/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:GPL-EXCEPT$ ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ import QtQuick 2.5 import QtTest 1.0 import QtLocation 5.6 import QtPositioning 5.5 import QtLocation.Test 5.6 Item { // General-purpose elements for the test: id: page width: 120 height: 120 Plugin { id: testPlugin; name: "qmlgeo.test.plugin"; allowExperimental: true } property variant coordinate: QtPositioning.coordinate(10, 11) MouseArea { id: mouseAreaBottom anchors.fill: parent visible: false } Map { id: map plugin: testPlugin center: coordinate; zoomLevel: 9; anchors.fill: page x:0; y:0 property real flickStartedLatitude property real flickStartedLongitude property bool disableOnPanStartedWithNoGesture: false property bool disableOnFlickStartedWithNoGesture: false property bool disableOnPanStartedWithDisabled: false property bool disableOnFlickStartedWithDisabled: false gesture.onPanStarted: { if (disableOnPanStartedWithNoGesture) map.gesture.acceptedGestures = MapGestureArea.NoGesture if (disableOnPanStartedWithDisabled) map.gesture.enabled = false } gesture.onFlickStarted: { flickStartedLatitude = map.center.latitude flickStartedLatitude = map.center.longitude if (disableOnFlickStartedWithNoGesture) map.gesture.acceptedGestures = MapGestureArea.NoGesture if (disableOnFlickStartedWithDisabled) map.gesture.enabled = false } MouseArea { id: mouseAreaTop anchors.fill: parent visible: false } } SignalSpy {id: centerSpy; target: map; signalName: 'centerChanged'} SignalSpy {id: panStartedSpy; target: map.gesture; signalName: 'panStarted'} SignalSpy {id: panFinishedSpy; target: map.gesture; signalName: 'panFinished'} SignalSpy {id: gestureEnabledSpy; target: map.gesture; signalName: 'enabledChanged'} SignalSpy {id: flickDecelerationSpy; target: map.gesture; signalName: 'flickDecelerationChanged'} SignalSpy {id: flickStartedSpy; target: map.gesture; signalName: 'flickStarted'} SignalSpy {id: flickFinishedSpy; target: map.gesture; signalName: 'flickFinished'} SignalSpy {id: mouseAreaTopSpy; target: mouseAreaTop; signalName: 'onPressed'} SignalSpy {id: mouseAreaBottomSpy; target: mouseAreaBottom; signalName: 'onPressed'} TestCase { when: windowShown && map.mapReady name: "MapFlick" function init() { if (Qt.platform.os === "windows" && (LocationTestHelper.x86Bits() === 32)) skip("QTBUG-59503") map.gesture.acceptedGestures = MapGestureArea.PanGesture | MapGestureArea.FlickGesture; map.gesture.enabled = true map.gesture.panEnabled = true map.gesture.flickDeceleration = 500 map.zoomLevel = 9 // or flicking diagonally won't work map.disableOnPanStartedWithNoGesture = false map.disableOnFlickStartedWithNoGesture = false map.disableOnPanStartedWithDisabled = false map.disableOnFlickStartedWithDisabled = false centerSpy.clear() gestureEnabledSpy.clear() flickDecelerationSpy.clear() panStartedSpy.clear() panFinishedSpy.clear() flickStartedSpy.clear() flickFinishedSpy.clear() mouseAreaTopSpy.clear() mouseAreaBottomSpy.clear() mouseAreaBottom.visible = false mouseAreaTop.visible = false compare(map.gesture.pinchActive, false) compare(map.gesture.panActive, false) } function initTestCase() { //check default values compare(map.gesture.enabled, true) map.gesture.enabled = false compare(gestureEnabledSpy.count, 1) compare(map.gesture.enabled, false) map.gesture.enabled = false compare(gestureEnabledSpy.count, 1) compare(map.gesture.enabled, false) map.gesture.enabled = true compare(gestureEnabledSpy.count, 2) compare(map.gesture.enabled, true) compare(map.gesture.pinchActive, false) compare(map.gesture.panActive, false) verify(map.gesture.acceptedGestures & MapGestureArea.PinchGesture) map.gesture.acceptedGestures = MapGestureArea.NoGesture compare(map.gesture.acceptedGestures, MapGestureArea.NoGesture) map.gesture.acceptedGestures = MapGestureArea.NoGesture compare(map.gesture.acceptedGestures, MapGestureArea.NoGesture) map.gesture.acceptedGestures = MapGestureArea.PinchGesture | MapGestureArea.PanGesture compare(map.gesture.acceptedGestures, MapGestureArea.PinchGesture | MapGestureArea.PanGesture) map.gesture.acceptedGestures = MapGestureArea.PanGesture compare(map.gesture.acceptedGestures, MapGestureArea.PanGesture) compare(map.gesture.flickDeceleration, 2500) map.gesture.flickDeceleration = 2600 compare(flickDecelerationSpy.count, 1) compare(map.gesture.flickDeceleration, 2600) map.gesture.flickDeceleration = 2600 compare(flickDecelerationSpy.count, 1) compare(map.gesture.flickDeceleration, 2600) map.gesture.flickDeceleration = 400 // too small compare(flickDecelerationSpy.count, 2) compare(map.gesture.flickDeceleration, 500) // clipped to min map.gesture.flickDeceleration = 11000 // too big compare(flickDecelerationSpy.count, 3) compare(map.gesture.flickDeceleration, 10000) // clipped to max } function flick_down() { map.center.latitude = 10 map.center.longitude = 11 mousePress(page, 0, 50) for (var i = 0; i < 50; i += 5) { wait(25) mouseMove(page, 0, (50 + i), 0, Qt.LeftButton); } mouseRelease(page, 0, 100) // order of signals is: flickStarted, either order: (flickEnded, movementEnded) verify(map.center.latitude > 10) // latitude increases we are going 'up/north' (moving mouse down) var moveLatitude = map.center.latitude // store lat and check that flick continues tryCompare(flickStartedSpy, "count", 1) tryCompare(panFinishedSpy, "count", 1) tryCompare(flickFinishedSpy, "count", 1) verify(map.center.latitude > moveLatitude) compare(map.center.longitude, 11) // should remain the same } function test_flick_down() { flick_down() } function test_flick_down_with_filtering() { mouseAreaTop.visible = true mouseAreaBottom.visible = true flick_down() tryCompare(mouseAreaTopSpy, "count", 1) tryCompare(mouseAreaBottomSpy, "count",0) } function flick_up() { map.center.latitude = 70 map.center.longitude = 11 mousePress(page, 10, 95) for (var i = 45; i > 0; i -= 5) { wait(25) mouseMove(page, 10, (50 + i), 0, Qt.LeftButton); } mouseRelease(page, 10, 50) verify(map.center.latitude < 70) var moveLatitude = map.center.latitude // store lat and check that flick continues tryCompare(flickStartedSpy, "count", 1) tryCompare(panFinishedSpy, "count", 1) tryCompare(flickFinishedSpy, "count", 1) verify(map.center.latitude < moveLatitude) compare(map.center.longitude, 11) // should remain the same } function test_flick_up() { flick_up() } function test_flick_up_with_filtering() { mouseAreaTop.visible = true mouseAreaBottom.visible = true flick_up() tryCompare(mouseAreaTopSpy, "count", 1) tryCompare(mouseAreaBottomSpy, "count",0) } function test_flick_diagonal() { map.center.latitude = 50 map.center.longitude = 50 var pos = 5 mousePress(page, pos, pos) for (var i = pos; i < 50; i += 5) { pos = i wait(25) mouseMove(page, pos, pos, 0, Qt.LeftButton); } mouseRelease(page, pos, pos) verify(map.center.latitude > 50) verify(map.center.longitude < 50) var moveLatitude = map.center.latitude var moveLongitude = map.center.longitude tryCompare(flickStartedSpy, "count", 1) tryCompare(panFinishedSpy, "count", 1) tryCompare(flickFinishedSpy, "count", 1) verify(map.center.latitude > moveLatitude) verify(map.center.longitude < moveLongitude) } function disabled_flicking() { map.center.latitude = 50 map.center.longitude = 50 mousePress(page, 0, 0) for (var i = 0; i < 50; i += 5) { wait(25) mouseMove(page, i, i, 0, Qt.LeftButton); } mouseRelease(page, 50, 50) compare(panStartedSpy.count, 0) compare(panFinishedSpy.count, 0) compare(flickStartedSpy.count, 0) compare(flickFinishedSpy.count, 0) } function test_disabled_flicking_with_nogesture() { map.gesture.acceptedGestures = MapGestureArea.NoGesture } function test_disabled_flicking_with_disabled() { map.gesture.enabled = false disabled_flicking() } function disable_onFlickStarted() { map.center.latitude = 50 map.center.longitude = 50 mousePress(page, 0, 0) for (var i = 0; i < 50; i += 5) { wait(25) mouseMove(page, i, i, 0, Qt.LeftButton); } mouseRelease(page, 50, 50) var latitude = map.center.latitude; var longitude = map.center.longitude tryCompare(panStartedSpy, "count", 1) tryCompare(flickStartedSpy, "count", 1) verify(map.center.latitude > 50) tryCompare(panFinishedSpy, "count", 1) tryCompare(flickFinishedSpy, "count", 1) // compare that flick was interrupted (less movement than without interrupting) compare(latitude, map.center.latitude) compare(longitude, map.center.longitude) } function test_disable_onFlickStarted_with_disabled() { map.disableOnFlickStartedWithDisabled = true disable_onFlickStarted() } function test_disable_onFlickStarted_with_nogesture() { map.disableOnFlickStartedWithNoGesture = true disable_onFlickStarted() } function disable_onPanStarted() { map.center.latitude = 50 map.center.longitude = 50 mousePress(page, 0, 0) for (var i = 0; i < 50; i += 5) { wait(25) mouseMove(page, i, i, 0, Qt.LeftButton); } mouseRelease(page, 50, 50) compare(map.center.latitude,50) compare(map.center.longitude,50) tryCompare(panFinishedSpy, "count", 1) // compare that flick was interrupted (less movement than without interrupting) compare(map.center.latitude,50) compare(map.center.longitude,50) compare(map.gesture.panActive, false) } function test_disable_onPanStarted_with_disabled() { map.disableOnPanStartedWithDisabled = true disable_onPanStarted() } function test_disable_onPanStarted_with_nogesture() { map.disableOnPanStartedWithNoGesture = true disable_onPanStarted() } /* Regression test for QTBUG-67580 where touching the map (as opposing to clicking it with a mouse) would cause a crash. So this test is merely about surviving a tap. */ function test_touch() { touchEvent(map).press(0).commit(); wait(25); touchEvent(map).release(0).commit(); } } }