#include #include #include #include using namespace mbgl; using namespace mbgl::style::conversion; TEST(Tileset, Empty) { Error error; mbgl::optional converted = convertJSON("{}", error); EXPECT_FALSE((bool) converted); } TEST(Tileset, ErrorHandling) { Error error; mbgl::optional converted = convertJSON(R"JSON({ "tiles": "should not be a string" })JSON", error); EXPECT_FALSE((bool) converted); } TEST(Tileset, InvalidBounds) { { Error error; mbgl::optional converted = convertJSON(R"JSON({ "tiles": ["http://mytiles"], "bounds": [73, -180, -73, -120] })JSON", error); EXPECT_FALSE((bool) converted); } { Error error; mbgl::optional converted = convertJSON(R"JSON({ "tiles": ["http://mytiles"], "bounds": [-120] })JSON", error); EXPECT_FALSE((bool) converted); } { Error error; mbgl::optional converted = convertJSON(R"JSON({ "tiles": ["http://mytiles"], "bounds": "should not be a string" })JSON", error); EXPECT_FALSE((bool) converted); } } TEST(Tileset, ValidWorldBounds) { Error error; mbgl::optional converted = convertJSON(R"JSON({ "tiles": ["http://mytiles"], "bounds": [-180, -90, 180, 90] })JSON", error); EXPECT_TRUE((bool) converted); EXPECT_EQ(converted->bounds, LatLngBounds::hull({90, -180}, {-90, 180})); } TEST(Tileset, PointBounds) { Error error; mbgl::optional converted = convertJSON(R"JSON({ "tiles": ["http://mytiles"], "bounds": [0, 0, 0, 0] })JSON", error); EXPECT_TRUE((bool) converted); EXPECT_EQ(converted->bounds, LatLngBounds::hull({0, 0}, {0, 0})); } TEST(Tileset, BoundsAreClamped) { Error error; mbgl::optional converted = convertJSON(R"JSON({ "tiles": ["http://mytiles"], "bounds": [-181.0000005,-90.000000006,180.00000000000006,91] })JSON", error); EXPECT_TRUE((bool) converted); EXPECT_EQ(converted->bounds, LatLngBounds::hull({90, -180}, {-90, 180})); } TEST(Tileset, FullConversion) { Error error; Tileset converted = *convertJSON(R"JSON({ "tiles": ["http://mytiles"], "scheme": "xyz", "minzoom": 1, "maxzoom": 2, "attribution": "mapbox", "bounds": [-180, -73, -120, 73] })JSON", error); EXPECT_EQ(converted.tiles[0], "http://mytiles"); EXPECT_EQ(converted.scheme, Tileset::Scheme::XYZ); EXPECT_EQ(converted.zoomRange.min, 1); EXPECT_EQ(converted.zoomRange.max, 2); EXPECT_EQ(converted.attribution, "mapbox"); EXPECT_EQ(converted.bounds, LatLngBounds::hull({73, -180}, {-73, -120})); }