/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:LGPL3$ ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements ** will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 2.0 or later as published by the Free ** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in ** the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU General Public License version 2.0 requirements will be ** met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html. ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "qdeclarativegeoroutemodel_p.h" #include "qdeclarativegeoroute_p.h" #include "error_messages.h" #include "locationvaluetypehelper_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE /*! \qmltype RouteModel \instantiates QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel \inqmlmodule QtLocation \ingroup qml-QtLocation5-routing \since Qt Location 5.5 \brief The RouteModel type provides access to routes. The RouteModel type is used as part of a model/view grouping to retrieve geographic routes from a backend provider. Routes include data about driving directions between two points, walking directions with multiple waypoints, and various other similar concepts. It functions much like other Model types in QML (see for example \l {Models and Views in Qt Quick#ListModel}{ListModel} and \l XmlListModel), and interacts with views such as \l MapItemView, and \l{ListView}. Like \l Map and \l GeocodeModel, all the data for a RouteModel to work comes from a services plugin. This is contained in the \l{plugin} property, and this must be set before the RouteModel can do any useful work. Once the plugin is set, create a \l RouteQuery with the appropriate waypoints and other settings, and set the RouteModel's \l{query} property. If \l autoUpdate is enabled, the update will being automatically. Otherwise, the \l{update} method may be used. By default, autoUpdate is disabled. The data stored and returned in the RouteModel consists of \l Route objects, as a list with the role name "routeData". See the documentation for \l Route for further details on its structure and contents. \section2 Example Usage The following snippet is two-part, showing firstly the declaration of objects, and secondly a short piece of procedural code using it. We set the routeModel's \l{autoUpdate} property to false, and call \l{update} once the query is set up, to avoid useless extra requests halfway through the set up of the query. \code Plugin { id: aPlugin name: "osm" } RouteQuery { id: aQuery } RouteModel { id: routeModel plugin: aPlugin query: aQuery autoUpdate: false } \endcode \code { aQuery.addWaypoint(...) aQuery.addWaypoint(...) aQuery.travelModes = ... routeModel.update() } \endcode */ QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel(QObject *parent) : QAbstractListModel(parent), complete_(false), plugin_(0), routeQuery_(0), autoUpdate_(false), status_(QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::Null), error_(QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::NoError) { } QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::~QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel() { if (!routes_.empty()) { qDeleteAll(routes_); routes_.clear(); } } /*! \qmlproperty int QtLocation::RouteModel::count This property holds how many routes the model currently has. Amongst other uses, you can use this value when accessing routes via the QtLocation::RouteModel::get -method. */ int QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::count() const { return routes_.count(); } /*! \qmlmethod void QtLocation::RouteModel::reset() Resets the model. All route data is cleared, any outstanding requests are aborted and possible errors are cleared. Model status will be set to RouteModel.Null */ void QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::reset() { if (!routes_.isEmpty()) { beginResetModel(); qDeleteAll(routes_); routes_.clear(); emit countChanged(); emit routesChanged(); endResetModel(); } emit abortRequested(); setError(NoError, QString()); setStatus(QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::Null); } /*! \qmlmethod void QtLocation::RouteModel::cancel() Cancels any outstanding requests and clears errors. Model status will be set to either RouteModel.Null or RouteModel.Ready. */ void QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::cancel() { emit abortRequested(); setError(NoError, QString()); setStatus(routes_.isEmpty() ? Null : Ready); } /*! \qmlmethod void QtLocation::RouteModel::get(int) Returns the Route at given index. Use \l count property to check the amount of routes available. The routes are indexed from zero, so the accessible range is 0...(count - 1). If you access out of bounds, a zero (null object) is returned and a warning is issued. */ QDeclarativeGeoRoute *QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::get(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= routes_.count()) { qmlWarning(this) << QStringLiteral("Index '%1' out of range").arg(index); return 0; } return routes_.at(index); } /*! \internal */ void QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::componentComplete() { complete_ = true; if (autoUpdate_) { update(); } } /*! \internal */ int QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent) return routes_.count(); } /*! \internal */ QVariant QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid()) { qmlWarning(this) << QStringLiteral("Error in indexing route model's data (invalid index)."); return QVariant(); } if (index.row() >= routes_.count()) { qmlWarning(this) << QStringLiteral("Fatal error in indexing route model's data (index overflow)."); return QVariant(); } if (role == RouteRole) { QObject *route = routes_.at(index.row()); return QVariant::fromValue(route); } return QVariant(); } QHash QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::roleNames() const { QHash roleNames = QAbstractListModel::roleNames(); roleNames.insert(RouteRole, "routeData"); return roleNames; } /*! \internal */ void QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::setPlugin(QDeclarativeGeoServiceProvider *plugin) { if (plugin_ == plugin) return; reset(); // reset the model if (plugin_) disconnect(plugin_, SIGNAL(localesChanged()), this, SIGNAL(measurementSystemChanged())); if (plugin) connect(plugin, SIGNAL(localesChanged()), this, SIGNAL(measurementSystemChanged())); plugin_ = plugin; if (complete_) emit pluginChanged(); if (!plugin) return; if (plugin_->isAttached()) { pluginReady(); } else { connect(plugin_, SIGNAL(attached()), this, SLOT(pluginReady())); } } /*! \internal */ void QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::pluginReady() { QGeoServiceProvider *serviceProvider = plugin_->sharedGeoServiceProvider(); QGeoRoutingManager *routingManager = serviceProvider->routingManager(); if (serviceProvider->error() != QGeoServiceProvider::NoError) { QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::RouteError newError = UnknownError; switch (serviceProvider->error()) { case QGeoServiceProvider::NotSupportedError: newError = EngineNotSetError; break; case QGeoServiceProvider::UnknownParameterError: newError = UnknownParameterError; break; case QGeoServiceProvider::MissingRequiredParameterError: newError = MissingRequiredParameterError; break; case QGeoServiceProvider::ConnectionError: newError = CommunicationError; break; default: break; } setError(newError, serviceProvider->errorString()); return; } if (!routingManager) { setError(EngineNotSetError, tr("Plugin does not support routing.")); return; } connect(routingManager, SIGNAL(finished(QGeoRouteReply*)), this, SLOT(routingFinished(QGeoRouteReply*))); connect(routingManager, SIGNAL(error(QGeoRouteReply*,QGeoRouteReply::Error,QString)), this, SLOT(routingError(QGeoRouteReply*,QGeoRouteReply::Error,QString))); } /*! \internal */ void QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::queryDetailsChanged() { if (autoUpdate_ && complete_) update(); } /*! \qmlproperty Plugin QtLocation::RouteModel::plugin This property holds the plugin that providers the actual routing service. Note that all plugins do not necessarily provide routing (could for example provide only geocoding or maps). A valid plugin must be set before the RouteModel can perform any useful operations. \sa Plugin */ QDeclarativeGeoServiceProvider *QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::plugin() const { return plugin_; } /*! \internal */ void QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::setQuery(QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery *query) { if (!query || query == routeQuery_) return; if (routeQuery_) routeQuery_->disconnect(this); routeQuery_ = query; connect(query, SIGNAL(queryDetailsChanged()), this, SLOT(queryDetailsChanged())); if (complete_) { emit queryChanged(); if (autoUpdate_) update(); } } /*! \qmlproperty RouteQuery QtLocation::RouteModel::query This property holds the data of the route request. The primary data are the waypoint coordinates and possible further preferences (means of traveling, things to avoid on route etc). */ QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery *QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::query() const { return routeQuery_; } /*! \internal */ void QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::setAutoUpdate(bool autoUpdate) { if (autoUpdate_ == autoUpdate) return; autoUpdate_ = autoUpdate; if (complete_) emit autoUpdateChanged(); } /*! \qmlproperty bool QtLocation::RouteModel::autoUpdate This property controls whether the Model automatically updates in response to changes in its attached RouteQuery. The default value of this property is false. If setting this value to 'true', note that any change at all in the RouteQuery object set in the \l{query} property will trigger a new request to be sent. If you are adjusting many properties of the RouteQuery with autoUpdate enabled, this can generate large numbers of useless (and later discarded) requests. */ bool QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::autoUpdate() const { return autoUpdate_; } /*! \qmlproperty Locale::MeasurementSystem QtLocation::RouteModel::measurementSystem This property holds the measurement system which will be used when calculating the route. This property is changed when the \l {QtLocation::Plugin::locales}{Plugin::locales} property of \l {QtLocation::RouteModel::plugin}{plugin} changes. If setting this property it must be set after the \l {QtLocation::RouteModel::plugin}{plugin} property is set. */ void QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::setMeasurementSystem(QLocale::MeasurementSystem ms) { if (!plugin_) return; QGeoServiceProvider *serviceProvider = plugin_->sharedGeoServiceProvider(); if (!serviceProvider) return; QGeoRoutingManager *routingManager = serviceProvider->routingManager(); if (!routingManager) return; if (routingManager->measurementSystem() == ms) return; routingManager->setMeasurementSystem(ms); emit measurementSystemChanged(); } QLocale::MeasurementSystem QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::measurementSystem() const { if (!plugin_) return QLocale().measurementSystem(); QGeoServiceProvider *serviceProvider = plugin_->sharedGeoServiceProvider(); if (!serviceProvider) { if (plugin_->locales().isEmpty()) return QLocale().measurementSystem(); return QLocale(plugin_->locales().first()).measurementSystem(); } QGeoRoutingManager *routingManager = serviceProvider->routingManager(); if (!routingManager) { if (plugin_->locales().isEmpty()) return QLocale().measurementSystem(); return QLocale(plugin_->locales().first()).measurementSystem(); } return routingManager->measurementSystem(); } /*! \internal */ void QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::setStatus(QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::Status status) { if (status_ == status) return; status_ = status; if (complete_) emit statusChanged(); } /*! \qmlproperty enumeration QtLocation::RouteModel::status This read-only property holds the current status of the model. \list \li RouteModel.Null - No route requests have been issued or \l reset has been called. \li RouteModel.Ready - Route request(s) have finished successfully. \li RouteModel.Loading - Route request has been issued but not yet finished \li RouteModel.Error - Routing error has occurred, details are in \l error and \l errorString \endlist */ QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::Status QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::status() const { return status_; } /*! \qmlproperty string QtLocation::RouteModel::errorString This read-only property holds the textual presentation of the latest routing error. If no error has occurred or the model has been reset, an empty string is returned. An empty string may also be returned if an error occurred which has no associated textual representation. */ QString QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::errorString() const { return errorString_; } /*! \qmlproperty enumeration QtLocation::RouteModel::error This read-only property holds the latest error value of the routing request. \list \li RouteModel.NoError - No error has occurred. \li RouteModel.CommunicationError - An error occurred while communicating with the service provider. \li RouteModel.EngineNotSetError - The model's plugin property was not set or there is no routing manager associated with the plugin. \li RouteModel.MissingRequiredParameterError - A required parameter was not specified. \li RouteModel.ParseError - The response from the service provider was in an unrecognizable format. \li RouteModel.UnknownError - An error occurred which does not fit into any of the other categories. \li RouteModel.UnknownParameterError - The plugin did not recognize one of the parameters it was given. \li RouteModel.UnsupportedOptionError - The requested operation is not supported by the routing provider. This may happen when the loaded engine does not support a particular type of routing request. \endlist */ QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::RouteError QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::error() const { return error_; } void QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::setError(RouteError error, const QString& errorString) { if (error_ == error && errorString_ == errorString) return; error_ = error; errorString_ = errorString; emit errorChanged(); } /*! \qmlmethod void QtLocation::RouteModel::update() Instructs the RouteModel to update its data. This is most useful when \l autoUpdate is disabled, to force a refresh when the query has been changed. */ void QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::update() { if (!complete_) return; if (!plugin_) { setError(EngineNotSetError, tr("Cannot route, plugin not set.")); return; } QGeoServiceProvider *serviceProvider = plugin_->sharedGeoServiceProvider(); if (!serviceProvider) return; QGeoRoutingManager *routingManager = serviceProvider->routingManager(); if (!routingManager) { setError(EngineNotSetError, tr("Cannot route, route manager not set.")); return; } if (!routeQuery_) { setError(ParseError, tr("Cannot route, valid query not set.")); return; } emit abortRequested(); // Clear previous requests QGeoRouteRequest request = routeQuery_->routeRequest(); if (request.waypoints().count() < 2) { setError(ParseError,tr("Not enough waypoints for routing.")); return; } setError(NoError, QString()); QGeoRouteReply *reply = routingManager->calculateRoute(request); setStatus(QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::Loading); if (!reply->isFinished()) { connect(this, &QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::abortRequested, reply, &QGeoRouteReply::abort); } else { if (reply->error() == QGeoRouteReply::NoError) { routingFinished(reply); } else { routingError(reply, reply->error(), reply->errorString()); } } } /*! \internal */ void QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::routingFinished(QGeoRouteReply *reply) { if (!reply) return; reply->deleteLater(); if (reply->error() != QGeoRouteReply::NoError) return; beginResetModel(); int oldCount = routes_.count(); qDeleteAll(routes_); // Convert routes to declarative routes_.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < reply->routes().size(); ++i) { QDeclarativeGeoRoute *route = new QDeclarativeGeoRoute(reply->routes().at(i), this); QQmlEngine::setContextForObject(route, QQmlEngine::contextForObject(this)); routes_.append(route); } endResetModel(); setError(NoError, QString()); setStatus(QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::Ready); if (oldCount != 0 || routes_.count() != 0) emit routesChanged(); if (oldCount != routes_.count()) emit countChanged(); } /*! \internal */ void QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::routingError(QGeoRouteReply *reply, QGeoRouteReply::Error error, const QString &errorString) { if (!reply) return; reply->deleteLater(); setError(static_cast(error), errorString); setStatus(QDeclarativeGeoRouteModel::Error); } /*! \qmltype RouteQuery \instantiates QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery \inqmlmodule QtLocation \ingroup qml-QtLocation5-routing \since Qt Location 5.5 \brief The RouteQuery type is used to provide query parameters to a RouteModel. A RouteQuery contains all the parameters necessary to make a request to a routing service, which can then populate the contents of a RouteModel. These parameters describe key details of the route, such as \l waypoints to pass through, \l excludedAreas to avoid, the \l travelModes in use, as well as detailed preferences on how to optimize the route and what features to prefer or avoid along the path (such as toll roads, highways, etc). RouteQuery objects are used exclusively to fill out the value of a RouteModel's \l{RouteModel::query}{query} property, which can then begin the retrieval process to populate the model. \section2 Example Usage The following snipped shows an incomplete example of creating a RouteQuery object and setting it as the value of a RouteModel's \l{RouteModel::query}{query} property. \code RouteQuery { id: aQuery } RouteModel { query: aQuery autoUpdate: false } \endcode For a more complete example, see the documentation for the \l{RouteModel} type, and the Mapviewer example. \sa RouteModel */ QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), complete_(false), m_excludedAreaCoordinateChanged(false) { } QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::~QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery() { } /*! \internal */ void QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::componentComplete() { complete_ = true; } /*! \qmlproperty QList RouteQuery::featureTypes List of features that will be considered when planning the route. Features with a weight of NeutralFeatureWeight will not be returned. \list \li RouteQuery.NoFeature - No features will be taken into account when planning the route \li RouteQuery.TollFeature - Consider tollways when planning the route \li RouteQuery.HighwayFeature - Consider highways when planning the route \li RouteQuery.PublicTransitFeature - Consider public transit when planning the route \li RouteQuery.FerryFeature - Consider ferries when planning the route \li RouteQuery.TunnelFeature - Consider tunnels when planning the route \li RouteQuery.DirtRoadFeature - Consider dirt roads when planning the route \li RouteQuery.ParksFeature - Consider parks when planning the route \li RouteQuery.MotorPoolLaneFeature - Consider motor pool lanes when planning the route \endlist \sa setFeatureWeight, featureWeight */ QList QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::featureTypes() { QList list; for (int i = 0; i < request_.featureTypes().count(); ++i) { list.append(static_cast(request_.featureTypes().at(i))); } return list; } /*! \qmlproperty int RouteQuery::numberAlternativeRoutes The number of alternative routes requested when requesting routes. The default value is 0. */ int QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::numberAlternativeRoutes() const { return request_.numberAlternativeRoutes(); } void QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::setNumberAlternativeRoutes(int numberAlternativeRoutes) { if (numberAlternativeRoutes == request_.numberAlternativeRoutes()) return; request_.setNumberAlternativeRoutes(numberAlternativeRoutes); if (complete_) { emit numberAlternativeRoutesChanged(); emit queryDetailsChanged(); } } /*! \qmlproperty QJSValue RouteQuery::waypoints The waypoint coordinates of the desired route. The waypoints should be given in order from origin to destination. Two or more coordinates are needed. Waypoints can be set as part of the RouteQuery type declaration or dynamically with the functions provided. \sa addWaypoint, removeWaypoint, clearWaypoints */ QJSValue QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::waypoints() { QQmlContext *context = QQmlEngine::contextForObject(parent()); QQmlEngine *engine = context->engine(); QV4::ExecutionEngine *v4 = QQmlEnginePrivate::getV4Engine(engine); QV4::Scope scope(v4); QV4::Scoped waypointArray(scope, v4->newArrayObject(request_.waypoints().length())); for (int i = 0; i < request_.waypoints().length(); ++i) { const QGeoCoordinate &c = request_.waypoints().at(i); QV4::ScopedValue cv(scope, v4->fromVariant(QVariant::fromValue(c))); waypointArray->putIndexed(i, cv); } return QJSValue(v4, waypointArray.asReturnedValue()); } void QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::setWaypoints(const QJSValue &value) { if (!value.isArray()) return; QList waypointList; quint32 length = value.property(QStringLiteral("length")).toUInt(); for (quint32 i = 0; i < length; ++i) { bool ok; QGeoCoordinate c = parseCoordinate(value.property(i), &ok); if (!ok || !c.isValid()) { qmlWarning(this) << "Unsupported waypoint type"; return; } waypointList.append(c); } if (request_.waypoints() == waypointList) return; request_.setWaypoints(waypointList); emit waypointsChanged(); emit queryDetailsChanged(); } /*! \qmlproperty list RouteQuery::excludedAreas Areas that the route must not cross. Excluded areas can be set as part of the \l RouteQuery type declaration or dynamically with the functions provided. \sa addExcludedArea, removeExcludedArea, clearExcludedAreas */ QJSValue QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::excludedAreas() const { QQmlContext *context = QQmlEngine::contextForObject(parent()); QQmlEngine *engine = context->engine(); QV4::ExecutionEngine *v4 = QQmlEnginePrivate::getV4Engine(engine); QV4::Scope scope(v4); QV4::Scoped excludedAreasArray(scope, v4->newArrayObject(request_.excludeAreas().length())); for (int i = 0; i < request_.excludeAreas().length(); ++i) { const QGeoRectangle &r = request_.excludeAreas().at(i); QV4::ScopedValue cv(scope, v4->fromVariant(QVariant::fromValue(r))); excludedAreasArray->putIndexed(i, cv); } return QJSValue(v4, excludedAreasArray.asReturnedValue()); } void QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::setExcludedAreas(const QJSValue &value) { if (!value.isArray()) return; QList excludedAreasList; quint32 length = value.property(QStringLiteral("length")).toUInt(); for (quint32 i = 0; i < length; ++i) { bool ok; QGeoRectangle r = parseRectangle(value.property(i), &ok); if (!ok || !r.isValid()) { qmlWarning(this) << "Unsupported area type"; return; } excludedAreasList.append(r); } if (request_.excludeAreas() == excludedAreasList) return; request_.setExcludeAreas(excludedAreasList); emit excludedAreasChanged(); emit queryDetailsChanged(); } /*! \qmlmethod void QtLocation::RouteQuery::addExcludedArea(georectangle) Adds the given area to excluded areas (areas that the route must not cross). Same area can only be added once. \sa removeExcludedArea, clearExcludedAreas */ void QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::addExcludedArea(const QGeoRectangle &area) { if (!area.isValid()) return; QList excludedAreas = request_.excludeAreas(); if (excludedAreas.contains(area)) return; excludedAreas.append(area); request_.setExcludeAreas(excludedAreas); if (complete_) { emit excludedAreasChanged(); emit queryDetailsChanged(); } } /*! \qmlmethod void QtLocation::RouteQuery::removeExcludedArea(georectangle) Removes the given area to excluded areas (areas that the route must not cross). \sa addExcludedArea, clearExcludedAreas */ void QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::removeExcludedArea(const QGeoRectangle &area) { if (!area.isValid()) return; QList excludedAreas = request_.excludeAreas(); int index = excludedAreas.lastIndexOf(area); if (index == -1) { qmlWarning(this) << QStringLiteral("Cannot remove nonexistent area."); return; } excludedAreas.removeAt(index); request_.setExcludeAreas(excludedAreas); emit excludedAreasChanged(); emit queryDetailsChanged(); } /*! \qmlmethod void QtLocation::RouteQuery::clearExcludedAreas() Clears all excluded areas (areas that the route must not cross). \sa addExcludedArea, removeExcludedArea */ void QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::clearExcludedAreas() { if (request_.excludeAreas().isEmpty()) return; request_.setExcludeAreas(QList()); emit excludedAreasChanged(); emit queryDetailsChanged(); } /*! \qmlmethod void QtLocation::RouteQuery::addWaypoint(coordinate) Appends a coordinate to the list of waypoints. Same coordinate can be set multiple times. \sa removeWaypoint, clearWaypoints */ void QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::addWaypoint(const QGeoCoordinate &waypoint) { if (!waypoint.isValid()) { qmlWarning(this) << QStringLiteral("Not adding invalid waypoint."); return; } QList waypoints = request_.waypoints(); waypoints.append(waypoint); request_.setWaypoints(waypoints); if (complete_) { emit waypointsChanged(); emit queryDetailsChanged(); } } /*! \qmlmethod void QtLocation::RouteQuery::removeWaypoint(coordinate) Removes the given from the list of waypoints. In case same coordinate appears multiple times, the most recently added coordinate instance is removed. \sa addWaypoint, clearWaypoints */ void QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::removeWaypoint(const QGeoCoordinate &waypoint) { QList waypoints = request_.waypoints(); int index = waypoints.lastIndexOf(waypoint); if (index == -1) { qmlWarning(this) << QStringLiteral("Cannot remove nonexistent waypoint."); return; } waypoints.removeAt(index); request_.setWaypoints(waypoints); emit waypointsChanged(); emit queryDetailsChanged(); } /*! \qmlmethod void QtLocation::RouteQuery::clearWaypoints() Clears all waypoints. \sa removeWaypoint, addWaypoint */ void QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::clearWaypoints() { if (request_.waypoints().isEmpty()) return; request_.setWaypoints(QList()); emit waypointsChanged(); emit queryDetailsChanged(); } /*! \qmlmethod void QtLocation::RouteQuery::setFeatureWeight(FeatureType, FeatureWeight) Defines the weight to associate with a feature during the planning of a route. Following lists the possible feature weights: \list \li RouteQuery.NeutralFeatureWeight - The presence or absence of the feature will not affect the planning of the route \li RouteQuery.PreferFeatureWeight - Routes which contain the feature will be preferred over those that do not \li RouteQuery.RequireFeatureWeight - Only routes which contain the feature will be considered, otherwise no route will be returned \li RouteQuery.AvoidFeatureWeight - Routes which do not contain the feature will be preferred over those that do \li RouteQuery.DisallowFeatureWeight - Only routes which do not contain the feature will be considered, otherwise no route will be returned \endlist \sa featureTypes, resetFeatureWeights, featureWeight */ void QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::setFeatureWeight(FeatureType featureType, FeatureWeight featureWeight) { if (featureType == NoFeature && !request_.featureTypes().isEmpty()) { resetFeatureWeights(); return; } // Check if the weight changes, as we need to signal it FeatureWeight originalWeight = static_cast(request_.featureWeight(static_cast(featureType))); if (featureWeight == originalWeight) return; request_.setFeatureWeight(static_cast(featureType), static_cast(featureWeight)); if (complete_ && ((originalWeight == NeutralFeatureWeight) || (featureWeight == NeutralFeatureWeight))) { // featureTypes should now give a different list, because the original and new weight // were not same, and other one was neutral weight emit featureTypesChanged(); emit queryDetailsChanged(); } } /*! \qmlmethod void QtLocation::RouteQuery::resetFeatureWeights() Resets all feature weights to their default state (NeutralFeatureWeight). \sa featureTypes, setFeatureWeight, featureWeight */ void QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::resetFeatureWeights() { // reset all feature types. QList featureTypes = request_.featureTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < featureTypes.count(); ++i) { request_.setFeatureWeight(featureTypes.at(i), QGeoRouteRequest::NeutralFeatureWeight); } if (complete_) { emit featureTypesChanged(); emit queryDetailsChanged(); } } /*! \qmlmethod FeatureWeight QtLocation::RouteQuery::featureWeight(FeatureType featureType) Gets the weight for the \a featureType. \sa featureTypes, setFeatureWeight, resetFeatureWeights */ int QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::featureWeight(FeatureType featureType) { return request_.featureWeight(static_cast(featureType)); } /*! \internal */ void QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::setTravelModes(QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::TravelModes travelModes) { QGeoRouteRequest::TravelModes reqTravelModes; if (travelModes & QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::CarTravel) reqTravelModes |= QGeoRouteRequest::CarTravel; if (travelModes & QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::PedestrianTravel) reqTravelModes |= QGeoRouteRequest::PedestrianTravel; if (travelModes & QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::BicycleTravel) reqTravelModes |= QGeoRouteRequest::BicycleTravel; if (travelModes & QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::PublicTransitTravel) reqTravelModes |= QGeoRouteRequest::PublicTransitTravel; if (travelModes & QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::TruckTravel) reqTravelModes |= QGeoRouteRequest::TruckTravel; if (reqTravelModes == request_.travelModes()) return; request_.setTravelModes(reqTravelModes); if (complete_) { emit travelModesChanged(); emit queryDetailsChanged(); } } /*! \qmlproperty enumeration RouteQuery::segmentDetail The level of detail which will be used in the representation of routing segments. \list \li RouteQuery.NoSegmentData - No segment data should be included with the route \li RouteQuery.BasicSegmentData - Basic segment data will be included with the route \endlist The default value is RouteQuery.BasicSegmentData */ void QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::setSegmentDetail(SegmentDetail segmentDetail) { if (static_cast(segmentDetail) == request_.segmentDetail()) return; request_.setSegmentDetail(static_cast(segmentDetail)); if (complete_) { emit segmentDetailChanged(); emit queryDetailsChanged(); } } QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::SegmentDetail QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::segmentDetail() const { return static_cast(request_.segmentDetail()); } /*! \qmlproperty enumeration RouteQuery::maneuverDetail The level of detail which will be used in the representation of routing maneuvers. \list \li RouteQuery.NoManeuvers - No maneuvers should be included with the route \li RouteQuery.BasicManeuvers - Basic maneuvers will be included with the route \endlist The default value is RouteQuery.BasicManeuvers */ void QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::setManeuverDetail(ManeuverDetail maneuverDetail) { if (static_cast(maneuverDetail) == request_.maneuverDetail()) return; request_.setManeuverDetail(static_cast(maneuverDetail)); if (complete_) { emit maneuverDetailChanged(); emit queryDetailsChanged(); } } QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::ManeuverDetail QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::maneuverDetail() const { return static_cast(request_.maneuverDetail()); } /*! \qmlproperty enumeration RouteQuery::travelModes The travel modes which should be considered during the planning of the route. Values can be combined with OR ('|') -operator. \list \li RouteQuery.CarTravel - The route will be optimized for someone who is driving a car \li RouteQuery.PedestrianTravel - The route will be optimized for someone who is walking \li RouteQuery.BicycleTravel - The route will be optimized for someone who is riding a bicycle \li RouteQuery.PublicTransitTravel - The route will be optimized for someone who is making use of public transit \li RouteQuery.TruckTravel - The route will be optimized for someone who is driving a truck \endlist The default value is RouteQuery.CarTravel */ QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::TravelModes QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::travelModes() const { QGeoRouteRequest::TravelModes reqTravelModes = request_.travelModes(); QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::TravelModes travelModes; if (reqTravelModes & QGeoRouteRequest::CarTravel) travelModes |= QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::CarTravel; if (reqTravelModes & QGeoRouteRequest::PedestrianTravel) travelModes |= QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::PedestrianTravel; if (reqTravelModes & QGeoRouteRequest::BicycleTravel) travelModes |= QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::BicycleTravel; if (reqTravelModes & QGeoRouteRequest::PublicTransitTravel) travelModes |= QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::PublicTransitTravel; if (reqTravelModes & QGeoRouteRequest::TruckTravel) travelModes |= QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::TruckTravel; return travelModes; } /*! \qmlproperty enumeration RouteQuery::routeOptimizations The route optimizations which should be considered during the planning of the route. Values can be combined with OR ('|') -operator. \list \li RouteQuery.ShortestRoute - Minimize the length of the journey \li RouteQuery.FastestRoute - Minimize the traveling time for the journey \li RouteQuery.MostEconomicRoute - Minimize the cost of the journey \li RouteQuery.MostScenicRoute - Maximize the scenic potential of the journey \endlist The default value is RouteQuery.FastestRoute */ QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::RouteOptimizations QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::routeOptimizations() const { QGeoRouteRequest::RouteOptimizations reqOptimizations = request_.routeOptimization(); QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::RouteOptimizations optimization; if (reqOptimizations & QGeoRouteRequest::ShortestRoute) optimization |= QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::ShortestRoute; if (reqOptimizations & QGeoRouteRequest::FastestRoute) optimization |= QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::FastestRoute; if (reqOptimizations & QGeoRouteRequest::MostEconomicRoute) optimization |= QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::MostEconomicRoute; if (reqOptimizations & QGeoRouteRequest::MostScenicRoute) optimization |= QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::MostScenicRoute; return optimization; } void QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::setRouteOptimizations(QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::RouteOptimizations optimization) { QGeoRouteRequest::RouteOptimizations reqOptimizations; if (optimization & QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::ShortestRoute) reqOptimizations |= QGeoRouteRequest::ShortestRoute; if (optimization & QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::FastestRoute) reqOptimizations |= QGeoRouteRequest::FastestRoute; if (optimization & QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::MostEconomicRoute) reqOptimizations |= QGeoRouteRequest::MostEconomicRoute; if (optimization & QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::MostScenicRoute) reqOptimizations |= QGeoRouteRequest::MostScenicRoute; if (reqOptimizations == request_.routeOptimization()) return; request_.setRouteOptimization(reqOptimizations); if (complete_) { emit routeOptimizationsChanged(); emit queryDetailsChanged(); } } /*! \internal */ QGeoRouteRequest QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::routeRequest() const { return request_; } void QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::excludedAreaCoordinateChanged() { if (!m_excludedAreaCoordinateChanged) { m_excludedAreaCoordinateChanged = true; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "doCoordinateChanged", Qt::QueuedConnection); } } void QDeclarativeGeoRouteQuery::doCoordinateChanged() { m_excludedAreaCoordinateChanged = false; emit queryDetailsChanged(); } #include "moc_qdeclarativegeoroutemodel_p.cpp" QT_END_NAMESPACE