/* <<<< Geodesic filter program >>>> */ # include "projects.h" # include "geodesic.h" # include "emess.h" # include # include # include # define MAXLINE 200 # define MAX_PARGS 50 # define TAB putchar('\t') static int fullout = 0, /* output full set of geodesic values */ tag = '#', /* beginning of line tag character */ pos_azi = 0, /* output azimuths as positive values */ inverse = 0; /* != 0 then inverse geodesic */ static char *oform = (char *)0, /* output format for decimal degrees */ *osform = "%.3f", /* output format for S */ pline[50], /* work string */ *usage = "%s\nusage: %s [ -afFIptTwW [args] ] [ +opts[=arg] ] [ files ]\n"; static void printLL(double p, double l) { if (oform) { (void)printf(oform, p * RAD_TO_DEG); TAB; (void)printf(oform, l * RAD_TO_DEG); } else { (void)fputs(rtodms(pline, p, 'N', 'S'),stdout); TAB; (void)fputs(rtodms(pline, l, 'E', 'W'),stdout); } } static void do_arc(void) { double az; printLL(phi2, lam2); putchar('\n'); for (az = al12; n_alpha--; ) { al12 = az = adjlon(az + del_alpha); geod_pre(); geod_for(); printLL(phi2, lam2); putchar('\n'); } } static void /* generate intermediate geodesic coordinates */ do_geod(void) { double phil, laml, del_S; phil = phi2; laml = lam2; printLL(phi1, lam1); putchar('\n'); for ( geod_S = del_S = geod_S / n_S; --n_S; geod_S += del_S) { geod_for(); printLL(phi2, lam2); putchar('\n'); } printLL(phil, laml); putchar('\n'); } void static /* file processing function */ process(FILE *fid) { char line[MAXLINE+3], *s; for (;;) { ++emess_dat.File_line; if (!(s = fgets(line, MAXLINE, fid))) break; if (!strchr(s, '\n')) { /* overlong line */ int c; strcat(s, "\n"); /* gobble up to newline */ while ((c = fgetc(fid)) != EOF && c != '\n') ; } if (*s == tag) { fputs(line, stdout); continue; } phi1 = dmstor(s, &s); lam1 = dmstor(s, &s); if (inverse) { phi2 = dmstor(s, &s); lam2 = dmstor(s, &s); geod_inv(); } else { al12 = dmstor(s, &s); geod_S = strtod(s, &s) * to_meter; geod_pre(); geod_for(); } if (!*s && (s > line)) --s; /* assumed we gobbled \n */ if (pos_azi) { if (al12 < 0.) al12 += TWOPI; if (al21 < 0.) al21 += TWOPI; } if (fullout) { printLL(phi1, lam1); TAB; printLL(phi2, lam2); TAB; if (oform) { (void)printf(oform, al12 * RAD_TO_DEG); TAB; (void)printf(oform, al21 * RAD_TO_DEG); TAB; (void)printf(osform, geod_S * fr_meter); } else { (void)fputs(rtodms(pline, al12, 0, 0), stdout); TAB; (void)fputs(rtodms(pline, al21, 0, 0), stdout); TAB; (void)printf(osform, geod_S * fr_meter); } } else if (inverse) if (oform) { (void)printf(oform, al12 * RAD_TO_DEG); TAB; (void)printf(oform, al21 * RAD_TO_DEG); TAB; (void)printf(osform, geod_S * fr_meter); } else { (void)fputs(rtodms(pline, al12, 0, 0), stdout); TAB; (void)fputs(rtodms(pline, al21, 0, 0), stdout); TAB; (void)printf(osform, geod_S * fr_meter); } else { printLL(phi2, lam2); TAB; if (oform) (void)printf(oform, al21 * RAD_TO_DEG); else (void)fputs(rtodms(pline, al21, 0, 0), stdout); } (void)fputs(s, stdout); } } static char *pargv[MAX_PARGS]; static int pargc = 0; int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *arg, **eargv = argv, *strnchr(); FILE *fid; static int eargc = 0, c; if (emess_dat.Prog_name = strrchr(*argv,'/')) ++emess_dat.Prog_name; else emess_dat.Prog_name = *argv; inverse = ! strncmp(emess_dat.Prog_name, "inv", 3); if (argc <= 1 ) { (void)fprintf(stderr, usage, pj_get_release(), emess_dat.Prog_name); exit (0); } /* process run line arguments */ while (--argc > 0) { /* collect run line arguments */ if(**++argv == '-') for(arg = *argv;;) { switch(*++arg) { case '\0': /* position of "stdin" */ if (arg[-1] == '-') eargv[eargc++] = "-"; break; case 'a': /* output full set of values */ fullout = 1; continue; case 'I': /* alt. inverse spec. */ inverse = 1; continue; case 't': /* set col. one char */ if (arg[1]) tag = *++arg; else emess(1,"missing -t col. 1 tag"); continue; case 'W': /* specify seconds precision */ case 'w': /* -W for constant field width */ if ((c = arg[1]) && isdigit(c)) { set_rtodms(c - '0', *arg == 'W'); ++arg; } else emess(1,"-W argument missing or non-digit"); continue; case 'f': /* alternate output format degrees or xy */ if (--argc <= 0) noargument: emess(1,"missing argument for -%c",*arg); oform = *++argv; continue; case 'F': /* alternate output format degrees or xy */ if (--argc <= 0) goto noargument; osform = *++argv; continue; case 'l': if (!arg[1] || arg[1] == 'e') { /* list of ellipsoids */ struct PJ_ELLPS *le; for (le=pj_get_ellps_ref(); le->id ; ++le) (void)printf("%9s %-16s %-16s %s\n", le->id, le->major, le->ell, le->name); } else if (arg[1] == 'u') { /* list of units */ struct PJ_UNITS *lu; for (lu = pj_get_units_ref();lu->id ; ++lu) (void)printf("%12s %-20s %s\n", lu->id, lu->to_meter, lu->name); } else emess(1,"invalid list option: l%c",arg[1]); exit( 0 ); case 'p': /* output azimuths as positive */ pos_azi = 1; continue; default: emess(1, "invalid option: -%c",*arg); break; } break; } else if (**argv == '+') /* + argument */ if (pargc < MAX_PARGS) pargv[pargc++] = *argv + 1; else emess(1,"overflowed + argument table"); else /* assumed to be input file name(s) */ eargv[eargc++] = *argv; } /* done with parameter and control input */ geod_set(pargc, pargv); /* setup projection */ if ((n_alpha || n_S) && eargc) emess(1,"files specified for arc/geodesic mode"); if (n_alpha) do_arc(); else if (n_S) do_geod(); else { /* process input file list */ if (eargc == 0) /* if no specific files force sysin */ eargv[eargc++] = "-"; for ( ; eargc-- ; ++eargv) { if (**eargv == '-') { fid = stdin; emess_dat.File_name = ""; } else { if ((fid = fopen(*eargv, "r")) == NULL) { emess(-2, *eargv, "input file"); continue; } emess_dat.File_name = *eargv; } emess_dat.File_line = 0; process(fid); (void)fclose(fid); emess_dat.File_name = (char *)0; } } exit(0); /* normal completion */ }