(exec, expressionEndOffsetPropertyName), jsNumber(exec, divotPoint + endOffset), ReadOnly | DontDelete); return exception; } static UString createErrorMessage(ExecState* exec, CodeBlock* codeBlock, int, int expressionStart, int expressionStop, JSValue value, UString error) { if (!expressionStop || expressionStart > codeBlock->source()->length()) return makeString(value.toString(exec), " is ", error); if (expressionStart < expressionStop) return makeString("Result of expression '", codeBlock->source()->getRange(expressionStart, expressionStop), "' [", value.toString(exec), "] is ", error, "."); // No range information, so give a few characters of context const UChar* data = codeBlock->source()->data(); int dataLength = codeBlock->source()->length(); int start = expressionStart; int stop = expressionStart; // Get up to 20 characters of context to the left and right of the divot, clamping to the line. // then strip whitespace. while (start > 0 && (expressionStart - start < 20) && data[start - 1] != '\n') start--; while (start < (expressionStart - 1) && isStrWhiteSpace(data[start])) start++; while (stop < dataLength && (stop - expressionStart < 20) && data[stop] != '\n') stop++; while (stop > expressionStart && isStrWhiteSpace(data[stop])) stop--; return makeString("Result of expression near '...", codeBlock->source()->getRange(start, stop), "...' [", value.toString(exec), "] is ", error, "."); } JSObject* createInvalidParamError(ExecState* exec, const char* op, JSValue value, unsigned bytecodeOffset, CodeBlock* codeBlock) { int startOffset = 0; int endOffset = 0; int divotPoint = 0; int line = codeBlock->expressionRangeForBytecodeOffset(exec, bytecodeOffset, divotPoint, startOffset, endOffset); UString errorMessage = createErrorMessage(exec, codeBlock, line, divotPoint, divotPoint + endOffset, value, makeString("not a valid argument for '", op, "'")); JSObject* exception = Error::create(exec, TypeError, errorMessage, line, codeBlock->ownerExecutable()->sourceID(), codeBlock->ownerExecutable()->sourceURL()); exception->putWithAttributes(exec, Identifier(exec, expressionBeginOffsetPropertyName), jsNumber(exec, divotPoint - startOffset), ReadOnly | DontDelete); exception->putWithAttributes(exec, Identifier(exec, expressionCaretOffsetPropertyName), jsNumber(exec, divotPoint), ReadOnly | DontDelete); exception->putWithAttributes(exec, Identifier(exec, expressionEndOffsetPropertyName), jsNumber(exec, divotPoint + endOffset), ReadOnly | DontDelete); return exception; } JSObject* createNotAConstructorError(ExecState* exec, JSValue value, unsigned bytecodeOffset, CodeBlock* codeBlock) { int startOffset = 0; int endOffset = 0; int divotPoint = 0; int line = codeBlock->expressionRangeForBytecodeOffset(exec, bytecodeOffset, divotPoint, startOffset, endOffset); // We're in a "new" expression, so we need to skip over the "new.." part int startPoint = divotPoint - (startOffset ? startOffset - 4 : 0); // -4 for "new " const UChar* data = codeBlock->source()->data(); while (startPoint < divotPoint && isStrWhiteSpace(data[startPoint])) startPoint++; UString errorMessage = createErrorMessage(exec, codeBlock, line, startPoint, divotPoint, value, "not a constructor"); JSObject* exception = Error::create(exec, TypeError, errorMessage, line, codeBlock->ownerExecutable()->sourceID(), codeBlock->ownerExecutable()->sourceURL()); exception->putWithAttributes(exec, Identifier(exec, expressionBeginOffsetPropertyName), jsNumber(exec, divotPoint - startOffset), ReadOnly | DontDelete); exception->putWithAttributes(exec, Identifier(exec, expressionCaretOffsetPropertyName), jsNumber(exec, divotPoint), ReadOnly | DontDelete); exception->putWithAttributes(exec, Identifier(exec, expressionEndOffsetPropertyName), jsNumber(exec, divotPoint + endOffset), ReadOnly | DontDelete); return exception; } JSValue createNotAFunctionError(ExecState* exec, JSValue value, unsigned bytecodeOffset, CodeBlock* codeBlock) { int startOffset = 0; int endOffset = 0; int divotPoint = 0; int line = codeBlock->expressionRangeForBytecodeOffset(exec, bytecodeOffset, divotPoint, startOffset, endOffset); UString errorMessage = createErrorMessage(exec, codeBlock, line, divotPoint - startOffset, divotPoint, value, "not a function"); JSObject* exception = Error::create(exec, TypeError, errorMessage, line, codeBlock->ownerExecutable()->sourceID(), codeBlock->ownerExecutable()->sourceURL()); exception->putWithAttributes(exec, Identifier(exec, expressionBeginOffsetPropertyName), jsNumber(exec, divotPoint - startOffset), ReadOnly | DontDelete); exception->putWithAttributes(exec, Identifier(exec, expressionCaretOffsetPropertyName), jsNumber(exec, divotPoint), ReadOnly | DontDelete); exception->putWithAttributes(exec, Identifier(exec, expressionEndOffsetPropertyName), jsNumber(exec, divotPoint + endOffset), ReadOnly | DontDelete); return exception; } JSNotAnObjectErrorStub* createNotAnObjectErrorStub(ExecState* exec, bool isNull) { return new (exec) JSNotAnObjectErrorStub(exec, isNull); } JSObject* createNotAnObjectError(ExecState* exec, JSNotAnObjectErrorStub* error, unsigned bytecodeOffset, CodeBlock* codeBlock) { // Both op_construct and op_instanceof require a use of op_get_by_id to get // the prototype property from an object. The exception messages for exceptions // thrown by these instances op_get_by_id need to reflect this. OpcodeID followingOpcodeID; if (codeBlock->getByIdExceptionInfoForBytecodeOffset(exec, bytecodeOffset, followingOpcodeID)) { ASSERT(followingOpcodeID == op_construct || followingOpcodeID == op_instanceof); if (followingOpcodeID == op_construct) return createNotAConstructorError(exec, error->isNull() ? jsNull() : jsUndefined(), bytecodeOffset, codeBlock); return createInvalidParamError(exec, "instanceof", error->isNull() ? jsNull() : jsUndefined(), bytecodeOffset, codeBlock); } int startOffset = 0; int endOffset = 0; int divotPoint = 0; int line = codeBlock->expressionRangeForBytecodeOffset(exec, bytecodeOffset, divotPoint, startOffset, endOffset); UString errorMessage = createErrorMessage(exec, codeBlock, line, divotPoint - startOffset, divotPoint, error->isNull() ? jsNull() : jsUndefined(), "not an object"); JSObject* exception = Error::create(exec, TypeError, errorMessage, line, codeBlock->ownerExecutable()->sourceID(), codeBlock->ownerExecutable()->sourceURL()); exception->putWithAttributes(exec, Identifier(exec, expressionBeginOffsetPropertyName), jsNumber(exec, divotPoint - startOffset), ReadOnly | DontDelete); exception->putWithAttributes(exec, Identifier(exec, expressionCaretOffsetPropertyName), jsNumber(exec, divotPoint), ReadOnly | DontDelete); exception->putWithAttributes(exec, Identifier(exec, expressionEndOffsetPropertyName), jsNumber(exec, divotPoint + endOffset), ReadOnly | DontDelete); return exception; } } // namespace JSC