/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:GPL-EXCEPT$ ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ import QtQuick import QtTest import QtLocation import QtPositioning import QtLocation.Test Item { id: masterItem width: 200 height: 350 // General-purpose elements for the test: Plugin { id: testPlugin; name : "qmlgeo.test.plugin"; allowExperimental: true } property variant mapDefaultCenter: QtPositioning.coordinate(10, 30) property bool allMapsReady: map.mapReady && map3.mapReady && mapForView.mapReady && mapForTestingListModel.mapReady && mapForTestingRouteModel.mapReady MapItemView { id: routeItemViewExtra model: routeModel incubateDelegates: false delegate: Component { MapRoute { route: routeData } } } MapItemView { id: listModelItemViewExtra objectName: "listModelItemViewExtra" incubateDelegates: false add: null remove: null model: ListModel { id: testingListModelExtra ListElement { lat: 11; lon: 31 } ListElement { lat: 12; lon: 32 } ListElement { lat: 13; lon: 33 } } delegate: Component { MapCircle { radius: 1500000 center { latitude: lat longitude: lon } } } } Map { id: map objectName: 'staticallyDeclaredMap' center: mapDefaultCenter; plugin: testPlugin; width: 100 height: 100 zoomLevel: 2 MapCircle { id: prepopulatedCircle objectName: 'prepopulatedCircle' center: mapDefaultCenter; radius: 100 } } Map { id: map3 objectName: 'staticallyDeclaredMapWithView' center: mapDefaultCenter; plugin: testPlugin; width: 100 height: 100 zoomLevel: 2 MapItemView { id: theItemView3 model: testModel3 delegate: Component { MapCircle { radius: 1500000 center { latitude: modeldata.coordinate.latitude longitude: modeldata.coordinate.longitude } } } } } MapCircle { id: externalCircle objectName: 'externalCircle' radius: 200 center: mapDefaultCenter } SignalSpy {id: mapItemSpy; target: map; signalName: 'mapItemsChanged'} MapCircle { objectName: "externalCircle2" id: externalCircle2 radius: 2000000 center: mapDefaultCenter } MapCircle { objectName: "externalCircle3" id: externalCircle3 radius: 2000000 center: mapDefaultCenter } MapRectangle { objectName: "externalRectangle" id: externalRectangle } MapPolygon { objectName: "externalPolygon" id: externalPolygon } MapPolyline { objectName: 'externalPolyline' id: externalPolyline } MapQuickItem { objectName: 'externalQuickItem' id: externalQuickItem sourceItem: Rectangle {} } TestModel { id: testModel datatype: 'coordinate' datacount: 7 delay: 0 } TestModel { id: testModel2 datatype: 'coordinate' datacount: 3 delay: 0 } TestModel { id: testModel3 datatype: 'coordinate' datacount: 0 delay: 0 } Plugin { id: testPlugin_immediate; name: "qmlgeo.test.plugin" allowExperimental: true parameters: [ // Parms to guide the test plugin PluginParameter { name: "gc_supported"; value: true}, PluginParameter { name: "gc_finishRequestImmediately"; value: true}, PluginParameter { name: "gc_validateWellKnownValues"; value: true} ] } RouteQuery {id: routeQuery; waypoints: [ { latitude: 60, longitude: 60 }, { latitude: 61, longitude: 62 }, { latitude: 63, longitude: 64 }, { latitude: 65, longitude: 66 }, { latitude: 67, longitude: 68 } ] } RouteModel {id: routeModel; plugin: testPlugin_immediate; query: routeQuery } SignalSpy {id: mapItemsChangedSpy; target: mapForTestingRouteModel; signalName: "mapItemsChanged"} Map { id: mapForView property int mapItemsLength: mapItems.length center: mapDefaultCenter plugin: testPlugin anchors.fill: parent zoomLevel: 2 MapCircle { id: internalCircle radius: 2000000 center: mapDefaultCenter } MapItemView { id: theItemView model: testModel delegate: Component { id: theItemViewsComponent MapCircle { radius: 1500000 center { latitude: modeldata.coordinate.latitude longitude: modeldata.coordinate.longitude } } } } } Map { id: mapForTestingListModel center: mapDefaultCenter plugin: testPlugin anchors.fill: parent zoomLevel: 2 property int mapItemsLength: mapItems.length property variant itemCoordinates: [ QtPositioning.coordinate(11, 31), QtPositioning.coordinate(12, 32), QtPositioning.coordinate(13, 33) ] MapItemView { id: listModelItemView incubateDelegates: false add: null remove: null model: ListModel { id: testingListModel ListElement { lat: 11; lon: 31 } ListElement { lat: 12; lon: 32 } ListElement { lat: 13; lon: 33 } } delegate: Component { MapCircle { radius: 1500000 center { latitude: lat longitude: lon } } } } } Map { id: mapForTestingRouteModel property int mapItemsLength: mapItems.length plugin: testPlugin center: mapDefaultCenter anchors.fill: parent zoomLevel: 2 MapItemView { id: routeItemView model: routeModel delegate: Component { MapRoute { route: routeData } } } } TestCase { name: "MapItem" when: windowShown && allMapsReady function clear_data() { mapItemSpy.clear() } function test_basics() { compare(theItemView.delegate, theItemViewsComponent); compare(theItemView.model, testModel); } function test_aaa_basic_add_remove() { // aaa to ensure execution first clear_data() compare(map.mapItems.length, 1) compare(map.mapItems[0], prepopulatedCircle) compare(mapItemSpy.count, 0) // nonexistent map.removeMapItem(externalCircle) compare(mapItemSpy.count, 0) compare(map.mapItems.length, 1) compare(map.mapItems[0], prepopulatedCircle) // real map.removeMapItem(prepopulatedCircle) compare(mapItemSpy.count, 1) compare(map.mapItems.length, 0) map.addMapItem(externalCircle) map.addMapItem(prepopulatedCircle) compare(mapItemSpy.count, 3) compare(map.mapItems.length, 2) // same again map.addMapItem(prepopulatedCircle) compare(mapItemSpy.count, 3) compare(map.mapItems.length, 2) compare(map.mapItems[0], externalCircle) compare(map.mapItems[1], prepopulatedCircle) map.removeMapItem(externalCircle) compare(map.mapItems[0], prepopulatedCircle) compare(mapItemSpy.count, 4) compare(map.mapItems.length, 1) map.clearMapItems() compare(mapItemSpy.count, 5) compare(map.mapItems.length, 0) // empty map, do not crash map.clearMapItems() compare(mapItemSpy.count, 5) compare(map.mapItems.length, 0) } function test_dynamic_map_and_items() { clear_data(); /* // basic create-destroy without items, mustn't crash var dynamicMap = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick 2.0; import QtLocation 5.3; Map { x:0; y:0; objectName: \'dynomik map\'; width: masterItem.width; height: masterItem.height; plugin: testPlugin} ', masterItem, "dynamicCreationErrors" ); verify(dynamicMap !== null) dynamicMap.destroy(1) //wait(5) // add rm add, destroy with item on it dynamicMap = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick 2.0; import QtLocation 5.3; Map { x:0; y:0; objectName: \'dynomik map\'; width: masterItem.width; height: masterItem.height; plugin: testPlugin} ', masterItem, "dynamicCreationErrors" ); verify(dynamicMap !== null) dynamicMap.addMapItem(externalCircle); compare(dynamicMap.mapItems.length, 1) dynamicMap.removeMapItem(externalCircle); compare(dynamicMap.mapItems.length, 0) dynamicMap.addMapItem(externalCircle); compare(dynamicMap.mapItems.length, 1) dynamicMap.destroy(1) //wait(5) // try adding same item to two maps, will not be allowed var dynamicMap2 = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick 2.0; import QtLocation 5.3; Map { x:0; y:0; objectName: \'dynomik map2\'; width: masterItem.width; height: masterItem.height; plugin: testPlugin} ', masterItem, "dynamicCreationErrors" ); dynamicMap = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick 2.0; import QtLocation 5.3; Map { x:0; y:0; objectName: \'dynomik map\'; width: masterItem.width; height: masterItem.height; plugin: testPlugin} ', masterItem, "dynamicCreationErrors" ); verify(dynamicMap !== null) verify(dynamicMap2 !== null) compare(dynamicMap.mapItems.length, 0) dynamicMap.addMapItem(externalCircle3); compare(dynamicMap.mapItems.length, 1) dynamicMap2.addMapItem(externalCircle3); compare(dynamicMap2.mapItems.length, 0) // create and destroy a dynamic item that is in the map var dynamicCircle = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick 2.0; import QtLocation 5.3; MapCircle { objectName: \'dynamic circle 1\'; center { latitude: 5; longitude: 5 } radius: 15 } ', masterItem, "dynamicCreationErrors" ); verify (dynamicCircle !== null) compare(map.mapItems.length, 0) map.addMapItem(dynamicCircle) compare(mapItemSpy.count, 1) compare(map.mapItems.length, 1) dynamicCircle.destroy(1) tryCompare(mapItemSpy, "count", 2) compare(map.mapItems.length, 0) // leave one map item, will be destroyed at the end of the case dynamicMap.addMapItem(externalCircle); compare(dynamicMap.mapItems.length, 2) // leave a handful of item from model to the map and let it destroy compare(map3.mapItems.length, 0) testModel3.datacount = 4 testModel3.update() compare(map3.mapItems.length, 4) */ } function test_add_and_remove_with_view() { // Basic adding and removing of static object tryCompare(mapForView, "mapItemsLength", 8) // 1 declared and 7 from model mapForView.addMapItem(internalCircle) compare(mapForView.mapItems.length, 8) mapForView.removeMapItem(internalCircle) compare(mapForView.mapItems.length, 7) mapForView.removeMapItem(internalCircle) compare(mapForView.mapItems.length, 7) // Basic adding and removing of dynamic object var dynamicCircle = Qt.createQmlObject( "import QtQuick 2.0; import QtLocation 5.3; MapCircle {radius: 4000; center: mapDefaultCenter}", map, ""); mapForView.addMapItem(dynamicCircle) compare(mapForView.mapItems.length, 8) mapForView.removeMapItem(dynamicCircle) compare(mapForView.mapItems.length, 7) mapForView.removeMapItem(dynamicCircle) compare(mapForView.mapItems.length, 7) } SignalSpy {id: model1Spy; target: testModel; signalName: "modelChanged"} SignalSpy {id: model2Spy; target: testModel2; signalName: "modelChanged"} function test_model_change() { // Ensure that internalCircle is removed mapForView.removeMapItem(internalCircle) // Change the model of an MapItemView on the fly // and verify that object counts change accordingly. testModel.datacount = 7 testModel.update() tryCompare(mapForView, "mapItemsLength", 7) testModel.datacount += 2 testModel2.datacount += 1 // delegate spawning is async. wait a bit. wait(1) tryCompare(mapForView, "mapItemsLength", 9) theItemView.model = testModel compare(mapForView.mapItems.length, 9) theItemView.model = testModel2 tryCompare(mapForView, "mapItemsLength", 4) } function test_listmodel() { tryCompare(mapForTestingListModel, "mapItemsLength", 3) for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { var itemCoord = mapForTestingListModel.mapItems[i].center var index = mapForTestingListModel.itemCoordinates.indexOf(itemCoord) verify(0 <= index && index < 3) } testingListModel.remove(0) // default exit animation kicks in here, of length 300msec tryCompare(mapForTestingListModel, "mapItemsLength", 2) for (var i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { itemCoord = mapForTestingListModel.mapItems[i].center index = mapForTestingListModel.itemCoordinates.indexOf(itemCoord) verify(1 <= index && index < 3) } testingListModel.append({ lat: 1, lon: 1 }) tryCompare(mapForTestingListModel, "mapItemsLength", 3) compare(mapForTestingListModel.mapItems[2].center, QtPositioning.coordinate(1, 1)) testingListModel.clear() // default exit animation kicks in here, of length 300msec tryCompare(mapForTestingListModel, "mapItemsLength", 0) // Repopulating the model with initial data testingListModel.append({ "lat": 11, "lon": 31 }) testingListModel.append({ "lat": 12, "lon": 32 }) testingListModel.append({ "lat": 13, "lon": 33 }) } function test_add_extra_listmodel() { tryCompare(mapForTestingListModel, "mapItemsLength", 3) mapForTestingListModel.addMapItemView(listModelItemViewExtra) tryCompare(mapForTestingListModel, "mapItemsLength", 6) mapForTestingListModel.removeMapItemView(listModelItemViewExtra) tryCompare(mapForTestingListModel, "mapItemsLength", 3) mapForTestingListModel.addMapItemView(listModelItemViewExtra) tryCompare(mapForTestingListModel, "mapItemsLength", 6) mapForTestingListModel.removeMapItemView(listModelItemView) tryCompare(mapForTestingListModel, "mapItemsLength", 3) mapForTestingListModel.removeMapItemView(listModelItemViewExtra) tryCompare(mapForTestingListModel, "mapItemsLength", 0) mapForTestingListModel.addMapItemView(listModelItemViewExtra) tryCompare(mapForTestingListModel, "mapItemsLength", 3) testingListModelExtra.clear() tryCompare(mapForTestingListModel, "mapItemsLength", 0) mapForTestingListModel.removeMapItemView(listModelItemViewExtra) tryCompare(mapForTestingListModel, "mapItemsLength", 0) mapForTestingListModel.addMapItemView(listModelItemView) tryCompare(mapForTestingListModel, "mapItemsLength", 3) testingListModelExtra.append({ "lat": 11, "lon": 31 }) testingListModelExtra.append({ "lat": 12, "lon": 32 }) testingListModelExtra.append({ "lat": 13, "lon": 33 }) mapForTestingListModel.addMapItemView(listModelItemViewExtra) tryCompare(mapForTestingListModel, "mapItemsLength", 6) mapForTestingListModel.removeMapItemView(listModelItemViewExtra) tryCompare(mapForTestingListModel, "mapItemsLength", 3) } function test_routemodel() { testModel.reset(); mapItemsChangedSpy.clear() compare(mapForTestingRouteModel.mapItems.length, 0) // precondition compare(mapItemsChangedSpy.count, 0) routeQuery.numberAlternativeRoutes = 4 routeModel.update(); tryCompare(mapForTestingRouteModel, "mapItemsLength", 4) routeQuery.numberAlternativeRoutes = 3 routeModel.update(); tryCompare(mapForTestingRouteModel, "mapItemsLength", 3) routeModel.reset(); // default exit animation kicks in here, of length 300msec tryCompare(mapForTestingRouteModel, "mapItemsLength", 0) routeModel.reset(); // clear empty model routeQuery.numberAlternativeRoutes = 3 routeModel.update(); tryCompare(mapForTestingRouteModel, "mapItemsLength", 3) // Test adding the extra mapitemview fed from the same route model mapForTestingRouteModel.addMapItemView(routeItemViewExtra) tryCompare(mapForTestingRouteModel, "mapItemsLength", 6) routeQuery.numberAlternativeRoutes = 4 routeModel.update(); tryCompare(mapForTestingRouteModel, "mapItemsLength", 8) routeQuery.numberAlternativeRoutes = 3 routeModel.update(); mapForTestingRouteModel.removeMapItemView(routeItemViewExtra) tryCompare(mapForTestingRouteModel, "mapItemsLength", 3) mapForTestingRouteModel.addMapItem(externalCircle2) compare(mapForTestingRouteModel.mapItems.length, 4) compare(mapForTestingRouteModel.mapItems[3], externalCircle2) routeModel.reset(); // default exit animation kicks in here, of length 300msec tryCompare(mapForTestingRouteModel, "mapItemsLength", 1) mapForTestingRouteModel.clearMapItems() compare(mapForTestingRouteModel.mapItems.length, 0) // Test the mapItems list mapForTestingRouteModel.addMapItem(externalCircle2) compare(mapForTestingRouteModel.mapItems.length, 1) compare(mapForTestingRouteModel.mapItems[0], externalCircle2) mapForTestingRouteModel.addMapItem(externalRectangle) compare(mapForTestingRouteModel.mapItems.length, 2) compare(mapForTestingRouteModel.mapItems[1], externalRectangle) mapForTestingRouteModel.addMapItem(externalRectangle) compare(mapForTestingRouteModel.mapItems.length, 2) compare(mapForTestingRouteModel.mapItems[1], externalRectangle) mapForTestingRouteModel.addMapItem(externalPolygon) compare(mapForTestingRouteModel.mapItems.length, 3) compare(mapForTestingRouteModel.mapItems[2], externalPolygon) mapForTestingRouteModel.addMapItem(externalQuickItem) compare(mapForTestingRouteModel.mapItems.length, 4) compare(mapForTestingRouteModel.mapItems[3], externalQuickItem) mapForTestingRouteModel.removeMapItem(externalCircle2) compare(mapForTestingRouteModel.mapItems.length, 3) compare(mapForTestingRouteModel.mapItems[0], externalRectangle) mapForTestingRouteModel.removeMapItem(externalRectangle) compare(mapForTestingRouteModel.mapItems.length, 2) compare(mapForTestingRouteModel.mapItems[0], externalPolygon) mapForTestingRouteModel.clearMapItems() compare(mapForTestingRouteModel.mapItems.length, 0) } } }