/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:BSD$ ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ** OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ** SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ** OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE." ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ import QtQuick 2.2 import QtTest 1.0 import QtQuick.Controls 1.2 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1 import QtQuickControlsTests 1.0 Item { id: container width: 400 height: 400 TestCase { id: testCase name: "Tests_ScrollView" when:windowShown width:400 height:400 TextArea { id: textArea } Item { id: bigItem } Component { id: scrollViewComponent ScrollView { } } function test_scroll() { var component = scrollViewComponent var scrollView = component.createObject(testCase); verify(scrollView !== null, "table created is null") scrollView.contentItem = bigItem scrollView.visible = true verify(scrollView.flickableItem !== null, "flickableItem should not be null") verify(scrollView.flickableItem !== scrollView.contentItem) verify(scrollView.flickableItem.contentHeight === 0, "ContentHeight not set") bigItem.height = 222 bigItem.width = 333 verify(scrollView.flickableItem.contentHeight === 222, "ContentHeight not set") verify(scrollView.flickableItem.contentWidth === 333, "ContentHeight not set") scrollView.flickableItem.contentY = 200 verify(scrollView.flickableItem.contentY === 200, "ContentY not set") scrollView.flickableItem.contentX = 300 verify(scrollView.flickableItem.contentX === 300, "ContentX not set") scrollView.destroy() } Component { id: dragFetchAppendComponent ScrollView { width: 400; height: 400 frameVisible: false style: ScrollViewStyle { transientScrollBars: false handle: Rectangle { implicitWidth: 16; implicitHeight: 16 color: "red" } scrollBarBackground: Item {width: 16 ; height: 16} incrementControl: Rectangle { width: 16; height: 16 color: "blue" } decrementControl: Rectangle { width: 16; height: 16 color: "blue" } } ListView { id: view verticalLayoutDirection: ListView.BottomToTop model: TestFetchAppendModel { } delegate: Text { width: view.width height: 60 verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter text: "Item %1".arg(model.index) } } } } function test_dragFetchAppend() { // QTBUG-50795 var scrollView = dragFetchAppendComponent.createObject(container) verify(scrollView !== null, "view created is null") waitForRendering(scrollView) verify(scrollView.flickableItem.contentHeight === 60 * 20) // After scrolling to the end, view should ask the model to fetch more // data, content height should increase and scrollbar handle should move // to the center. mouseDrag(scrollView, scrollView.width - 2, scrollView.height - 8 - 16, 0, -scrollView.height + 8 + 16) waitForRendering(scrollView) // Move it again to fetch more data from the model. mouseDrag(scrollView, scrollView.width - 2, scrollView.height / 2, 0, -scrollView.height / 2 + 8 + 16) waitForRendering(scrollView) mouseRelease(scrollView, scrollView.width - 2, 8 + 16) waitForRendering(scrollView) verify(Math.round(scrollView.flickableItem.contentHeight) > 60 * 20) verify(Math.round(scrollView.flickableItem.contentY) < -(60 * 20)) scrollView.destroy() } function test_scrollbars() { var component = scrollViewComponent var scrollView = component.createObject(testCase); scrollView.contentItem = bigItem scrollView.parent = container bigItem.height = 100 bigItem.width = 100 verify(!scrollView.__horizontalScrollBar.visible, "Scrollbar showing when contents already fit") verify(!scrollView.__verticalScrollBar.visible, "Scrollbar showing when contents already fit") bigItem.height = 1000 bigItem.width = 1000 verify(scrollView.__horizontalScrollBar.visible, "Scrollbar not showing when contents are too big") verify(scrollView.__verticalScrollBar.visible, "Scrollbar not showing when contents are too big") //always off bigItem.height = 1000 scrollView.verticalScrollBarPolicy = Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff verify(!scrollView.__verticalScrollBar.visible, "Scrollbar showing when disabled") bigItem.height = 100 verify(!scrollView.__verticalScrollBar.visible, "Scrollbar showing when disabled") //always on scrollView.verticalScrollBarPolicy = Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn bigItem.height = 1000 verify(scrollView.__verticalScrollBar.visible, "Scrollbar not showing when forced on") bigItem.height = 100 verify(scrollView.__verticalScrollBar.visible, "Scrollbar not showing when forced on") scrollView.destroy() } function test_clickToCenter() { var test_control = 'import QtQuick 2.2; \ import QtQuick.Controls 1.2; \ import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1; \ ScrollView { \ id: _control1; \ width: 100 ; height: 100; \ Item { width: 200; height: 200 } \ activeFocusOnTab: true; \ style:ScrollViewStyle{ \ handle: Item {width: 16 ; height: 16} \ scrollBarBackground: Item {width: 16 ; height: 16} \ incrementControl: Item {width: 16 ; height: 16} \ decrementControl: Item {width: 16 ; height: 16}} }' var scrollView = Qt.createQmlObject(test_control, container, '') verify(scrollView !== null, "view created is null") verify(scrollView.flickableItem.contentY === 0) mouseClick(scrollView, scrollView.width -2, scrollView.height/2, Qt.LeftButton) verify(Math.round(scrollView.flickableItem.contentY) === 100) verify(scrollView.flickableItem.contentX === 0) mouseClick(scrollView, scrollView.width/2, scrollView.height - 2, Qt.LeftButton) verify(Math.round(scrollView.flickableItem.contentX) === 100) } function test_viewport() { var component = scrollViewComponent var scrollView = component.createObject(testCase); verify(scrollView !== null, "table created is null") scrollView.forceActiveFocus(); verify(scrollView.viewport, "Viewport not defined") verify(!scrollView.contentItem, "contentItem should be null") verify(!scrollView.flickableItem, "flickableItem should be null") verify(!scrollView.frameVisible, "Frame should be false") scrollView.contentItem = textArea verify(scrollView.viewport, "Viewport should be defined") verify(scrollView.contentItem, "contentItem should not be null") verify(scrollView.flickableItem, "flickableItem should not be null") verify(scrollView.flickableItem.contentHeight === textArea.height, "Content height not set") var prevViewportWidth = scrollView.viewport.width scrollView.frameVisible = true verify(scrollView.frameVisible, "Frame should be true") verify(scrollView.viewport.width < prevViewportWidth, "Viewport should be smaller with frame") scrollView.destroy() } function test_activeFocusOnTab() { if (Qt.styleHints.tabFocusBehavior != Qt.TabFocusAllControls) skip("This function doesn't support NOT iterating all.") var test_control = 'import QtQuick 2.2; \ import QtQuick.Controls 1.2; \ Item { \ width: 200; \ height: 200; \ property alias control1: _control1; \ property alias control2: _control2; \ property alias control3: _control3; \ ScrollView { \ id: _control1; \ activeFocusOnTab: true; \ } \ ScrollView { \ id: _control2; \ activeFocusOnTab: false; \ } \ ScrollView { \ id: _control3; \ activeFocusOnTab: true; \ } \ } ' var control = Qt.createQmlObject(test_control, container, '') control.control1.forceActiveFocus() verify(control.control1.activeFocus) verify(!control.control2.activeFocus) verify(!control.control3.activeFocus) keyPress(Qt.Key_Tab) verify(!control.control1.activeFocus) verify(!control.control2.activeFocus) verify(control.control3.activeFocus) keyPress(Qt.Key_Tab) verify(control.control1.activeFocus) verify(!control.control2.activeFocus) verify(!control.control3.activeFocus) keyPress(Qt.Key_Tab, Qt.ShiftModifier) verify(!control.control1.activeFocus) verify(!control.control2.activeFocus) verify(control.control3.activeFocus) keyPress(Qt.Key_Tab, Qt.ShiftModifier) verify(control.control1.activeFocus) verify(!control.control2.activeFocus) verify(!control.control3.activeFocus) control.control2.activeFocusOnTab = true control.control3.activeFocusOnTab = false keyPress(Qt.Key_Tab) verify(!control.control1.activeFocus) verify(control.control2.activeFocus) verify(!control.control3.activeFocus) keyPress(Qt.Key_Tab) verify(control.control1.activeFocus) verify(!control.control2.activeFocus) verify(!control.control3.activeFocus) keyPress(Qt.Key_Tab, Qt.ShiftModifier) verify(!control.control1.activeFocus) verify(control.control2.activeFocus) verify(!control.control3.activeFocus) keyPress(Qt.Key_Tab, Qt.ShiftModifier) verify(control.control1.activeFocus) verify(!control.control2.activeFocus) verify(!control.control3.activeFocus) control.destroy() } } }