#include "storage.hpp" #include #include #include #include // Test for https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/issues/2123 // // A request is made. While the request is in progress, the network status changes. This should // trigger an immediate retry of all requests that are not in progress. This test makes sure that // we don't accidentally double-trigger the request. TEST_F(Storage, HTTPNetworkStatusChange) { SCOPED_TEST(HTTPNetworkStatusChange) using namespace mbgl; DefaultFileSource fs(nullptr); util::RunLoop loop(uv_default_loop()); const Resource resource { Resource::Unknown, "" }; // This request takes 200 milliseconds to answer. std::unique_ptr req = fs.request(resource, [&](Response res) { req.reset(); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, res.error); EXPECT_EQ(false, res.stale); ASSERT_TRUE(res.data.get()); EXPECT_EQ("Response", *res.data); EXPECT_EQ(0, res.expires); EXPECT_EQ(0, res.modified); EXPECT_EQ("", res.etag); loop.stop(); HTTPNetworkStatusChange.finish(); }); // After 50 milliseconds, we're going to trigger a NetworkStatus change. uv::timer reachableTimer(uv_default_loop()); reachableTimer.start(50, 0, [] () { mbgl::NetworkStatus::Reachable(); }); // This timer will keep the loop alive to make sure we would be getting a response in caes the // network status change triggered another change (which it shouldn't). uv::timer delayTimer(uv_default_loop()); delayTimer.start(300, 0, [] () {}); uv_run(uv_default_loop(), UV_RUN_DEFAULT); } // Tests that a change in network status preempts requests that failed due to connection or // reachability issues. TEST_F(Storage, HTTPNetworkStatusChangePreempt) { SCOPED_TEST(HTTPNetworkStatusChangePreempt) using namespace mbgl; DefaultFileSource fs(nullptr); util::RunLoop loop(uv_default_loop()); const auto start = uv_hrtime(); const Resource resource{ Resource::Unknown, "" }; std::unique_ptr req = fs.request(resource, [&](Response res) { static int counter = 0; const auto duration = double(uv_hrtime() - start) / 1e9; if (counter == 0) { EXPECT_GT(0.2, duration) << "Response came in too late"; } else if (counter == 1) { EXPECT_LT(0.39, duration) << "Preempted retry triggered too early"; EXPECT_GT(0.6, duration) << "Preempted retry triggered too late"; } else if (counter > 1) { FAIL() << "Retried too often"; } ASSERT_NE(nullptr, res.error); EXPECT_EQ(Response::Error::Reason::Connection, res.error->reason); #ifdef MBGL_HTTP_NSURL EXPECT_TRUE(res.error->message == "The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -1004.)" || res.error->message == "Could not connect to the server.") << "Full message is: \"" << res.error->message << "\""; #elif MBGL_HTTP_CURL const std::string prefix { "Couldn't connect to server: " }; EXPECT_STREQ(prefix.c_str(), res.error->message.substr(0, prefix.size()).c_str()) << "Full message is: \"" << res.error->message << "\""; #else FAIL(); #endif EXPECT_EQ(false, res.stale); ASSERT_FALSE(res.data.get()); EXPECT_EQ(0, res.expires); EXPECT_EQ(0, res.modified); EXPECT_EQ("", res.etag); if (counter++ == 1) { req.reset(); loop.stop(); HTTPNetworkStatusChangePreempt.finish(); } }); // After 400 milliseconds, we're going to trigger a NetworkStatus change. uv::timer reachableTimer(uv_default_loop()); reachableTimer.start(400, 0, [] () { mbgl::NetworkStatus::Reachable(); }); uv_run(uv_default_loop(), UV_RUN_DEFAULT); }