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** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include "locationsingleton.h"

    \qmltype QtLocation
    \instantiates LocationSingleton
    \inqmlmodule QtLocation 5.0
    \ingroup qml-QtLocation5-common

    \brief The QtLocation global object provides useful functions for working with Qt Location
           types in QML.

    import QtLocation 5.0

    Item {
        property variant coordinate: QtLocation.coordinate(-27.5, 153.1)

LocationSingleton::LocationSingleton(QObject *parent)
:   QObject(parent)

    \qmlmethod coordinate QtLocation5::QtLocation::coordinate()

    Constructs an invalid coordinate.

    \sa {QtLocation5::coordinate}{coordinate}
QGeoCoordinate LocationSingleton::coordinate() const
    return QGeoCoordinate();

    \qmlmethod coordinate QtLocation5::QtLocation::coordinate(real latitude, real longitue, real altitude) const

    Constructs a coordinate with the specified \a latitude, \a longitude and optional \a altitude.
    Both \a latitude and \a longitude must be valid, otherwise an invalid coordinate is returned.

    \sa {QtLocation5::coordinate}{coordinate}
QGeoCoordinate LocationSingleton::coordinate(double latitude, double longitude, double altitude) const
    return QGeoCoordinate(latitude, longitude, altitude);

    \qmlmethod geoshape QtLocation5::QtLocation::shape() const

    Constructs an invalid geoshape.

    \sa {QtLocation5::geoshape}{geoshape}
QGeoShape LocationSingleton::shape() const
    return QGeoShape();

    \qmlmethod georectangle QtLocation5::QtLocation::rectangle() const

    Constructs an invalid georectangle.

    \sa {QtLocation5::georectangle}{georectangle}
QGeoRectangle LocationSingleton::rectangle() const
    return QGeoRectangle();

    \qmlmethod georectangle QtLocation5::QtLocation::rectangle(coordinate center, real width, real height) const

    Constructs a georectangle centered at \a center with a width of \a width degrees and a hight of
    \a height degrees.

    \sa {QtLocation5::georectangle}{georectangle}
QGeoRectangle LocationSingleton::rectangle(const QGeoCoordinate &center,
                                           double width, double height) const
    return QGeoRectangle(center, width, height);

    \qmlmethod georectangle QtLocation5::QtLocation::rectangle(coordinate topLeft, coordinate bottomRight) const

    Constructs a georectangle with its top left corner positioned at \a topLeft and its bottom
    right corner positioned at \a {bottomLeft}.

    \sa {QtLocation5::georectangle}{georectangle}
QGeoRectangle LocationSingleton::rectangle(const QGeoCoordinate &topLeft,
                                           const QGeoCoordinate &bottomRight) const
    return QGeoRectangle(topLeft, bottomRight);

    \qmlmethod geocircle QtLocation5::QtLocation::circle() const

    Constructs an invalid geocircle.

    \sa {QtLocation5::geocircle}{geocircle}
QGeoCircle LocationSingleton::circle() const
    return QGeoCircle();

    \qmlmethod geocircle QtLocation5::QtLocation::circle(coordinate center, real radius) const

    Constructs a geocircle centered at \a center with a radius of \a radius meters.
QGeoCircle LocationSingleton::circle(const QGeoCoordinate &center, qreal radius) const
    return QGeoCircle(center, radius);